Love Me Like No Other

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Love Me Like No Other Page 8

by A. C. Arthur

  “No thanks to you,” Henry murmured. “You should have let her ride Daisy. Lily is skittish. I’m going to have the vet look at her again this week to see what we can do about that.”

  His whole family was against him. Linc chanced a look at her, knowing instinctively it would be a mistake. She was eating her steak and roasted potatoes, chatting amiably with Trent, of all people, and Adam. She seemed to fit right in. That should have bothered him. And a couple of months ago it probably would have. But tonight it only enforced the feelings he was still trying to figure out.

  On the other hand she was a beautiful employee. Her ebony hair was loose, falling to her shoulders like a sheet of silk. Her shoulders were bare again, the thin straps of her dress lying seductively against bronzed skin. Her eyes—which he now noticed were slanted a bit upward at the ends lending her an exotic look—shimmered with pure happiness. In them, at this moment, he saw no pretenses, no signs of manipulation.

  It had been his experience with women, and shared knowledge between the brothers, that they could be the most manipulative creatures on the face of the earth. Yet, he didn’t get that impression with Jade. His instincts told him she was honest and trustworthy.

  Linc’s thoughts were interrupted when Jade went into depth regarding her future plans. Beauty and brains were a dangerous combination.

  “Have you ever been to the Spa at the Bellagio?” She was talking to Adam but didn’t wait for a response. “That’s my inspiration. I want a high-class place that will cater to people who don’t quite have enough money to visit the Bellagio. There’s a great spot just south of the Strip that I think will attract that specific clientele. Actually I figured I’m just close enough to the Strip to get some of its straggling tourists and just far enough away not to be grouped into its price range. A spa with a personal touch and staff who get to know our clients so when they return conversation is easy and genuine. Sort of like Linc’s employees.”

  She looked directly at him and his gut clenched.

  “I noticed that at the Gramercy you knew all your employees by their first name and you talked to them like they were real people and not just a name on the payroll. I like that.” She smiled then sipped her wine.

  This smile wasn’t like the one she’d given Adam or Trent or his father, for that matter. This one was only for him. He liked that. “It’s good for morale. I took a few HR classes in college because I really didn’t want to be the hated kind of boss. Did you take HR or business at Harvard?”

  She shook her head. “Neither. I studied and received a degree in psychology. Then I graduated and went to massage school. My grandmother just about had a heart attack.”

  Beverly gave a chuckle. “I don’t blame her. But at least you knew what you wanted to do. Lincoln was that way. He always knew he’d be his own boss. He never even considered going to work for the family.”

  “Yeah, Linc’s his own man, that’s for sure,” Adam said snidely.

  Linc, who was sitting beside him, kicked him beneath the table. “I was simply goal-oriented. And I still am.” Only now his goal was becoming more personal, he thought as he gazed at Jade.

  “Really?” Tilting her head in question Jade stared at him. “Now that you own the casino what do you want to do? Buy the Strip?”

  Adam openly laughed. “That sounds just like Linc.”

  Trent and Mr. Donovan readily agreed.

  Linc paused, her question having touched on a subject he’d been giving lots of thought lately. “I have some ideas in the works.” Ideas he didn’t think she was ready to hear.

  “I’m sure you have it all planned out,” Jade said confidently then launched into a conversation with Trent about law enforcement.

  Linc continued to watch her, to listen to her, to really get a look at the woman he’d hired to be his date.

  Jade needed to make a call. The equipment she’d ordered yesterday should have arrived at the shop today. Noelle hadn’t called her to confirm delivery even though she’d left her a message to do so.

  For a split second—about as long as it took for Linc to stand to the side and with a flourish of his arm signal for her to enter the room ahead of him—she felt a stab of guilt.

  He’d told her to go shopping. Hell, he’d even handed her the credit card. Now any living, breathing man with the brains she knew Linc had, knew that was mistake number one in the financial handbook.

  As she strolled into the room running her fingers through her hair then reaching for the lace of her sandal, she remembered that he had instructed her to purchase clothes for this week. Any idiot could conclude that to mean clothes and not equipment for the spa, yet she’d purposefully glossed over that bit of common sense and made the purchases.

  She told herself he owed her, that this was fitting to what he’d put her through. That was her defense and she was sticking to it.

  He came up behind her putting a hand over hers. “Don’t take them off just yet,” he said in a seductive voice.

  Her body trembled as she let him take her hand and stood straight in front of him. He towered above her, his masculine aura surrounding her in a shield of protection. He looked down at her and for one moment in time she felt like she was the only woman in his world. His eyes drank of her, greedily taking in all that he possibly could and she withered in his embrace. “Linc, this…this thing between us—” she began.

  He dropped a featherlight kiss on her forehead. “Is pretty damn powerful,” he finished.

  That was an understatement, she thought as she inhaled the heady scent that was all male, all female torture. Her hands came to his chest and she battled for control. Each time he touched her the fact that this was a job, that she’d just come out of a disastrous relationship, that there was no way a man like Linc could be with a woman like her, slipped from her mind. But she had to remain in control. That was the only way she’d survive. And she definitely planned to survive Lincoln Donovan this time.

