A Symphony of Sirens (Spellsinger Book 2)

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A Symphony of Sirens (Spellsinger Book 2) Page 25

by Amy Sumida

  I pushed Play. The rolling beat of Twenty One Pilot's “Heathens” swayed through me. Just as the enemy army began to move upon their king's orders, I began to sing. The soft, strumming lyrics were a warning at first, then a command. I held my arms out wide, palms facing out as if pushing them back to where they had come from. My words were a taunting prelude to their fate, almost mournful in my regret that their king had led them here. So sorry, but you chose the wrong side.

  They should never have come to Kansas.

  Several of the Romanian blooders who had leapt into action were caught in my spell and slowed to a cartoonish level. They hung suspended in mid-air, bodies creeping forward as if through molasses, eyes wide with fear. Declan's hands began to glow with violet light as the blooders behind me were also struck with my song's magic. A double-edged blade; damaging and empowering. The lyrics were boosting our blooders, heightening their already strong senses to a god-like status, and billowing up their blood-lust. As I swept my arms forward, the Kansas Gura roared a battle cry and launched themselves at our enemies.

  I had hit as many of the oncoming soldiers as I could, but several had evaded my music. It didn't matter. Banning, his gura, and Declan were happy to pick up the stragglers. Banning beheaded blooders with his sword while Declan used his manifestation magic to bring monstrous weapons to life. I smiled as I felt our connection brighten, giving me brief flashes of emotion from my men; fury, power, and love. Even in battle, their love for me burned within them.

  Oh gods, if only Torin were there. The magic inside me, so happy with our little group, realized we were one lover short and gave me a petulant punch in my gut. I gasped as pain lanced through me, this time fueled by fire. The spell had shifted, trading Thomas's ice for my fire, and now the bitch was using it against me –my own magic. I snarled and shoved her back into place.

  “I'm working on it,” I growled to myself. “This isn't the time for a gods-damned temper tantrum.”

  The magic eased back, allowing me to pick up my spellsinging again, but I had been too distracted by it to notice Mirela breaking off from the Romanian army and racing toward me.

  “Elaria!” Declan cried in warning as his hand swept out toward me. A cylinder of crystal manifested around me, allowing me to see out as it protected me.

  I smiled and sang on. I hadn't been worried. Not for a moment. But then Mirela hit Declan's crystal shield and started slamming at it with the hilts of her silver daggers. Each strike sparked and Declan tensed in irritation. His gleaming eyes narrowed, and I was about to shift my focus to Mirela, when Banning came running up. Mirela hissed and backed away from me as Banning lifted his weapon.

  “You would raise your sword to me, Prince Banning?” Mirela asked with shock and hurt.

  “You would strike against my lover?” Banning shot back.

  “Another man protects her.” Mirela motioned to Declan. “She is not yours.”

  “She is, and you will not threaten her.”

  Banning wasn't one for wasting time on witty repartee. With one quick movement, he struck Mirela's head from her body and sent it flying. She wore a shocked expression into death.

  Banning gave Declan a crisp nod, and Declan returned it. Then Banning was gone, a giant axe clearing his path as Declan motioned casually. Each wave of Declan's elegant hand sent the axe slicing. I glanced over at the crimson-haired king just as a blooder raced up to engage him. I almost lost the lyrics for a moment, in favor of shouting a warning to Declan, but it was unnecessary. Declan was a seasoned warrior, he had already noted his adversary's approach.

  With another twirl of a finger, Declan manifested a longsword. The blooder's weapon streaked through the air and met Declan's blade with a screeching clang. Declan smiled viciously as he used his manifested steel to shove the blooder back, then proceeded to cut pieces from his opponent until it became obvious that he was playing with the man. Too late, the blooder tried to retreat, and Declan took his head. The Alexandrite King tossed the bloody blade into the sky, and it disappeared.

  I sang on, rapping out lyrics of betrayal into the heart of our attackers, making them turn on each other. It was an underhanded trick I employed only when necessary, and it didn't feel particularly necessary this time. We were winning, had probably won already, the enemy just hadn't conceded yet. Still, the words poured out of me along with my cruel intent, and the Romanians paid for it in blood.

