Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 59

by Sarah Bailey

  “She’s worth it. Watching her smile is like looking at the fucking sun. So radiant.”

  “I heard that,” came her voice across the room.

  John laughed, slapping me on the back. It wasn’t like it was a secret how I felt about her.

  “You were supposed to.”

  She looked up from her drawing, giving me a grin and a wink. Fuck that girl could really brighten my mood instantly.

  “I best be off,” John said.

  “Yeah, see you in the morning.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll nail this fucker to the wall, Aiden. Whether it be Troy, Arthur or someone else, we’ll find him and we’ll take him down. Enough is enough.”

  I nodded. I knew he would find something out somehow.

  “See you tomorrow, Avery,” he called as he walked out.

  “Bye, John.”

  I went over to her, kneeling at her feet and wrapping a hand around her calf as I heard the front door slam.

  “Would my radiant princess like dinner?”

  She set her drawing aside, put her feet down on the floor and leant over, catching my face in her hands.

  “Yes, please, my beautiful husband to be.”

  I bit my lip, trying not to smile. Fuck. Anyone else calling me beautiful, I would’ve told them to fuck off, but Avery said it was her immediate thought when she saw me the first time. Her beautiful avenging angel.

  I was trying to live up to that image she had of me.

  Even though in reality, I was still battered, broken and bruised and she was no longer innocent, fragile and sheltered.

  My girl would see us through even if I never found redemption for all the things I’d done.

  Avery was my salvation.

  And I would find a way to be the man she deserved.

  Chapter Seven


  Present Day

  I poked my head around Ed’s office door. He was sitting at his desk, fiddling with a tablet with a frown on his face.

  “You look like you could use a break.”

  He looked up, his expression startled.

  “Shit, Avery, you scared me.”

  I slid into the room, folding my hands behind my back. He’d been acting weird for weeks. Ever since Saskia had overheard him, his behaviour became more erratic. Something was bothering him and I wasn’t sure what.

  “Sorry, fancy some lunch?”

  He looked down at his watch.

  “Sure, ordering in or should we take a working lunch?”

  “Already sorted… Saskia has it laid out in the conference room.”

  I wanted to put him at ease so his guard would be down and he might let something slip. Later, I’d have to deal with Frazier and Tristan, but for now, I could try work out what the hell was going on with my cousin.

  “Did you want to discuss something then?”

  I shook my head.

  “It’s all work around here and after all the excitement of my birthday last week I just thought we could talk about how you think everything is going.”

  He nodded, standing up and coming around his desk. He followed me out of the room and along to the conference room. There were various posh sandwiches, snacks and drinks. Way more than Ed and I could eat by ourselves. When we were seated and tucking in, he turned to me.

  “So… getting married to Tristan. I was a little surprised when you announced it.”

  “I’m not in love with him if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  He inclined his head a little, smiling.

  “What is your reasoning then?”

  “It’s what Dad wanted. Joining our families together seems right under the circumstances.”

  I was lying through my teeth, but who cared at this point? Even though Ed hadn’t given me many reasons to suspect him, I still didn’t trust him. Just like Aiden said, I couldn’t trust anyone in my family. I had to suspect everyone and everything. I didn’t want to turn into one of those girls who was paranoid about everything, but my family had done more than enough to warrant suspicion.

  “You’re doing it out of a sense of obligation?”

  “I guess so.”

  He frowned, fiddling with his glass.

  “Not that I have any right to offer you advice on your love life, but don’t you think you should marry someone because you want to be with them?”

  “You think I don’t want to be with Tristan?”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Do you?”

  I felt like I was falling into a trap here. Did I answer that question honestly or not? I looked away. Ed’s gaze was far too intense, stripping me open and leaving me exposed.

  “Does it matter?”

  I took a bite of my sandwich whilst I waited for his answer.

  “Yes. I think our family has placed far too many obligations on us and this shouldn’t be one of yours.”

  My eyes snapped to his. His expression was neutral but his eyes told me he was serious. What kind of obligations did he have? Was this to do with the dark family dealings? I couldn’t ask him outright, but I wanted to know. I needed to. What did Ed know? How deeply involved was he?

  “We don’t always get what we want in life.”

  “We also no longer live in a time where you have to marry a man you don’t want to.”

  My uncle didn’t want me to marry Tristan. My cousin didn’t. What did they have against the Shaws? What exactly was Frazier hiding? Everyone always seemed to get along so well. This made me realise that perhaps more was going on than I’d first thought. I got the distinct impression that my father’s death had been the catalyst to all of this. Had he kept them all in line and made sure these divides didn’t affect their business relationships? If so, then Aiden had completely disrupted everything.

  Was this his plan all along?

  Did he know how this would play out?

  Remove the key player and all the rest would fall one by one. It certainly looked and felt that way to me. Frazier’s insistence on me marrying Tristan. Ed acting strangely. My uncle going from telling me off one minute to apologising to me the next. Rick Morgan involving himself in our family affairs. All of this seemed far too convenient to be a coincidence.

  I had to Aiden him later.

  “You’re right… that doesn’t mean I’m not going ahead with it. Do you have something against the Shaws?”

