Unbreakable Love

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Unbreakable Love Page 2

by Claire Shaw

  “I want to unwrap you,” he said seductively. Smiling I lay back and let him remove my panties.

  He’s then leaning over me unclipping my bra so I’m laid naked in front of him. His eyes take every inch of me in. He licks his lips which makes me squirm and heat appear between my legs, he looks like he wants to eat me.

  Leaning down he kisses me so hard and full of the passion of the situation, his hands stroking my arms and sides. His kisses move onto my chin, to my shoulder and down to my breasts. Pebbling them with kisses, he takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks. A gasp escapes my mouth causing him to stop and jump back.

  “Oh, did I hurt you? Was it not good?” He looks so nervous and scared.

  Giggling “No it was nice, just didn’t realise it would feel like that.”

  We both start to laugh; neither of us knows what we are doing.

  He starts to kiss me again and his hands glide back down my sides getting further and further closer to my pelvis. Finally, after what feels like too long his fingers run through my pubic hair and he finds my clit. The sensation of his fingers on the little bundle of nerves causes me to gasp and my back arch. Our breathing is becoming more erratic and my whole body feels like it's on fire.

  His fingers glide at my entrance, they stop just inside and his eyes find mine. He’s watching me intently as his fingers slide inside of me. His name slips from my lips as my back arches.

  “Fuck your beautiful,” he says, his voice is husky and he’s struggling to catch his breath.

  Removing his fingers after pumping them into me a few times, he positions himself at my entrance, getting this serious look on his face.

  “Beautiful I’m sorry but this is going to hurt. Fuck I wish it didn’t but it will be good after, I promise.”

  This is killing him. Running my fingers against his cheek and cupping his face I tell him those three golden words, “I trust you.”

  His lips hit mine and devour me. I feel him push into me and then he tears through my hymen causing me to whimper at the sting. A tear slides down my cheek before I could stop it. Noticing, he kisses it away. He’s holding himself so still, after a few beats the pain eases.

  “Please Jason, make me feel good. I won't break I promise.”

  A slight smile on his face and he starts to move. A pressure starts to build in me and every time he enters me it causes me to gasp at the feeling. Soon his pace picks up and the pressure is too much that I fall over the edge. It’s total blissful feeling, screaming his name as I come.

  Looking at him, he has a look of pure love on his face.

  He starts to move again, his rhythm more erratic as he finds his release. With a roar he comes cursing my name.

  Holding each other tight with the blanket wrapped around us, with Brantley Gilbert singing about being a Grown Ass man in the background, looking up at the stars. I know this is heaven. I could lay here in this man’s arms forever. Staying silent, both of us taking in what just happened, he speaks first.

  “Thank you so much for trusting me with being your first.”

  Turning to face him, I cup his cheek.

  “It was always you,” I assure him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

  Lying back in his arms, we fall asleep wrapped around each other.

  The next morning the sun rising over the top of the trees is what makes me stir. Taking a moment to adjust my eyes and gather where I am; I’m laid in the back of Jason’s truck, tucked safely in his arms.

  Trying not to wake him, I slowly move out of his embrace, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders, I move to sit on the tailgate and watch the sun rise. It truly is a beautiful morning, in more ways than one.

  Taking a moment to progress everything that has happened in the last several hours. I thought I would feel different. Maybe more grown up, more like an adult. I am sore but otherwise I don't feel different.

  What I do feel different about is my feelings towards Jason. He made last night feel so special and made me feel so loved. It was the best birthday I ever had and it will be one I will never forget.

  Feeling arms wrap around me, his voice all husky with sleep.

  “Morning beautiful.”

  Looking over my shoulder into his blue eyes, I whisper, “Morning,” with a slight smile on my face.

  “You okay?” nervousness noticeable in his voice. I love that he was as nervous as me.

  “Perfect,” I reassure him, stroking his forearms lightly with my fingertips.

  We both sit in silence for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms, just enjoying the peace and the sunrise; feeling content just to be with each other in silence.

  With a sigh and a rumble of my stomach I finally turn to face him.

  “I need to go check on Johnny,” I whisper, trying not to disturb the peacefulness of the clearing.

  He nods his head in acknowledgement. Moving to climb out the truck, Jason helps me down. Laughing as I nearly fall. Picking our clothes up, hunting to find where they were thrown in our rush. Clipping my bra into place, I catch Jason watching, blush creeps onto my cheeks as I remember his hands on the breasts I just covered up. I shyly look away, picking up my jeans I slide into them. Once were both dressed and stood a little awkward at the back of the truck, he wraps his arms around me.

  “Come on baby doll, we best get back,” with a kiss to my head, we jump in the truck. Soon were on our back home.

  Arriving home, Jason says he's got some errands to run for his dad and he’ll come see me tonight. Jumping out the truck I head for Mrs Clark’s to see Johnny. Rounding the house, I can see Johnny kicking a soccer ball around the garden, that boy loves soccer. He supports a British team called Liverpool. Spotting me he comes running over and hugs me.

  “Hey, you have fun with Mrs Clark?” nodding he tells me excited that they watched TV and she’s made pasta.

