Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 69

by Sarah Bailey

  “Let me turn it off,” she murmured.

  “Fuck, no, stay there,” I grunted.

  I lost it. I shuddered above her, my cock spurting wildly inside her. Fuck. Fuck. I hammered into her until the last pulses faded. My hands fell on the bed, stopping me from collapsing on top of her.

  “That’s one way to wake up,” she said.

  I grinned. If it made her relax after finding out pictures of us were plastered all over the media, then I was fucking happy. I didn’t want her to worry about it. We’d work it out somehow. We had to.


  I helped Avery out of the car. John came around and stood with us, eying the press who instantly surrounded us, shouting, “Miss Daniels. Miss Daniels.”

  I wrapped an arm around her waist, shielding her as we pushed through the crowd.

  “Miss Daniels, who is the man you’re with?”

  “Miss Daniels, care to comment how you’ve moved on since Tristan’s death?”

  We were almost at the door when Avery stopped in her tracks, turning to the press. They started shouting louder, but she put her hand up. They all fell silent, cameras and microphones poised.

  “I’m only going to say this once. My engagement to Tristan Shaw wasn’t real,” she said. “I am saddened by Frazier and Tristan’s deaths, but I will say nothing further on the subject.”

  She reached out for me with her hand. I took it, holding it tightly in mine, knowing she needed me as her anchor.

  “I will confirm that I have been in a relationship with the man next to me for quite some time. We got married five weeks ago. I will not confirm my married name nor will I take any requests for interviews on the subject. Please respect our request for privacy at this time.”

  Squeezing my hand, she gave the press one last look before turning away towards the door, tugging me along with her. I could hear the shouts behind us, but we ignored them. John followed us through the doors.

  “Well, that will set tongues wagging,” he said as we stepped into the lifts.

  I’d come to work with her to make sure Chuck didn’t give her any shit.

  “They were pissing me off,” Avery said, leaning into my side.

  I kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me.

  “You’re not mad, right?”

  I shook my head, wrapping an arm around her.

  “You know they’re going to go digging to find out who you are.”

  “I know, princess. It doesn’t matter. We’re not hiding in the shadows any longer.”

  “Chuck won’t be happy,” John said.

  “Fuck Chuck. Whatever he says, we’ll deal with it.”

  We all stepped out of the lift together, making a beeline for Avery’s office. She waved a hand at Saskia, indicating she come with us. The blonde haired girl got up from her desk and followed along behind us. Avery shut the door when we all piled in. Saskia fidgeted nervously, looking between the three of us.

  “I know you sort of met yesterday,” Avery said. “But this is my husband, Aiden. Going forward, I wish to be known as Mrs Lockhart. Please make sure to send a memo to the staff.”

  Saskia bobbed her head. Fuck. I didn’t often hear her refer to herself as that and it made my heartrate spike. Mine. My wife.

  “Yes, of course, Mrs Lockhart. Um… it’s nice to meet you.”

  I nodded at her.

  “If you can make tea for all three of us, I’d be grateful and also we’re going to have lunch in the conference room about oneish if you can set that up too.”

  “Of course, I’ll see to it now.”

  Saskia walked out of the room, leaving the three of us alone. John and I got settled by the sofas whilst Avery sat at her desk.

  A few minutes later, she let out a squeak of surprise. I looked up, frowning.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She looked over at me, eyes wide.

  “They didn’t beat around the bush. Listen to this… ‘The heiress herself confirms rumours. The twenty one year old owner of Daniels Holdings announced in front of her building today she is a married woman. The mystery man himself was stood beside her as she spoke to the press. Who is this man? Nobody knows. Avery refused to tell us his name, but she did let us know she has a new one.’ Who wants to bet how long it takes my uncle to storm in here?”

  And as if he knew we were talking about him, her office door was flung open and Chuck strode in.

  “What the actual fuck did you do?”

  “Good morning Uncle Charlie.

  “Don’t you good morning me, Avery. You have some explaining to do.”

  He stopped, catching sight of me and John. Avery got up from her desk and walked over to him, putting a hand on his arm.

  “Come on and sit down, you look like you’re about to keel over.”

  He scowled, batting her hand away.

  “Firstly, why on earth were you at the Ritz last night and secondly, what the fuck do you think you’re doing telling the press you and Aiden are married?”

  She sighed, rubbing one of her arms.

  “Rick wanted to have dinner with us. And I told the press because it’s the truth. Do you want proof or something?”

  “No, I don’t fucking well want proof. Honestly, when will you stop running headlong into things without fucking well discussing them with me first?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and levelled him with one of those intense gazes of hers.

  “I don’t recall my private life being any of your business.”

  “It is my business when you fucking well go ahead and get married to an employee of the company.”

  Her expression didn’t change.

  “We were already together before I took over the company. Also, it’s still none of your business. I don’t have to tell you if I’m in a relationship or not. I don’t answer to you. You answer to me. So get off your high horse and stop acting like I’m a spoilt brat who doesn’t understand the consequences of her actions.”

