Fae- Beginnings

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Fae- Beginnings Page 13

by Eva Blackwing

  “Swallow,” he groaned as Mor swallowed his cock, and she felt his come hit the back of her throat. Sebastian thrust-shallowly then, his come hitting her tongue as she kept swallowing. When he was done, he pulled out and Max pulled her up to standing, his cock still deep in her ass. Sebastian kissed her softly then turned her head to Max so he could kiss her too. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Max picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. After they helped her with a quick shower, Sebastian and Max tucked her into bed. Sebastian pulled her head onto his shoulder and Max wrapped himself around her. Before she could say anything, Mor drifted into sleep.

  * * *

  Mor woke slowly and stretched out underneath the sheet covering her. She was alone in the bed, but could hear the voices of her mates in the main room. She heard a deep laugh and knew Arthur had come back too. She jumped up and started to run out the door, but when she looked down to grab the door handle she realized she was naked. Turning back to the room, Mor quickly found her clothes and pulled them on before heading back out into the main room.

  “Hey, sleepy head. How was your nap?” Atreyu waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “It was very…relaxing.” Mor smirked back at him.

  “Damn. I wish I’d been a part of that nap.” Arthur winked at her. Fuck. Mor turned her head and tried to sniff discretely. “Why are you sniffing?” Arthur’s smile widened.

  “She still can’t smell pheromone changes,” Ben said from his place on the couch.

  “Ooooh. So you were trying to see if you smell like sex?” Arthur stalked up to her, slipped his arm around her waist and bent down to her ear, whispering, “You smell freshly fucked. And it’s delicious.” He nipped her neck then stepped back, holding on to her arms as she swayed a little.

  “Woah.” Mor’s voice was almost a moan as he finally let her go. “Um. How were your, um, meetings?” She desperately tried to reign in the pulses in her pussy. The greedy little ho wanted more even though she had just come twice.

  Grimacing, Arthur ran a hand through his hair and said, “Circular. The Council members are being stubborn about you being my mate and about helping you in your war, and Morgana wouldn’t let me execute anyone.”

  The last part was a whine and Mor giggled. When he shot her an annoyed look, she burst into laughter. “Wouldn’t let you execute them for not immediately agreeing to something that has never been done in the history of your species?”

  He grumbled and pulled her in for a hug, “Now you sound like her. Logic isn’t necessary when one is king - or queen. That’s your first lesson.”

  Mor laughed harder. “That’s the worst lesson I’ve ever gotten - and I had some pretty awful ones!” Tears were falling down her face as she laughed harder. Finally, Arthur joined in and she felt him relax in her arms. “So, they don’t want to accept me. What do you want to do about that?”

  “Well, I think if we have a claiming ceremony it would prove to them that we can mate with your kind.”

  “What does that consist of?”

  Arthur’s face took on a serious cast as he said, “We must mate in front of one-hundred of my people.” Mor stared up at him, her face growing more panicked until he broke into a grin as the others started laughing, “No, my rose, I would never expose you like that. It’s a simple ceremony where we exchange blood vows and - if it’s a true mating - there is a mark that forms over the cuts.”

  Mor growled, “That wasn’t funny.”

  “No, it definitely was, darling. Your face was priceless. But the fact that you thought even for a moment that any of us would allow an outsider to see you vulnerable - we clearly haven’t been loving you enough.”

  “Well, I just don’t know everyone’s practices,” Mor grumbled. “So, blood vows. Can we do them here or is there more to it?”

  “Wait - are you agreeing to be my mate?” Arthur’s face lit up with hope.

  Mor sighed and then cupped his cheek in her hand. “I fought it with my other mates. And since I trust them more than anyone and I feel drawn to you like I do to them, I figure we don’t really have time for me to sink into denial.” She shook her head. “Seeing Cadi and Sam after losing Liz - I can’t imagine how it would feel to lose one of my mates. And to have the chance to claim all of you and not do it? I can’t let that happen.”

