The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 52

by C. M. Owens

  Now my body is tingling under the delicious proposition.

  "No. If you want me, you have to take me home. I'm not offering up anymore freebies. You used up your last one the night before you pushed me out the door," I quickly scold.

  "So you would deny me if I showed up?" he entices, his playful tone seducing me and pissing me off at the same time.

  "Not only would I deny you, I would show up in the sexiest lingerie I own and stand just out of your reach," I grouse with mock conviction.

  I'd cave in a breath if I saw him.

  "I might break through the barrier if I saw that," he growls with a more erotic tone than I was prepared for.

  "Then it would prove that my being here is pointless, and I win either way," I huff, my foot stomping the ground though he can't see it.

  "Are you sure that's the television? The sounds are not consistent as they would be if they were on a TV, and the voices are very distinctively Irish," he murmurs in a dramatic shift, suspicion lacing his every syllable.

  "It's Ireland. There are Irish shows. I'm hanging up now," I mumble.

  "Why?" he whines.

  "Devin, do you know what today is?" I scold.

  "The twenty-fourth day I've had to be away from you," he exasperates, completely oblivious to the completely wrong answer he just gave.

  I frown a little as I take a deep, calming breath.

  "It's my birthday, and I'm not going to spend anymore of it arguing with you," I almost whisper, my voice too soft and calm.

  He gasps as his guilt flows through the phone.

  "Adisia, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot."

  "Yeah, you and everyone else. I'm hanging up now," I murmur in the same chillingly calm tone as earlier.

  "Adisia-" he starts, but I hang up on him while shoving the phone into my purse.

  I can hear it buzzing, but I ignore it for the first time since I came out here. It continues its relentless vibrating until I finally turn it off completely.

  I'm not going to spend the rest of the night hearing him and everyone else apologize for their complete lapse.

  "Can I help you, lass?" the smiling bartender asks the second I plop down in front of him.

  "I know this sounds weird, but do you have ice-cream?" I murmur expectantly.

  "Yes we do. You want something to drink with that?" he asks as he grabs a bowl out from under the bar.

  "Yeah, something strong… very strong," I grumble.

  "One of those days?" he says gently.

  "One of those years, actually," I add.

  Am I really having the self-pitying conversation where I bear my soul and all my troubles to the bartender?

  "Well, this is the place for all troubles to be expelled," he offers, only adding to the cliché.

  "I hope so," I say with a forced smile.

  I dig into my ice cream, feeling it bite back with its stinging cold, and I debate on whether or not to just pour the dark liquid he brought me on top of it.

  I decide against it, my mortal stomach being a little less tolerant, and sip the drink instead. My face distorts as the sharp, tart, burning taste brings my eyes to a squint.

  "Oh damn," I cough out.

  "You said strong, lass," he chuckles, his amusement almost making me smile.

  "It's definitely that. Thank you," I say while grimacing and smiling at once.

  He continues snickering as he tends to a new group of men that has just walked in.

  The deep Australian accent catches my attention, and I slowly turn to face the tall, insanely hot guy talking on his phone as he sips a dark ale. He lowers himself to a seat close to me, and I smirk when I see a butch, hefty, and much older woman toss her arm over his shoulders.

  I love drunk people sometimes.

  "Hey, gorgeous. I'd love to take you home and show you how a real woman with experience pleases a man," her gruff, shameless voice heaves out as she staggers slightly from over intoxication.

  I almost burst out laughing, and I shovel a spoon of ice cream in my mouth to glue it shut before I give away my eavesdropping session.

  The guy's eyes widen at the unexpected come on, and he grimaces as he clumsily escapes her grasp. I gasp when he grabs my hand abruptly and pulls me into his arms.

  "Sorry, ma'am. I already have a girlfriend," he lies as he pulls me closer.

  Mmm, he smells good.

  His strong chest is at my head as his tall body towers over me, making me feel so small.

  She pouts a little and stalks off back to rejoin her group.