  “Get undressed,” she stated simply before she chickened out.

  His cheek was aligned with hers as he was in the process of kissing her earlobe when she’d made her command. He paused, slanted her a curious glance. “Excuse me?”

  Oh, he was a smug one, she thought wryly. He could order her around but she wasn’t allowed to do the same. Well, they’d just see about that. Standing on tiptoe she nipped his chin, then took his bottom lip between her teeth, tugged and watched as his eyes darkened. Releasing him she stroked her tongue over the spot in consolation and moved forward attempting to take the kiss deeper…to take control. She pulled back shaking her head negatively. “I stripped for you. Now I want you to strip for me.”

  She backed out of his grasp and smiled as he continued to stare at her. “I can do that,” he said confidently.

  With a motion of her arms she moved farther away from him to flick on a lamp. “Then go ahead, Mr. Donovan. The floor is yours.”

  He backed away with a grin appearing on his face as his hands fell first to his belt. He undid it and went directly to the snap of his pants then pulled down the zipper.

  “Wait a minute.” Jade held up her hands. “Take your time, I want to savor this moment.”

  “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

  She licked her lips. “Immensely.”

  Linc slipped off his shoes then turned his back to her. Pushing his pants slowly over his hips he bent over to step out of each pant leg. Jade ran a finger over her lip, mesmerized by the sight in front of her. He was a boxers man and he had a great ass!

  Full of himself and proudly erect Linc turned to face her again. His fingers went to the rim of his shirt and he pulled it over his head. That chest that she’d felt more times today than the law allowed was bared before her. Thick pectorals, abs that would put a six-pack to shame and those powerful arms that she remembered holding her legs in the air, were bare and tantalizing. She shifted in the chair as her center throbbed insistently.

  “Are you okay?” he asked with a lifted bro

  She licked her lips nervously, not a hundred percent sure how long her control would last. “I’m just fine.” And so are you, she thought. “Keep it moving.”

  He could have tortured her. He could have taken a painfully long time to rid himself of his boxers but instead he pushed them down quickly and in two long strides stood directly in front of her, hands on his hips and at perfect attention.

  Jade sucked in a breath as his male pride stood only inches away from her face. Her mouth watered and she longed to lean forward, to take him in one long, deep gulp. But something told her that’s just what the almighty Lincoln expected. So gathering her wits she looked up at him and smiled. “Very nice. Now lie on the bed.”

  That smug grin slipped and he stared at her in question. “Jade?”

  She stood, her body sliding sinuously against his as she did. “On the bed, Linc. It’s right over there,” she whispered. He didn’t move so she gave him a little push. “Don’t dawdle.”

  Over his shoulder he tossed her a heated look. “Is this little game almost over?” he practically growled.

  She giggled. He was more than agitated, she thought with glee. She was proud of herself. In just a few short minutes she was going to make the mighty Lincoln fall. “Nope. Climb onto the bed, big boy. Facedown.”

  He grumbled something but she wasn’t trying to hear it, she was so enthralled in his long mocha limbs stretching out before her like a journey of muscles and planes that she couldn’t wait to experience. So without further ado she straddled that gorgeous rear end, giving it a teasing smack just before lifting her dress higher and settling her now moist center onto him.

  “I wonder if in all this time you’ve spent working, you’ve ever taken the time to have a massage.”

  “Jade, now is not the time for a damned massage,” he grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow beneath him.

  She put her hands flat on his back, ran them over the taut skin until she came to his shoulders then squeezed. “Oh, sweetie, now is the perfect time. You’re quite tense, Lincoln.”

  He swore. She worked the muscles in his shoulders until they sobbed and relaxed beneath her ministrations. Then, because she couldn’t resist, she dropped a kiss in the center of his back. “You really shouldn’t neglect yourself this way. You have the means to cater to your body so it’s an awful shame that you don’t.”

  “I know just what my body needs.” Beneath her he rolled his hips and she moved up and down above him.

  She smiled then licked the spot she’d just kissed. “I’m sure you do. But tonight I’m going to give you something extra.” With her tongue she made lazy circles up and down his torso rubbing his muscles as she did. He tasted mildly salty and ever so tantalizing. Her nipples stretched against the material of her dress and she thought she’d die if he didn’t touch them. But this wasn’t his show so she’d have to make do as best she could. Shrugging out of the straps she bared her breasts then leaned over him so that her nipples brushed against his skin.

  Linc sucked in a breath then reached behind himself to grab for her. She playfully dodged his touch. “Not yet.”

  Her hands went to work and she massaged him some more, this time going from his shoulders to his feet and back up again. She used the relaxing Swedish massage method, with long, even strokes that would improve his circulation and release all his muscle tension. She spent a lot of time on that scrumptious backside, soliciting lewd remarks from him in the process. She worked him for more than a half hour, with the thought of being completely thorough. In actuality she couldn’t get enough of touching him. Right here, in this room, with just the two of them she had unlimited access to the man who had haunted her for years. And for the first time in weeks her disdain for the male species dissipated.

