The Bad Boy's Dance

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The Bad Boy's Dance Page 30

by Vera Calloway

  A tear tracked down his cheek, and I started crying at the sight. “You never failed me, Paul. Never. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you,” I whispered.

  Paul smiled, wiping at my tears. “It’s a big brother complex.”

  “Spencer doesn’t seem to have it,” I joked, my voice still clogged.

  “You’d be surprised. He was so angry when Asher told us Jared had taken you that he threw an entire box of donuts at the wall.”

  I was stunned. For Spencer, wasting donuts was practically sacrilegious. He’d sooner admit he had a crush on Ryan Gosling.

  “Don’t ever do something so stupid again, Ives,” Paul warned. “You have a ton of people who care about you, and you need to let us help you.”

  I smiled as I felt a weight lift off my chest, making me feel lighter than I had for years. “Jared’s gone, Paul. He’s really out of my life forever.”

  Paul stood, ruffling my hair. “I know, kiddo. And you will never guess which lawyer sent him to isolation and signed a restraining order.”


  “Nope. He’s not allowed to, conflict of interest and all. It was Max Curtis.”

  My jaw dropped. “Brenda’s Dad?”

  “Yup. Seems she told him how twisted and sick Jared was, and her Dad took the case.”

  Whoa. Talk about unexpected. Brenda Curtis, helping me? It’d be to believe easier an alien abducted her body or that Amazon was delivering moon cheese with no shipping fee.

  “Oh, and Ivy?” Paul hesitated, his hand on the doorknob. He cleared his throat. “Asher was freaking out, pacing and making calls to anyone he thought could help. He even explained to the police about the situation with his Dad and the money sharks after him, hoping it would help them find you. I’d say that one is a keeper, even if he annoys the crap out of me.”

  My heart warmed, and I couldn’t stop the giddy smile crossing my lips. Paul chuckled as he left with a reminder to call our parents, who were pretty much confused over whether they should ground me for the rest of my life or cut me some slack.

  The door hadn’t been shut more than a few seconds before Asher entered, closing it behind him once more. He pointed at my loopy smile. “Did they start administering morphine? Should I sit on the other side of the room? I know how you like to play grab-ass, and you might try to take my innocence when you’re under the influence.”

  I flipped him off cheerfully.

  He grinned. Rounding the bed, he poked my side. “Move over.”

  “Are you serious? The nurse will kill you.”

  “Nah, she already gave me her name and number and told me to pick her up Saturday.”

  Snickering, I scooted to the side to make him some room. Asher eased into the space next to me so we were pressed together from leg to shoulder. We both turned on our sides, facing each other. I tucked my hand under my head while he kicked off his shoes.

  “Did you know,” he started nonchalantly, “that Mr. Henderson’s office wasn’t the first time I noticed you?”

  My eyebrows knit together. “Really?”

  Asher reached into the space between us, weaving his fingers with mine. “Yup. I noticed you twice before the day you stomped on my foot. Once was freshman year. You and Dana were excited about starting high school, and you looked adorable in your pressed clothes and big hazel eyes. The second was junior year. You were looking at this picture at your locker, and you seemed on the verge of crying. I wanted to hug you, which was not my usual response to anything. I don’t hug.”

  I remembered the picture. It was a few weeks after Jared was arrested, and I’d still had a picture of us taped to my locker. I’d decided to throw it away that day.

  “I noticed you too, but that’s not surprising. Everyone knew who you were. Bad boy Asher Grayson, liable to crush your skull if you crossed him. Sexy heart-breaker with a penchant for slashing tires. But you know what? For some reason, even before we met, you never scared me. It was weird. I knew you went to juvie, and I knew you were a temperamental egomaniac, but I…thought you were interesting. How bizarre is that?”

  A grin spread over took Asher’s face. “You think I’m sexy?”

  I slapped his shoulder with my free hand. “That’s seriously all you got from that?”

  “Well, I don’t agree with the part where you think I’m a temperamental egomaniac. For your information, I’m quite humble.”

  “You’re such a liar.”

  “Yet you still like me. Therefore I win.”

