Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 52

by Sarah Bailey

  He was right. We would go to hell and back at this birthday event, so now, I just wanted a moment with him. One last memory I could hold onto. I needed Aiden to brand himself into my skin. Needed him to fuck me so I’d still feel him there later. So I’d know he owned me. Know he was mine forever.

  “I’m aching to be filled… Fuck me.”

  “Mmm, do you want my cock in you?”

  “Yes, please fuck me hard.”

  I looked back at him again. He had his cock out and was stroking it. My mouth watered at the sight of him. Shit. I shifted, very aware of the throbbing between my legs.

  He gripped my hip in one hand, using the other to stroke his cock back and forth across my pussy. I moaned as it brushed against my clit relentlessly.

  “Aiden, please.”

  “Fuck, I love hearing you beg for my cock.”

  “Please, I want you so much. I need you. Remind me I’m yours. Claim me.”

  I was rewarded with him pressing his cock inside me. He grunted, taking it agonisingly slow as he filled me up to the hilt. He felt amazing. He always did.

  He leant down and kissed my shoulder, right where the birds were.

  “You’ll remember this later. You’ll know I’ve been inside you. I’m going to fuck you hard and make you scream. I fucking love that sound. When we’re done, you’ll know your mine. You’ll know it deep within your soul.”

  I shivered at his words. Hell, he already had my soul. He had my everything. I’d given it to him without conditions.

  He straightened, pulled back and thrust into me, setting a brutal and merciless pace. He fucked me so hard, I almost couldn’t take the intensity. And he really did make me scream.

  My fingers dug into the covers as I held on for dear life. I cried out his name over and over. My insides clenched. My whole body felt like it was on fire.

  “Fucking take it, fuck, Avery. You’re mine. Mine. You hear me?”

  “I’m yours. Only yours.”

  “You belong to me.”

  “Always. I’ll always be yours.”

  His fingers dug into both my hips as he held me in place.

  “Are you going to come all over my cock, princess?”

  I arched back, feeling it stirring in my core. I took my weight on one hand as the other snaked between my legs.

  “Yes, yes. Fuck me just like that. I’ll come all over you.”

  He growled. I’d have to douse myself in perfume to cover up the fact that I most likely now smelt like sex. I no longer cared. All I felt was the driving need to come. To find that release with the man I loved. The one only he could give to me. The freedom we had together was unlike anything else.

  “Harder, please, fuck me harder,” I groaned.

  I was on the edge. The sound of our brutal lovemaking rang in my ears as it all exploded at once. My blood fizzled in my veins. My skin tingled everywhere.

  I slammed my hand back down on the bed so I wouldn’t collapse as the waves of pleasure took me under and drowned me.

  “I love you. I love you so fucking much.”

  “I love you too, princess.”

  He wasn’t quite done with me. His thrusts grew erratic, letting me know he was close. He cursed, fucking me so hard, my teeth almost rattled in my skull. I felt the first pulse and his grunt vibrated across my skin.

  He slowed, coming to a halt. I could hear his harsh breath as he panted behind me.

  “Fuck, Avery.”

  He echoed my exact thoughts. Fuck indeed. It wasn’t like sex with us had ever been anything but all consuming and intense, but today was a huge deal for both of us. We had a lot to accomplish. I just hoped it all paid off.

  He pulled out of me, flipped me over on my back and crawled over me, capturing my mouth in his. The kiss was desperate. We clutched each other, needing that connection between us.

  “I’m not ready for this shit,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Neither am I.”

  It had to happen. We had no choice but to go ahead with it. All our plans would go up in flames otherwise.

  We lay there together for the longest time. Aiden kissed my cheeks, my eyes, my nose, my lips. I’d have to touch up my make-up, but I no longer cared. I needed this. He needed this. Just a few more minutes where it was me and him.

  When he got off me and tucked himself back in his trousers, doing his belt up, I sat up on my elbows. He smiled at me.

  “Well, looks like I did ruin your hair and make-up.”


  He laughed, pulling me up off the bed. He kissed me before I walked out of the room and went into the bathroom to clean up and sort out the mess that was my face and hair.

  Twenty minutes later, I’d fixed myself up, pulled on my underwear, knowing Aiden would not be happy if I went without and slipped on my shoes.

  The door buzzed. It was John. I told him I’d be down in a couple of minutes.

  Aiden wrapped his arms around me, giving me one last kiss before I left. He helped me put my coat on.

  “You still look stunning.”

  “And you scrub up well too,” I said, brushing away a piece of lint from one of his lapels.

  “Is that so?”

  “Mmm, you’re still my tattooed bad boy.”

  He grinned, kissing my forehead.

  “I can call you my tattooed princess now.”

  I smiled before turning and opening the front door.

  “I’ll see you there.”

  He winked. I slipped from the flat and made my way downstairs into the waiting car. I made small talk with John on the way. He might be head of security for the event, but he was still my bodyguard.

  When we reached the venue, he opened my door for me and helped me out the car. His green eyes twinkled.

  “Good luck in there… Miss Daniels.”