  Mrs Clark’s pasta is the best. Mrs Clark is stood in the doorway smiling.

  “We had fun,” she confirms.

  “I have some fresh lemonade,” she says as I make my way into the house.

  We sit in her slightly outdated but homely and welcoming kitchen sipping on the delicious lemonade while I catch her up on my birthday.

  “He’s a good one that young man of yours.” She observes smiling.

  “You can see from the way that boy looks at you, you're his love.

  “He would do anything for Johnny and you, even my old eyes can see that,” she says making me giggle.

  “You’re not old Mrs Clark.”

  She really isn't that old, maybe late 60’s, early 70’s and fit as anything.

  Her face turns serious, “Child that boy is your future and your ride to a better life for both you and Johnny. Hold onto that,” she now looks sad and as if she was deep in thought.

  “You okay Mrs Clark?” I said as gentle as possible as I didn't want to upset her more. Turning to look at me with a small smile, she replied

  “Yes dear, just remembering my time with Mr Clark, he’s been gone many years now but I still miss him.”

  My heart hurts for her, it must be devastating to love someone so much and lose them before your life together has really got started. Getting up from my chair I go over and hug Mrs Clark.

  “Thank you, for everything.” She pats my arms and gives me a small smile. “Johnny, time to go,” I shout, heading for the door.

  Johnny comes running into the kitchen and hugs Mrs Clark too.

  “See you later,” he shouts as he races out the door.

  That boy does everything at speed. Laughing to myself I make my way next door. Turning the corner onto I front garden I come to a halt. Johnny is standing with a man and two women who all look very business-like. Squaring my shoulder, I walk over to them and pull Johnny to me.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, trying to sound older and braver than I feel.

  A tingle shoots down my spine, whatever these people want; I know it’s not good.<
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  Chapter Three


  The Present

  Today has been a good day and exactly what I needed. My brothers and I had taken a ride out to see our Phoenix chapter. Help them celebrate the VP’s wedding. When a brother gets married it is always a reason for a party. Never could understand how a brother could stick with one woman. I tried once and it didn’t end well. Staying free is the way to go for me.

  The drive from Phoenix has taken us 2 days, I’m hot and sticky. Can't wait for a cold beer, a shower and then find me some fun for the night. Don’t get me wrong, my favourite place to be is on my bike. A nice long ride with the wind at your back is the most freeing sensation and always clears the fog and makes life clearer. It’s my thinking space.

  Pulling up to the club house, we park our bikes in the very full lot. Bikes and cars are everywhere. Not only have we been celebrating Snakes wedding, but also one of our own being released from the big house after a very long stretch. Usually we threw a big party and really help them settle back into life on the outside. Only this time I was not looking forward to Reck being released.

  Reck's daughter has been my first love. She was my world, until one day her and her brother just disappeared. Gone! We tried everything to track them down. It seemed that Child protective Services got wind that Reck was locked up and their ever-absent mother was not taking her role seriously. Both Carrie and Johnny were placed into the system.

  Johnny was lucky and was adopted locally. We did manage to find him a few years ago and is now part of the club as a prospect. Sadly, we never did find Carrie, not that I stopped looking for her. We just hadn’t broken the news to Reck.

  Feeling a hand smacking me on the back brought me out of my memories; turning to face my best friend and brother Tank.

  “I cannot wait for a shower and wet pussy,” he says with his trademark grin.

  The bastard is built like his name but also goes through anything like a tank, nothing stands in his way. Women flock to him and he loves it. Biggest man-whore around!

  We’ve been best friends since high school; he loved Carrie as much as I did. She was like his sister and he treated her like she was precious to him. I know he misses her still; they had this weird non-sexual connection. If she ever needed to feel safe or loved and I wasn’t around, Tank was her go to. She was also the only one who could get through to him when his rage took over.

  Laughing, I smacked him back and we headed for the club house. Pushing open the heavy door, smoke, the smell of weed and loud rock music hits you in the face like a wall. These are smells and sounds of home.

  Making our way towards the bar at the back, Tanks nods to the prospect for two beers. Grabbing my beer and nodding my thanks to the prospect, I turn to rest against the bar and take in the room. Brothers with old ladies are relaxing and the sweetbutts are huddled in a corner waiting for the old ladies and girlfriends to leave so the party can really start.

  I sat at the bar for a while shooting the shit with my brothers and catching up. The long day starting to catch up with me, I made my way out to my bike to grab my stuff from my saddlebags. While making my way across the parking lot I could make out a shadow across the road. Slowing my walk, a little, I tried to get a better look.

  Not being able to see much, I made my way to the gatehouse, thinking if I could get closer to the shadow, I would be able to make out who it might be. They were hiding a little, but something made the hairs on the back of neck stand up. Getting closer I could make out the shadow a little better, it seemed to be a woman and she was staring at the clubhouse.

  “Can I help?” I asked trying to keep my voice friendly so as not to scare her. She was an older woman, with eyes large with fright.

  “Noo...” she stuttered, turning, and running back into the shadow towards a car.

  She jumped in and sped away before I could make a move.

  “Alright man?” a booming voice said behind me with a large hand landing on my shoulder.

