Unbreakable Love

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Unbreakable Love Page 4

by Claire Shaw

  I know my Prez is right. Brothers would die for each other and their families.

  “Thanks, Prez, I needed to hear that,” he gives me a sympathetic look.

  “Just as long as you know it; Sometimes we still need to hear it confirmed.”

  Taking a deep breath, I get up.

  “Church in an hour,” are Prez’s last words as I leave his office. A short ride is just what I need.

  Pulling back into the clubhouse an hour later, Johnny tells me nearly everyone is in church already. I pick up the pace and slip into church. Wire comes in not long after and Prez bangs the gavel.

  “Brothers, this is not a normal church. We are here to discuss our efforts to find Carrie.”

  A few murmurs go round and Reck bangs his fist on the table.

  “About fucking time,” he bellows.

  Prez bangs the gavel again to get everyone's attention.

  “Wire here has been doing some digging and some hacker extraordinaire has agreed to help us. But they want a marker from the Sons in return.”

  I sit upright in my chair and Reck also sits straighter; both of us eyeing the brothers, daring them to say no.

  “A marker is a serious commitment and needs to be put to a vote. Need you all to really think about this clearly. Sons are men of their word. We give this marker we are agreeing to one deed, no questions asked.”

  I know Prez has to cover all his bases but I'm pissed by his speech and by the look on Reck and Tanks faces so are they.

  “Right, let’s vote,” he says to end our thoughts.

  I could feel the nerves racing through me as the vote goes round the table. I know Prez said to trust in my brothers but that still doesn’t help. As the vote goes round the room everyone seems to be voting yes. The vote gets to Wolf and he takes a few moment and his gaze flits from me to Reck. After what feels like a lifetime he votes yes. It continues round the room until it reaches Bull and Prez. Bull votes yes giving me a wink, Prez brings down the gavel.

  “Vote is a yes. We owe this Webbie a marker. Make it clear though Wire, nothing illegal. I won’t put the club at risk.”

  Wire nods his head and leaves the room. Reck turns to me and I can see the relief across his face.

  A few days later we are all sitting around the bar when Wire comes rushing into the room with a load of papers in his hand.

  “Webbie came through!” he shouts causing me to leap from my chair and rush to meet him.

  “CHURCH NOW!” Prez bellows and everyone moves.

  I’m first in my seat while everyone else gets in. Prez is huddled in the corner with Wire. I knew he would want to brief Prez first before the rest of us. Prez hates doing anything blind. Getting the table to order; Prez starts.

  “Wire’s hacker friend has come through and managed to get hold of the foster file. Boys you’re not going like it. Seems after being in a few foster homes, Carrie was released back into the care of Julie.”

  This news causes Reck to lose his shit.

  “Calm down Reck, there's more!” Prez says in a minacious manner. “Seems they allowed this, as Julie married some guy who seemed stable a few counties over and they wanted to be a family. Wire is getting everything he can on where they may be now and what happened since then. We’re getting closer.”

  The atmosphere in the room is a mix of rage and disgust that any child protective service would release a child to some druggie. Being with mom is not always best.

  The wait to see what Wire and Webbie find feels like the longest of my life. We spend days just sitting around doing nothing. I try to find things to keep me occupied. I spend time in the garage we have at the clubhouse cleaning and servicing my bike. Tank and I spend some time in the gym and in the ring sharpening my skills. I also spend some time with Reck and Bull at the range the club owns. It feels good to let off some steam and reconnect with Reck.

  Finally, they have a few addresses. The addresses are a few towns over. As if she could have been this close all this time. That thought makes my rage increase. Prez starts to team us all up and then hands each team an address. In my team it’s me, Tank, Reck and Wolf. The other two teams are led by Prez and Bull. With our instructions given we head to our rooms to gear up. Making sure I’m dressed in black and packing my trusty Glock. Just as I'm heading for the door I think twice and step back to grab my knife. You never can be too careful.

  Making my way out to my bike I can see the boys are ready. Reaching my bike, I look over at Tank, he looks straight at me and gives me a chin lift. He knows how much this means to me. I need my girl back. Prez makes his way outside and to his bike. He raises his hand and everyone quietens down to listen.

  “We know in this life nothing is forever but be careful tonight brothers and come back safe.”

  With this speech over he makes a fist and all bikes start up.

  The noise of all the bikes together is deafening but also an amazing sound that settles my soul. Prez then extends his finger and makes a circle with it, which means were off. Each team makes their way to address they have been given.

  The ride takes around 45 minutes and we pull over a few miles out so as we don't introduce ourselves too early. We want the element of surprise. Pulling off the road, we hide our bikes behind some bushes on the edge of some woods.

  “The address is just through these trees,” Tank says while consulting the GPRS he has. Each team has one which allows us all to track our position and also each other.

  Tank takes the lead and we follow him through the woods, trying to be as careful as we can. We don’t know what's in these woods. A walk for a few miles and then come to the edge of a property line. Getting into position we scope out the area. Wolf climbs a nearby tree with his rifle on his back. He gets into a good position and uses the scope to view the property. Wolf is a fully trained sniper, the best.