  I laughed. “I seriously question why I love you.”



  “What?” Asher breathed.

  I fidgeted, a blush creeping along my cheeks. “Do you know they sold and marketed cheese in the 70’s under the guise that it was moon cheese? I mean come on. Moon cheese would give you supernatural powers, not flavoring on your salad. Oh, did you know Caleb made us watch The Avengers a million times? My favorite Avenger is definitely Thor. He’s married though, so it’s a bit awkward. Can you believe-” Asher’s hand cut off my incessant rambling as he placed it over my mouth.

  A smile was playing on the corner of his lips. “You’re crazy. Honestly, sometimes I don’t know whether I should throttle you or kiss you. Kissing you is much more fun, though. You drive me nuts, and you’re too forgiving for your own good. But I wouldn’t take any of it back. Wanna know why?”

  I nodded, eyes wide. I still couldn’t speak, since he hadn’t moved his hand.

  “Because it’s been the best time of my life,” he whispered. He moved closer to me, his body heat sending shivers through me as his lips grazed my ear. “Because loving you makes me want to be a better man.”

  My heart swelled, and I couldn’t help myself. I threw myself on him, thanking the heavens that the IV was long so I could wrap around him like a burrito.

  Asher laughed, his cobalt eyes dancing with happiness and…love. It was right there, obvious to anyone who had known to look for it. Tangling my hands in his hair- and keeping the IV from getting stuck- I pressed my lips against his.

  He kissed me back fiercely, keeping careful not to jostle me too much. In my opinion, it was our best kiss yet. Relief, joy, and love poured into the kiss, and I never wanted to leave Asher’s arms.

  A throat cleared. We pulled away as the nurse placed her hands on her hips and glared at us disapprovingly. When we didn’t jump apart, she harrumphed and started fiddling with my IV.

  “Teenagers,” she sighed.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Moon-Cheese History


  “Ivy, c’mon, this is ridiculous. You’ve got to put on your costume, your set is in 30 minutes-”


  Spencer sighed and retreated to his place on the couch. “I give up,” he sighed. “This is worse than PMS.”

  Dana scowled at him before softening her expression as she turned to me. “Ives, you’re an amazing dancer. You’re going to be phenomenal. Why are you so nervous?”

  My right eye started to twitch, and Spencer shot to his feet. “That’s it, I’m going to go get the Casanova. Rather she take a swing at his face than mine,” he said, rushing from the door.

  Dana edged past me and grabbed her phone, texting rapidly. “Caleb says you’ll be fantastic,” she offered hesitantly.

  I waved the broom at her.

  You’re being an idiot. Put down the broom, Robello…slowly.

  No. This broom was the only thing keeping me safe from the people who wanted to drag me onstage and make me dance in front of thousands of people.

  You signed up for this! You’ve been practicing, you’ve got the routine down pat!

  That’s what I always thought before a trig test, and I was fighting tooth and nail for a B in that class. But at least I don’t go and publically fail it!

  You’re such a pessimist. You won’t fail!

  Oh, piss off inner voice.

  The do
or creaked open and Spencer trotted in. “Help has arrived,” he told Dana, collapsing dramatically on the couch.

  Asher leaned against the doorway, looking downright mouthwatering in a pair of low-riding sweats and a tight black shirt. They’d tried to make him wear tights, to which he’d stated calmly that he’d rather use them to strangle the stylist.

  His muscles were clear through the thin fabric of the shirt, and his tattoo wound down his bicep with strong black designs. His midnight hair was tousled and I imagined myself raking my hands through the silky locks.

  Asher sauntered into the room, a flash of his tanned abs scrambling my thoughts. I raised the broom and eyed him warily as he came closer, looking wholly undisturbed that I could poke out his retina at any second.

  Cobalt eyes watched me with amusement. Asher moved forward, not even flinching when I halfheartedly waved the broom at him. He lowered my broom-wielding arms and used his other arm to wind around my waist and draw me flush against his body. His breath tickled my ear as he brushed his lips against my neck in a whisper. “Scaring the audience is a no-no, angel.”