  Arthur crushed Mor against him and kissed her deeply. “Thank you, my rose. We can’t just do it here - well, we could, but it would defeat the purpose of having the Council observe. I can arrange the formal ceremony for tomorrow evening. Then, once we’re mated, we can take my army and get your kingdom back to you.” He kissed her again. “But for now, I want you to go back to bed. Sleep with your mates and wake up refreshed for tomorrow. Because tomorrow night, you’re mine.” Arthur kissed her softly once more, then turned Mor into Ben’s arms.

  “Goodnight, Arthur.”

  “Goodnight, my rose.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Mor woke to a flurry of activity in her room. Her mates weren’t in the room, but Morgana was in the middle of it directing what felt like a dozen people. “What is going on?” Mor sat up in bed, holding the sheet up to keep herself covered

  “My dear sister-to-be, we need to get you ready for your mating ceremony.”

  “But isn’t it tonight?”


  “So…why are you here now?”

  Morgana rolled her eyes. “To get you ready.”

  “I still don’t understand.”

  “Mor. You are the sovereign Fae Queen about to participate in a bonding ceremony to the Pendragon himself. You will be joining two kingdoms through this bond. On top of that, no dragon has ever mated outside of our realm. This is momentous occasion. We need to have a dress tailored for you. We need to make sure your hair is perfect. I need you to approve decorations. Seating arrangements I will take care of for the dinner before the ceremony.”

  “Why is dinner before the ceremony?” Mor tightened her grip on the sheet as a woman tried to pull it from her.

  “Let the sheet go, Mor. We literally all have boobs here. Not like you have anything new to us.” Morgana waved a finger and the sheet flew from Mor’s hands. “Dinner is before the ceremony because after the ceremony, I guarantee all you’ll be thinking about is finding a mostly private space to fuck the brains out of my brother.”

  Mor’s eyes widened. “I can not believe you just said that!” Her cheeks were flaming as she stared wide-eyed at Morgana.

  “Mor, I am close to three thousand years old. Everyone has sex. And I’ve seen more bonding ceremonies that I can remember, so believe me when I say that you will only be thinking about that following the ceremony. Enjoy it. I’ve been told the first time with your bond mate is indescribable.” She looked sad for a moment before clapping her hands. “Enough of this! You have to get showered so we can work on your hair, dress, and makeup while I bring you things to approve. Up. Now.”

  When Mor didn’t immediately move, Morgana growled deep in her chest and took a step toward her. Fuck! Why did that sound turn her on when her mates did it, but with Morgana it just made her want to run away? In the bathroom, she found another woman already had the shower running and was standing outside of it with a towel. “Fuck.”

  “I heard that! Get your ass in the shower before I come make you!” Morgana yelled from the other room.

  Mor looked at the woman. “I don’t suppose you want to help me with that?” She hooked her thumb over her shoulder toward her room.

  “I heard that too. Get moving. NOW!”

  The woman suppressed a smile and said, “Best do as she says, my queen. She can be a right bear when she doesn’t get her way.”

  “Alice, I love you but I will come for you too!” Morgana’s voice had hardened.

  “Fine.” Mor sighed. What could be so bad about a day of primping, after all? Hopping in the shower, she just stood under the hot water, letting it flow over her.

  “You need to get your ass m
oving before I come in there and make you.”

  Mor jumped as Morgana spoke, turning to see her standing just outside of the shower, arms crossed and foot tapping. “What? Why can’t I take a long shower?”

  “You still need to be measured for a dress and we need to work fast. I’ll be using magic, but magic can only do so much. We need to decide color, style, detailing. Then we need to start working on what you want the ceremony to look like. And then what kind of dinner do you want. And - “

  “Alright! Fine! Let me finish my shower and we can get on will all this junk.” Mor groaned. Apparently, this would be way worse than she thought.