  Sitting in the dark, waiting for Wolf to do his thing is nerve racking. My adrenaline is pumping. Wolfs deep voice comes through the comms.

  “All clear looks deserted. Move in!”

  With that we slowly make our way towards the buildings. Coming round the back of what looks like a barn, I peer in the window. Place is dark but can make out an old car and some farm machinery. Moving round to a door, I test the hand and find it open, using my flashlight I make my way inside.

  Looking around it does all seem to be farm machinery, all rusted and outdated. The place gives me the creeps and something feels off about this place. I keep looking and towards the back an area has been cleared. Plastic sheeting covers the walls and floor. A metal table is off to the side with a bunch of bloody tools are scattered across it. In the middle is a metal chair with restraints attached. The hairs on the back of my neck are now standing to attention. What the fuck is this place.

  Reaching for my comms I say, “Brothers is the house clear?”

  A grainy voice replies, “Clear, someone been here but not for a while. No girly shit anywhere.”

  I feel myself relax a little, at least that's something.

  “Brothers you need to see the shit in the barn. Fuck it’s like a torture chamber or some shit. Wolf, man you need to see this.”

  “On way,” is the reply.

  Taking a closer look, I can see what looks like a hospital metal gurney with restraints attached pushed up against a wall. Blood stains the top. In the far corner is a large sink which a whole load of chemicals and large metal barrels.

  “Holy fucking shit,” is the brother’s reactions to seeing the back of the barn. Wolf is looking over everything.

  “Professional,” is his take on it and it’s the same as mine.

  “Whoever’s place this is, knows what they are doing.”

  “What's in the barrels,” Tank says as he makes his way over to them.

  “Don’t touch!” Wolf barks at him.

  “Jesus, sorry brother,” Tank says looking at Wolf with a wary face.

  “Chemicals under the sink
are for decomposing bodies, them barrels will have bodies and acid in them,” Wolf replies.

  This fact makes our faces pale and we all step away from the barrels. Who the fuck is using this place? Switching my comms to one where the Prez and Bull can hear me.

  “Prez got an issue. Seems our address is being used by some murdering weirdo; torture chamber and barrels with bodies in acid. Freaky shit.”

  “Jesus fuck!” is the only reply I get from Bull.

  “Take pictures and get back safe,” Prez instructs.

  Nodding to Reck I let him know Prez’s order, he starts to take pictures. Tank goes to keep watch and Wolf is still examining the tools.

  “Brother, what is this shit?”

  Wolf looks me straight in the eye, “Not good.”

  This is exactly what I didn’t want to hear. Has this freak got Carrie and being doing this shit to her? Is she already dead? Hurt somewhere? This has only left me with too many questions. I can see the pain in Reck’s face. He’s thinking the same as me. Not wanting to get too stuck in my own head I make my way outside.

  Taking a moment to myself, I think back to the last time I held my girl in my arms, it was her birthday and she had just given me the best present ever.

  I couldn't believe it. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen was laid in my arms and we had just shared the most amazing moment together. I truly felt the biggest richest man in the world that Carrie had trusted me enough to be her first and it means the world to me that she was mine. I knew we were both underage and deemed not mature enough to make this decision but all the crap we had been through made us mature enough.

  It all just felt right. Like this was supposed to be how it was. Carrie made me feel things I didn't realise I could. I wanted to wrap her up and keep her safe. She had the purest heart of anyone I know. No matter what life threw at her, she still chose to smile and see the good in the situation. She amazed me every day with how strong she was. My girl was a badass through and through.

  Stroking my fingers along her arm, I held her tighter to me as if she could disappear into dust at any time. Just the feeling of her next to me; head lying on my chest while she slept, it shocked me how I could feel this way for another person.

  Losing my mom young was hard. Dad does what he can but he's not great with his feelings. Mom was the love of his life and I know it broke him when she died, leaving him with a young baby to look after.

  Cancer took mom when I was 4 years old. Being so young I don't really have many memories of her which is the hardest thing. The brother’s in the club all loved her. Angel was the mom of the club. Looking after all the men and making sure the clubhouse was run as it should be. She was spicy and sweet as my dad says. The brother’s adored her.

  They will tell me stories of a free-spirited angel who could melt any hardened heart with just her smile and then throw you a whole load of sass while still looking all innocent. Dad said Carrie reminds him of mom and mom would have loved her. That lets me know Carrie is it for me.

  The sun is starting to rise over the trees and soon we will need to head back. Not wanting to break from this moment but knowing soon we will need to get back to real life.

  However, this is only the beginning as no way in hell am, I letting her go now. She is my future, her, and Johnny.

  Wolf smacking me on the back brings me back to the present.

  “Come on son,” is all he says.

  As he guides me back to the woods and our bikes. The ride back to the clubhouse helps clear my head a little so I can focus.

  Arriving back at the clubhouse I can see we are the last to arrive back. Walking through the main room towards church has an eerie quiet to it. Walking into church the brothers are all quiet. Taking our places, Prez begins.

  “I’ve already briefly told the brothers what you told me on the phone. Reck can you send the photos you took to the printer so we can see what we’re working with.”

