The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 79

by C. M. Owens

  “I suppose that should make for an interesting wedding march,” she adds with a chuckle.

  I slide into my new dress and a smile spreads when I see myself in the mirror.

  The dress is sleek, not fluffed like the last one. The strapless neckline dips to reveal a peek at my cleavage, and the diamond studded trim on the front starts just between my breasts, and rides down in a diagonal before gathering the fabric in a sexy cluster on my hip bone.

  The dress just barely grazes the floor in a sweeping motion, and the back is just slightly longer to offer a tapered train.

  I pull on the new necklace and earrings Devin surprised me with, and my hair falls freely to my shoulders, unlike the last time when it was pinned to the side.

  “Wow,” Lana repeats. “Has Devin seen that dress?”

  “No. I’ve kept it a secret, though I don’t know how. He’s been pretty determined to break the rules,” I giggle out.

  “I’ll say,” Clara huffs, and then Jane walks in to join us with my other absent bridesmaid.

  “Hey, so, so, sorry we’re running behind.”

  “It’s okay. Camara, Lana, this is Cheryl, my cousin, and you already know Jane,” I introduce.

  “I don’t know Jane, but it’s nice to meet you both,” Lana says with an extended hand.

  “Is Jake getting on his tux?” I ask Jane.

  “Yeah. He’s with your groom and all of his unbelievably hot groomsmen. Did Devin just pull them off the hot guy assembly or something?” Jane dreamily inquires.

  “Something like that,” I laugh.

  “It’s almost time,” Persia says while walking in.

  Her eyes tear up when she sees me, and I hug her like an automatic reflex that I once thought I would never have with her.

  “You’re beautiful, daughter,” she whispers, and it’s too low for the mortal ears to overhear.

  “Thank you, Mother,” I whisper back, and her tears swell up bigger at my endearment. “Devin loved the underwear,” I joke to lighten the mood.

  “That boy can’t stay away,” she chuckles while wiping away her escaped tears.

  “Oh, there’s my girl,” my other mother gushes, and the tears are streaming down her cheeks in a relentless flow. “You look so gorgeous,” she declares, and Persia steps back to allow Mom to hug me.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  I can see more tears falling from Persia’s eyes. I’m sure this is incredibly hard for her.

  She has to watch her daughter’s wedding as if she’s a guest instead of the mother of the bride. I did make sure to put them just behind my other parents to give them silent inclusion.

  She turns to Persia and tilts her head curiously. “Are you a member of the groom’s family?”

  “No. I’m just a friend of Adisia’s,” Persia lies, and more tears stream freely down her face.

  “Well, it’s lovely to meet you. Have you seen her groom? He’s hot enough to melt the cake and wilt the flowers,” Mom crudely adds.

  Persia starts laughing, and it helps to ease her tears. “I’ve met him. He’s a really wonderful guy, and I’m glad Adisia found someone to love her so loyally.”

  I feel my own tears swelling up, but I refuse to cry and ruin the makeup I just finished applying.

  “Me too. He’s also rich. It’s like the market for unbelievable tilted and fell into my girl’s lap,” Mom drools.

  “Please stop,” I exasperate.

  “I can’t help it,” she giggles. “He’s just so yummy.”

  “Really? Yummy?” I laugh. “I’m going to have to restrain you during the reception, aren’t I?”

  “Momma is dancing with Mr. Sexy. Sorry, but it’s my right as your mother,” she chuckles out.

  Persia flinches and I rub Mom’s hand in mine.

  “One dance, and keep your hands where I can see them,” I kid.

  Everyone chuckles, and then there’s a knock before a muffled voice strains through the door.

  “Everyone decent?” Dad asks, and I feel my tears starting to return.

  “Yeah, Daddy. Come in,” I murmur shakily, and he does as I bid.

  His eyes begin watering when he sees me, and I see him straining with all his strength to hold back the wave of emotion flooding him.

  “You look so beautiful,” he gasps, and I rush over to hug him.