  Jade wasn’t quite sure when her emotions shifted from the therapist to the woman sitting on top of a gorgeous man but her thoughts quickly moved to more mutual forms of pleasure. But she didn’t want to get ahead of herself. Their close call earlier today had her thinking seriously about whether or not sex with Linc was a smart move.

  She returned to the head of the bed and bent down to check him. She was met with a low rumble and smiled victoriously. The ability to massage a person into deep slumber was one of the tricks of the trade and she’d used it to her advantage.

  With steps as light as she could manage Jade left the room and went downstairs to the den. The house was pretty deserted at this time of night. That’s exactly what she’d counted on.


  “Noelle?” Jade whispered.


  “Yes. It’s me.”

  “Why are you whispering?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Did the equipment arrive?”

  “Yeah. Where did you get money to buy it? Kent said he thought you were waiting until the first of the year to order it.”

  Again, guilt prickled Jade’s conscience. “I had a windfall,” she said flippantly.

  “That’s probably not all you’ve had since you’re back with Linc.”

  Jade sat in the same chair Linc had occupied earlier today. She sat back tilting her head to stare up at the ceiling. “I’m not back with Linc.”

  Noelle sucked her teeth. “Are you staying at his house?”

  “It’s his parents’ house.”

  “Is he there?”

  “Yes, Noelle.”

  “Then you’re back with him.”

  “It’s not like that. Nothing’s changed. Linc doesn’t think of me like that.”

  “Evidently he does. You’re there aren’t you.”

  That was only logistics, Jade thought sadly. “I should go now. I’ll try to call you back tomorrow.”

  “Okay. And Jade?”


  “I know you’re only there because of me and my stupidity.”

  “Noelle, you are not stupid. Lazy, maybe. But not stupid.”

  “Whatever. You wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for me. So I at least want you to have some fun this week. Since Grammy died you’ve been going nonstop taking care of your business and me. For once in your life I want you to just think of yourself. To do something just for Jade.”

  Jade was about to say something sentimental and loving to her sister when she heard a sound outside the door. “Okay, Noelle, I have to go.”

  “Do what I said, Jay.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. ’Bye.”

  She hung up the phone then flicked the lamp on the desk off quickly. She was kneeling on the floor behind the desk when the door opened. For what seemed like forever but was probably only a few minutes she held her breath praying she wouldn’t be caught. Then the door closed and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Chapter 6

  It was only Tuesday and already she was way too comfortable in this house, with these people, Jade mused. She’d shared breakfast with the Donovans again. That seemed to be the morning ritual. However, this time they were joined by Mr. Donavan’s brother, Everett, who could have been his brother’s twin, his wife, Alma, and their two boys, Maxwell and Benjamin.

  More Donovan men, that’s just what she needed to jump-start her morning. After that testosterone induced gathering she simply wanted a moment alone. There were things going through her mind that she needed to clear in order to proceed with this job she’d gotten herself into.

  She’d been so sure she could keep her feelings at bay, so positive that she could focus on the payoff at the end and not succumb to the whimsical thinking of a young girl. Now she wasn’t quite sure she could pull it off. After speaking to Noelle, Jade and Linc had shared a bed last night and while nothing physical had occurred—save for the cuddling and soft murmurs of contentment—she’d awakened this morning feeling worse than ever.

  His family thought they were lovers, undoubtedly in a more committed relationship than Linc had ever experienced in his life for the mere fact that he’d brought her here. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. He was her employer, she
his rent-a-date for the week. There were no real feelings between them, nothing that would turn into a fabulous love affair, to her belief. And the fact that she was technically still recovering from a botched affair coupled with her guilt over this new deception—Jade was weighed down with a supreme sense of loss.

  With a sigh she stood from the chair on which she’d been lounging. There was a cookout for lunch and a dinner party tonight. She estimated she had about two and a half hours to herself before she was on duty again and had decided to spend that time swimming. So as not to waste another minute she slipped out of her robe and walked to the edge of the pool. Sparkling water tempted her and she stuck a toe in first to test the temperature then with a giggle dove in.

  Each lap was invigorating, restoring the energy she felt slowly slipping from her as she worked to keep up this pretense. It was a means to an end, she kept telling herself. If not for Charles and his underhanded scheme she wouldn’t be in this predicament at all. If not for Noelle, whom, because of her caring words last night, she couldn’t even be angry with anymore. Jade tried to shake the pity off. She could almost hear Grammy saying “there’s no use crying over spilled milk.”

  So she wouldn’t dwell on what Charles did anymore. She’d allowed him to deceive her and she accepted that. She allowed Noelle to lean on her and depend on her. But it was time for a change.

  He’d entered from the door farthest to the back, the one accessible from the gym. After putting himself through a vigorous workout this morning Linc had thought a few laps in the pool would help calm this raging storm building within him. A storm that centered around Jade. It was just his luck that she’d be there at that very moment.

  She lay on a lounge chair and looked to be in deep thought. He’d stood quietly in the corner wondering if he should simply turn around and leave. But as it always seemed to happen when she was near, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. A modest navy blue two-piece bathing suit adorned her body yet salacious thoughts trickled through his mind expeditiously. He was instantly aroused.


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