Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 61

by Sarah Bailey

  I felt the sensation of being lifted up and carried by two people before I was unceremoniously dumped on a cold metal floor. Before I had a chance to try and regain my senses, I was plunged into darkness.

  Whatever they’d given me was working. My limbs wouldn’t function. My head felt fuzzy. What the fuck had they given me? What the fuck was happening? Why the hell would anyone fucking knock me out? Who’d sent them?

  The questions in my mind blurred into one. I was sinking further and further. I didn’t know what was up or down any longer.

  I closed my eyes and the last thing I thought before I lost consciousness was that I was truly fucked and my wife was in serious danger.

  Chapter Nine


  My heart was torn to shreds. Completely. Aiden’s fear seeped into me. Everything he said made sense. Absolutely everything. I was tired of this shit. So tired that I couldn’t stop now. We’d set this plan in motion and I was ready for it to all be over.

  “Are you okay?” John asked, looking back at me through the rear view mirror.

  “Not really.”

  “Aiden didn’t look happy.”

  I sighed, fiddling with my coat.

  “He’s not. We had a fight. He doesn’t want me to do this tonight. Rick called him then he went mental at me.”

  “Rick called him?”

  I nodded, but then realised he was paying attention to the road so couldn’t see me.

  “Yes. Not sure what he said other than he knows Aiden and I got married and I got the impression he still wants to meet me in person.”

  John drummed his fingers on the steering wheel for a moment.

  “Rick’s never got in touch with him before from what he’s told me.”

  Aiden hadn’t exactly been unreasonable with me and it made this worse. I knew him talking to Rick would piss him off. I just wanted to know what the man said to cause my husband to go completely off the deep end over me going to the Shaws tonight. Except instead I’d got angry at him too. And now I felt like the world’s worst wife. I should’ve pressed him about what Rick said. I should’ve made him tell me.

  “No… It’ll be okay, I’m just worried about him and what he might do. I mean last time he beat the crap out of Robert Bassington.”

  John gave me another look through the rear view mirror. He seemed concerned too.

  “Are you sure you still want to do this?”

  “Not really, but do I even have a choice at this point? If I don’t do this now, then it’ll just be later down the line and I think we’ve all had enough.”

  He nodded slowly. He’d dealt with my family for a long time. He knew a lot of their darkest secrets. John wanted a quiet life now, just like Aiden and me. One without threats and dark family deeds hanging over us. I’d meant what I said to Aiden. I wanted a life with him where we could be free to love each other in the open.

  Was it so wrong that I wanted to be able to walk down the street and hold my husband’s hand without being scared we’d be exposed by the press or some random person snapping a picture of us? I wanted to be able to wear my fucking wedding ring. I just wanted to be normal. Not that our relationship could ever be described as normal. Not with how it started and the ways in which we desired each other.

  “As long as you’re sure. I can take you back if you’re not.”

  “I’m sure.”

  The rest of the journey to Frazier’s was silent. I was too busy dwelling on my argument with Aiden. I wished we hadn’t got into a fight. It made this so much worse. My nerves coiled in my stomach, destroying my appetite and giving me a slight headache. I needed Aiden’s support and I didn’t have that. I pulled out my phone, settling for sending him a message.

  ME: I’m sorry.

  ME: I love you xxx

  I didn’t get a response. He was probably still cooling off. Something in my gut told me I should be worried about him not responding. He hadn’t even seen the texts. Aiden didn’t usually ignore his phone going off. I was about to try calling him when we pulled up in Frazier’s driveway. I stuffed my phone back in the pocket of my dress. I’d picked it deliberately because a dress with pockets, who didn’t want one of those?

  John helped me out the car and gave me a sharp nod.

  “I’m only a text message or phone call away.”

  I put a hand on his arm.

  “I know. Thank you… Hey John, can you try calling Aiden and see if he’s calmed down yet? I don’t know why, but I feel like something’s wrong.”

  He gave me a tight smile.

  “I will. I’m sure he’ll be fine if you give him time.”

  I wasn’t sure of that, but I smiled back at him before turning and walking up the steps to Frazier’s front door. I rang the bell and waited. Two minutes later, Tristan opened the door.

  “Hello Avery.”

  “Hi Tristan,” I ground out.

  Fuck did I hate him. He was wearing a collarless blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He stepped back, allowing me to walk in. When the door closed behind me, I felt a sense of dread prickle against my skin. I was fucking terrified of what tonight would bring.

  I shuffled out of my coat and he took it from me, hanging it up in the cupboard. They had a grand hallway which had a sweeping staircase. I’d been here so many times throughout my childhood.

  He placed a hand in the small of my back and directed me towards the formal dining room. My skin crawled. I didn’t want his hands on me, but objecting was useless. I had to play my part tonight or things could go very wrong.

  The room was well lit with a huge chandelier hanging over the middle of the table, which was a large dark wooden antique. Frazier had informed me about its origins when I was younger, but I’d hardly been listening. The man had a taste for expensive furniture. Nothing but the best for the Shaws.

  Frazier was sat at the head of the table and there were only two place settings either side of him. I looked up at Tristan.

