Haunted General ePub

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Haunted General ePub Page 17

by Shirleen Davies

  Sully’s face tensed. “Nothing. Wrath calls when he has time.” As if on cue, his phone rang, Wrath’s name showing on the screen. “About time.”

  “We have a problem.”

  Sully’s hand tightened on the phone. “Tell me.”

  “Dani ran.”

  “What do you mean she ran?”

  Wrath sighed into the phone. “She took off. Grayson and I made the decision to move her from Ghost’s place to Gunner’s with him and Fargo guarding her. Apparently, Dani didn’t like the change. When Fargo shut down security for Gunner to head out for groceries, she ran out the back.”

  “Dammit, Wrath. We agreed she’d stay with Ghost.” Sucking in a deep breath to calm his building apprehension, he ran a hand through his hair. “Tell me you have her.”

  “We don’t.” He explained the events, ending with how they’d lost the second signal not long before his call to Sully. “I’m sending you pictures of the men we believe took her. I’m hoping you’ll recognize at least one of them.”

  Breaking into a run, he and Kell slammed through the doors to their temporary offices, heading to Sully’s desk. Putting his phone on speaker, he set it down, activated the computer screen, and opened the message with two images attached.

  “They’re here. Kell’s with me. Maybe he’ll recognize them.” As the images opened, Sully’s entire demeanor shifted from apprehension over his daughter to gut-twisting rage. “Fuck.”

  “What is it?” Wrath asked.

  “I sure as hell do recognize one. Even with the cap and sunglasses, I’ll never forget his face. His name’s Reginal Barnes, but he goes by Rex. He has a company which competes with some of the same jobs as WETC, but he mainly provides men to handle black op jobs.”

  “Mercenaries?” Wrath ground out the word.

  “Yeah. I checked on his location when the first attacks occurred. He was working overseas with a group of his men. Fucking hell. I hadn’t thought about him again.”

  “If you’re right, Barnes is the one who took Dani. Do you recognize the other man?” Wrath asked.


  Kell leaned over Sully’s shoulder. “I do.” Straightening, the muscles in his jaw clenched. “Chad Fisher. Ex-SEAL, ex-bodyguard, ex-private investigator. He hasn’t been able to hold a job since being discharged from the Navy. A real sociopath.”

  “How do you know him, Kell?” Wrath asked.

  “His brother is a good friend of mine. One of the few not in the military. We keep in touch.” Pulling out his phone, he walked toward the hall. “I’m going to see if he knows anything about Chad.”

  “Why would Rex take Dani?” Wrath asked.

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Sully recalled his one-time best friend and how everything had gone to shit all those years ago.

  “It’s complicated, Wrath.”

  “Most things are. The more you tell me, the better chance we’ll have of finding Dani.”

  Before Sully could respond, Kell returned. “He hasn’t heard from Chad in months. At the time, his brother was working construction in Texas. He’ll call if he hears from him.”

  “Did you hear that, Wrath?”

  “Yeah, Sully. Tell me whatever you can about Rex’s motive for taking Dani.”

  Thinking about the past, he recalled the first time they’d met. “He was in my BUD/S class. One of the most intense sonsofbitches I’d ever seen. Graduated near the top. We became friends and ended up on the same team. I doubt a day went by we didn’t talk about starting a private elite training facility when we got out. When the time came, we pooled our savings and jumped in.”

  “WETC?” Wrath asked.

  “Prior to WETC. We bought some land in Texas, won some contracts, and had a good civilian business. About the same time the business started to expand, we met Allegra. With one look, we both fell in love with her. Bottom line, she chose me. Rex took it real hard, but stayed with the business for another year. When Dani was born, he lost it. Went on a drinking binge, lost us a number of clients. One night, he came into the office about midnight. Tore it up, shredded docs, destroyed all our client records, pending proposals...” His voice trailed off, recalling how Rex had almost derailed all their lives. “I had him arrested. He got probation for six months if he agreed to let me buy him out and leave the area.”

  “Where’s his business located?” Wrath asked.

  “Near Dale City in western Texas.” Sully ran a hand through his short hair. “From what I hear, it’s a successful company. After almost twenty years, I’d thought he’d put it behind him.”