  He turns to give me a far too sexy grin, and I have to clear my throat a little while batting my eyes to wake me up and disengage from the severely close proximity.

  His icy blue eyes continue to stare down at me as his smoldering breath slithers free from his tempting lips.

  "Thank you for playing along," his annoyingly hot tone murmurs, and his breath slides against my face to almost reach my lips.

  I swallow hard at the unexpected place I find myself in. It's been a long time since I've been with Devin, and that drought isn't being too kind to me right now.

  Aphrodite might not be awake yet, but she's still reminding me I have needs. I can't let this sandy blond get much closer. I might be pissed at Devin, but I still love him. I just wish he was fucking here right now.

  "No problem. Not a big fan of Mrs. Robinson?" I joke in an effort to deter the steamy gaze he's offering me a little too freely.

  He chuckles a bit at my candor, and then he shivers as if he's a little disgusted when the woman gives him a salacious wink from her corner booth. He pulls e back to the barstools, and he takes his place directly beside me to keep the lurking lioness at bay.

  I'm forced to giggle at his dismay, and he just gives me a cocky smirk before answering my poking question.

  "Actually, I'm fine with Mrs. Robinson, but I draw the line at Mrs. Doubtfire," he snickers out, and then I burst out laughing.

  It's actually the first time I've laughed since I was dumped in Ireland. It almost feels cathartic.

  "I'm Jace Cavelle. And you are?" he asks expectantly.

  "Adisia. Just Adisia," I murmur while sitting back down to my birthday ice cream that has started to melt in my absence.

  “Not too many pretty Sheilas come into these sorts of places. It's possible you'll have a fan club before you leave. The wolves are already starting to assemble," he jokes.

  I look around at the wandering eyes. Some of the drunken goons look to be foaming at the mouth for the chance to take their turn beside me. I roll mine in response.

  If Devin was here he'd be keeping all the creeps at bay for me. But if Devin was here I wouldn't be in this grimy bar eating ice cream alone on my birthday.

  "They just don't know me. It's always easy to want something mysterious," I gripe.

  "Uh-oh. It sounds as if you've got boyfriend problems," he pries.

  I laugh a little as I chug down more of the strong ale already kicking my ass.

  Stupid mortal alcohol tolerance.

  "I've got all kinds of problems. I just want to eat my ice cream, drink my drink, and enjoy the last few hours of my birthday."

  "Birthday?" he says with a chipper smirk. "Happy birthday, just Adisia," he says as he holds his glass up.

  I humor him by clanking his cup with mine and sighing.

  "Thanks. You're the first person to tell me that all day," I murmur a little pathetically.

  "I'm glad I could oblige. So you're a loner then?" he assesses.

  "No. I'm just alone right now. The two are very different," I explain.

  "No friends or family?" he asks curiously as if he's trying to prove I am a loner.

  "Yes. Both. I called most of them today, and no one remembered. It sounds petty, but it kind of hurts," I pout.

  "It's not petty. If people care about you, they should show it. How's about I be your drinking buddy for the night, and we get drunk as if we're old mates sharing a beer?"

  I laugh a little as I
wipe a stray tear, and he smiles as he motions for another drink. "I need to make a quick call, but I'll be right back," he adds.

  Do I want him to come back? I'm not doing anything wrong, but it feels like I'm cheating or something. I shouldn't feel guilty for talking to someone.

  The most interaction I've had with anyone since I got here is the woman who brings my groceries once a week. I rattled her ear off for hours during her last drop off, and I think she's a little scared of me now.

  "I knew a pretty girl like you wouldn't be able to sit here for too long without someone coming to sweep you off your feet," the grinning bartender inserts.

  I glance over to Jace, and he gives me a wave before turning back to his phone call.

  "Do you know him?" I ask curiously.

  "He's a passer through. He's been in here a couple of times. Seems to be a good enough lad," the man assures.

  Jace returns to his seat beside me and nods to the bartender as he places the new drinks in front of us.