  He gave me a wink. I grinned. It felt like we had our own personal in joke surrounding that name now.

  “I think I’ll need it.”

  I took a deep breath, looking up at the beautiful carvings around the front door.

  It was time to face the music.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Tonight would change everything. Our plans had to work. The groundwork was in place. Avery and I had done everything in our power to make sure they’d fall like dominoes. If we pulled this off, we’d be free. Finally free to be together without hiding in the shadows. I’d finally destroy the Daniels legacy and all its corruption and abuse.

  When we’d discovered the clause in her trust fund, I’d known exactly what I had to do. Avery’s safety and happiness were paramount. In a crazy twist of fate, it was me who’d insisted on this course of action when she’d been sceptical.

  Whilst it might have looked like we’d done this just so Frazier couldn’t get his hands on her trust fund, we knew the truth. I loved her and she loved me. Our souls were meant for each other. Who gave a fuck about timescales, about what was right or wrong? At the end of the day, all that mattered was us.

  Avery had looked like a fucking goddess before she left. That dress fit her like a glove. I would have to thank her friend at a later date. Gert and James had been there for the two of us in the past few weeks and their help really was invaluable, along with Ben, Skye and John.

  I knew what it was to rely on your fellow soldiers in the army, but back in civilian life, things were different. Avery taught me it was okay to trust other people when you knew they had your back. I had hers and she had mine. That made us a team. The two of us wouldn’t have been able to achieve this by ourselves, which is why having our friends around us made such a difference.

  I dusted my shoulder before walking out the door ten minutes after Avery left. As a valued employee, I was invited to her birthday event. Chuck had spent weeks on this. He’d coordinated the event himself.

  I wasn’t sure why he’d suddenly become so invested in his niece, but I had a feeling
it was more to do with the publicity this event would bring than it being Avery’s birthday.

  Daniels Holdings had been through a string of bad press since Mitchell and Kathleen’s murders. All the rumours surrounding it had done nothing but drag the company’s name through the mud. Admittedly, this is what I’d wanted, but now, we needed a new narrative. A new spin on things. That’s what our plans tonight would achieve.

  I got in the Jag and made my way across the city. Chuck had picked a central location for it right next to Westminster. Avery had shown me pictures of the mock-ups of what the room would look like. Even though she wasn’t happy about having this event in the first place, she did get stuck into helping Chuck with it.

  Parking up nearby, I got out and walked to the venue. Some of the press were outside, but I imagined Chuck had invited a lot of them as guests. This was big news. The first real chance anyone would get to see Avery as the new head of the company. She’d refused so many interviews.

  I nodded at the door staff as I walked in, flashing my invitation. The place was really done up. Chuck had spared no expense. There were flowers everywhere with some flowing material hanging down from the ceiling.

  As I walked into the ballroom, I spied John immediately. He was standing against one of the walls, surveying the crowd. I made a beeline for him, keeping my eyes peeled for my girl. I spotted her with James and Gert towards the back of the room.

  Thank fuck.

  At least she wasn’t with any of the other twats who’d been invited to this event. I was sure she’d be hounded all evening but for now, she was with her friends.

  “You not worried someone might try steal her away from you this evening?” John said as I joined him against the wall.

  “You’re a funny man.”

  He grinned, giving me a wink.

  “You sure she’s ready to go through with this?”

  “She knows she can back out at any time, but I don’t think she will. Not now.”

  There was a lot at stake. In order to convince everyone, Avery had become quite the actress over the past few weeks. Still, this was going to come as quite a shock to a number of people, Chuck included.

  I spied Frazier and Tristan walking in the ballroom together. Both were in tuxes, their hair slicked back in matching styles.

  “You really think he’s bought all of this?”

  “Who, Frazier?”

  “He looks very smug right now.”

  Frazier’s eyes had fallen on Avery. The glint in them made my blood boil in my veins. Fucking cunt. I couldn’t wait to make him pay.

  “He thinks he has everything he’s ever wanted in the palm of his hand.”

  John gave me a sly smile. Frazier was about to get a fucking wakeup call. Tonight was about guaranteeing our success. It wasn’t easy to fool a man as suspicious of the world as Frazier, but my girl was determined. She hated Tristan and Frazier more than I did at this point.

  “I never thought I’d relish the day we set the empire up to fall flat on its face.”

  “Well, I’m grateful you decided to switch sides.”

  He shrugged.

  “The sooner this is over, the better. I’m done with the Daniels and their bullshit. I’ve seen too much.”

  We both had. The shit they’d made us do. No one could call John and I good men, but we were determined to make sure we made up for it in some small way.

  We’d been getting closer to working out who The Collector was and where he was keeping the girls. How they were moved from client to client. We needed to topple the operation and burn it to the ground. Avery was determined to rescue all the girls before everything went up in flames.

  Tristan made his way across the room towards my girl. I clenched my fists but stayed put. I couldn’t do anything about that snivelling little shit. I had to keep my temper in check even though I wanted to fucking rip his balls off.

  Avery gave him her brightest fake smile when he reached her and her two friends. I knew they’d all gone to school together. James’ sneered at the sight of him and Gert looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. I was too far away to hear what they were saying.