  “We’ll give you two a minute,” Mom says with a soft tone. “See you out there.”

  Everyone follows her out, and Persia’s hand clasps mine lightly before she disappears with the crowd.

  “I love you, Daddy,” I whimper as soon as the door shuts, and his arms wrap around me instantly.

  “I love you, sweetie. I’m glad you found someone you want to be with, and I’m happy he’s good to you. I’d have to rough him up and send him away if he wasn’t,” he chuckles out while a tear squeaks free.

  I laugh too, considering he’d only hurt himself if he tried to inflict pain on my immortal piece of perfection. He hugs me tighter for a minute, and then he sighs as he releases me.

  “You ready?” he chokes out.

  “Can I have just a minute?” I ask shakily.

  “Yeah. You’ve still got ten of them before your groom gets anxious,” he teases, and then he disappears out the door to steady his own nerves.

  I don’t get my minute, though, because the door opens almost as soon as it shuts, and Kahl walks in.

  He swallows hard as the tears try to sneak into his eyes. I’m trying so hard to accept him as I do Persia, but it’s taking a little longer.

  “I wanted to give you something before the gifts come pouring in,” he says with an emotional ring, and his eyes widen when he sees me in full. “You look astonishing. I know we haven’t acquired a full reconciliation, but thank you for letting your mother and I pay for the wedding. It means a lot.”

  It’s almost a comical statement since they sort of forced me to accept their wealthy donations.

  “Thank you for doing it. My other parents couldn’t have afforded such a lavish backdrop, but they would have tried, and I would have felt guilty if they had,” I murmur while sucking back my tears.

  He smiles before pursing his lips and handing me a small, gift wrapped box. I sit down as I tear it open, and I tilt my head curiously when I pull out a beautiful bracelet with a dove emblem on the plate of it.

  “It’s Aphrodite’s signature symbol,” he explains. “Your mother and I fell apart when we gave you up, and this was what gave us hope. We had it made for you, and we held onto it knowing one day we’d be reunited with our daughter. It’s the only thing that gave us solace in our time of grief. Now you’re here, and we can be a part of your life again. I just hope you’ll let us,” he chokes out.

  I wipe away my slithering tears and rush over to hug him. His arms grip around me so tightly, and I worry he’s not going to let go. Years of resentment wash away from my heart as I lean against his chest.

  “I do want you to be a part of my life. Thank you for this,” I say while pulling back and pulling on the new bracelet. “And, when it’s time for my immortal bonding ceremony, I want you to be the one to walk me down the aisle.”

  He wipes away his own tears and kisses my forehead while nodding vigorously, and then he pulls me to him again. For the first time, he feels like a father.

  “I’ll see you out there,” he promises, and then he flashes out of the room to go join Persia before his tears can fall in front of me anymore.

  I smile at the bracelet representing the couple who can’t disclose their identity.

  The door creaks open once more as I freshen up the tearstained makeup, and a knot tightens in my stomach when Jace walks in.

  “Please don’t do this again,” I beg.

  “I’m not. I just came to see you before I head back out on the road,” he grumbles.

  “You’re leaving?” I whimper.

  “Yeah. I’ve apparently served my purpose, and I helped save your life just as my mother’s vision told me to do. I don�
��t feel like I’m finished, but I can’t stay here and watch you be with him. It’s too painful.”

  I get sick almost instantly. I hate seeing him hurt like this when I know how he feels about me.

  “Jace, I’m sorry. Please don’t run off though,” I plead.

  “I need to. I’ll see you again when I can, but for now I’m going to try to find some reasoning for all this. It’s obvious you were fated to be with him, but it feels as though you were fated to be with me as well. I have to find closure,” he explains.

  I can’t make him stay, and I wish there was something that could take away his obvious misery.

  “I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand.”

  He walks over to hug me, and his breath grows rasp against the top of my head.

  “I love you, Adisia. Maybe one day I won’t anymore.”

  He pulls back, and then he kisses me just beside the lips.

