Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 45

by Sarah Bailey

  “I don’t mind sitting in the office all day if it means you’re safe. Better than some of the things Chuck gets me to do.”

  “Speaking of my uncle, he keeps hinting at the company throwing me some kind of joint congratulations on the new job and birthday party. Has he actually arranged something?”

  John smiled at me again.

  “My lips are sealed.”

  “That means he has. Wonderful. Just what I wanted. No doubt he’s invited all our clients.”

  Clients of both sides of the business. I didn’t want to see any of those men. Not after I’d witnessed their sick fetishes and abuse of women.

  “I can send you the memo which went out if you want.”

  “So you do know about it.”

  “He’s put me in charge of security for the event.”

  I put my head on the desk, groaning. I didn’t want a stupid birthday party thrown for me. Turning twenty one didn’t mean much to me. I hadn’t even spoken to Aiden about it.

  “Is it really that bad?”

  “You have been to a company event before, right? Boring small talk and being the centre of attention does not fill me with enthusiasm.”

  I heard a chuckle from his direction. Glad he found it funny. Becoming the face of Daniels Holdings was not my idea of fun or a good time. It had been hell, especially with the controversy surrounding my parents’ deaths. We’d had countless requests for interviews, magazines wanting a tell-all. I’d told our media department to tell them all politely to fuck off. No interviews. No exclusives. Nothing. I was not a fucking circus performer.

  There was a commotion outside my door and it was flung open, the slam against the wall ringing in my ears.

  “Sir, excuse me, sir, you can’t go in there,” I heard my new secretary, Saskia, saying as I raised my head off the desk.

  Frazier Shaw walked in, completely ignoring Saskia who had a deer in headlights look on her face. What the fuck did he want?

  “Sir, you have to make an appointment with Miss Daniels.”

  I put my hand up.

  “It’s okay, Saskia. Mr Shaw is the firm’s solicitor.”

  She stopped in her tracks and looked at me with a confused expression. I’d talk to her about it later. She’d only started this morning and Clara was still showing her the ropes.

  “Can you make tea for Mr Shaw, Mr Williams and myself, please?”

  She straightened, clearing her expression.

  “Yes, of course, Miss Daniels.”

  She walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. John had got up from the sofa, eying Frazier with a neutral expression.

  “You need a better secretary,” Frazier said as he walked over to my desk and sat down in one of the chairs in front of it.

  “It’s her first day and she is right. You do need to start making appointments. I have a very busy schedule today.”

  He gave me a smile.

  “Of course, my apologies.”

  Except he looked anything but sorry. I hated this man. I clenched my fists under the desk, trying to remain calm. I was not expecting him to turn up today. As far as I was aware, there was no trouble with the paperwork from Friday. He had no real reason to be here.

  “What can I do for you?”

  His eyes flicked over to John, who was still standing, watching both of us carefully.

  “I would prefer this conversation to be between the two of us. I’m sure John won’t mind stepping out for a moment.”

  I didn’t want to be alone with Frazier, but I couldn’t exactly say no. I nodded at him before turning to John.

  “We won’t be long.”

  “As you wish, Miss Daniels.”

  I hoped he’d tell Aiden about this development because I couldn’t exactly text him right now. He wouldn’t be happy, but what else could I do? John nodded at me and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I turned back to Frazier.

  “When is Ed starting?” he asked.


  “Good. Good.”

  He looked around my room for a moment before settling his dark eyes back on me. The skin on the back of my neck prickled.

  “Before your father passed, we spoke a lot about you. Whilst I’m aware you and my son have your differences, I do believe it would be in your best interests to reconsider joining our families together. It was your father’s wish.”

  I bit the side of my cheek, digging my nails into my palms. His eyes told me he knew very well Tristan had tried to assault me on Friday. Nausea coiled in my stomach. Why the fuck did it keep coming back to this? First my father, then Aiden and now Frazier. All wanting me to get shackled to a man who lacked any sort of morals or boundaries.

  “As I told my father, if I am ever to get married, it would be on my terms and my choice.” I sat back in my chair. “I do wonder why you are so concerned about me not having a husband. I don’t recall my personal life being anyone’s business but my own.”

  His eyes narrowed. What the hell did he expect me to say? I wasn’t backing down on this point. The only person I’d ever consider getting married to was Aiden. The thought of him and what I’d said last night came rushing back. There was no doubt in my mind. He was definitely freaked out by it and I really hadn’t meant to insinuate I wanted him to ask me to marry him. It was far too soon. We had so much to do before we were in the clear and could publicly acknowledge we were in a relationship.

  As much as I wanted to take his last name so I could shed my Daniels identity, I would never pressurise him. I knew how hard it was for him to be in a relationship in the first place. How much he’d had to overcome since the day we met. My complicated man was healing his old wounds in the way he knew how. I couldn’t add to that on top of all the other things we were up against.