  “I don’t know how you can stand here and watch him near her,” John said.

  “If I had a choice, he’d be in the ground.”

  “Soon all of them will be.”

  John didn’t care if I took all of them out. I doubt he’d even care that I killed Mitchell and Kathleen. He’d become jaded with the world after spending so long around sick bastards like the Daniels and their associates. I could hardly blame him. I’d been the same way until Avery came into my life. She’d become my reason to live again.

  “I keep reminding myself of that.”

  I scanned the room, knowing John would keep his eyes on my princess. My fists clenched again when I spied Robert Bassington talking to Chuck. Their eyes were on me. There were no longer any traces of the beating I’d given Robert on his face, but he looked thunderous. I knew what the sick fuck would be saying to him. I didn’t trust him not to blab. It didn’t matter now. Sophie and Cora were safe.

  Tina had taken them to her house in Cornwall. She told me they were doing well. I was glad she was out of London whilst this shit was going down. I’d seen her last week and we’d talked for a long time, but she’d gone back to take care of them after that.

  They were still pretty traumatised after what they’d been through. She’d found a private therapist. Avery insisted on paying for it all since it was her family who’d done this to them.

  “Well, looks like I’m in for a conversation tonight.”

  John looked over, frowning until he noticed who I was staring at.

  “You did insist on taking those girls from Robert.”

  “You know I couldn’t leave them there.”

  “No, but it’s going to cost you.”

  I shrugged. It wasn’t as if I was unprepared. Chuck would have more important things to worry about before this evening was over.

  “I’m sure once Avery makes her announcement, it’ll be forgotten about.”

  He grinned, shaking his head.

  “Want to bet how long it takes for Chuck to piss himself?”

  I smiled. I think he’d do more than just that. Avery was about to completely turn everything on its head. I never thought she’d change her mind about all of this, but she had. We’d both come to the same conclusion. Turn everyone against each other and cause chaos. That started with her doing something she said she never would.

  My eyes fell on her again. She was still talking to Tristan, who was staring at her with a disgusting leer in his eyes. James looked like he wanted to stab Tristan in the face. I couldn’t blame him.

  Apparently, Tristan had spent their school years tormenting the three of them for being nerds. Hardly surprising given what I knew about the fucking idiot. He was a younger version of his father on every level. Moulded to be exactly like Frazier.

  Avery’s doe eyes met mine across the room. The twinkle in them made my heart thump. Fuck. I loved that girl to the fucking moon and back. She was every star in the sky. So fucking bright and beautiful. Perfect for me in every single way.

  “Has Chuck seen her tattoos yet?”

  “No. I’m sure he’ll have something to say about those. He wasn’t happy when she got the first one.”

  “Well, we’re about to find out.”

  He nodded at Chuck who was pushing through the crowd towards his niece. His face was a picture of irritation. When he reached her, she looked a little taken aback by what he said. He took her by the arm and pulled her away, closer to where John and I were standing.

  “What the fuck are those?” he said.

  We could just about make out his voice over the noise.

  “What are what?”

  “Tattoos, Avery. Are you determined to make sure no one takes you seriously?”

  She pulled her arm away from him.

on’t be so old fashioned, Uncle Charlie.”

  “This is supposed to show the company in a good light. You turning up with these is going to be headline news.”

  She shrugged, giving him a smile.

  “Given what else might happen this evening, I don’t think you have to worry too much about my new tattoos.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “And just what do you mean by that?”

  “You’ll see.”

  She patted him on the shoulder before sauntering away to where there was a small stage erected. She looked back at where John and I were, giving us both a wink over her shoulder. I shook my head. She was enjoying this a little too much. I absolutely hated what she was going to do next, but again, we had little choice in the matter. This was the only way.

  She reached the stage and picked up the mic, patting it a little to get everyone’s attention. The subtle music was switched off and everyone turned towards her. Chuck’s expression grew darker. There was no going back now.

  “Hello everyone, as you all probably know, I’m Avery. Firstly, I’d like to thank you all for coming. You only turn twenty one and become head of a company once in your life.”

  Some of the crowd chuckled. I could see the nervousness in her movements. Her fingers twitched on the mic and her smile was too big. I wished I could hold her hand. Help her get through this speech, but that would be a fucking disaster for both of us.

  “I’d like to say thank you to my uncle, Charles Daniels, for arranging this event and keeping the company running after the tragic death of my parents. I have some big shoes to fill, but I’m determined to carry on in my father’s footsteps. May they both rest in peace.”

  There was some murmuring of agreement around the room. I glanced at John who was rolling his eyes. I knew now he hated Mitchell. He’d told me working for him had been a bitch. At least when he started, he dealt with Nick who didn’t mince words. Mitchell always hid behind masks.

  “I don’t want to keep you all for too long, but I have an announcement to make.”

  She looked out into the crowd and waved at someone. They made their way towards the stage and got up on the platform with her. This was it. I tried to keep my breathing steady. She reached out and took the person’s hand. She plastered on the fakest smile I’d ever seen her give.


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