Haunted General ePub

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Haunted General ePub Page 13

by Shirleen Davies

  Emerging from the comfort of their tangled bodies, they’d shared breakfast and talked of his training, the training she hoped to complete for herself. Again, neither mentioned how he’d hurt her.

  Afterward, he’d taken her to a meeting at Wrath’s with Ethan, Rock, and Wrangler. She sat close to him, asking a few questions, otherwise staying silent. They still had no answers as to who or why, but they left with a plan for keeping the Eternal Brethren and their women safe.

  Returning home, they’d made love twice more, slow and sweet, before showering together. The last twenty-four hours had been unexpected and memorable. A day he wanted to repeat over and over if she’d allow it.

  Closing the distance between them, he rested his hands on her hips, drawing her back against him. She didn’t stiffen or make any indication she didn’t want his touch. Leaning down, he trailed a kiss down the soft column of her neck before sliding his arms around her stomach.

  “Are you ready to leave?”

  Glancing down, she wrapped her hands over his, squeezing. “Whenever you are.”

  “Or we could go back to bed. The choice is yours, babe.”

  “Do I have to choose? Can’t I have both?”

  Turning her to face him, he settled his mouth over hers for a slow, heated kiss. Lifting his head, he smiled. “You definitely can have both. In whatever order you want.”

  Laughing, Dani laced her fingers through his, leading Ghost to the door. “My sense is if we don’t go rescue Ali, she might be tempted to steal Raider’s truck and escape back to Pine Glen.”

  Confirming the security systems inside and out were on and operational, he took an assessing look around before locking the door to head for his truck. “That bad?”

  “Maybe worse. I won’t learn all the details until we have a few drinks.” Opening the passenger door, he helped her inside before heading around to get in behind the steering wheel. “I was hoping you might speak with Raider about his thoughts on Ali.”

  Turning toward her, his brow lifted. “Thoughts about what?”

  “I’m not sure. How he’s doing? Is he happy with the care she’s providing? Does he lust after her the way I believe she’s lusting after him?”

  A bark of laughter escaped. “You don’t want much, do you? Sweetheart, guys don’t ask those questions of other guys."

  “The hell you don’t, Ghost. I’ve heard what the WETC employees say to each other. You guys are worse gossips than most women.”

  Starting the engine, he looked around again before driving to the main road to Raider’s. “Not a chance.” Reaching over, he settled his hand over hers. “Anything more you want me to ask him? Might as well forfeit all my man points at one time.”

  “The day you lose your man points is the day I head home.” Dani stiffened, realizing what she’d said. “I mean, I’ll be leaving soon anyway.”

  Hand tightening over hers, his jaw clenched, the same as his chest. “You can stay as long as you want, Dani. This isn’t going to end the way it did last time.”

  Heart squeezing, she swallowed the tight knot of dread lodged in her throat, knowing he couldn’t make any promises.

  “Babe, did you hear me?”

  Closing her eyes, she gave a brisk nod. “I heard. The thing is, we both know you aren’t able to make any promises when it comes to me or any woman. Something is haunting you, Tucker. My guess is it has been for a long time. Until you deal with whatever it is, you’ll never be happy in something permanent.”

  Eyes locked straight ahead, jaw working, he didn’t answer.

  “I won’t ask about it, but if you ever feel like sharing, I’m a good listener.”

  Making the turn onto the road leading to Raider’s house, he parked. Ghost shifted toward her, his chest squeezing so tight he could barely take a breath.

  “I don’t want to lose you this time, Dani.”

  “You may not have control over it. Not until you figure out what keeps you from allowing yourself to love again.”

  “Love again…” Ghost whispered.

  “Whoever she was, I know she must’ve been very special. It may be you’ll never be able to replace her in your heart. Perhaps that’s your destiny, Tucker.”

  “To be alone?”

  Opening the door, she slid to the ground, watching him. “The choice is up to you, Tucker. It’s always been up to you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Becca took one look around the crowded interior of Robbie’s before deciding her decision to come had been a good one. Several big screens showed baseball games and preseason football. Two pool tables were active, and groups of people drank, ate, and laughed.

