Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 21

by Sarah Bailey

  He ran a finger down my arm.

  “Because that’s what I am to you.”

  I felt my face grow hot. I almost wished he’d never seen that picture I drew so he wouldn’t know how I felt.

  “It is just for this, right?”


  He took my right wrist and placed it above my head before picking up the first set of handcuffs. He wrapped it around my wrist, securing me before he looped the other side around one of the metal poles on his headboard. He took my other wrist and did the same. He didn’t make them too tight, but there was no way I could get out.

  He moved lower and picked up a silk binding. He secured my ankle in a series of knots before he did the same to the other. He slipped off the bed and knelt by each end. I wasn’t quite sure what he’d secured the bindings to, but when I tried to move my legs, I found very little leeway.

  He looked down at me with desire evident in his expression.

  “Fuck. You’re so sexy. Is it okay? Not too tight?”

  “It’s fine.”

  Being unable to cover myself or move was disconcerting, but this was Aiden. I’d do anything for him. He said he wanted to give me pleasure. He nodded once before moving around and picking up the blindfold.

  “Is that really necessary?” I asked.

  “Yes. Being deprived of one of your senses heightens the rest.”

  I let him put it on. Everything went black instantly. I took several breaths, trying not to panic. This reminded me of the darkness in the cell. I couldn’t let that rule me.

  Today, Aiden would replace those memories.

  “I’ll be back,” he said, his breath against my ear.

  I lay there, the silence enveloping me. The only sound was the clock on the wall outside. Aiden could move silently when he wanted to. I strained to hear anything.

  Shifting a little, I wondered just how long he’d be. My skin pebbled in anticipation. What did he have planned? He’d never explained exactly how this would work.

  Why hadn’t I asked more questions when he showed me the stuff in his box?

  Because you were too busy trying to get him to fuck you, that’s why.

  Thanks, brain. Helpful. Not.

  This waiting became torture. My body thrummed. The more I thought about what he was going to do, the wetter I became. Was he doing this on purpose? Making sure I was so worked up, I couldn’t say no to what he wanted.

  Then I heard it, something clinked in a bowl as it was set down on the bedside table. And his breath dusted across my ear the next moment.

  “Are you ready for me?”


  “Good girl.”

  He leant over and kissed me. He tasted so damn good. He was right. My senses were heightened. I could smell cedarwood and pine. Heaven. He fucking smelt like heaven.

  All too quickly, he pulled away and I was bereft of his touch. I mewed, unable to keep the sound back.

  “So needy already? Mmm, this is going to be sweet. Watching you unravel before my eyes.”

  I didn’t respond. His fingertips ran down my arm, setting my skin alight. He replaced his fingers with his tongue. I bucked against the restraints. Again, he moved away too soon. It became very clear to me, he intended to tease me until I couldn’t take it. Did he want me begging? Because I would. I’d beg him to fuck me.

  I felt the bed dip and then he straddled my legs. He’d taken off his jeans, but his boxers remained. He leant over me and picked up whatever he’d brought off the bedside table. I heard the clinking again. I didn’t have to ask what it was. I felt it the next moment. Fucking ice between my breasts. It sent jolts rippling down my stomach.

  “Shit, Aiden, that’s cold.”

  He chuckled. The sound rang in my ears. He dragged it across my skin. I arched up, unable to help myself. The ice left my skin. I tried to breathe, but oxygen wouldn’t get in my lungs fast enough. Hell. This was not what I expected him to do.

  When I felt the ice again, his breath accompanied it. Fuck, he’d put it between his teeth. This time he circled it around my breast before he sucked the ice into his mouth and latched onto my nipple. The sensation made my nerve endings go haywire. Hot and cold at the same time. I bucked against him. His hand went to my stomach, holding me to the bed.

  “Aiden,” I moaned. “Fuck.”

  His response was to switch breasts and it only made it worse. Everything tingled. I couldn’t fucking breathe properly.