  “Guess not,” Wrath said. “Do you have better images of Rex and Chad? I’ll give them to Ethan and Grayson.”

  “We’ll find what you need and get them to you tonight,” Kell said. “I can have a crew over there to help you within four hours, Wrath.”

  “My guess is Rex plans to blackmail you, Sully, returning Dani when his demands are met. For now, it would be best for you stick close to WETC. Do you think this has any connection to the attacks at your facility?”

  Kell and Sully exchanged glances, both shaking their heads, before Sully answered. “No. His motivation would be to exchange Dani in return for me signing WETC over to him. Tearing it apart would serve no purpose.”

  “And I don’t see any connection between the truck bomb at your clubhouse and what’s happening here.” Kell pinched the bridge of his nose. “Could there possibly be three different groups working independently to take us both down?”

  Wrath answered. “As soon as we get Dani back, that’s exactly what we’re going to find out.”

  Glancing around the large table in his office, Wrath’s gaze landed on Wrangler. “Find anything you can on Reginald Barnes and Chad Fisher. I want—” His next words broke off when the door crashed open. “What the hell?”

  Using a cane, Raider hobbled inside, a furious Ali a few feet behind him. “I heard about Dani. What can I do?”

  “He shouldn’t be here,” Ali protested, uncaring about the stunned faces. “He’s supposed to be at the burn center for treatment.”

  Ignoring her, Wrath’s features changed from surprise to relief. “You’re with Wrangler. He has the orders. You two figure it out, and soon.”

  Pushing away from the table, Rock joined Ali by the door. “I’m afraid you can’t be here.” Gripping her elbow, he led her from the room to the front. “Head back to Raider’s. We’ll make sure he gets home.”


  “Sorry, Ali. That’s all you’re going to get.” He turned to leave, then stopped. “Thanks for bringing him here.”

  Crossing her arms, she took several steps toward him. “I’m not leaving.”

  The edges of Rock’s mouth curved. “You don’t have a choice.”

  “She’s my best friend. A sister in all ways that count. Maybe I can help.”

  “I know you’re worried, but there’s nothing you can do here.”

  “Whether I can or not isn’t the point. I’m not leaving, Rock.” Moving closer, she planted her feet in a stubborn stance. “I know what happened at WETC, the truck bomb here, and that my best friend has been kidnapped. I also know you guys aren’t an outlaw motorcycle gang. You’re all active military. Navy SEALs if I’m not mistaken.” Lifting a brow, she waited.

  “We don’t have time for this right now, Ali.” He motioned to one of the Brethren standing a few feet away. “This is Ali. She’s Raider’s nurse. Take her into the lounge. She’s not to touch any of our equipment.”

  His gaze moved between Rock and Ali. “Yes, sir. Ma’am, if you’ll follow me.”

  Rock again began to leave.

  “Wait. Will you let me know what’s happening?”

  The worried look speared into him. “I’ll do what I can, Ali.”

  “Thanks, Rock.”

  Wrists and ankles secured with zip ties, Dani sat in the back of the van, shivering. They’d been driving for close to three hours, the air becoming colder the longer they traveled.
  After they’d found her, and over her vocal protests, Rex and Chad searched her clothes. They hadn’t stopped searching after finding a GPS tracker stitched inside her hoodie. Finding nothing in her pants, shirt, or shoes, Rex held a blade to her throat when she refused to remove her bra. Whipping around, her back to them, she unclasped it before wrapping both arms around her breasts.

  Once satisfied no more trackers existed, they allowed her to dress, shoving Dani into the back seat of the truck. Half an hour later, they traded it for an older, much less comfortable van and continued.

  Stomach growling, she fought to sit up as they moved through a series of tight curves. After the last, most brutal of the turns, Dani ended up against the double doors at the back. Gasping for air, aching with cuts and bruises from the rough treatment, she tried to think.

  When she hadn’t been rolling around, Dani had overheard snatches of conversation. Enough to know Ghost, Wrath, and Rock had come after her. Rex and Chad had laughed at how easy it had been to lose them. All her instincts screamed Ghost would never give up. He’d continue until they found and captured or killed her kidnappers.

