Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 30

by Sarah Bailey

  I didn’t reply because there wasn’t any point saying anything. This whole thing had been my stupid idea in the first place. I’d put us in danger by insisting Aiden take me out on a date.

  He set me on my feet when we reached the bottom, but then we were out the stairwell and moving through the ground floor of the club. The staff nodded at us.

  Aiden stopped by the front desk and asked for something. I wasn’t paying much attention to what he said. The attendant handed over two helmets. Aiden thrust one into my hands, picking up the other and tugging me out the door. I barely had time to register what was happening when we were out in the street and a few moments later, he ducked into an alleyway. There sat his fucking bike. I’d told him I was never getting on that thing with him.

  “Are you crazy? How do you expect me to get on your bike in this dress?” I asked when he started sorting it out.


  He handed me a pair of my jeans and took the helmet from my hands, resting it on the seat. I stared at him for a long moment. He really was crazy.

  When I didn’t move, he started hitching my dress up for me until it sat on my hips. He took the jeans from my hands and helped me into them after I slipped off my heels. I tugged the dress further up so it bunched around my waist and zipped the jeans up. Apparently, this was me suitably attired when it was freezing cold out. He put the helmet on my head and secured it before putting his own on. I slipped my heels back on whilst he got on the bike and started it.

  The noise made my heart pound. He waved me over. I swung my leg over and sat down, wrapping my arms around his waist. I trusted Aiden to an extent, but this was a bike and I’d never, ever wanted to get on one.

  He edged the bike out of the alleyway and then we were off. It was terrifying. He wasn’t driving that fast, but I clung to him, my legs trembling. It was cold and I hated every moment of it. Perhaps if circumstances were different, I might have been okay, but knowing we could’ve been caught set me on edge.

  Aiden didn’t take us back to his flat. We drove into a car park in Holborn and he parked up. There was no one about and he helped me out of the jeans and pulled my dress back down. He tucked my jeans back into the seat of the bike. I was a little unsteady on my feet after the ride, but I didn’t say anything about it to him. I was grateful he’d got us away from Frazier and Tristan.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked as we walked out onto the street, hand in hand.

  “I wanted to treat you.”

  I looked up at him, but he wasn’t paying attention to me. A few minutes later, we stopped in front of a very expensive hotel. I found myself inside it the next moment.

  “Are we staying here?” I asked.


  He took me straight to the lifts and we went up two floors. When we stopped outside the room, he handed me his helmet before reaching in his pocket for the key card. I followed him inside. It was a rather large, very modern looking suite with plush furnishings. The bedroom was separated from the lounge area.

  Aiden took the helmets from me and set them down on a side table. I looked around the room with interest before checking out the bathroom. A huge marble bathtub and a separate rainfall shower. Holy shit. This place was beautiful.

  I walked back out and found Aiden waiting for me in the middle of the room.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “It’s lovely, but you didn’t have to get us a hotel room.”

  I’d never seen Aiden look nervous or unsure of himself, but at that moment, he did. I slipped out of my heels and walked over to him. Staring up into those steel grey eyes, I wondered what he was thinking. And when he didn’t reach for me, I couldn’t help but need to know what was up with him.

  “Can I kiss you?” he asked after a long moment.

  Of all the things I thought he might say, that was not it. Since when did he ask permission to kiss me? Didn’t he know how much I missed and needed him? Shit, it had barely been five days and yet a second without him felt like forever.

  I went up on my tiptoes, wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his ear.

  “Aiden, you can do much more than just kiss me,” I whispered. “I’m still yours. I told you, nothing has changed. I want your control. I crave it. I need you to tell me what to do.”

  Feeling his solid body pressed against mine sent tingles down my spine.

  “You have my submission. Now. Always.”

  Chapter Four


  Her submission. Fuck. I didn’t know why I was so fucking nervous about this. This whole dating thing was new to me. I hated how much I had to rely on her friend to tell me what was appropriate. I’d wanted to just take her somewhere simple, but the need to keep her hidden made that difficult. That’s why we’d settled on a members only club where we could pay to make sure they were discreet.

  The hotel had been my idea. I didn’t want the first time we spent time together as a real couple to be tainted with the memories of what happened on Christmas Day. She deserved more. I really wanted it all to be special for her. And yet, here and now, standing with her, I was fucking terrified I’d not done enough. I needed Avery to come back to me. I couldn’t fucking live without this girl. The light of my fucking life.

  “Please, Aiden,” she whispered, her lips brushing against my ear. “I’ve missed you. I want you to fuck me.”

  I could feel every inch of her pressed against me. It drove me fucking crazy. I’d been hard all night. That fucking dress did things to me. It showed off every curve she had. Fuck. What the hell was I waiting for? She’d just told me to fuck her.

  I put my hands on her shoulders and pried her off me. Her doe eyes were wide, confusion in her expression. I’d remedy that. I needed her and she needed me.

  “What are you wearing underneath that dress?”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “Didn’t you look when you helped me put my jeans on?”