  When he finally pulled away, I panted, my whole body flaming. He shifted lower. I should’ve known better than to expect him to let up. I didn’t know where he’d settled until I felt the ice against my inner thigh, trailing upwards. Then I knew his intentions.

  My heart thundered in my ears. All my focus was on what he was doing between my legs. His breath ran across where he’d trailed the ice. I could barely think straight. Cold followed by hot drove me nuts. I shifted, trying to get away from him, but he gripped my leg, holding me in place.

  “Mmm, do you want to escape me? Doesn’t it feel good?”

  “Aiden, please.”

  “What do you want?”


  He kissed my thigh, trailing upwards until I felt his breath hot against my clit.

  “Do you want me here?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I would literally do anything to have him touch my pussy. No one had ever gone down on me. Another first for me.

  “Mmm, I don’t have to touch you to know how wet you are. I can see. You’re drenched and all of it is for me.”

  For once, I wasn’t embarrassed. Aiden had stripped it away from me by depriving me of my sight. He ran a single finger down my clit and across my entrance. I almost cried.

  “Do you know what I want to do, Avery?”


  “Bury my tongue in your pussy. Fuck, you’re going to taste so sweet. Do you want that? Want me to make you come?”

  “Yes. I want you so much. Please, please.”

  He pressed his hands on my thighs, opening me up wider for him. The restraints pulled on my ankles until I couldn’t move. And I didn’t want to.

  “I know you’ve never been tied up before, but tell me, has anyone tongue fucked you?”

  I had a feeling he’d ask. It seemed to please him knowing he gave me a lot of firsts.


  He growled.

  “Fuck, you’re killing me. Seriously, how do you expect me to think straight knowing I’m the first in this as well?”

  “Did you want me to lie?”

  “No, fuck, no. It does things to me. Fuck, I’m so hard, it fucking hurts. You have no idea how sexy you look right now.”

  My pussy throbbed. If he didn’t touch me soon, I’d lose my mind.

  “Please, I’m begging you. I’m so turned on, it hurts too.”

  He groaned, the sound vibrating across my clit. I took a gulping breath, trying to hold onto my sanity. Aiden had me so worked up, it really did fucking hurt, but I knew the sweet relief of him touching me would make it all worthwhile.


  His breath fanned across my clit, followed by his tongue lashing against it. I just about died. The sensation burnt through me, sending a shockwave up my back. I cried out, bucking into his face. His hand immediately pressed down on my stomach, securing me in place.

  “Holy fuck, you taste so sweet.”

  I moaned his name as he continued to pleasure me with his tongue. He licked his way down, making sure he tasted every part of me. I didn’t even care when his tongue went lower, meeting puckered skin. All I cared about was Aiden touching me, regardless of where it was.

  The fact that it even felt good had me questioning what I was so scared of. Then I remembered how big his cock was. And it really wasn’t the time to think about these things. Not when I was so fucking close to coming just from his teasing.

  His tongue moved upwards again. He lic
ked my pussy, then his tongue thrust inside, sending me spiralling upwards.

  “Aiden, please. Fuck. Fuck.”

  His thumb brushed over my clit as he continued to fuck me. So close, but his pace was slow. No, he knew and didn’t want me to explode just yet. Tease. Such a tease.

  “Please, Aiden. I need to come.”

  I tugged on the handcuffs and felt the metal bite into my skin. I wanted to touch him so badly. My fingers itched to thread in his hair. Fucking hell. This was absolute torture but in the best possible way.

  “Fuck, please. I can’t take it. This isn’t fair. I want you so much. Please.”

  He didn’t respond, but his tongue found my clit again and lashed against it relentlessly, keeping me on the edge. His fingers brushed across my pussy. He slid a finger inside and began to fuck me with it. I wished it was his cock so fucking bad. I needed him inside me. No one felt like him. No one had been so deep and made me feel so full.