  What she hadn’t learned was more about their motivation for taking her. She understood Rex had something against her father. He’d mentioned knowing her mother and Dani. It seemed obvious they’d been friends at one point. More than acquaintances by the tone in Rex’s voice when he spoke of them.

  Heading down a steep grade, Dani braced herself as her body rolled to the front, resting against the back of their seats.

  “How are you doing back there?” Chad glanced over his shoulder, chuckling at her discomfort.

  She hated him. Hated Rex and the entire situation. If she’d only stayed at Gunner’s, not allowed herself to let anger overcome common sense. Pride, frustration, and helplessness clouded her mind, inciting actions she now regretted.

  Shoving herself up, Dani leaned her back against the wall of the van. There were no leather seats, nothing to absorb the bumps in the road. Unlike the dirt trails they’d taken earlier, at least this one was paved.

  Steeling her resolve, she twisted enough to see Rex’s profile. “Why do you hate my father?” When he didn’t answer, she raised her voice so he could hear over the road noise. “Rex, why do you hate Sully?”

  Rex cast a feral glare over his shoulder. Focusing back on the road, his hands gripped the steering wheel.

  “I don’t understand why you’re doing this. Whatever happened between the two of you, I’m certain there’s a solution where you won’t go to jail.”

  “It’s much too late for an amicable solution.”

  Shifting to lessen the ache in her back, Dani tried to think back to before her mother died. Sully had enemies. All successful businessmen did. Unlike some, he’d gained many more friends and associates. People he could count on. People who could count on him.

  What had gone wrong between him and Rex?

  “I remember my mother once talked about having to mortgage our house to buy out a partner. How it had taken years to pay off the debt. Was that you?”

  A bitter chuckle preceded a vicious glance over his shoulder. “Whatever discomfort they felt wasn’t close to their betrayal.”

  Brows scrunching together, she tried to lean forward, forced back when the van made a turn. “My father would never betray anyone.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Of course. Sully may be hard and controlling, but he’s an honorable man. I’ve never heard of him cheating anyone.”

  “Then you haven’t heard all the stories about your saint of a father. I assure you, he isn’t the paragon you believe.”

  “Tell me what he did, Rex. I need to understand what was so bad you kidnapped me.”

  Lifting a hand from the wheel, he stroked his stubbled jaw, voice lowering to a savage growl.

  “Sully stole the woman I loved. The family that should’ve been mine. When that didn’t satisfy him, Sully stole my half of our business, leaving me with nothing. Believe me, your father deserves every bit of the pain coming his way.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ghost stalked around the clubhouse, throwing menacing glances to anyone who dared look at him. He’d kept his agitation at the delay in finding Dani in check. Forced himself not to let emotion rule his actions. Until now.

  Sitting around Wrath’s conference table, waiting for information they could use, tore at him, stripping away one layer of his control after another. No longer able to handle the waiting, he’d stormed out of the office and down the hall.

  A shot of whiskey was out. Staying operation ready, mentally focused on locating Dani and her captors, was his only priority.

  “You okay, man.” Rock’s voice cut through the increasing haze of impatience.

  “Fuck no. I’m ready to get out of here, find Dani and the assholes who took her. Then I’m going to beat them to death.”

  Lips twitching, Rock clasped a hand on Ghost’s shoulder. “I’m with you all the way, as long as we wait for Wrath’s order. Which is why I came out here. It’s time to suit up, buddy. When Wrangler and Raider find what we need, everything will move fast.”

  “Always does,” Ghost muttered. “It’s the waiting that’s killing me.”

  “We’ve got their names and a decent history on each. The boys are working to locate any property where they might squirrel away until voicing their demands to Sully.”

  “In the meantime, God only knows what those sonsofbitches are doing to her.” Shredding fingers through his hair, Ghost paced a couple feet away. “Dammit. I should’ve argued with Wrath, insisted she stay with me. Dani ran because she thought I’d given up on us, passed her off to Gunner and Fargo.”

  “If that’s why she ran, then she knows nothing about you, about your commitment to any mission you accept.”

  “Dani is a lot more than a fucking mission.”