  Chapter 14


  He’d been woken up early by Arthur’s sister, who chased him and Mor’s other mates out of the suite. Morgana had been going on and on about needing to get Mor ready and making plans for the ceremony. Apparently, there was quite a bit that went into it. Although, that may be because Arthur was the king. But their ceremony was definitely more involved than the Fae bonding process. That was just sex.

  “What are we going to do? I need a shower,” Atreyu grumbled. None of them had had coffee yet, and that was never good.

  “We’ll go to the suite next door - I’ll send someone to bring us breakfast and then you all can get ready. I have to go deal with my Council this morning. They are not going to be happy that I’ve decided to go ahead with the bonding ceremony without their permission.” A growl rumbled from his chest. “They have been forgetting who is king, lately. It’s time I remind them.” Arthur snagged a passing servant and sent them to get breakfast for them.

  “Why do you think that’s been happening?” Max asked as they walked to the suite next door to the king’s.

  “There hasn’t been much going on here in a couple hundred years. I’ve grown complacent and let them pretty much do as they wanted as long as it wasn’t harmful to my people.” Arthur shrugged.

  “I wonder if Selina got her claws in one of the Council members,” Ben remarked causally.

  “That would make sense.” Sebastian tapped his chin thoughtfully as they walked into the suite and sat at the table.

  “They’ve been Council members for longer than I’ve been king. It’s hard for me to believe some little tart like Selina could get to them.”

  “You never replaced them with your own people?” Atreyu gaped at him.

  “Never saw the need.” Arthur shrugged. “Although, with how they’ve been acting, I do think it’s time for a change.” His grin was slightly evil as he said, “Want to come shake things up with me today?”

  “Hell yeah!” Atreyu grinned. “But after coffee. And food. And a shower.”

  Max sighed. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to fire the Council and install you four and four dragons. Since this bond will join our kingdoms, I want a Council that will work for both Mor and me.”

  “Fuuuuck. You don’t mess around.” Max’s eyes widened. “Who are the dragons you’ll pick?”

  “Lance, Galahad, Tristan, and Guinevere. I’d also like my sister on the Council. ”

  “Damn, that’s a powerful set.” Max held off saying anything else as servants began bringing in plates of food. When they were done, he continued, “How do you think the Council will react?”

  “Oh, it’ll be awful. At this point, they are more concerned with their status and tradition than they are the welfare of my kingdom. They’ll scream, and yell, and basically act like spoilt children since this will significantly lower their status in Court.” Arthur waved his hand. “It won’t change anything. I’m still going to do it. I should have done it years ago.”

  “I guess we’re making waves today.” A grin spread involuntarily across Max’s face. This would ensure his mate got what she needed, and Max would do whatever it took to ensure her safety.

  As soon as they finished breakfast, they all got cleaned up. Arthur summoned the Council and the knights to meet at ten. He instructed Max, Ben, Sebastian, and Atreyu to stand to once side of the table with the knights on the other while he sat with the Council members at the round table. Max was having a hard time keeping his face straight. It was an actual round table. Who knew there had been so much truth in the legends?

  “Thank you for joining me on such short notice, my lords,” Arthur said as he sat down.

  The Council members were already frowning as they sat. One of them spoke up, “Why have you summoned us? We had already made a decision regarding the Fae. What more is there to say about it?”

  Arthur’s jaw clenched and he took a deep breath before responding. “Sir Brandon. I will refrain from banishing you only because you have served on this Council for many centuries.” He took another steadying breath. Max was surprised that he was able to keep his calm. “I would like to thank you all for your service. As of this moment, you will no longer be needed on this Council.”

  There was a beat of silence and then outrage broke out. Some of the lords were on their feet screaming, while others were sitting in shocked silence. Arthur let it continue for a few moments. Max snorted, louder than he intended and he found himself the focus of the room. “What are you even doing here, Fae?!” one of the lords bit out at him.

  “I’m here at the bidding of King Arthur, my brother, mate of my mate.” He smiled softly at the lord whose world was being destroyed.