  Meanwhile, Sorin had noted how Banning defended me from Mirela, and he decided to take a chance that Banning would do so again –against his own father. King Sorin streaked toward me and barreled into the crystal shield. The stone cracked under the strength of the blooder king's fury, but Declan flicked a finger and it sealed back together. A blooder was no match for a Shining One, not even if that blooder happened to be a king.

  Sorin snarled and turned to face Declan with a resigned look on his face. If he could get Declan to kill him, Banning would become king. It wasn't Sorin's first choice, but he must have been desperate to leave his old life behind him, even if that meant dying.

  “Father!” Banning shouted. “Stand down! Your gura is dwindling. Soon it will not matter who is king; there will be no court to rule.”

  Sorin rushed Declan, and Declan surrounded himself with the same sort of shield he'd used to protect me. Declan knew he couldn't engage the blooder king, so he did what he had to do to prevent it. That didn't make it any easier for him to bear though. Declan wasn't a man who stood down from a fight. When Sorin punched the newly formed wall with his bare fist, roaring in rage and baring his fangs, Declan snarled back in frustration.

  “Enough!” Banning shouted, and I realized he wasn't speaking to Sorin any longer, he was speaking to the Romanian Gura as a whole. “You have lost. Take your king and return to Romania.”

  “No!” Sorin shouted as he continued to slam at Declan's shield. “I will kill your spellsinger if you do not take my crown. I will–”

  Cerberus brought his fist down hard on Sorin's head, and the blooder king crumpled to the ground. With that final act, I let go of the lyrics and turned off my iPod. Declan's shields disappeared, and he strode over to me with Cerberus. Banning turned to face the battlefield, suddenly looking very tired, and addressed the Romanian Gura once more.

  “Take him home,” Banning said to them. “Let this day become one of liberation for all of you. Your king has been defeated, and I, the rightful successor, proclaim that you require no king to replace him. What you need is a gheara, one elected from your ranks. You need a strong blooder to lead you, not subject you. Choose wisely.”

  “We are the last royal blooder court,” a man called out. “We cannot let that die.”

  “Then do as you will.” Banning shrugged. “I only try to help you. If you won't listen, then there's nothing I can do for you.”

  “You could return with us and take your throne,” another man shouted.

  “I will not!” Banning snarled back, viciously enough to make the Romanians flinch. “Gather your survivors and leave my land if you wish to live. If you'd rather argue, then, by all means, you can do so at the end of my sword!”

  The Romanians grabbed their fallen king and booked it out of Kansas as fast as their blooder legs could carry them.

  “Well done, Ban,” Cerberus said as we watched the exodus. “That was hardcore. I'm a bit turned on right now.”

  “Yeah, you always say that after a battle,” I huffed.

  “Jealous that I didn't say it to you, this time?” Cerberus smirked.

  “Watch it, or I'll add you to the cock collective,” I teased.

  “Please, love,”–Declan shook his head–“don't ever call us that again.”

  “And don't ever suggest adding that junkyard dog to our ranks,” Banning said with a little smirk.

  “I'm an underworld dog”–Cerberus grimaced–“not junkyard. And I've got my own bitch, thank you.”

  “Call her a bitch one more time, Cer,” Banning warned, “and our friendship shall su
ffer the consequences . . . as will you.”

  “One fucking day,” Cer growled, “no –a few fucking hours– as her man, and you think you got more gravitas with El than I do? Know your role, blooder. She's my best friend. I can call her a bitch if I want to.”

  “Will you two please shut up?” I pushed my way between them. “Banning, Cer thinks the term 'bitch' is a compliment, you know that. And Cerberus, go fuck Freya, your blue balls are giving us all grief.”

  “I can't help it if a good battle makes me stand at attention.” Cerberus grinned.

  “Valid,” Declan agreed as he sidled closer to me. He snatched up my hand and gave it a lingering kiss. “So, I know you said we would take things slow, but given the circumstances, might we reevaluate things?”

