Nkomati non-aggression agreement
Nkomo, Joshua
Nkrumah, Kwame
NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs)
Nobel Peace Prize
NOK (Indian KGB agent)
NOMOTO (KGB illegal in Japan)
Non-Aligned Movement
Afghan membership
Bhutto attempts to undermine
Castro and
India and
votes with Soviet bloc in UN
‘non-capitalist path’
Noriega Morena, Manuel
Noulens, Hilaire (pseud. of Jakov Rudnik)
Novosti news agency
NPUP (National Progressive Unionist Party), Egypt
NSA (US National Security Agency)
nuclear weapons
supposed US first strike threat
see also missiles
Nujoma, Sam
Núñez, Carlos
NUR (Nur Muhammad Taraki)
Nurbeyev, Abdul-Jamil
Nureyev, Rudolf
Nyerere, Julius
Nzula, Albert
OAU (Organization of African Unity)
Obadi (pseud. of Motso Mokgabudi)
ODEKI (Japanese KGB agent)
Odinga, Oginga
OFITSER (Syrian KGB contact)
Ogarkov, Marshal Nikolai
OGPU (Soviet security and intelligence service)
oil industry
crisis of late
El Paso-Costa Mesa pipeline
PFLP attacks on
UAS/YAR collaboration
Umkhonto we Sizwe sabotage
Okhulov, V. N.
Okunev, General Vasili Vasilyevich
Old Left, Western
OLMEK (Mexican confidential contact)
Olympic games
Melbourne ()
Munich ()
Oña, Luis Fernández
OPEC meeting in Vienna, PFLP raid on
OPERATOR (Lieut-Colonel Salah Gaveire Kedie)
Order of the Red Banner
organization, Russian intelligence
Oriental Institute, Soviet
Oriola, Sonia Marine
ORION (KGB SIGINT station in Cairo)
Orlov, Arseni Fyodorovich
Oroshko, A. I.
Ortega Saavedra, Daniel
Ortega Saavedra, Humberto
Osadchy, Viliov
Osaki, Hotsumi
Osama bin Laden
OSIPOV (undercover KGB officer)
OSMAN (Major-General Abdul Qadir)
Ossetia, north
Othman, Dr Mahmoud
Otroshchenko, Andrei Mikhailovich
OVAL (codename of Indian magazine)
Ovando Candía, General Alfredo
OVOD (Japanese KGB agent)
Owen, Dr David
Pacepa, Ion
PADMA, operation
Paese Sera (Italian newspaper)
Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza (Shah of Iran)
Pahlavi, Reza (Crown Prince of Iran)
active measures in ; against mujahideen ; in press ; to alienate USA
and Afghanistan
agents in
Baluchi separatism
Bangladeshi independence
Bhutto Presidents: Zulfikar Ali ; Benazir
and China
Civil War between East and West
Communist Party
and India; wars
and Iran
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
KGB residency budget
Mitrokhin’s posting to
and Non-Aligned Movement
Pushtun separatism
Soviet personnel expelled
and USA ; see also under CIA
under Zia ul-Haq
Pakistan International Airlines
see also PFLP; PLO
Pan Am Boeinghijack
PANDORA, operation
Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan
Parpiata, Uzbekistan
Pasqualini, Jean (Bao Ruowang)
Pathé, Pierre-Charles
Patil, S. K.
PATRIOT (Syrian KGB contact)
PATRIOTY (VTNRP, resistance party in XUAR)
PATRIYA (KGB illegal in Israel)
Patrushev, Nikolai
Pavlov, Valentin
Pavlovsky, General Ivan
Pavlovsky, Ivor Yanovich
Paz García, General Policarpo
Pazhwak, Nemattula
PDPA see Afghanistan (Communist Party)
PDRY see Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic of
Peace Corps, US
Penkovsky, Oleg
Peres, Shimon
Peresypkin, O. G.