  “Bye Jace,” I whisper as he flashes from the room and out of my life.

  I struggle against the new wave of tears, and then I look out the window to see Devin shifting from side to side while staring at the door I’m supposed to emerge from.

  His eager excitement is enough to bring me down from the sad exit, and I steady my breath as I flash down the stairs before slowing to a respectable pace for mortal eyes.

  Dad is waiting proudly, and I loop my arm through his.

  Cheryl is gaping out the side window just before the doors open, and I laugh as she walks over to me in disbelief.

  “Holy hot groomsmen. Why didn’t you tell me they were all so… oh-my-gosh hot? I wouldn’t have brought a dud date with me,” she scolds.

  “Sorry,” I say while shrugging playfully, but it’s for the best considering the effects of falling for an immortal.

  “Why aren’t we walking with them down the aisle?” she gripes.

  “I thought this would be a more dramatic effect,” I chuckle out. “You’ll get to walk back with them,” I add.

  She frowns and then takes her spot in line as they all filter through the doors. Clara gives me a giddy grin while taking her spot in front of me, and she reaches back to clutch and squeeze my hand just before walking off.

  “I can still sneak you out the back,” Dad jokes.

  “There’s only one direction I want to go… forward,” I smolder out, and Dad almost drips a new tears.

  “Then let’s do it,” he murmurs softly as a soft, beautiful melody begins to play.

  Devin’s eyes widen in complete astonishment when he sees me strolling down the aisle, and gushing excitement rings out as everyone in the audience gets a look at my new goddess body with the perfect wedding gown dressing it.

  I smile confidently, and it’s so incredible to feel this way. I spent my whole life in a self conscious shell, but now I feel good enough to be with someone as phenomenal as Devin.

  I almost burn up when his eyes dare me to charge him, and I giggle when Dad shifts against my arm.

  “You feel like you’ve got a fever,” he worries.

  “I do,” I sizzle, and he grumbles very uncomfortably at my crude remark.

  Then my bouquet starts to wilt under my heated touch. I almost laugh, but I refrain.

  Devin smirks when he overhears the provocative comment I shouldn‘t have made in front of my dad, and he tugs at his collar while trying to fight the urge to rip me from my dad’s arms and drag me out of here.

  Dad slowly releases me while giving me a peck on the back of my hand, and Devin pulls me up to face him.

  “Amazing. You look incredible,” he gushes, and then he pulls me closer to meet his lips.

  Everyone starts laughing at his rushed kiss, and the minister clears his throat of the disapproval while he begins his speech.

  I don’t hear a word of anything as my eyes burn into Devin’s, and his lips silently beg mine to return. I almost feel sweat forming on my chest as my heart fires out its rapid pace.

  It’s surreal to be this insanely in love with someone. I can’t think about anything other than spending my life in his arms.

  “Well?” The minister prompts.

  “Huh?” I ask curiously, and both sides of the wedding party start chuckling.

  Devin smirks before answering my baffled confusion as I shift awkwardly under the humored eyes.

  “He wants to know if you want to marry me,” he smugly responds.

  He knows what he’s doing to me, and he loves the fact I’ve tuned out everything just to revel in his perfection.

  “Oh… Yeah… I do,” I stammer out with a touch of humiliation, and more laughter erupts.

  So much for that confidence I felt.

  I slide his platinum ring on - it has our names engraved on the inside - and I almost pout when it covers his tattooed wedding band. He smiles excitedly, and continues holding my hand as the minister turns to him.

  “And do you, Devin Cole, take you take this girl, Adisia Titan, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward, for all eternity?”

  “I sure as hell do,” he playfully replies with a sizzling tone, and then he slides my gem studded wedding band on to join the decadent engagement ring.

  The minister coughs upon hearing the crude remark, and Devin jerks me to his body to consume me in the kiss he hasn’t yet been granted permission to take.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may… do as you’re doing,” the man laughs out in defeat.