  "You probing the bartender for information about me?" he teases.

  I laugh a little at my too obvious gesture, and then I sit back to sip on the drink that is still kicking my very mortal ass.

  "I just asked if he knew you."

  "Well, I'm an open book for the most part. Ask me anything you want to," he offers with a seductive air.

  "Are you here on business?"

  "Yes. I'm a bounty hunter, and I'm looking for a very gorgeous girl. She has long brown hair, crisp blue eyes, and a heart stopping smile. Do you know her by chance?" he smolders.

  I blush a little as a foolish grin spreads across my face. I just shake my head at his very charismatic lead.

  "You're too smooth. I assume you've left a trail of tears behind you in your travels," I laugh out.

  "I'm really not tidy enough to leave behind a small trail. It's more of a sporadic mess here and there," he jokes.

  I laugh a little, but then Devin's disapproving face flashes through my mind. I glance over at the clock that tells me my driver won't be back for another hour, but I know I have to spend it away from this very enticing beauty trying to seduce me.

  I would never do anything with him, but Devin would feel betrayed if I stayed in his company. I would expect him to do the same thing.

  "I should get going," I grumble.

  "But we've barely had time to enjoy a drink," he seduces with a provocative grin.

  "I'm sorry, but I'm engaged, and I don't think this is appropriate," I sigh.

  "You're engaged to a man who has left you all alone on your birthday, as well as forgot it all together, and he hasn't bought you a ring? No wonder you went for ice cream and liquor," he taunts. "Stay here with me, and teach him a lesson," he tempts.

  I grumble a little as he pulls me from my chair and begins dancing with me.

  "I don't think this is a dancing sort of place," I giggle.

  "It is if we dance," he seduces.

  His strong hands pull me into him a little more, and his incredible scent rushes me.

  Then something crazy happens. I feel a spark against his skin, and it's such a familiar feel. It's as if my powers are seeking me out or something. I gasp lightly, and he pulls back in response.

  "What was that?" he asks curiously.

  "I don't know," I mumble as I return to the bar to grab my purse.

  "What's wrong?" he beckons.

  "I need to go. I'm sorry," I huff.

  "I'll walk you out," he offers.

  "No. I'm fine."

  "I wasn't raised to let a woman run off in the middle of the night without an escort to her car," he asserts.

  I nod in defeat, and he holds the door open for me from behind. His hand grazes my back as it slides up to my shoulder, and he whirls me around to his lips before I even realize what's going on.

  Sparks erupt from his mouth to mine, and I jump back holding my lips.

  "What the crap?" I ask.

  "I'm sorry. It must be some static buildup or something," he explains, his cheeks blushing lightly.

  "No. I wasn't talking about that. I just told you I was engaged. You can't kiss a woman halfway down the aisle," I scold.

  "I'm sorry about that too. There's something about you. You're so…"

  I roll my eyes. I hope I haven't infected him. Fucking immortal bullshit. I shouldn't have to deal with such crap while I'm still mortal.

  "Yeah, yeah. Take two aspirin and get some sleep. You'll be fine in the morning," I grumble as I walk away.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I'm walking. I'll call my driver on the way."

  "You don't have to walk. I can drive you. My jeep is just over here," he offers.

  "No. I think it's best if you got some distance from me," I gripe.

  He's suddenly beside me, and his lips are threatening mine again. "I don't want distance from you. I think there's something special about you, and I want to see you again," he seduces.

  Holy crap. Where was he when I was single?

  "You can't see me again. I'm engaged. I'm in love. He might be a total jerk for forgetting my birthday and sending me off to Ireland, but I still love him," I huff in exasperation.

  His eyes narrow suspiciously.

  "He sent you to Ireland without him? Why?"

  Crap. Me and my big mouth.

  "Long story really," I mumble as I start to walk off again.

  "I've got all the time in the world," he counters.

  "I don't," I huff while continuing to walk toward the line and digging in my purse for my phone.