PERETS (Bulgarian agent in Israel)
Pérez de Cuellar, Javier
Perón, Isabel (María Estela Martínez)
Perón, Juan Domingo
and Cuba
Sendero Luminoso
Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional
Peters, Lenrie
PETRESKU (KGB illegal in Israel)
PETROV (KGB agent in Israel)
Petrov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Petrov, Vladimir and Evdokia
PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, KHUTOR)
abductions and hostage-taking
Coral Sea attack
-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Haddad’s group
KGB support
-Special Command (PFLP-SC)
Special Operations Group
and Syria
Philby, Kim
PIA (Pakistan International Airlines)
PIMEN (Edelberto Torres Espinosa)
Piñeiro Losada, Manuel
Pinochet Ugarte, General Augusto
Pirozhkov, Vadim Petrovich
platinum, international market in
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization, KARUSEL)
Black September group
and Carlos the Jackal
PLO - cont.
in Lebanon
Soviet and East German training
see also Arafat, Yasir
Podgorny, Nikolai Viktorovich
POET (KGB agent in ANC)
poisons laboratory, KGB
Pokryshkin, Air Marshal A.
POL (Zimbabwean confidential contact)
Pol Pot
Poland; Solidarity movement
Afghanistan Commission
inner circle receives Middle Eastern diplomatic decrypts
Iran Commission
Latin America policy review ()
sanitizing of material presented to
see also individual members
politicization of intelligence
Ponomarev, Boris
Afghanistan Commission member
PONT (Philip Agee)
Popal, Ali Ahmad
popular culture
Portillo, José ópez
break-up of empire
Revolution of the Red Carnation
postage stamps, Sorge honoured on
post-Soviet Russian intelligence community
POTOMOK see Najibullah, Muhammad
POZ (Guinean KGB agent)
Prag, Yehuda
Prague Spring
Prats González, General Carlos
Prestes, Luis Carlos
PREYER (Syrian KGB contact)
PRIBOY (codename of Indian newspaper)
PRILIV (codename of Indian newspaper)
PRIM see Andara y Ubeda, Manuel Ramón de Jesu
Primakov, Yevgeni Maksimovich (MAKS)
and Middle East
printing presses, underground
PROFESSOR (KGB agent in Israel)
PROKHOR (Indian KGB agent)
Pronnikov, Vladimir
Israeli anti-Egyptian
Soviet, in Angola
Soviet anti-imperialist
see also active measures
PROTON (Indian KGB agent)
PSP (Partido Socialista Popular), Cuban Communist Party
public relations, Soviet
PULYA, operation
Pupo Pérez, Pedro
PURI (Indian KGB agent)
Pushtun people
Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich
Puzanov, Aleksandr
al-Qaddafi, Colonel Muammar
Qadir, Major-General Abdul (OSMAN)
Qaiyum Khan, Abdul
Qaiyum Muslim League
Qotbzadeh, Sadeq
Rabbani, Burhanudeen
Rabinovich, Yitzhak
Zionism condemned at UN as form of
RADAR (Indian KGB agent)
radio broadcasts
radio direction finding
radio transmitters
radioactive material, proposed scattering of
RADUGA, operation
Rafi, Muhammad (NIRUZ)
RAFIEV (illegal in Checheno-Ingushetiya)
Rahim, Tariq
RAIS (Mullah Mustafa Barzani)
Rakowski, Mieczysaw
Ramírez, Sergio
Ramírez Sánchez, Ilich (‘Carlos the Jackal’)
Ramírez Sánchez, Lenin
RAMSES (Japanese KGB agent)
RAMZES, operation
Rao, Narasimha
Rao, Rajeshwar
RASHID (Somali KGB agent)
Rashidov, Sharaf
RASUL (Syrian Communist)
Ratebzad, Anahita (SIMA)
RAVI, operation
Raza, Rafi
RAZUM (codename of Indian newspaper)
Reagan, Ronald Wilson, and administration
and El Salvador
and Grenada
‘evil empire’ speech
and Nicaraguan Contras
nuclear first strike plans, supposed
and Pakistan
Strategic Defense Initiative
REBUS, operation
Red Banner, Order of the
Red Banner (later Andropov) Institute
REDUT, operation
REMIZ (Syrian KGB contact)
The World Was Going Our Way Page 91