  He sighed, plucking a bunch of grapes off one of the plates and popping a few in his mouth.

  “Not exactly. You just shouldn’t trust anyone outside the family. You never know what type of skeletons are living in people’s cupboards.”

  I knew what ones were living in our family’s. Horrific ones involving slavery, human trafficking, rape and abuse. Not to mention murder. Aiden’s mother can’t have been the only girl they’d killed. Whoever it really was considering he was now convinced it hadn’t been my father. That left us at a dead end.

  Aiden said the voice was familiar to him. The level of detail he’d used to describe the event broke my heart. It wasn’t just because I loved Aiden. No seven year old boy should have to watch someone slit their mother’s throat and leave her to bleed out on the floor. After witnessing all that shit as a child, it was no wonder he had so many problems. The whole thing was traumatic.

  “You saying Frazier has a bunch in his?”

  “Maybe he does. Just look at his clients. You can’t think they’re all innocent with nothing to hide.”

  Frazier had some very high profile clients. He rubbed shoulders with some of the richest men in England. He had connections. Ones he no doubt used to help my father and all his other associates. It was those connections I needed to find along with his secrets. Frazier had to have covered a lot of shit up.

  “I’m not that naïve. There’s darkness in everyone.” Even in me, I added to myself silently.

  He gave me a sad smile. It did something strange to my insides. Was Ed struggling w
ith his own darkness? What did he really know? Too many questions.

  “Some more than others.”

  I nodded slowly. I hadn’t come in here to talk to him about my engagement to Tristan, but it’d given me a lot to think about.

  “How are things with you anyway? Are you happy here?”

  He steepled his fingers. A gesture which reminded me of my father. He used to do that when he was contemplating something. The thought of it seared into my chest, causing me to clench my fist under the table against the onslaught of pain I felt when I thought about him. I hated my father so much, but there was still a tiny part of me that would always love him. He’d raised me, loved me and cared for me. How could a man who doted so much on his daughter be such a monster behind closed doors?

  I reminded myself he’d been less than a stellar father in the past few years since we’d argued so much over my future. He’d shown the true man he was underneath the mask. The one who got angry when he didn’t get his way. Did he take out that frustration on those girls? Did he enjoy dominating them because it gave him a sense of power? Control?

  I felt a little ill thinking about it in that way. Mostly because there was such a fine line between the way my dad treated those women and the way Aiden treated me. There was one huge difference. I wanted to submit to Aiden in the bedroom, but those girls my dad abused? They hadn’t wanted it at all.

  I had an unorthodox relationship with Aiden, sure. Before I left him, he had all the power and he used it to his advantage. I knew how wrong that was. I recognised it and in his own way, so did he. We’d changed. Our relationship evolved into something else. I was his wife now and he was my husband. I’d chosen to go back to him. I’d picked Aiden. I’d taken my side in this war and I was never going back on it.

  “I am. Working with family has been rewarding. Seeing the company go from strength to strength in such a short time, despite all the hardships our family has faced. I only hope it will continue.”

  I didn’t know whether to take his words on face value or not. Was there a deeper meaning? Fuck. I really was beginning to sound so paranoid. I wanted to trust Ed. I wanted him to be on my side. Except I couldn’t. That niggling voice of doubt in my head assured me trusting my cousin would be my downfall. My biggest mistake.

  I steeled my heart even though it killed me to do so. I had to. The alarm bells going off in my head were too strong to ignore. Not listening to my gut instincts would surely land me in trouble.

  “I’m happy you feel that way. I’m so glad we’re working together. Having an ally in this place is a godsend you know. Uncle Charlie is difficult to deal with at times, but with you, it’s easy.”

  The way he smiled told me everything I needed to know. The excitement in his eyes at my words. He thought I trusted him. The sinking feeling in my stomach almost made me want to hurl up my lunch, but I didn’t. Remaining calm and composed was my only course of action.

  Ed knew.

  He fucking knew.

  And I hated that fact.

  Hated the realisation I had.

  I would have to take him down along with my uncle and the Shaws. I’d have to destroy my family completely. It was the only way. No one was coming out of this unscathed.

  So right then and there, I drew a line in the sand.

  From this day forth, my cousin was my enemy.

  And I would not let my love for him cloud my judgement.

  Or so I hoped.


  Trudging back into the flat, I realised I didn’t have much time before I had to leave for dinner with the Shaws. A pit of dread coiled in my stomach. I didn’t want to sit through this evening with them, but I had to. It was the only way. Frazier didn’t keep his secrets at his office. They would be in his home, ensconced in his office where no one else would have access to them. I knew though. And I’d get it for Aiden and me.

  My husband was in the bedroom, waiting for me when I walked in. His grey eyes were stormy. It concerned me.

  “Hey,” I said, taking off my blazer and hanging it up in the cupboard.

  He came up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning down to kiss my cheek.

  “Princess,” he breathed, inhaling me.

  “I’ve got to get ready.”

  His hands around me tightened.

  “I hate this.”