  I free it from the confines of the tiny bag, and turn it back on. My inbox for my voicemail and text messaging is full. My email is loaded down with subjects of apologies, and there are just as many from Persia and my parents as there are from Devin.

  I'm sure he probably called everyone after I made him feel an inch tall. He had most likely planned on getting them to talk to me, and convince them to get me to talk to him. I'm sure he felt like a bigger jerk when he found out no one else had thought enough about me to remember either.

  I'm relieved when I cross the line of the vortex, and fortunately Jace has quit pleading with me from behind.

  I start to call the driver, but suddenly my phone dies completely. I look back to see the bar still roaring loudly at the bottom of the hill, and I almost scream into the night at the divine intervention that offered me a shit birthday.

  I thought I had more charge on my phone than that. Now I have to walk all the way home, damn it.

  The uphill trudging is not easy in heels, so I toss them to the ground behind me. I hate the dark right now, and the bloodsucking bugs of Ireland hate me… or love me one. They keep treating me as though I'm a walking buffet.

  I swear I'm buying the biggest can of bug spray as soon as I can.

  After what feels like hours, I finally see the glow of the moonlight casting a faint shine on my house that is completely blacked out. I have left every light in the house on since I moved in because every sound terrifies me. There's no reason why my Irish home should be dark right now.

  A rustling behind me stirs me to chills, and then a sound erupts that brings me to my knees.

  A hollow shriek pounds into my ears with a ruthless intent, and I grip them fiercely to try to block the terrible screams. I look up to see dark figures flashing from place to place, and the sick knot in my stomach overwhelms me with dread.


  The screaming threat fades as quickly as it erupted, and the sound of silence is all the more deafening as death's breath clashes against mine. I can feel every part of me shivering in disbelief. This place is supposed to be immortal-free. This is supposed to be the safest place in the world.

  The dancing figures continue flashing in the darkness, and the cold breath of one grazes my neck as it rushes by me so close the wind disturbs my hair. I swallow hard against the disgusting knot that has found its way up to my throat, and I tremble as I stagger backwards to try and run.

; I scream as a figure is suddenly in front of me, and I fall backwards when my startled jump ends in a clumsy splat. The dark eyes stare into mine, and the man's head tilts from side to side as if he's trying to figure out what I am.

  The screeching starts again, ripping through my ability to focus on anything else, and I scream as I grip my ears. The figure in front of me vanishes, and suddenly it's behind me, dragging me to my feet.

  I struggle in vain, seeing nothing but coldness inside the black eyes staring into my terrified blue ones. The pale skin is cold as the hand grips around my neck, and the silence in his tone is more chilling than an ominous monologue.

  "Stop," I beg, and the figure tosses me through the air as if I just startled it.

  I bounce hard against the grass that only appeared to be soft and the tang of blood steeps in my mouth as I roll across the bristly land. I gasp for the air that has been violently expelled from my lungs due to the crushing impact I was just forced to endure.

  They surround me as they flash wildly from place to place in an investigative manner. It's like a swarm of ants sizing up the cube of sugar they want to take back to their queen.

  "You're not supposed to be here," I cry to the ominous figures that almost seem to be playing with chaos.

  They almost mimic a child's curiosity as they continue to bounce from place to place and inspect everything in their way. I try once again to turn and run, but another figure rushes to block my path as it swats me to the ground.

  I'm a small, fragile mouse, and they're a fucking beastly pride. They're just toying with me, playing with me before the grand finale with death as consequence.

  I scream as more blood pools in my mouth, and this time it's harder for me to get up. A shooting pain rips through me as a kick to my abdomen cracks my ribs and sends me spiraling through the air like a rag doll.

  I cry out as I thud against the ground and the flashing monstrosity charges me again.

  Suddenly swirls of blue energy - similar to lightning - crashes horizontally into the pale flashing mob, and it sends him flipping through the air.

  The shrieks from the others erupt at once, and I scream as I as I cover my ears again. A warm liquid oozes from my ears as the sound penetrates too deep.


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