  I’d been too busy trying to get her on the bike so I could take her far away from the Shaws. I had no idea what the fuck we were going to do about that. It concerned me, but not enough right now to ruin our evening. I couldn’t keep my hands off my girl for much longer.

  “Why don’t you take it off and then you can see?”

  My cock jerked. Fuck. All her clothes needed to come off. I needed to see her.

  “Turn around then.”

  She did as I asked. I took her coat off before I slowly unzipped the back of the dress. I slipped it off her shoulders and down her body. It pooled at her feet. She turned back to me. Fuck. You could barely call that underwear. The black lace just about covered her hard nipples and the matching set of underwear did little to conceal her pussy from me. I swallowed.

  Reaching for her, I grabbed her waist with one hand and ran my fingers down her sternum with the other. I felt her tremble. Fuck. I’d missed her. The way she responded to me was incredible. This fucking girl.

  I cupped her breast, running my thumb over her lace covered nipple. She shuddered, letting out a quiet moan.

  Would she still do as I wanted? I needed to test what she’d said. Did I really have her submission?

  “Princess, you’re so fucking sexy. As much as I appreciate this little set here, I want you to take it off, lie on the bed and spread your legs for me.”

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  “I will. Just do as I say.”

  I let go of her. She looked up at me for a moment before stepping around me and walking towards the bedroom. I turned to find her tugging off the bra and stepping out of the underwear. She got on the bed, lay down and opened her legs for me.

  Fucking hell.

  I shrugged out of my suit jacket and loosened my tie. Walking over to her, I smiled.

  “Put your hands above your head.”

  She did it without objection. I used my tie, looping it around her wrists and tying them toge
ther. I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt. I let her watch me strip down until I was bare before her. My cock was rock hard and pulsating. Her tongue darted out of her mouth, running over her bottom lip.

  “How hard do you want me to fuck you, Avery?”

  “Make me scream.”

  I crawled on the bed and settled over her. Our bodies weren’t quite touching. The anticipation of being inside her almost had me losing control, but I wouldn’t.

  The only thing Avery had left on her body was the necklace I’d given her. I ran a finger over the A on the silver chain.

  “I haven’t taken it off,” she said.


  Her doe eyes met mine.

  “It reminds me of what we have with each other and that I belong to you.”

  I leant down and brushed my lips against hers. Her taste intoxicated me immediately. I gripped her braid with one hand and kissed her, hard. Her tongue danced with mine.

  When I pulled away, she was breathless, eyes wide with lust. I shifted, running my tongue down her chest until I met a nipple. I took it between my teeth, biting down as I stroked the other one. She arched against me, moaning.

  “Teasing isn’t fair.”

  I looked up at her from where I was nestled between her shapely breasts.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want your cock inside me - and don’t tell me you don’t want that too.”

  I grinned. Of course I fucking wanted to be inside her. My cock ached for her.

  “Mmm? Are you sure you’re ready for me?”

  She nodded.

  “Check if you don’t believe me.”

  I didn’t strictly need to since I knew she’d be fucking wet for me. Still, any reason to touch her pussy. I reached down and ran my finger across her entrance. Dripping. Fuck. I could continue to make her wait, but this was about her. I’d give her what she wanted.

  “Aiden, please.”

  I grabbed hold of both her legs and pressed them upwards into her chest. I wanted to fuck her deep. I needed it. I shifted up and held my cock, running it up and down her pussy, across her swollen clit. She whimpered in response.

  “I’m going to make you come all over my cock.”

  I pressed inside her. Her pussy was just as hot and tight as I remembered. Fuck.

  “Aiden,” she groaned.

  She felt so good. So fucking good. I missed her. Everything about her. Especially this. When we were together like this. My cock buried in her heat. Our souls fucking joined.

  “So tight, fuck,” I grunted.

  Her doe eyes stared up at me, mouth parted as I thrust into her. It was really the most beautiful sight. Her hands tied up, knees against her chest. So open for me. Mine. All mine. And even though that was true, there were still things I needed to prove it. To make sure she wouldn’t leave again. Whether she agreed or not remained to be seen. It wasn’t the time to push her. Not when I’d just got her back.

  Her delicate skin was flushed. Her moaning became louder as I slammed into her. So fucking responsive. No one else felt or sounded like her. No one else gave me happiness and contentment. She belonged to me and I to her. I loved this girl with every part of me. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I pulled out of her, reached up and untied her hands. Grabbing her by the waist, I flipped her up onto her hands and knees. She looked back at me, eyes wide with affection and desire. So fucking perfect. I gripped a hip, guiding myself back inside her pussy. I took hold of her braid with my other hand and held onto it as I fucked her. Harder. Faster.

  “Touch yourself.”

  Her hand snaked between her legs. No hesitation. Fuck. So compliant. So submissive. In this room, I controlled her. Outside of the bedroom, I knew things had to change. This was a real relationship which meant I had to start treating her as my equal. She was, but the need to control her outweighed everything else at times. Somehow, we’d work it out. We’d do it together.


  The word bound itself around my heart.

  I am hers and she is mine.