  I couldn’t help but be suspicious of what Frazier was fishing for. Why the hell did he want me to marry Tristan? It wasn’t like either of them could take the company from me if that happened. Was it to do with the company or something else?

  “I merely worry for you. A woman at the head of such a large company. And now I see John is protecting you.”

  Is he for real? Sexist pig. Not sure why I’m even surprised. He makes me sick.

  “Ask Uncle Charlie about that, he’s the one insisting on me having a bodyguard.”

  “And so he should. The person who murdered your parents is still out there.”

  If he didn’t keep stating the fucking obvious, I was going to lose my shit. As if I didn’t know that.

  “Well yes, but that doesn’t mean they are after me as well.”

  “They could be. I’m trying to look out for you, Avery. You’d be the perfect wife for Tristan. He needs a woman who won’t let him walk all over her.”

  I tried not to throw up in my mouth. What he needed was to be put down for what he’d tried to do to me, but we don’t get everything we want in life. I don’t know when my shift in mindset happened, but I no longer saw things as black and white. All of them should go to prison. That was the law. Except that wasn’t enough justice for me. They needed to pay for what they’d done. And they needed to pay with their lives.

  “You know Tristan and I don’t get along.”

  He scoffed, raising his eyebrows.

  “Do you think that’s how marriage works?”

  “You know, I thought the whole point of it was for two people who loved each other to make the ultimate commitment.”

  He laughed, throwing back his head.

  “You really are innocent of this world. In this business, marriage is never about love. It’s about who gives you the most power, advantage, money or social status.”

  It didn’t come as a surprise he thought this way about it.

  “Tell me, Frazier, what does Tristan bring to the table?”

  He steepled his hands together, dark eyes appraising me.

  “All of those things and more.”

  I fought bac
k the urge to roll my eyes. My inheritance might be tied up in a trust until I was twenty-five, but I was one of the richest women in the world. So they definitely couldn’t bring money to the table nor power. Frazier was talking a whole bunch of shit as usual. Did he really think I was that stupid and naïve?

  “You’d do well to seriously consider it. There are many threats in this world and we wouldn’t want you to end up like your parents.”

  A chill ran down my spine at his words.

  Well, that’s not creepy or threatening at all.

  “Is this all you came to speak to me about? A phone call would’ve sufficed.”

  Did I care that I sounded borderline rude?

  Not one bit.

  Frazier could get fucked. We had to do something about him. I was tired of being threatened by everyone around me. It was like a never-fucking-ending cycle. Something had to give. I’d speak to Aiden about it later.

  I’d only been back in the world for a few weeks and I’d been threatened by Frazier, had Tristan attempt to rape me, had Chuck all over my movements like I was some kind of criminal and I’d been kidnapped. My track record was not looking good.

  Frazier stood up, staring down at me with unnerving intensity.

  “Just think about it, Avery.”

  He turned his heel and began to walk away just as Saskia opened the office door after knocking. She looked startled when he stormed out without looking at her.

  “Is he not staying?” she asked.


  She came into the room and put down one of the mugs she was holding on a coaster for me.

  “Mr Daniels is waiting for you.”

  As much as I wanted to get stuck in with Ed, I really needed a minute to compose myself after having Frazier in here.

  “Take him that tea and give me five minutes. Send John back in too.”

  She nodded at me and shuffled out of the room. I grabbed the mug and took a gulp of scolding hot tea, not caring how much my mouth burnt afterwards. My nerves were frayed. I rubbed my throat and looked up at the ceiling. I needed to work out what the fuck Frazier wanted from me. What did he have to gain by me marrying Tristan?

  “You look like you could do with another few days off,” John said as he came into the room.

  “You can say that again.”

  I lowered my head. He had a mug of tea in his hand and a concerned expression on his face.

  “Dare I ask what he wanted?”

  “Apparently everyone and his son wants me to marry Tristan. I don’t know why he’s so insistent. It’s not like he has anything to gain from it, at least not that I can think of off the top of my head.”

  John dug his phone out of his pocket and fiddled with it. I knew he was texting Aiden.

  “I’ll keep an eye on it.”

  He gave me a nod and walked back over to my sofas, settling himself down again. I didn’t strictly need him here, but after what happened with Tristan, I didn’t trust anyone. If he could get to me in my own building, I wasn’t safe.

  I sipped at my tea again, grimacing at the pain from having burnt my mouth. My nerves were still unsettled despite the tea. Could this day get any worse?

  “Morning little cousin,” Ed said as he breezed into the office with the biggest grin on his face.

  I popped my mug back on the desk, standing up and coming around it.

  “Ed, welcome to the company.”

  I went to shake his hand, but instead, Ed enveloped me in a bear hug. I patted his back awkwardly. Even though I thought my cousin was a good guy, there was still the sneaking suspicion in the back of my mind that he had everything to do with the other side of the business. I stepped back when he released me.

  “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Let’s get you set up in the office next door.”

  I started walking towards the door with him.