  “Over here, Becca!”

  Her head swiveled toward the sound of her name. Seeing Cara at a table with a group of women, she headed their way.

  “I’m so glad you made it. You can sit here.” Cara pulled out a chair. “Girls, this is Becca, my paralegal. Becca, these are my friends. Tessa, Valerie, Dani, and Ali. Tessa and Valerie live in Liberty Lake. Dani and Ali are visiting from Pine Glen.”

  Slipping the strap of her purse over the back of the chair, Becca sat down, smiling. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”

  “What can I get you?”

  A young woman set glasses of wine and a pitcher of margaritas on the table. “Wine? Beer? A glass for a margarita?”

  “A glass would be great. Thanks.” Becca glanced over at Cara, seeing a soda in front of her, wondering if she’d shared the news.

  “Cara says you just started.” Tessa reached for the margaritas, filling her glass before passing the pitcher around.

  “It’s been a few days. So far, so good.” Becca thanked the waitress for the glass, then filled it. She grinned at Cara before allowing her gaze to wander around the bar. “Nice place.”

  “I don’t know about nice, but it’s always a good time,” Valerie said.

  The women settled in, talking of their work, while Becca continued looking around. After a while, she relaxed. No sign of any of the McCord boys.

  She so wanted, needed, to fit in at Liberty Lake. It had been a hard ten years. Being a single mother hadn’t been easy. Neither had leaving her dream behind of being an attorney. At least she’d gotten close enough with her education to become a paralegal.

  Jamie was the most important person in her life. She’d do anything, make any sacrifice necessary for him.

  “Where are you from, Becca?” Dani asked, taking a sip of her wine.

  She hesitated only a moment. “Claraden. It’s a town south of here.”

  “That’s close to where the McCords have their ranch,” Cara said. “It’s called Freedom Meadow. Did you go to school with them?”

  Sipping her margarita, Becca nodded. “Knew of them. What about you, Dani? Cara said you’re from Pine Glen.”

  “Yes. My father owns a couple businesses close by. Have you been there?”

  “It’s been years. Beautiful area. What do you do?”

  Dani’s gaze wandered to Ghost, who stood around a pool table with Fuse and Fargo. She hadn’t liked the way their conversation ended when they arrived at Raider’s. He’d said little since. The way he closed himself off hurt.

  “I’m a trainer at my father’s business.” Dani explained some of what she did, saying nothing about the threats to the compound.

  “Very impressive.” Becca looked at Ali. “Do you work with Dani?”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “I’m a nurse. I came here with Dani, Ghost, and a patient under my care.”

  Brows scrunching, Becca leaned forward. “Ghost?”

  “He works with Wrath,” Cara said.

  “So, he’s a mechanic, too?”

  Cara shot a quick look at Tessa. “Yes. Tessa’s husband, Rock, works with them, too. As does Raider, the patient Ali mentioned.”

  Chuckling, Becca leaned back in her chair. “Guess there’s a lot for me to learn. Hope I can keep the names straight.”

  Cara sipped her soda, grinning. “Some of t
he boys will be here tonight. I’ll make sure you meet them.”

  Their meals were set in front of them, conversation slowing as they began to eat. Becca relaxed more as each minute passed, glad she’d come.

  Boisterous laughter burst into the bar as a group of men entered. All wore black leather vests with patches on the front.

  “They’ve arrived.” Tessa smiled when one of them walked straight to her. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  Bending down, Rock lifted her out of the chair, capturing her mouth in a smoldering kiss.

  Laughter came not just from the women, but several of the bikers grouped around the couple.

  “Hey, Rock. This is a family place.”

  Rock waved him off before setting Tessa down. “When was the last time you saw a kiddo in here, Wrath?”

  Walking around the table, Wrath rested his hands on the back of Cara’s chair. “Never. I’m talking about all these impressionable ladies.” Leaning down, he kissed his wife. “Having a good time?”