  “Please fuck me or let me come. Please.”

  Still no response. He withdrew his finger, running it around my entrance and coating it with my arousal. I wished I knew what was up or down anymore because I would’ve realised why he was doing it sooner. Perhaps I would’ve stopped him, but nothing mattered except coming at that point.

  He dragged his finger lower until it met my other entrance and he circled it. It registered then.

  “Aiden… What… Wait…”

  He pressed against me and I couldn’t speak any longer. His tongue on my clit felt like fucking fire, but it was nothing compared to the sharp intrusion of his finger. He groaned when my resistance failed and the tip slid in. What the hell? He hadn’t even asked me if this was okay. I sucked in a breath.

  “What… what… what the… fuck?”

  I bucked, trying to dislodge him, but his other hand was firm on my stomach. There was no let up from his tongue on my clit. Fuck. I was on the edge.

  His finger thrust deeper inside me and I came. I screamed his name as the waves crashed over me. I barely registered what was happening to me any longer. There was nothing but the sensation of drowning in pleasure. My body shook and clenched around his finger.

  Fucking hell. What did he just do to me?

  I panted, unable to form words when I finally landed back on earth. Aiden moved back, his hands and tongue leaving me.

  For a long moment, all I could hear was the sound of my heart in my ears and my laboured breath. The bed shifted. I heard the clink of a glass being put down on the bedside table and tissues being pulled out of the box.

  “Are you pissed off at me for what I just did?” he asked.

  I didn’t know how to feel about it.

  “Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you should’ve asked me first, but I’m kind of glad you didn’t because I’ve never orgasmed like that in my life.”

  The bed dipped again. Aiden crawled over me. I could feel the heat of him seeping into my skin.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t ask.”

  His finger traced my collarbone.

  “If you kiss me, I’ll forgive you.”

  I didn’t know whether he smiled at that or not, but his lips met mine. It wasn’t gentle. He took command of my mouth and I relented. His tongue swept over mine. I hated the fact I couldn’t touch him more than this. I wanted to run my hands down his back. I desperately wanted to hold him.

  His fingers went to my head, untying the blindfold. I blinked when he took it off me. He gave me a half smile. He was shirtless. Fuck. He was so ripped and his tattoos, so beautiful. I couldn’t believe he was real half the time. And he wanted me.

  “Do you want me to let you go?”

  “Why? What did you have in mind otherwise?”

  His grin turned wicked.

  “Well, I want to fuck you and normally I would with you all tied up.”


  “Last night, I let you touch me and I enjoyed it. I don’t want to restrain you now.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Are you telling me you don’t let anyone touch you during sex?”

  “Not very often, no.”


  He never told me he had an aversion to being touched or was it something else?

  “Why not?”

  “Control, Avery. If you’re tied up, I get to control what you do, but letting someone touch me during sex is unpredictable.”

  I really wanted to know why control was such a big deal to him, but pushing the subject was never a good idea. We always ended up in an argument when I pushed him.

  “I like being able to touch you.”

  He reached up, unlocking my handcuffs one by one. My arms ached a little from being in that position for so long. He took my wrists and looked at them. There were red marks from where I’d tugged at them. He brought each one to his lips in turn and kissed the marks.

  “Does it hurt?”

  I shook my head. He moved away and untied my ankles. I sat up and stretched as much as I could. My legs felt a little stiff. How long had he had me tied up for?

  He got back on the bed and crawled over me, forcing me on my back again.

  “Touch me, Avery.”

  I reached for him, running my fingers down his chest. He groaned in response, shuddering.

  “Fuck, don’t stop.”

  I trailed my fingertips along his sides before curling my hands around his back and dragging my nails down his skin. He jerked, his eyes closing, the appreciation apparent on his face. I didn’t stop there. I ran my nails down his arms, followed by his chest. He groaned again. Between us, I could see the tent in his boxers. He hadn’t been lying about how hard he was.