  I looked down at her luscious behind which I was currently slapping up against. Fuck. I slowed, letting go of her hair and running my hand over it. I wished at that moment I’d actually thought to bring the necessary with me. I wanted her there so fucking much. It would have to wait. And she’d not said yes yet even though she’d enjoyed the toys. I needed her to come around in her own time. When she did, I’d be gentle. Make sure I didn’t hurt her. I wanted it to feel good for her too.

  “Harder, Aiden, I’m so close.”

  Her words brought me back to the here and now. I gripped both of her hips and fucked her deeper and harder, just like she wanted.

  Avery let out a loud moan when she came apart around my cock. Her body trembled and she gripped the sheets. I rode out her orgasm until I couldn’t hold back any longer. Her pussy clenched around me like a vice, tipping me right over the edge. Fuck. My cock pulsated as it tore through me. No one else made me come so fucking hard every time we had sex. Avery was like fucking magic.

  Both of us panted when we were spent. I leant over, kissing her neck and running my fingers down her sides. Her perfect skin felt so fucking good under my hands.

  “I missed you, Avery… I missed you so fucking much.”

  “You have me now,” she said, her voice a little breathy.

  “You’re perfect. Don’t ever change. I need you.”

  She craned her head back.

  “I need you too.”

  I gripped her face and kissed her. This angle was awkward. I wanted her facing me so I could devour her mouth. I released her and pulled back. Within moments, my cum started to run down her leg. Shit. I shifted off the bed and grabbed the complimentary box of tissues off the bedside table. Walking back around, I cleaned her up as much as I could. She gave me a nod before slipping away into the bathroom. I cleaned myself up before lying down on the bed.

  The release and the knowledge she was back calmed me. I’d been on edge for days whilst James and I organised this date for her. It had taken a lot of fucking negotiation to get the club to agree to our stipulations. That, name-dropping his father and a hefty sum. Money wasn’t an object. As much as it grated on me, I was glad of her best friend’s help. I wouldn’t have been able to do this for her without him.

  She came out of the bathroom and crawled onto the bed, settling down next to me. Her doe eyes were bright and happiness radiated from her.

  “Was this enough for you, princess? I mean the date and this…”

  She put a finger over my lips.

  “Yes, stop worrying. I’m here. I don’t need you to prove anything else to me.”

  I pulled her hand away, rolled on my side and dragged her into me. Cupping her face, I kissed her. I’d missed her lips. Just the simple act of being able to hold her and have her close was more than enough. Fuck. My girl. Mine.

  When she pulled away, she smiled and stroked my cheek.

  “Aiden… I…”


  “I love you.”

  I couldn’t breathe. She’d said it before, but this time, she was actually saying it to my face. My heart constricted. Fuck. How did she manage to tie me up in knots all the time? I wanted to say it back, but the words stuck in my throat. I’d not said that to anyone. Not since my mother. Not even Tina and I loved her like she was family.

  I couldn’t keep staring at her like I was a fucking deer in headlights or something. I took her hand and pressed it against my chest, right above my heart. Her brows knit together. I should be able to just fucking say those three words.

  Fuck. Why was it so hard?

  I saw the moment it dawned on her exactly what I was trying to say but failing miserably. She met my eyes again. Hers told me she understood. I wished I could be fucking better for her, but right now, I’d just about got my head around the fact she was actually my girl. That this was a relationship.r />
  “I need time, princess.”

  She leant forward and kissed me again.

  “It’s okay. I don’t need you to say anything.”

  I still felt like I didn’t deserve Avery at all. After everything I’d put her through, she was understanding and accepting. I had to make it up to her somehow. I’d give her anything she asked for.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t need you to apologise. This is new. There’s no rush. All I want is you and me together.”

  “You and me belong together.”

  Her eyes lit up. I entwined my fingers with hers. Beautiful. Perfect. And mine.

  My phone rang. I cursed. Totally just ruined the moment between us. I rolled away, got off the bed and tugged it out of my jacket pocket.

  “Hello James.”

  “Not interrupting, am I?”

  I chose not to rise to the suggestive note in his voice. He had definitely interrupted, but at least we weren’t fucking. I sat back down on the bed, running my fingers along Avery’s arm.

  “Did you have any trouble from the Shaws?”

  “No. I slipped out the back too. Couldn’t come up with an excuse for why I was there. Bill is settled, so we’re good.”

  “Hopefully Frazier won’t think anything of it but can’t be too careful.”

  “Did you two kiss and make up?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “You can ask her that yourself.”

  I pulled the phone from my ear and put it on speaker.

  “Hi James,” Avery said.

  “Did that little number I got work?”


  “Did he put it on speaker?”

  Her face went red. I wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed he bought her underwear or amused by the exchange between them.

  “What do you think?”

  James laughed.

  “I’m not even sorry.”

  “You’re such a dick.”

  “And yet, you still keep coming back.”

  “I’ll make him hang up if you don’t behave.”

  She looked up at me. I still didn’t like how close they were, but Tina’s reminder that I couldn’t keep her away from her world any longer kept me from commenting.


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