  “You actually want to try this; all three of us together?” I felt my brows lift.

  “That spell of yours has bound us,” Declan said. “I don't feel as if Banning is an outsider anymore. He feels like . . .”

  “A partner.” Banning held his hand out to Declan. “I feel it too. There's no jealousy anymore. We both love her, and that's all that matters.”

  “Exactly.” Declan shook Banning's hand. “But watch it with the 'partner' talk, it's sounding gay again.”

  “Things do feel . . . smoother,” I mused. “Natural.”

  I looked to Declan as his smile began to widen. He held a hand out to me.

  “Yeah, I don't need to be a witness to this,” Cerberus said. “Catch ya later, Ellie. I'm off to Vegas.”

  “Have fun, Cer,” I said distractedly as I kept my gaze on Declan.

  I heard Banning thanking Cerberus for his help, but it was a soft background sound to the thudding of my own heart. Declan's hands slid over my upper arms as I eased in against his chest. I felt the flutter of his fingers move up over my shoulders and then the sides of my throat. His thumbs angled beneath my jaw and lifted my chin. My palms went to his chest, flat between us, but it was impossible for them to remain there as Declan lowered his lips to mine. I slid my fingers into his silky hair and drug him closer to me.

  The magic lifted and rejoiced inside me, shivering through my veins in delight. My exhaustion vanished as the power flooded my body, and then flowed into Declan. He sighed, and then moaned, grinding closer as the magic brought him to raging arousal. I drew on that desire, and then gave him more of the same, until we were writhing together. Hands went to our shoulders, gently easing us apart, and I opened my eyes to see Banning. He swung me into his arms and kissed me.

  The magic surged again, and I heard Declan sigh. I felt the flow of it then; the desire dripping off me was seeping into him. Declan felt the passion as if he was the man in my arms. I moaned and pulled Banning closer. Memories flashed between us, but they were tempered by this new reality, this new power. The strength was intoxicating, the pleasure more than anything I'd ever felt, and this was only a kiss.

  Banning slipped away, and I gaped at him, my breath sawing in and out of my lungs. The magic was practically sizzling now, sparking with a build-up of heat, and I finally comprehended how much I had changed it. From ice to fire, and lust to love; the Rooster Spell was now mine. I had sung its lyrics my way and made the song my own.

  “Come back inside, sweetheart,” Banning whispered.

  My eyes widened as he took my left hand and Declan took my right. We strolled back into the country club, Banning's triumphant gura congratulating us as we went. But the victory over the Romanians was paling under the scorching heat that rose between me and my men.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Banning started to lead us into his bedroom.

  “No, not here,” I pushed away from them.

  “Why not?” Banning asked.

  “I know it's hard to think right now, but this space is yours, Banning. If this is going to work, both of you need someplace all your own –for private moments between us. My home and the guest rooms in your homes; those will be neutral ground. Alright?”

  Banning smiled softly and nodded. “Alright.”

  “I think that's wise,” Declan agreed.

  “I have a guest room just there.” Banning led us down the hall a bit and opened a door for us.

  The room was spacious and beautiful, done in a modern style with grayish-blue walls and sleek furniture. But it didn't matter. All that mattered was them. As Banning closed the door behind us, and locked it, Declan pulled me close and kissed me.

  Every doubt disappeared with that kiss. Worry that this wouldn't work, that one of them would be hurt, that I would be hurt, that Torin would never return to me; it all went flying away as Declan kissed me. I was with the men I loved, and they loved me in return. What could be more perfect than that? It felt right, good, perfectly natural. Declan's hands were bracketing my face, mine were out to the sides, while Banning began to undress me. I can't recall exactly how we ended up lying in bed together, how Banning wound up holding me as Declan lay between my spread legs. It just happened that way. All I can recall is crying out in completion, the sound muffled by Banning lips.