  “Great,” Cara said before wrapping a hand around the back of his neck to kiss him once more before he straightened.

  Becca turned her head away, hoping Cara didn’t introduce her. Praying Caid McCord didn’t recognize her. Then the front door opened again. Two more men entered, both wearing the same vests as Wrath.

  “Great. Wrangler and Tracker have arrived.” Wrath walked over, greeting them before ushering them to the table. “These miscreants will be hanging out here tonight, ladies. I promise to do my best to get them to behave.”

  Cara stood, hugging the two new arrivals. “You guys know everyone except Ali, Dani’s friend from Pine Glen, and Becca. She’s my new paralegal.”

  Wrangler smiled, nodding at Ali. Then his gaze moved to the woman Cara called Becca, and his body stilled. His biggest regret sat a few feet away, her face going ashen. Anger, betrayal, and disappointment showed in her expression. Wrangler deserved all of them.

  Unable to stop himself, he began walking toward her. Before he could reach her chair, Becca stood and grabbed her purse. Taking a frantic, almost frightened glance at Cara, mouthing an apologetic thank you, she ran.

  “Fuck,” Wrangler mumbled, ignoring the stunned expressions as he pushed his way to the door.

  Throwing it open, he stepped outside, taking in the large parking lot. At the far end, he spotted Becca, fumbling with her key fob. Running, he caught up with her just as she touched the unlock button.


  Closing her eyes, she found herself unable to shove aside all the pain of the last ten years. Becca thought she’d dealt with him leaving. Obviously, she hadn’t.

  “It is you, isn’t it, Becca?”

  Opening the door to toss her purse inside, she clenched both hands at her sides before turning. She didn’t speak, allowing her gaze to wander over him. He’d grown older but no less handsome. A little taller, more muscles. Still the same man she’d fallen in love with in high school.

  “Hello, Quinn.” Her face held no hint of the damage he’d caused. The vehemence in her voice had him taking a small step back.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Crossing her arms, she shot him a glare cold enough to freeze hell. “I work in Liberty Lake. Cara is my boss. And no, I didn’t know how you were connected to her or I wouldn’t have come tonight.”

  Doing his best to control his breathing, he focused on her beautiful face. The face he’d fallen in love with and never forgotten. The biggest regret of his life had been walking away from Rebecca North.

  “You look, well…you’re still as beautiful as I remember.”

  Before he had a chance to draw a breath, a sharp crack landed against his face. For an instant, she looked as startled as he felt at the physical attack. The woman he knew never raised her voice, would never have slapped him.

  “I need to go.”

  Grabbing her arm, he kept her in place. “Wait.”

  Wrenching away, she glared up at him. “For what, Quinn? You walked out ten years ago and never looked back.” Her soft, sweet voice began to rise. “What did you say? Something about giving each other space to make sure we were right for one another? What a load of crap. You said you’d be in touch, send letters every week. In all these years, I never received a single note, call, or email from you. Nothing, Quinn.” She choked out the last, refusing to turn away.

  “You ditched me after five years with no way to get in touch. Then I realized it was what you wanted. Not some space, but me out of your life for good.”

  She sucked in a breath, heart beating so hard she thought it would explode. “You got what you wanted. I’m out of your life. Have been for a very long time. Now, if you’ll move, I need to get home.”

  Glancing behind him, she cringed. Everyone from her table, plus the men he’d come in with, stood a few feet away. She was certain they heard every word.

  “Dammit, Becca. Give me a chance to explain.”

  Choking out an indignant laugh, she shook her head. “There’s nothing you have to say that will make up for how you ended things. You were cruel and self-centered. Then again, you always were. I just never thought you’d turn your back on me.”

  Sliding inside the car, she tried to close the door, but he latched onto it.

  “A few minutes is all I’m asking, Becca. A few lousy minutes.”

  “Assholes don’t even get a few seconds. Get out of my way, and stay away from me. I mean it, Quinn. I never want to see or hear from you again. Ever.”

  Letting go, he stepped away. A pain so raw and fierce seized him, almost buckling him at the knees. “This isn’t over, Becca.”