  “Is Susan not joining us?”

  “Mum’s sister has been taken ill.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was lying or not, but this didn’t bode well at all. I would’ve felt safer with his mother here.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I was looking forward to seeing her.”

  “It’s unfortunate, yes.”

  I sat to Frazier’s left whilst Tristan walked around and placed himself across from me. His mud brown eyes were intent on my face. I fidgeted under his gaze.

  “Thank you for coming, Avery,” Frazier said, giving me a nod.

  “Of course.”

  I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to run back to Aiden. Tell him I was sorry. Bury my face in his solid chest and never let go. But that was the coward’s way out. He might be my husband but I couldn’t hide behind him. I had to face up to reality. The only way we were ever going to get out of this mess was by taking matters into our own hands.

  There was a pensive silence for a long moment before we were served by Frazier’s staff. The two men made polite small talk with me throughout the starter. It felt strange being so civil to them. When the staff had served us the main meal and withdrew, Frazier turned to me.

  “The Radisson Blu in Marylebone have had a cancellation in August. I have made a provisional booking.”

  I froze, my fork halfway to my mouth.

  He fucking did what?

  I couldn’t believe he’d gone behind my back and looked at reception venues for this bloody summer. Was he crazy? I hadn’t even agreed to a date with Tristan yet. I took a breath, setting my fork back down. I couldn’t get mad about this. I had to remain calm. This was still a fake engagement and I wouldn’t be marrying Tristan. So what if Frazier had booked a venue? It could always be cancelled again.

  “Isn’t that a bit soon?”

  “Why, no. I will hire you the best wedding planners, you won’t have to lift a finger.”

  I knew why he was so invested in this. He wanted my money.
No matter how sick it made me feel, I had to keep a straight face.

  “Well, okay, perhaps Tristan and I can go see the venue together?”

  I’d rather die than spend time with him, but it didn’t hurt to show a little willingness. Tristan rolled his eyes.

  “That can certainly be arranged.”

  I smiled and went back to my food, hoping this conversation was over. I had come here to talk about our engagement and subsequent wedding plans but that didn’t mean I had to like it. And I had another job to do. When the dishes for the main course were cleared away, I excused myself to the bathroom.

  Hurrying along the corridor when I got out of the dining room, I headed towards Frazier’s office, keeping my eyes peeled for any of the staff. Thankfully they were too busy preparing dessert so the coast was clear. I slipped in and shut the door behind me. I didn’t bother turning the light on as I crept towards his computer. It was on, but password protected. Pulling out the little memory stick Aiden had given me a couple of days ago, I plugged it in. He’d taught me how to hack into it. When I got through the password and it brought up the main screen, I ran another program he’d put on there. It would search all the files for me and download any relevant ones.

  I breathed a short sigh of relief when I saw it was working, but too many minutes had gone by. I left it running as I slipped out and walked towards the bathroom. Once inside, I took several deep breaths. I couldn’t stay here long, but I checked my phone. Aiden still hadn’t responded to me. I sent him another message.

  ME: Going okay, got to the PC but waiting for it to download.

  No response. He hadn’t looked at his phone at all. I was beginning to worry. Why hadn’t he checked his messages? Was he that pissed off with me? Surely, he’d want to know I was okay. Fuck. What was going on with him?

  Aiden might not have responded, but John had sent me a message. When I opened it, my heart tightened uncomfortably in my chest.

  JOHN: Can’t get hold of Aiden. Going over to check on him.

  ME: Okay. Let me know if you find him please.

  I splashed my face with water, flushed the toilet and walked out, almost barrelling straight into Tristan.

  “I was just coming to look for you, dessert is about to be served.”

  His eyes were narrowed as I stared up into his hateful face.

  “Right, uh… let’s go then.”

  I didn’t look towards Frazier’s office. I didn’t have time to go back in there. Not now Tristan was here. I had to hope the program would finish downloading all the files and I could get to it later.

  He planted his hand on my lower back again. I glared at him.

  “I’d rather you didn’t touch me.”

  “Get used to it, Avery.”

  His hand moved lower, brushing over the top of my behind. I tensed, shifting out of his grasp. The revulsion I felt at having him touch me over my clothes would be nothing compared to him actually touching my skin.

  “You can threaten me all you want. You and I both know this marriage is a sham. I’m not letting you feel me up.”

  He grabbed me by the wrist, stopping me in my tracks before he shoved me against the wall. Caging me in with one hand up by my head, his eyes roamed down my body.

  “I’ll feel you up all I fucking want. You’re going to be mine. So if I want to touch you, I will.”

  His other hand ran down my bare arm. I shoved him away from me.

  “Get fucked, Tristan.”

  I walked away back into the dining room. I heard his footsteps behind me, but I ignored him.

  “There you two are,” Frazier said.

  I took my seat, finding dessert of a chocolate fondant with raspberry sorbet had already been served. Tristan threw himself back down in his own seat, scowling at me over the table. Frazier eyed us both. I started on my dessert, not wanting to talk about what happened in the corridor.