  Nodding to Reck he fiddles with his phone for a few while getting frustrated. With a smirk Wires goes to him to help him, with mumbling about stupid technology breaking the atmosphere in the room a little.

  Once the pictures are printed, Wire hands them to Prez. We all sit patiently while Prez looks over the photos; watching his face for any emotion to tell me what he’s thinking but that’s one of his strong points, man shows no emotion at times. Prez starts to hand the pictures out to all the brothers.

  “Prez, this is serious shit. I mean this is someone who is highly trained and knows what they are doing. Saw fucked up shit like this while I was servicing,” Sarg confirms.

  He was Special Forces so the fucker should know what he’s talking about.

  “My suggestion is to place surveillance on the place. This fucker is going to come back.”

  Prez seems to be taking in what Sarg has suggestion, after all he is our security expert.

  “I agree. I want you and Wire to work together to set that up, take who you need with you. Once we have more information, we will meet again to plan our next step. What we found today alters how we proceed with finding Carrie.”

  His eyes find me and Reck straight away.

  “We are not giving up! We just need to step carefully. Wire, do some more digging on the property. Stay close and stay together.”

  Prez slams the gavel down to end church.

  Chapter Seven


  After his little mind games, he leaves me locked in the basement. Part of the basement is walled off to create a room for his fun. Fun! That really is a joke.

  Torture more like. I can see it in his eyes how much it turns him on trying to break me and causing me pain. Well fuck him if he thinks I’m giving in. I have too much to fight for.

  Sitting on the bed, I’ve really got nothing else to do but think. What more can he do to me? He’s already hurt me in more ways than I could imagine. The mind games are the worse as you don’t know where his evilness will take you next.

  The rumble of bikes draws me out of my head. Jumping up, then wishing I hadn’t as my body aches from being abused and pain radiates all over. Slowly I work my way over to the boarded-up window. I try to see through a few gaps in the slates that are across the window. I would know the sound of Harleys anywhere.

  A slither of hope begins to rise inside me. Maybe the club has found me. I hope they are looking for me but really who knows. I try not to think about it too much as to be honest, they have more than likely moved on. Does Johnny even remember me? Is he happy? I miss my brother so much. When it comes to Jason, I can’t think of him as it hurts too much.

  The Harleys start up again and the noise fades into the distance. My body sags as I make my way back over to the bed and plop down. Head in my hands, I feel my resolve wavering. At the worst possible time I hear his footsteps on the stairs. Fuck not now! Steeling myself for when he gets here, I straighten my spine and look bored.

  The door to my prison opens and he swaggers in.

  “Well little pet, it seems we might have had company. Had some bikers searching the empty property across the way. So close yet so far.” He grabs my chin to make me look at him “You’re a biker trash whore.” He spits at me. “So far I've been easy on you,” he snarls.

  Easy. He really is in a world of his own if he thinks what he’s done to me already was going easy. His eye’s run over my body and I fight the urge to attempt to cover myself.

  “You really have grown into a beautiful woman Carrie. But you are still a whore and whores love it rough.”

  He traces his fingers down my neck, along my collarbone and slowly between my breasts. I want to shiver in disgust but don't as I know this will turn him on. An evil smirk appears across his face as if he knows what I’m thinking.

  “Don’t worry Pet, I’ll break you slowly.”

  He laughs maniacally as I feel the pinch of the needle in my arms. Staring into his pure evil eyes, the world goes black.

body feels heavy as I’m starting to wake up. I don’t want to alert him that I’m awake so I try to keep my body as still as possible while I try to work out where I am. Thinking I might still be in the basement; I know I’m upright. Assessing my body, I now know I’m naked and my arms appear to be tied to something. I can also feel something hard under me so I’m half sat half perched onto something wooden with my legs tied so they are open. Suddenly ice-cold water is thrown over me making me gasp and splutter. His crazy laugh rings out around me.

  “Wakey, wakey my little pet.”

  Shaking the water from me I take a minute to look around me. I appear to still be in the basement but fuck how long have I been out? He’s managed to change the basement into some sort of torture chamber from hell. Looking up and down my body I’m attached to what seems like a half chair, half cross.

  “Ahh I see you admiring my work of art. I created this masterpiece as it gives me access to every part of you without you being able to move.”

  The smile of his face shows how much pride he has in creating this torture device.

  “Don’t worry pet, I will go easy on you at first.”

  He trails his fingers over my breasts and down my stomach.

  “I told you I was going to enjoy breaking you. It is going to be so rewarding once you are fully mine,” he purrs.

  The look in his eyes scares me down to my bones. He’s always been abusive but he has never gone this far before. I can see it in his eyes that he really isn’t going to hold back. Turning my head, I notice the camera. Fuck! Oh, hell no! Noticing where I am looking, he grins.

  “Yes, my little pet, people will pay big money to see beautiful women like you be broken.”

  Fuck, Shit, Bollocks this can’t be happening. I knew it was going to get worse but not this much. My breathing becomes erratic as desperately pull at my restraints, trying to free myself or even just loosen them. I need to get away from him or at least be able to defend myself.


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