  Pulling him closer, I turned his head and nibbled on his ear.

  “Fuck, Avery.”

  “Too much?”

  “No, no, fucking hell, no. Fuck. I want to be inside you.”

  I bit down on his earlobe. He jerked again. I reached between us and tugged at his boxers. He helped me take them off. Settling between my legs, his cock jabbed at my entrance. I opened my legs wider. He slid inside me, grunting. I already felt full and he’d barely gotten halfway.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered.

  He gripped my hip and slammed his cock right up to the hilt. I yelped. The pace he began to set was punishing. I held onto his back.

  “That’s it, take it. Fuck, take my cock.”

  His pounding almost rattled my teeth. His cock felt so good. Every part of him pressed against me was heavenly. I felt his need, his desire as he fucked without mercy.

  He pulled away the next moment. Grabbing me by the waist, he flipped me over and dragged me up on my hands and knees. He slammed his cock back inside me, gripping my hips in an iron hold. Aiden held nothing back. Relentless.

  My fingers curled into the covers, anchoring me to the bed. I cried out over and over, unable to keep my mouth shut. Fuck. His brutal pounding brought me almost to the point of pain. I couldn’t breathe from the intensity.

  “Aiden, I… please. Too much.”

  He froze. Letting go of one of my hips, he brushed my hair from my face and leant over me.

  “Have I hurt you?”

  “No, not really.”

  He kissed my cheek. Capturing my face, he turned it towards him and kissed my mouth.

  “The last thing I want is to hurt you.”

  “I’m not used to sex being so intense. You teased me so much I thought I would lose my mind if you didn’t touch me. I can only take so much in one go.”

  I had to be honest. This was about trust. And he’d stopped even though I hadn’t used the safe word.

  He kissed my cheek again, his lips trailing down my neck and my shoulder.

  “Not so hard then?”

  I shook my head. His fingers trailed down my spine. Gentle. Soft.

  “Thank you for telling me your limit,” he whispered, burying h
is face in my hair as he breathed me in.

  “You can fuck me like that if you don’t tease me first.”

  “Mmm, I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and next thing I knew, we were lying down, his front to my back and his cock still buried inside me. He cupped my breast as he began to fuck me again, but now it was long, drawn out strokes. His face buried in my neck.

  “Is this better?” he asked, pinching my nipple between his thumb and finger.

  “Ah, yes, fuck.”

  “So innocent.”

  His movements increased in pace. My pussy throbbed and clenched around him. He’d have to let me take a break after this. Wasn’t quite sure I could take any more sex.

  “So tight, so fucking tight, fuck. Being inside you drives me fucking crazy.”

  Cocooned in Aiden’s arms whilst he found his pleasure in me, I felt safe and free. He made me feel beautiful. Wanted. Needed. He moaned my name again and again as if he was lost in me. My heart slammed against my ribcage. Holy hell.

  “So beautiful. So sweet. Tell me who’s you are.”

  “Yours,” I whispered. “All yours.”

  “Avery, I’m so fucking close.”

  I thrust back against him. I wanted him to lose it, come inside me.

  “You’re always telling me to come for you. I want you to come for me. I want to feel it, Aiden.”

  He grunted, fucking me harder.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Avery. Fuck.”

  He lost it, shuddering against my back as his cock spurted and pulsed inside me. He pressed his forehead into my shoulder, panting.

  “You really are like nothing else,” he whispered.

  I curled my fingers into his hand, resting on my stomach.

  “I’m yours forever, Aiden. Don’t forget that.”

  The truth of the matter… I was.

  Of all the things which had happened between us, that day stood out the most. In those moments, lying in his arms after the most intense sex of my life, I realised something significant.

  I would never leave Aiden no matter what he did. And that was just about the most fucked up I thought I could get.

  But I was wrong.

  So fucking wrong.

  And I would pay dearly for thinking we could ever be normal or happy. Or that we were even in this together.


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