  One of Frazier’s staff came into the room and leant down to say something to him which I couldn’t quite hear. He nodded at them with a gleam in his eye. Something about it set me on edge. Tristan seemed nonplussed by the exchange, too busy scowling at his plate. I’d pissed him off. Who knew what type of shit he was plotting? Honestly, I was surprised nothing untoward had really happened to me yet. What the fuck did they have planned?

  “So, Avery, we have much to discuss. Have you finished?” Frazier said.

  I’d cleared my plate without noticing.

  “Um, yes.”

  “Shall we retire to the drawing room?”

  Pretentious prick. Who still calls it a drawing room?

  I shrugged. He rose and put a hand out to me which I took as I stood up. He tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow. Tristan followed us from the room.

  “This has been a long time coming. Our families finally being one.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I settled for staying silent. What I did notice was I wasn’t being taken to the drawing room. No, we were walking further down the corridor to rooms I hadn’t been in before. I looked up at Frazier, but his expression remained neutral.

  He stopped outside a door, let go of my hand and opened it. Before I had a chance to say anything, Tristan grabbed me by my arms from behind and shoved me into the room. He held me in place in the pitch black until an overhead light came on.

  I blinked rapidly, my eyes falling on someone cable tied to a chair. Someone I knew intimately.

  “Now, Avery, tell me… do you know who this is?” Frazier said, turning to me.

  I shook my head. His expression hardened.

  “Come now, don’t lie to me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You do,” Tristan hissed in my ear. “Have you conveniently forgotten what happened when I came to your office?”

  Tears pricked at my eyes. It didn’t look like they’d hurt him, but he was clearly unconscious.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Frazier’s eyes darkened, his expression suddenly turning vicious.

  “Because you’ve been lying to me since day fucking one. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

  I froze. What exactly did he know? He wasn’t telling me much so I knew I had to be careful of what I revealed. Tristan’s hands around my arms tightened painfully. I was fucking terrified, but I had to stay strong.

  “I haven’t lied to you.”

  I knew it was the wrong thing to say because Frazier advanced on me and smacked me across the jaw. My head snapped to the side from the impact. A sharp pain radiated up my face and I couldn’t help the slight groan emitting from my lips.

  “If you keep lying, I will only hurt you further. Now, do you know who this is?”

  I looked up at him, trying to keep my emotions locked inside.


  There was no point me denying it further. My heart was shattering in my chest. I wanted so badly to go to him, but Tristan’s grip was too tight.

  “Good. We’re getting somewhere. Keep this up and maybe we’ll go easier on you.”

  My hands started to tremble. This was the worst possible situation. I was defenceless, but I still had to tread very carefully. A wrong move and all of this could come crashing down in front of my face.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to know what he’s told you.”

  “What do you mean told me? Why would he have told me anything?”

  Frazier’s eyes narrowed.

  “You’ve been with him for months. Don’t tell me you two don’t talk about anything or does he just keep you around so he can fuck your pretty little cunt? Is that what you are to him? His little whore?”

  I flinched. He leant closer.

  “Wouldn’t surprise me. You are Mitchell’s daughter and he hates your family after what they did to his mother. What better way to get revenge than to ravage daddy’s little princess? Pity your father isn’t around to see how far you
’ve fallen.”

  I felt sick to my stomach. Not only had he knocked out and tied up my husband, but he was also now taunting me and calling me a whore.

  “What do you know?”

  “I don’t know anything,” I said.

  “More lies. Why don’t you admit it, Avery? Admit you’re his whore.”

  I shook my head.

  “No. That’s not what it is.”

  Frazier leant back, his dark eyes betraying a slight hint of confusion. He walked away a few paces, looking between me and Aiden. My heart hammered in my chest. All I wanted was to know he was okay. Fuck. We’d argued with each other. And then this. They’d taken him. But how did Frazier know? How? This made absolutely no sense.

  “Then what? Are you telling me it’s more than that? Hmm? Is this a little love affair between the two of you?”

  A single tear slipped down my cheek. The words stuck in my throat. Tristan’s breath was hot on my ear.

  “Oh, I think it is, Father. Look at her, she’s trembling.”

  Frazier turned to the both of us, his eyes roaming across me.

  “Well, well, well… that just made this far more interesting.”

  “How did you know about us?” I blurted out.

  His smile was deadly.

  “So you admit it. I’ve kept an eye on you for quite a while. Especially after you came to me and told me you’d marry my son. Except you had no intention of doing that at all, did you? You came here for something else. What is it, Avery? What do you know?”

  Did Frazier know how long Aiden and I had been together? Did he know about Aiden keeping me captive? Did he know we’d got married? He would’ve said something if he did. He wouldn’t have accused me of being Aiden’s whore. That meant we were still in the clear somewhat, but it didn’t bring me any sort of relief. I was still in serious shit and so was Aiden.

  “I don’t know anything.”

  Frazier was silent. He watched me for a minute then he walked over to a small desk and pulled out a drawer. He tugged something out of it and snapped the drawer shut. Walking towards Aiden, he lifted his hand and pointed a gun at my husband’s head.

  “No! Don’t, don’t hurt him, please. Please, don’t kill him.”


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