  “You will be getting a brand new office, but it’s been renovated alongside mine.”

  I pointed down the corridor to where my dad’s old office was.

  “Good stuff,” he replied, rubbing his hands together. “Say, I saw Frazier storming out of your office a few minutes ago. Anything to be concerned about?”

  “What? No. It was a personal call rather than a business one. As I said on Friday, everything went smoothly.”

  He gave me a strange look, but before I could question it, we were in his office and his expression cleared.

  “This looks great. So, where do we start?”

  I smiled at him.

  “Someone from IT will be up soon. I thought we could go over the discussions I had with the board on Friday together.”

  He sat down at his desk, grinning from ear to ear. I didn’t quite know what to make of his flitting from one mood to another so quickly. My palms started sweating a little. I wiped them on the back of my trousers as I sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

  “Before that, can I ask why John is here?”

  Most of my family knew John, so it wasn’t surprising he’d asked.

  “Uncle Charlie thinks I need someone protecting me.”

  I didn’t dare tell him what happened over the weekend.

  “Any particular reason?”

  I shrugged.

  “He’s been overprotective since I came back. I can’t blame him really after what happened to Mum and Dad.”

  Ed raised an eyebrow.

  “No, I suppose I understand.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Say, little cousin, are you seeing anyone?”

  I froze. Why was he asking me that? It seemed like an odd question given what we’d just been discussing.

  “Um, no… why?”

  He waved a hand at me.

  “You’ve got this kind of glow about you.”

  What the actual fuck is he talking about?

  “I do?”

  “Yeah, you just seem happier. I mean obviously things have been tough on you, but before your parents died, you were really closed off. You just seem different now.”

  I had absolutely no idea how to respond to that. Being with Aiden had changed me, but I didn’t think it was that noticeable. And why would I seem happier when my whole life had gone to shit? My parents were dead. I was head of a company I wanted nothing to do with. I’d been kidnapped, held captive and found out my family were a bunch of sick bastards.

  “Well, thanks… I think. Still not seeing anyone.”

  “Are you sure? What about that friend of yours? You know, the one you grew up with. It’s high time you got snapped up. You’re being called the most eligible heiress.”

  I chose to ignore his latter comment. I’d seen that shit on the internet. I was more concerned as to why he was asking me if I was seeing my best friend.

  “What, James?” I frowned. “Um no, that would be weird.”

  “Doesn’t he have an older brother?”

  My eyebrows shot up. Where the hell was Ed going with this? Was he fishing for information? I wanted to put my head in my hands. This was suspicious as fuck, especially after I’d had Frazier in here. Was that what this was about?

  “And now we’re changing the subject.”

  I hadn’t come in here to talk about my love life.

  “Don’t tell me you have a crush on him?”

  I really couldn’t believe my ears.

  “As if I would date my best friend’s older brother. I’m not that desperate.”

  He winced.


  “Oh god, look, there’s nothing wrong with him, but just no. This conversation is officially over. Can we get on with some work?”

  He clapped his hands together.

  “Of course, sorry, I was merely curious.”

  Curious my fucking arse. I’m one hundred per cent sure he was fishing for information.

  I really needed to have a word with Aiden about this shit. We had to do som
ething about Frazier for starters, but this stuff with Ed made me uncomfortable. What the hell was his agenda? Who was pulling his strings? Was it Troy? Chuck? Why was everyone so fucking interested in who I was seeing and who I was or was not getting married to?

  Everything was getting messier by the fucking day. There were too many players on the board. Too many people pulling me this way and that. Everyone wanted something different from me. I had no idea what to do or think about any of it.

  I was being pulled deeper and deeper into the web of lies and secrets. All of it confused the fuck out of me. I had to get out in front of this. Had to find a way to stop it all from coming crashing down in front of my face.

  The only way I was going to do that is if Aiden and I actually came up with a solid plan to deal with each threat. It had to start with Frazier. He was my most pressing concern. I had to know why the hell he wanted me to marry Tristan so badly.

  When I got back this evening, Aiden and I were going to talk. Not about what I’d said last night, but about what our next move was.

  It couldn’t come soon enough as far as I was concerned.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Avery looked dejected when she walked in the front door. John hadn’t come up with her so I assumed he dropped her off outside the building. I was still feeling a little weird after yesterday when she basically told me she wanted to get married without actually saying it at all. I was in two minds about whether I’d misinterpreted her or not. It didn’t mean I was ready to talk about it. I loved this girl to death, but conversations about our future weren’t easy when we didn’t even know what the future would look like yet. Not when all the shit with her family was still up in the air.

  “Long day, princess?”

  She looked up at me as I walked over to her. She hung up her coat. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. My inner fucking turmoil which had plagued me since she’d been taken could do one. Right now, my girl needed me.


  “Want to talk about it? I have dinner ready for you.”


  I pulled away slightly so I could look down at her. Her cautious expression concerned me as did her monosyllabic answers.


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