  “He is NOT the mate of your mate! You all are nothing but worthless Fae - “

  Now, Arthur stood. Max noticed how he towered over the former council members. “ENOUGH!” His roar silenced the room immediately. “None of you will speak ill of the Fae. My mate is Fae, and any who speak ill of them as a species will face my wrath. For the time being, it will be known that you served with honor.” He stared them all down, one by one, until they each sat back in their chairs. “Now, you will leave this room. If there is further dissent from any of you, expect the full weight of my wrath to fall upon you with no mercy. Go.”

  The lords scrambled out of their chairs and raced for the door. Once they were gone, Arthur sat with a heavy sigh. “Sit, sit, all of you.”

  “My lord? What is going on?” Guinevere spoke up, her voice soft.

  “You are all hereby named members of the Council. I have decided that we needed an integrated Council, since the bonding of myself and Queen Mor will join our two nations. And we’ll have a shit ton of kinks to work out.” He paused for a moment. “It also occurred to me that there has never been a woman’s presence on the Council and while it would be preferred to have an even number of males and females, I felt it appropriate to name all of Mor’s Fae mates to the Council.”

  Max leaned forward. “For now, this will work. However, eventually, most of us will probably step back from Council positions.”

  “Why is that?” Tristan asked.

  “Well, we’re all relatively young and have no experience with how to run a country. So initially, this works, but once we’ve won the war, we’ll want Fae with experience to sit on the council.”

  Lance nodded. “When you say young….?”

  “We’re all a little over two-hundred years old.” Atreyu leaned back in his chair.

  There were gasps all around the dragon side from Guinevere, Tristan, Lance, and Galahad. “What the fuck? You’re practically babies.”

  Ben growled, “Yeah, yeah. We get it. We’re younger than you. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that means we aren’t capable.”

  Morgana smiled. “Don’t fret, Ben. We know age is not necessarily equal to wisdom. The lords we just sent packing were all over five thousand years old and they were complete morons. Fun fact, I actually told Father they were - if I remember correctly - ‘not capable of finding their way out of the toilet, much less assisting in making decisions affecting the kingdom’.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “That doesn’t have quite the same ring as it did then. Of course, language has grown much more creative since then.”

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Arthur said,
“Let’s not reminisce today, please, Morgana? We have many things to discuss. How goes the bonding ceremony?”

  “Mor really hates planning.”

  Max smiled. “That’s because she grew up in a home that was training her to be a trophy wife to a psychotic human wizard who has been draining the power of the royal line one by one and planned to use Mor as a brood mare.”

  They all gaped at him. “Truly? Well, no fuck she hates it, Morgana. Go deal with it so she doesn’t have to.” Galahad grimaced.

  “Absolutely.” She turned toward Max and the others. “I’m so sorry.” She hurried from the room.

  “Well, Morgana will make sure everything goes smoothly. So, to business. Mor needs an army. Let’s raise one. What are our standing numbers, again?”

  “Not like you really need to be told, but current active duty is at five hundred.”

  “How many will we be facing?” Arthur turned toward the Fae.

  “We know that the Water and Fire Fae have joined John, the human wizard.” Ben stood and pointed at his finger at the table. A map of the Fae castle rose from the middle of the table. “Here is the Fae castle. The enemy is currently surrounding the castle.”

  “Why surrounding instead of occupying?”

  “Our wizards set wards around the castle, keeping any non-royal out of the castle when the royal family went missing.”

  “Ah. So what is in the castle that they want? That John wants?”

  “John is a fucking psycho.” Max rolled his eyes. “As we all know, human mages go crazy eventually. John is over four hundred years old. He was the one who drove the royal family into hiding and then spent the centuries hunting them down one by one and then draining their powers. We assume that the more power he obtained, the crazier he became.”

  “So why did he want to breed Mor? It doesn’t make sense that he would want to create a human mage-Fae hybrid. They would inevitably be more powerful than him.”

  “Again, this is just speculation, but we believe he wanted to then drain any children she would have born.” Sebastian’s voice was somber.


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