  I nodded. I did too. I started to unbutton my blouse, but he spun me around and replaced my hands with his own. He threw the blouse in the wash basket when he slipped it off my shoulders and unzipped my skirt, discarding that too. I stood there in just my underwear. His eyes darkened significantly.

  “Stay there,” he told me.

  He moved away to the bedside table and pulled something off it, coming back over to me. He dropped to his knees, running his hand up my thigh. He secured the strap to my thigh before slipping the knife into its sheath.

  “If he tries anything with you, do not hesitate, Avery. Do you understand?”


  I didn’t relish the prospect of hurting anyone physically, but if it was me or one of the Shaws, I knew who I’d choose. Myself.

  Aiden rose to his feet, dropping a kiss on my forehead. Before he could disappear, I grabbed him by the face and tugged him down for a proper kiss. I needed a moment with him. His body against mine. I pressed myself to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Aiden responded in kind, holding me close, his hands banded around my back.

  “Princess,” he whispered against my lips. “I love you.”

  I just about melted on the spot. I wanted him to lay me down on the bed, put me in that harness of his and let him use my body for his pleasure. Somewhere along the line, I’d embraced my own need to be completely at Aiden’s mercy. I wanted the restraints just as much as he did. Just thinking about them made my insides clench.

  Now was not the time. Not when I had a job to do. It might be the most important evening of my life. Having one up on Frazier Shaw would make this all worthwhile.

  I pulled away, staring up into his beautiful features. My avenging angel. I wanted him so fucking much, I could barely think straight.

  “This might not be the right time to ask this, but when tonight is done and we’ve got what we need… Can we celebrate with…?”

  “With what?”

  I trailed a finger down his chest, staring at it intently.

  “I liked what you did the first night we stayed at mine.”

  He put a finger under my chin, turning my gaze back up to his. The darkness in them simmered with heat.

  “You did?”

  “Yes… I realise you were punishing me over the James thing, but the way you took complete control, how you spoke to me… it did things to me. I want you to do it again. I want to be at your mercy like that. Fuck, Aiden, it was so hot. Maybe it’s really fucked up, but I don’t care. We’re fucked up together.”

  I’d never actually voiced out loud how I felt about that night. It had been a couple of months ago, but hell, right now, all I really wanted was for Aiden to help me forget about everything else. I wanted to drown in my husband. I needed it. Desired it. Craved it. It pulsed in my veins. My nerves tingled.

  He leant down towards me, brushing his lips over mine as he cupped my backside with one hand, pressing me into his hard cock.

  “You want to be tied up so you can’t move and fucked within an inch of your life in all three of your tight holes?”

  His deep, rich voice vibrated right through me. I squirmed, nodding. I wanted it more than anything.

  “Shit, princess. You have no idea what the fuck you do to me.”

  “I think I do.”

  I ground into him, my stomach rubbing against his cock. He groaned in response.

  “It’d be my fucking pleasure to put you back in the harness and use you like you want me to. Fuck, Avery, why did you have to bring this up now?”

  The thought of what I had to do this evening terrifie
d me. Losing myself to Aiden was the only way I could cope with that fear.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologise. I wish you’d told me before, but things have been so crazy. I know now… and trust me, when I do tie you up, you’ll know exactly how it feels to be mine and at my mercy.”

  I shivered. I was already Aiden’s and had been at his mercy from the day we’d met. I wanted him in control. Putting me through my paces. Pushing me to my limits. Making me come so hard I no longer knew what was up or down. I craved everything about this man. The man who’d become my sole focus in life. My husband.

  I kissed him again before I pulled away. He released me although I could see his reluctance to in his eyes. They roamed down my body, falling on my heaving chest. I was so fucking turned on. The pull between us pulsed. Aiden set me on fire and I’d just well and truly stoked the flames.

  “Fuck, princess.”

  He pushed me against the cupboard door, my hair wrapped in his fist as he dragged his teeth down my neck.

  “We can’t.”

  Who was I fucking kidding? I had maybe an hour before John picked me up but making myself look like the perfect wife to be would take time and I needed a shower if Aiden was going to fuck me.

  He released himself from the confines of his clothes. When his bare cock rubbed against my stomach, it felt like fire against my skin. He was so hot. He dragged me away from the door and pressed me down on the rug on the floor. Both of us were too consumed by each other to move to the bed. He tugged aside my underwear and thrust inside me. I cried out, my nails digging into his t-shirt.

  “Fuck, Aiden.”

  “So wet for me. Wanting your husband to fuck you without holding back, hmm?”

  I almost melted on the damn spot hearing him call himself my husband.


  “When I tie you up, I’m going to leave the gag out this time. Then I can hear you begging and pleading with me. And I can fuck your throat. You won’t be able to stop me. You want that, don’t you?”

  He gave it to me hard and I met him thrust for thrust.

  “Yes, I want it all.”

  I wanted him everywhere. In every part of me. Despite being terrified of anal when he’d first indicated he wanted it, now, it was another part of our relationship I loved. It felt so good to have him take me there with wild abandon. And fuck, did he know it. He made it feel like heaven. Made me beg him to fuck me harder until I came over and over for him.


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