  “Get a grip. It’s been over for ten years. Deal with it. I have.” Slamming the door, she pulled out, racing out of the parking lot and once again out of his life.

  Wrangler nursed his second beer after downing three shots of whiskey. Wrath, Rock, and Ghost sat with him, while the ladies finished their meals a few tables away. He didn’t care that all of them heard the exchange.

  “I thought she broke it off with you.” Wrath stared into his glass of beer, his comment holding no hint of judgment.

  Jaw clenching, Wrangler gave a quick jerk of his head. “I lied.”

  Rock and Ghost knew some of his past. A longtime girlfriend who’d broken off their relationship when he informed her he intended to join the Navy. They’d heard the same story from others, thinking nothing of it. In Wrangler’s case, it hadn’t happened that way.

  “You said you were in love with her. Was that a lie, too?” Wrath asked.

  Picking up the bottle, he took a long swallow of beer. “No.”

  No one spoke for several minutes, each staring anywhere but at Wrangler.

  “She works for my wife. You will be running into her.”

  “No, I won’t. Becca made it clear I’m no better than the shit on my cowboy boots.” Scrubbing a hand down his face, his solemn features hardened. “None of what happened was on her. It was all on me. I don’t want Cara thinking any less of her.”

  Wrath shot an incredulous look at his youngest brother. “She won’t. Does Ethan know about how it ended with Becca?”

  Their parents had loved her, as had Ethan and Wrath. Pretty, sweet, smart, and devoted to Wrangler, everyone had expected they would marry one day. They’d all been shocked when he’d told them she broke things off.

  It had all been a lie. But why?

  “No. I told the same story to all of you. At the time, I thought it best.”

  Rock lifted a brow, speaking for the first time. “Best?”

  “Fuck, I don’t know.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he stretched out his long legs. “She was nineteen. I was twenty-one, graduated, and ready to join the Navy, become a SEAL.”

  “Did she try to talk you out of joining?” Rock asked.

  “No. She couldn’t have been more supportive, was ready to live anywhere I got stationed. Dammit all. I fucked up everything.” Lifting the bottle, he finished the beer, signaling Mike f
or another. “We’d met in high school, been together five years. Like she said out in the parking lot, I thought we needed time to get to know other people. Make certain we were right for each other. It wasn’t a load of shit. I did want to go out with other women before committing. The thing is, with training, getting accepted into BUD/S, and playing hard, I, well…forgot about the woman I left behind.”

  Wrath’s mouth twisted. “You’re still in love with her.”

  “Yeah,” he breathed out, feeling like the lowest form of scum.

  “That’s fucked up, man.” Ghost tossed back his whiskey, glancing over at Dani. In some ways, he wasn’t any better than Wrangler. At least it hadn’t taken him ten years to realize his mistake.

  “You’re right. It is,” Wrangler snorted. “I’ve thought of finding her many times over the years. The timing was never right. One mission after another, then transferring into Eternal Brethren. Undercover and dangerous. No real place for a woman and family. You all know what I mean. Seeing you guys make a go of it with Cara and Tessa, I realized how wrong I’d been to put off finding her. A few months ago, I talked to a private investigator about tracking her down, but put off going forward. I was ready to pull the trigger when our clubhouse and WETC were bombed.”

  “Guess that’s money you won’t have to spend,” Rock joked, not grinning.

  Leaning forward, Wrath rested his arms on the table. “What are you going to do?”


  “I may have heard wrong, but didn’t you tell her it wasn’t over?” Wrath’s gaze bored into his.

  “In case you didn’t get the full force of her answer, I’ll repeat it. She wants nothing to do with me ever again. Becca hates me. Doesn’t want me to reach out to her in any way.”

  Ghost began peeling the label from the bottle of beer Mike placed before him. “Seems a little odd after so many years. Wouldn’t most women get over a breakup after this long?”

  Wrangler shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Becca’s right. It’s over, and I need to deal with it.”

  Chapter Seventeen


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