  His mouth dropped open and he stared at her like she’d grown two heads. I tried not to smile at their verbal sparring.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Unless you want me to fire you, I suggest you start treating me with the respect I deserve.”

  I bit my lip. Fuck. I glanced at John who was trying desperately not to laugh. He had a hand over his mouth and I could see the amusement in his eyes. I don’t think he’d ever seen anyone speak to Chuck like that. To be honest, neither had I. I had no idea what had gotten into Avery, but it was hot. Seriously fucking hot. That was my wife having a go at the man she despised.

  “Fire me? You have the audacity to threaten me with that?”

  “Yes, yes I do.”

  I was relatively sure Avery wouldn’t go through with her threat to fire Chuck, but it was amusing to watch him stand there in complete disbelief. Seconds ticked by. His face contorted into a snarl, rage painting his features. His hand came up so fast, it barely registered until we all heard the resounding slap across Avery’s face.

  I practically vaulted over the sofa in my effort to get to them. How fucking dare he slap her? I reached Chuck and shoved him away from her. He looked at me, startled out of his anger. I wrapped a hand around his neck, pushing him back towards the open door.

  “If you fucking touch my wife again, I’ll fucking dismember you. Make no fucking mistake, Chuck. Go calm the fuck down.”

  I pushed him out the door, releasing him. He put a hand up to his throat, staring at me with wide eyes. I wanted to beat the shit out of him. Tear him limb from limb. Anger simmered in my veins but I kept a lid on it. Making a huge scene in her office wouldn’t end well.

  “Go before I change my fucking mind.”

  I pointed towards his office. Beyond him, Saskia was staring at us with a tray in her hand. Chuck scowled at me, turned on his heel and strode off.

  “Let me take that,” I said to Saskia.

She handed me the tray of teas wordlessly. I nodded at her, turning and going back into Avery’s office. I set the tray down on her desk. She was still standing in the same place, her hand on her cheek with tears pricking in her eyes. John was standing next to her, rubbing her back. I indicated the door with my head to him. He left her side to go close it.

  I put both my hands on Avery’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze.

  “Let me see,” I said, keeping my voice soft.

  She lowered her hand, tipping her head up towards me. The red mark on her cheek was stark against her pale skin. It took every ounce of self-control not to storm into Chuck’s office and smash his face into the floor. Repeatedly.

  I leant down, placing a gentle kiss on her red cheek. She shuddered, tears spilling out onto her cheeks.

  “Shh, princess, don’t cry.”

  Next thing I knew, she’d thrown herself into my chest, her arms banding around my back. I held her, letting her cry on my chest until her quiet sobs abated.

  “I hate him,” she whispered.

  “Am I allowed to say it was really hot watching you stand up to him like that?”

  She pulled away, staring up at me with bloodshot eyes. She bit her lip. I wanted to be the one biting it. Fuck. All I could think about was her splayed out over the bed earlier with my head between her legs. Those delicious breathy moans emitting from her throat. How sweet she’d tasted on my tongue. And I was pretty sure she could feel my cock pressed against her stomach.

  “His face was kind of funny. He looked like he was about to have a fit.”

  She looked down between us and then back up at me, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged. When it came to her, it couldn’t be helped.

  “I have work to do,” she said.

  “I wasn’t asking for anything.”

  I heard a slight cough from next to us and remembered John was here. I let go of Avery, turning away and readjusting myself. Fuck. Just what I needed. A raging hardon for my wife in her office with her bodyguard next to us.

  When I glanced back at Avery, she was rubbing her cheek and giving me a half smile, mischief in her doe eyes. At least she was amused. I wouldn’t want her getting upset after what Chuck just did. Fuck. I was still fucking pissed off with him for slapping her.

  Avery moved in between me and the desk, collecting one of the cups of tea and handing it to John before she set the other two cups on the desk and put the tray just outside the door for Saskia. She leant back against the door, sighing heavily.

  “I thought I’d feel better having it out in the open, but I don’t. At least, not after that reaction.”

  I put my hand out to her. She came over and took it. I smiled at her.

  “We don’t have to hide any more. That’s a good thing. It’ll be fine.”

  Except I wasn’t sure it would be fine at all. I’d seen the way Chuck had looked at me yesterday. Like I’d broken every single ounce of his trust by going behind his back and having a relationship with his niece. I didn’t care what he thought of me. I did care what he would do with this knowledge. And whether he’d hurt Avery for it or not.

  It was that thought that had me pulling her back into my chest and holding her tightly.

  I was fucking terrified of him taking it out on her.

  Because if he did…

  I was pretty sure I’d go back on my word to Avery about trying to make sure there was no more bloodshed.

  I’d put a bullet in his head.

  And I wouldn’t regret it as the life drained out of his eyes.

  Not one bit.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The past week had worn me down so much, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. My uncle wasn’t talking to me. He hadn’t apologised for slapping me. In fact, I think he was avoiding me completely. It should be fine by me, but it wasn’t. I still had to work with him. He was sending me messages via Clara and Saskia like we were in fucking preschool. It was ridiculous. He was a grown man in his late forties for fuck’s sake.