  I turned to Wolf standing behind me, eyeing the spot the woman was just standing.

  “Yeah brother, not sure what she wanted. I asked but she ran.”

  He looked me over, something in his eyes telling me he also felt that something was wrong. Wolf was a founding member but also a bit of a psychic. He would get these vibes or feelings when shit was going to go down. But this time I felt it too and he knew it.

  “Take it easy son, I agree, somethings coming,” he growls, turning and making his way back to the party.

  I couldn't agree more with that statement. It’s like I could feel it in my bones, something was coming whether we want it to or not. Making my way into the gatehouse to make sure the prospect on duty was paying attention.

  After speaking with the prospect, I made my way back to my room. Lying on my bed, I still can't shake the feeling. Like something is brewing. I know the woman from tonight is the key to all this. After tossing and turning for a few hours I finally find sleep.

  The next morning as I made my way into the kitchen in search of coffee, a few of the brothers were finishing breakfast before we headed into church. Today is the day Reck gets out the big house. I'm happy to see him as he played a massive part of our lives growing up but also dreading it at the same time. I wasn’t sure how much he knew. Did he know he had a son? Did he know about Carrie? He loved Carrie with everything and she was always a daddy’s girl. She used to look at him like he hung the moon. The same way Tink our princess looked at BJ our Prez; another daddy’s girl.

  Taking my coffee with me into church, I took my place round the table. BJ our Prez was at the head of the table with my old man Bull to his right as VP. Once we had all settled down in our places, BJ banged the gavel.

  “Well brothers, let’s start the good news, our man Reck is to be a free man today.”

  The room erupts into cheers and fists banging on the table. BJ lets the boys have this moment before bringing them to order again.

  “Now yes, it is a good thing he’s free but there is going to be a life adjustment to being on the outside. We need to make sure we do all we can to help him find his feet again.”

  Meeting my eyes, he knows my question.

  “Joker I know what you’re going to say and no he doesn't know Carrie is missing and he doesn’t know he has a son. Once he's back at the clubhouse, I will have a sit down with him and break the news.”

  Raising his hand as I open my mouth he carries on.

  “It was his choice Joker, he requested he know nothing of the outside. Only way he could cope being on the inside.”

  Knowing my Prez was right, it would have only made his time on the inside worse knowing he was helpless to protect those he loved. It killed me not being able to protect her and Johnny.

  We finish the rest of church going over how the businesses are doing and a charity run we have coming up. Prez asks me and Bull to stay behind. Once the brothers had left and the doors closed, Prez levelled me a stare.

  “Son, I know you feel we aren’t doing enough to find Carrie, but trust me I am doing everything I can to find her. She's our princess and means something to every brother here,” he said. I nod my head as I feel my throat closing with emotion.

  Getting up and leaving them to it, I make my way through the bar and out to my bike, I need to clear my head a little before I see Reck again. Getting on my bike, my baby girl, on the tank is a portrait of Carrie; I make my way out of town and along the back roads, feeling the wind and the road beneath me let me clear my head and sort my feelings out. Making it only a short ride as I know we will be leaving soon to collect Reck, I make my way back to the clubhouse.

  Pulling back through gates I can see the brothers are all getting ready to pull out. Falling into formation behind my pops and next to Tank, Prez gives me a nod.

  Pulling out together as one with the prospect behind in the truck with Reck’s bike on the back, we make our way to the prison.

about an hour we pull up in front of the prison. Dismounting my bike, I make my way over to the truck to help unload Reck's bike and also check on Johnny. Johnny is a prospect but also Reck's Son, only Reck doesn’t know he’s his son.

  Slapping Johnny on the back, I ask, “You okay Bro? You ready for today?”

  He turns to look at me but I can’t get a read of his face, bro’s got an excellent poker face, can never tell how he’s feeling.

  “As good as I can be considering I’m about to meet the man who doesn’t know I’m his son,” he grunts out with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “I know man and I’m sorry it’s not in better circumstances your meeting him, but we will make it right I promise.”

  The noise of the gates opening distracts us as the boys closer to the entrance start to shout and holla. Clearly, they’ve released Reck. Giving Johnny’s shoulder one last squeeze, I head over to join my Prez and old man.

  Walking through the gates was a man who was thankful to be on the other side but also looks a hell of a lot older than he should. The boys all cheered as Prez and Bull greeted him with man hugs and back slaps. By the time Reck was stood in front of me, we just starred at each other not saying a word. After a few beats a grin appeared on his face.

  “Well fuck me, Jason you’ve really grown into a man,” he states while grabbing a hold of me and hugging me.

  Pulling away from me, he looks at my kut, “Always knew you were club, it's in your blood.”

  “Wouldn't have it any other way,” Bull chimes in.

  Smirking back, “Good to see you Reck,” I reply.

  “Let’s get this back to the clubhouse,” Prez shouts.

  We all mount up and Reck mounts his bike while stroking the tank, his hands slowly starting her up, he closes his eyes and revs her a little. A total look of peace forms on his face. I can see Prez and Bull smirking like they know how he feels. Once Reck has had his moment with his bike, Prez gives the signal and we all ride out.


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