  “Murgh a phem,” camemy mumbled reply. Can I be blamed? There was six-foot three of gorgeous bad boy overwhelming my senses.

  Asher chuckled quietly. “You don’t need to be nervous,” he murmured. He ran a hand down the side of my body, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. He stopped at my hip and suddenly lifted my leg, hitching it on his waist. “You’ll just be moving your body with mine. Relax with me.”

  Slowly, the tension drained from my body, leaving only the electrical tingling from Asher’s proximity. Asher’s lips curved into a slow smile, and I hesitated.

  He’s your boyfriend!

  Right. I’m allowed to indulge myself.

  Using the hip on his waist to propel myself, I launched at Asher, covering my lips with his. It was slightly satisfying to see his eyes widen with surprise before darkening as he backed me into the wall. My legs wrapped around him, fingers plunging into his hair.

  We didn’t get more time to explore, because we were not alone. Somehow, I’d forgotten that in my fit of teenage lust. “MY EYES!” Spencer screeched, falling back on the couch and clawing at his face. “Quick, Dana, grab the bleach!”

  Dana frowned at me. “Seriously? That’s the only thing I had to do to get you to stop trying to skewer us with a broom? Geez, so much for chicks before dicks.”

  Spencer emitted another scream. “My ears! Oh they bleed! Quick, I leave my iPod to Mom because she hates my music, my porn stash to Paul because he really needs to get some…”

  Asher and I hadn’t moved from our position, with me against the wall with my legs around his waist. He laughed, burying his face in the crook of my neck. “Your family is weird.”

  I giggled. “At least it’s not Paul, he would’ve gone into cardiac arrest if he saw us.”

  “True. I should take him and Spencer out. Maybe if Paul gets laid he’ll stop glaring at me every time I get within two feet of you.”

  I smacked Asher’s head. He cursed, rubbing the spot. “Damn, you’re violent.” He winked. “I like it, but no whips.”

  I turned beet red as Asher laughed, peppering my throat with small kisses. Dana harrumphed. “Can you put her down? She needs to get ready, people, and we can’t do that if you’re trying to make babies before the show! The next act is going to need this dressing room soon, and your turn is almost here!”

  Asher looked like he was on the verge of hauling me into another room with less noisy occupants, but I shook my head at him, loosening my legs and sliding to the floor. Sighing, I pointed at the door. “All males out.”

  Asher winked at me and strolled outside. Spencer was still mumbling something about his secret stash of donuts, but he paused at the door. He glanced at me, a sincere smile twisting his lips. “You’ll be fantastic, sis. We believe in you.”

  He closed the door, and a warm feeling spread through my chest. I grinned at Dana, who rolled her eyes with a smile. “Come here, drama queen. Let’s get you all princess’d up.”

  Obediently, I sat still while she applied my makeup, only twitching when she got too close with the medieval torture device known as an ‘eyelash curler’. When she was satisfied, she moved on to my hair.

  “How’re things going with Kyle?” I asked her, painting my nails with a sparkly purple color.

  The goofy smile that spread over her face was all the answer I needed. “He bought the tickets the day he asked me. He’s taken me on ten dates in the last three weeks, and he doesn’t look terrified when I yell at him.”

  Actually, I’d just taught him how to school his expression when Dana extracted the claws. Once I’d planted the seed in Kyle’s mind, he admitted to me he’d had a crush on Dana forever, but had always been too nervous to ask her out because a) she’s freaking scary and makes it impossible to approach her b) she thought that I liked him, which pretty much meant she wouldn’t touch Kyle with a ten-foot pole.

  Sometimes I forget Dana can intimidate people. She’d certainly intimidated me when we first met freshman year. She’d stampeded all over me on her way to class, and in response I tripped her onto her face in the middle of the hall.

  We hadn’t left each other’s sides since.

  “He really likes you, girl. But remember, if he screws up, let me know. I’ve still got those spiked combat boots.”

  Dana blushed, and my jaw nearly dropped. Holy hell, she really liked him. Huh. Who would have thought?