  We’d had constant requests for a statement about my marriage. They still hadn’t managed to work out who Aiden was, but I was sure it wouldn’t stay that way. I imagined our public relations department was getting hounded every five minutes. Not that they could complain. It was their job to manage this sort of thing.

  I should be happy to be moving into my new office as the refurbishment was finally complete, but I wasn’t. I wanted this nightmare to be over. Except I wasn’t even going to get to go home. We had a stupid dinner with Rick. I didn’t want to go. Not one bit. I wasn’t sure I could handle being stuck making small talk with him all over again.

  As I threw stuff into a box, Ed poked his head around the door.

  “Hello little cousin.”

  “Hey… What’s up?”

  Things were a little weird between us since the whole finding out I was married business. I still didn’t know what he and Chuck had wanted to talk to me about. Everything around here had kind of gone up in flames. Nothing felt right any longer. And I was growing tired of being the owner of a company I hated.

  “Thought you might want some help since John is with Chuck.”

  Saskia had been helping me, but I told her to go man the phones because it wasn’t like I had much stuff anyway.

  “Uh, well you can if you want.”

  He came into the room, giving it the once over before coming to a halt in front of my desk.

  “Listen… I wanted to tell you congratulations on your marriage. I know things have been strained this week, but I wanted you to know I’m happy for you.”

  “Oh… well, thank you.”

  I looked down at my hands, unsure what else to say to that.

  “Is that the only box?”

  When I looked up again, he was pointing at the box in front of me.

  “Yes, I don’t really have much. It wasn’t like I could bring in a framed photo of Aiden or anything…”

  Not that I would’ve anyway. It was weird that people still did stuff like that, but I’d seen some of our employee’s desks. Family photos everywhere.

  Ed gave me a tight smile.

  “Is that everything? I’ll take it for you.”

  I popped the last pile of paperwork into the box and nodded. He drew the box towards him and picked it up. I came around the desk and we walked out together along the corridor towards where our new offices were situated.

  “So… What was the wedding like?”

  “Small. We only had six guests, which was nice. I’ve been in the public eye all my life, so having a quiet affair felt right. Oh, the photographer sent us our photos, but I haven’t had a chance to go through them. I mean, I can show you if you want.”

  I looked over at him. He was smiling.

  “I’d like that.”

  We reached my new office. I pointed towards the conference table situated on one side. Ed popped the box down on there before coming around to my desk with me. I’d already logged on so I signed into my emails and found the link to the album.

  We sat together for about ten minutes, going through the photos from the day. It almost made me get a little teary eyed seeing Aiden and I so fucking happy together. That day meant everything to me.

  “You looked so beautiful,” Ed said. “I’m kind of jealous I didn’t get to go.”

  “Yeah… I guess it was different not to have family there.”

  “So, he’s who’s been making you so happy.”

  I fidgeted in my seat. It reminded me of the conversation we’d had where he’d questioned me about guys.

  “Yeah, look, I’m sorry I had to keep it from you. It was a difficult situation for us.”

  He put a hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  “It’s cool. It’s not like we’re super close, so I get it. So… Charlie still isn’t talking to you.”

  I shook my head.

  “No, but that’s ki
nd of his fault. We had a fight and well, he slapped me. Aiden wasn’t happy about that.”

  “Saskia may have told me she witnessed him tossing Charlie out of your office.”

  Seeing Aiden come to my rescue had made my heart thunder in my ears. My avenging angel. My toes curled in my high heels at the memory of that night. Aiden and I had acted out his little fantasy in his office. He’d put me across his desk and fucked me hard until I begged him to let me come. His office wouldn’t exist for much longer. He’d been speaking to contractors about the conversion. I was looking forward to us having a second bedroom.

  “Yeah. He hasn’t spoken to me since. I suppose I did kind of threaten his job.”

  I looked up at Ed, who’s eyebrows had shot up.

  “You did what?”

  “I told him if he didn’t start respecting me, then I’d fire him. It was a heat of the moment thing, but he keeps acting like I’m completely clueless. I’m a grown woman, so I don’t know what his problem is.”

  Ed shook his head, obvious disbelief pasted across his features.

  “Perhaps he just never thought he’d reach a stage where his niece was his boss.”

  I grinned.

  “I guess that could be a little… emasculating.”

  Ed shifted, leaning against my desk with his arms crossed.

  “Right? All these years he’s worked under your dad and then suddenly, he has to answer to a twenty one year old girl. Think that’d grate on most men his age.”

  He was right. I imagined it did go against the grain a little. Obviously, he never expected me to take over the company so soon.

  “Does it grate on you?”

  “Me? No. I respect you. Also, I’m not too proud to admit that having a woman in charge is a good thing.”

  He respects me?

  I didn’t realise Ed felt that way unless he was lying. I looked up at his face. There was absolutely nothing in his expression that indicated he was speaking anything but the truth. I kept flittering between trusting him and not. I knew it was dangerous. I couldn’t trust anyone in my family. Aiden had told me that on numerous occasions.


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