  “I know she is, Ghost. All of us know how much she means to you, and we aren’t going to give up until she’s found and back in your bed.”

  Snorting a bitter laugh, he shook his head. “I’ll be lucky if she ever speaks to me again.”

  “Fine. We’ll shoot for getting her back alive so you can deliver her to Sully. She may hate you, but it’s guaranteed her father’s going to love you. Might even get a real man hug from him. Maybe a kiss, too.”

  Slugging Rock in the arm, his mouth twisted in disgust. “Shut the fuck up. I don’t need that mental image in my head.”

  “Ghost. Rock. Raider and Wrangler may have found something.” Gunner stood a few feet away. Guilt tore at him and Fargo, neither suspecting Dani would run. “Look, man—”

  “Don’t say it. This isn’t your fault or Fargo’s. She ran because I didn’t fight harder to keep her with me. It’s my fault, man. Not yours.”

  Gunner’s mouth drew into a thin, hard line, clearly not agreeing with Ghost. On his brusque nod, all three walked back into the office.

  “What have they found?” Ghost didn’t attempt to hide the strain in his voice.

  Wrath pointed to a chair. “Sit down.”

  “I’ll stand.” His agitated body felt as if a thousand pins prickled his skin, muscles rigid with uncontained fury. Some of his rage was directed at the men who’d taken Dani. Most of it at himself.

  “Raider and Wrangler may have found where Barnes and Fisher might be taking Dani.”

  Ghost’s pulse jumped, hands fisting at his sides. “Where?”

  “It’s not confirmed. Grayson and his team are working on that now.”

  Nostrils flaring, doing what he could to rein in his temper, Ghost gritted his teeth. “Where, Wrath?”

  Holding his temper in check, Wrath continued. “Rex’s business is Falcon Enterprises. They found nothing under their personal names or the business. When the boys dug deeper, they discovered Falcon is a DBA for Steel Trident Corporation. Still nothing.”

  Ghost’s fisted hands tightened. “Did they find anything fucking useful?”

All heads turned toward him, no one voicing what they all thought. Their iron-willed VP had reached his limit. No one understood this better than Wrath.

  “Maybe. It took a while to find, but it appears Steel Trident is owned by Allegra.”

  Ghost’s eyes flashed. “As in Allegra Sullivan?”

  “That’s our guess. Seems Rex decided to use Dani’s mother’s name for his shell corporation. That’s where the boys found gold. Allegra owns three retreats for small groups to train in different climates. One is in west Texas. Another in Costa Rica, and a third in the mountains in eastern Arizona.”

  “Pine Glen…” Ghost’s voice was a strangled whisper.

  Sliding a piece of paper down the table, he handed a second sheet to Ghost. “Past Pine Glen. Close enough to WETC to keep track of their operation.”

  Ghost’s fingers gripped the map showing the coordinates of Rex’s property. “I’m out of here.”

  Wrath’s urgent nod at Rock and Gunner had both men on their feet, each grabbing one of Ghost’s arms in a restraining grasp. A roar burst from deep in Ghost’s throat a moment before he ripped his arm from Gunner’s hold to swing at Rock, the punch glancing off his jaw.

  “Fucking hell, Ghost.” Wrenching his friend’s arm behind his back, Rock’s leg swung in an arc, sweeping Ghost’s feet from under him. Landing on his knees, he bellowed, twisting before planting a solid hit to Rock’s jaw.

  Gunner, Fargo, and Tracker jumped in, pinning their VP to the floor, Rock’s knee pressing into his back.

  “Shut the hell down, Ghost.” Rock had seen his friend like this only one other time. The day Kylie died had spiraled him onto a path of uncontrollable destruction, almost destroying one bar before the cops took him into custody. Wrath’s intervention kept Ghost out of jail, though not off a two week binge involving whiskey, beer, and whatever else he could find.

  Wrath knelt beside him, his voice firm with understanding. “You are not going to lose Dani. Not unless you go rogue and try to rescue her alone. Which is not going to happen.” He shot a quick look at his men before leaning down close to Ghost’s ear. “You got me on this, or do we tie you up and lock you in the jail?”


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