  Everyone cheers, and Devin smiles against our incredible, long kiss that is almost enough to send me over the edge.

  We did it! I’m married to this perfect man!

  “I love you, Adisia Cole,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “I love you, husband,” I giggle out.

  He scoops me up to carry me down the small steps, and everyone cheers louder as he carries me back down the aisle. I laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck, and his lips find mine once more.

  “We’re married,” he sighs in relief.

  “It was perfect,” I giggle out. “Now I have to go change for the reception.”

  “I’ll help you,” he smolders.

  “We don’t need to break the inn’s beds,” I tease.

  “We don’t have to use a bed,” he dares, and my lips sizzle against his as he carries me back up the stairs.

  I never see the hallways full of happy, rejoicing people. I miss all the blushing cheeks. I tune out all the congratulations. I don’t even know where we are until I feel us crossing a threshold.

  My feet find the ground, and he breathlessly pulls back while staring me up and down once more.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he exhales in awe, and my cheeks fire up with their red sting.

  He slowly slides the zipper of my dress down while kissing the back of neck. It elegantly drifts to the ground as it slides down my body, and I step out - with my heels still on - to reveal the lacy number he’s already seen once.

  “I’ve been looking forward to being alone with you while you had that on,” he seduces, and then he jerks me to his body.

  I grip his tie to pull him closer, and he unbuttons his shirt while his lips stay glued to mine. The tie pulls apart in my hands, and I slide his jacket and shirt off in unison so that I only have to contend with his undershirt and pants.

  He grips me tighter as I loosen the belt of his pants, and his hands cling to me with a desperate, fiery desire.

  “People will be looking for us,” I murmur against his delicious lips.

  “Let them,” he growls, and then he lifts me up to push me against the wall.

  I feel his body begging to pound against mine, but we try not to tear the entire room apart. The throbbing is almost overwhelming, and his lips are devouring mine.

  The poor inn’s room doesn’t stand a chance. He can buy them a new one.

  The reception is decorated beautifully. Every petal o
f the flowers is still crisp, and the flames of the candle centerpieces dance with the music.

  The streaming rows of satin fabric drape to offer a welcoming seduction, and the cake is proudly standing in the center of the room. It’s not the grand piece of artwork I had originally chosen, but it’s still gorgeous.

  Everyone is eating and sparking animated conversations as they tell stories of the past - some have to leave out how far back the stories date though.

  I intentionally placed Kahl and Persia on the table with my parents so they could hear the stories of my upbringing. They’re probably the only ones here who want to hear all the dull life experiences I had, and I can tell it means a lot to them to have a piece of my past being presented to them.

  Devin is in the far corner talking with Kry, Ther, and Hale. I see Hale smirking as he nudges Devin and motions in my direction.

  The smoky blue eyes turn to connect with mine, and a delighted, seductive smile spreads as he removes himself from their conversation and makes his way to me. I can feel my body blushing from the severely indecent, provocative fantasies running wildly through me as those eyes hold me captive.

  “You keep amazing me today. I love the dress,” he murmurs softly while spinning me in a slow twirl before pulling me to his heated body.

  “I’m just getting started,” I dare.

  “Careful. We may have to destroy another room,” he cautions with menace.

  I blush more and shake my head at the embarrassing display we left behind.

  “My dad is going to freak out,” I grumble.

  “I’ll pay for the repairs,” Devin chuckles.

  “How are we going to explain all the crushed furniture and scorched bedding? I swear Aphrodite’s passion has burned hotter than Kaos’s fire lately,” I gripe.

  “I’ll figure out something,” he murmurs softly while tilting my chin up so my eyes stare into his. “You fixed your hair and makeup I see,” he teases.

  “I sort of had to, in case you’ve forgotten what I looked like when you left,” I snicker.

  “You looked like my wife,” he seduces.

  “And now?”

  “Now you look like my wife with clothes on,” he chuckles.

  “You’re hilarious,” I roll out sardonically while ineffectively stifling a grin.


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