  I remember the feel of hands coasting over my hot flesh, how every flutter of fingers lifted the magic inside me until we all seemed to be connected in love and enchantment. There was no jealousy anymore, no battle here in our bed. All that remained was adoration and respect; a bond of desire and determination. The lust was expected; I knew the magic would enhance this for us. But what I hadn't realized was that this was about far more than sex and even love; this was a pact. We came together in the flesh to seal the commitment between all of us; with love between me and them, and with allegiance between the men. They were no longer at odds with each other; now they were comrades.

  I had no idea that such a union as ours could be so beautiful.

  When we finally came together, it went so smoothly, I barely realized we'd taken the next step. Not until my hands were gripping Banning's hips, pulling him deeper. It struck me then that I was making love to Banning for the first time in over seven-hundred years. Our souls had finally returned to each other. Tears began to stream down my face, and Banning began to cry with me. Declan eased back, giving us the moment to reconnect –to truly find each other again.

  “You came back to me,” Banning whispered. “You really did it, Elaria.”

  Images of my past with Banning flashed through my mind, but quickly faded. There were new memories to be made, and I could finally let go of the old. Fortune was gone, now it was Elaria's turn. It made me rejoice, and the tears dried on my cheeks. We had found each other. Through pain and betrayal, after centuries of waiting, overcoming death and time, we had come full circle. My vow was fulfilled.

  Then Declan was inside me, and I knew this life would bring me more love than any one woman deserved. The passion between us was nearly violent; hands kneading into flesh, and teeth scraping skin. I expected no less from Declan. Every hot look and wanton word, every dark promise he had ever made with voice or body, was consummated. Declan brought me to the edge of ecstasy over and over again, but he wouldn't let me take the plunge until he was ready to go along with me. In that moment, when our eyes met and held, our bodies surging with satisfaction, Declan let me see all of him. He let me see how deep his love went, and how far into his heart he'd taken me. Declan gave me a glimpse of home.

  When all our passions were spent, I laid between Declan and Banning, the men draped across me, limbs entwined with mine as if we'd been sleeping this way for centuries. They drifted off to sleep quickly, content in this new life already. But I stayed awake, listening to their heartbeats. Even though I wasn't pressed to their chests, I could hear the steady thump of their hearts when I focused on them. That shivering magic between us was a comfort now, an assurance of our combined strength. And as their heartbeats pounded inside my ears, they slowly aligned. Right before I drifted off to sleep, I realized that I had provided the lead. Their hearts had joined mine, and now, our three beats had become one. We were in perfect harmony, making music together, and th
ere was nothing more sublime for a spellsinger.

  I smiled, happier than I'd ever been, and thanked the magic inside me for taking the chance on love and life –for transforming itself from a curse into a blessing. The magic-me shimmered with satisfaction, and we both found peace in knowing that this was only the beginning of our song. We still had an entire concert to conduct . . . and one more heart to add to our symphony.

  Keep Reading for a sneak peek into the next book in the Spellsinger Series:

  A Harmony of Hearts

  Chapter One

  “Not again,” I groaned as the fire roared inside my chest. “Sometimes I wonder if the ice was better.”

  It was the spell inside me; the Rooster Spell that Thomas had cast upon me as he died. It had begun its life as a lusty, frosty, revenge spell, but had shifted into a spell of love and fire within me. Unfortunately, it had made an alliance with me based on some contingencies, and I had yet to fulfill the final one: Torin.

  I had offered it three men, who would love us. So far, I had only delivered two: Banning and Declan. Torin, despite several attempts to explain what had happened, that I hadn't actually betrayed him with Declan, remained distant. The Onyx King wasn't seeing anyone, in fact. I was beginning to wonder if I had lost him forever.

  Flames rose in my vision and I suddenly saw the spell. It took my form when it spoke to me, and used my voice. I heard it clearly within my mind.

  I want him now!

  “I'm trying my best,” I snapped at it.

  Two is not enough. It is base, while three is divine.

  “You're full of shit,” I growled. “Two lovers are more than most people have.”

  I'm a spell, not a person, and I need more energy. If you can't bring me Torin to fuel our need, I will take that energy from you.

  “You know that if I die, you die.”

  Mutually assured destruction. The me-magic smirked at me, throwing back my words at me. So be it . . . unless . . .


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