  She finished with my hair, but she wouldn’t let me see my reflection until I could get the “full effect”. She handed me my costume, a sparkly red dress that clung to my every curve and stopped a few inches under my butt. There was an attached pair of mini-shorts underneath though, so I wasn’t too worried about flashing the audience.

  “Ta-da!” Dana chirped, turning me in front of the mirror.

  Whoa. I was transformed. My hair was piled atop my hair, a few strands falling artfully to my exposed collarbone. The dress dipped down the front, not enough to be indecent but still more than I’d normally show. My makeup was flawless, and my reflection glittered from the sequins on the dress.

  I hugged Dana hard, crushing her smaller frame against me. “You know I love you, right?” I sniffled. “I don’t know how I would have gotten through without you. You’re my sister, Dana.”

  She embraced me tightly, and her voice was thick when she replied. “You’re my sister too, Ives. I’ll always take care of you. I love you, idiot.”

  Clearing her throat, she stepped away, swiping at the tears on her cheeks. Nudging my shoulder, she hurried to open the door. “Come on, it’s time for you to shine.”

  I ruffled her hair as I moved past her, chuckling at her mumbled complaints. I stopped at the edge of the curtain that opened to the stage, watching as Dana waved at me and exited to the audience section. My nerves were suddenly blaring back to life, and I was on the verge of another panic attack when I saw the rows upon rows of people in the audience. There were even balconies above the stage with more people.

  A hand grabbed my elbow, and I shrieked. Mrs. Knut pursed her lips at me. “Calm down.”

  Wiggling from her grip, I rubbed my nose, trying to dispel the dinosaurs romping through my tummy. “What’s up, Mrs. Knut?”

  She looked cute in her tiny beige suit and matching purse, her frizzy hair combed into a bun at her neck. She eyed me up and down, poked my dress a few times, and smiled. Guess I passed the examination. “Good, good. You ready for this, Robello?”

  I swallowed thickly. “As I’ll ever be.”

  She reached out and adjusted a few tendrils of my hair. “Listen, I know I’ve been tough on you this semester, but it was only because I knew how much potential you have. You can take the girl out of Dance, but you can’t take Dance out of the girl and all that jazz. The Grayson boy is a great partner for you, even though he distracts the girls in my class way too much. You two were meant to dance together, corny as it may sound. Now go o
ut there and dance your butt off!”

  She slapped my bum, making me jump about a foot in the air. I watched her disappear into the audience. What a strange woman. Suddenly, there was static as the host cleared his throat into the mike. I peeked at the stage from behind the curtain, my heart resuming its frenzied thumping.

  “From Darwin High we have Ivy Robello-oh, hold on! It seems Miss Robello is a former dancing star! She stopped dancing in 2011 and it seems this is her debut. Fantastic! Her partner will be Asher Grayson, who is new to the dancing scene. Please, give both of them a warm round of applause!”

  Inhaling deeply, I pushed back the curtain and strode forward, paying close attention to the floor so I wouldn’t end up eating the stage. Asher strolled out, looking absolutely unaffected that thousands of people were watching us.

  My family was in the third row, and they waved at me excitedly. Asher’s mom was sitting besides my parents, and it seemed like she was getting along well with my mom. Huh. Who would have thought the drunk woman who had called me one of Asher’s playthings would be friendly with Nurse Robello, aka Momzilla?

  Jodi was bouncing on my Mom’s lap, and I focused on her shiny blonde ringlets as the lights dimmed, and the spotlights pointed at the stage.

  I felt a hand grasp my own, and looked up to see Asher giving me a reassuring smile. He leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek before retreating a few paces away. The crowd “aaaaawww’ed”.

  The first notes of the music began to play, and just like that, I felt the muscles in my body loosen. It was easy to forget there were a thousand or so people watching me and let my body take control, flowing seamlessly to the soft rhythm of the song. Asher moved in behind me, taking my arm and twirling me past him. His cobalt blue eyes shone with mischief and love, and I fell in love with him all over again as we danced across the stage.

  Images flitted through my mind as Asher lifted me in the air, twirling me above his head.

  “We believe in you.”

  “Because loving you makes me want to be a better man.”

  “I’ll always take care of you.”


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