Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 72

by Sarah Bailey

  “I told you Rick was a psychotic cunt. He doesn’t know the first thing about being a parent.”

  He let go of my hand, reaching up and cupping my face in both his hands.

  “You’re too fucking good for this world, princess. That you would even care so much about this… fuck. I don’t need him and neither do you. He might be the man who brought me into the world, but he’s never going to be my parent. Even if he paid for everything, he’s not my mother and he’s not Tina.”

  “He paid for everything?”

  He nodded.

  “He told me that. He also said he regretted that my mother ever died. That he wasn’t there to stop it happening. I don’t know how I feel about any of that shit. I’m sorry you had to hear it though. I knew what kind of man he was, but you didn’t.”

  I looked into his grey eyes. They were so full of compassion for me. How could I ever have thought that Aiden was a monster? How could I ever have seen anything but the man in front of me who loved me without any conditions? Who saw me for me and who cared for me the way he did.

  “How did you know?”

  He shook his head, dropping his hands from my face.

  “Like father, like son, princess.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re nothing like him.”

  “No? Do you think what I want from you is normal?”

  It was my turn to take his face in my hands. I didn’t see him as anything but the man I loved. Who gave a shit if he was normal or not. I didn’t want fucking normal. I wanted him. Aiden. Just the way he was.

  “Normal is overrated.”

  He looked down, not meeting my eyes.

  “You know, it kills me to admit this… but I saw him once… with her.”

  “With your mother?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “That’s when I first knew he was my father. I mean I didn’t know his name. I just saw him from behind. Saw him…”

  He peeled my hands off his face, shaking his head.

  “Saw him what?”

  “He was fucking her. I mean I was only six at the time, but I knew what sex was back then because I’d seen it. Except I was confused because he was… Fuck. He was giving it to her up her arse and I didn’t know what the hell that meant at the time, only that it fascinated me, you know, that anyone would want to stick their dick there. Because he was clearly enjoying it even if she wasn’t.”

  I stared at him, trying to comprehend why he was telling me this.

  “You think that’s why you want…”

  “No… I mean I don’t know. I guess I wanted to know why and when I did finally… I understood. It makes me a little sick to think he’s the reason I ever wanted to do that in the first place. It has nothing to do with my mother. I don’t think of her like that.”

  I took his hand. I could feel the self-hatred radiating off him in waves. No wonder he was so messed up about this shit. The things he’d had to witness. The shit he’d had to go through as a child. It broke my heart all over again. I’d known he had a fucking tough time growing up, but he kept landing me with further bombshells.

  “Aiden… there’s nothing wrong with you,” I told him. “Wanting that doesn’t make you sick or wrong.”

  “Doesn’t it? I made you give that to me even though I don’t think you ever really wanted it in the first place.”

  So fucking what if I hadn’t ever thought about it before I met him. I’d tried it and I liked it. No… I loved it. I loved everything about our sex life. Even if I’d been completely unprepared for Aiden’s desires, I found myself adoring them just as much as he did. I loved what he did to me. I craved it. I wanted to be at his mercy. To have him take me ruthlessly. Tie me up. Fuck me every which way he could.

  “Hey, enough. You’ve never made me do anything sexually that I didn’t want or agree to so don’t start. Don’t forget who got drunk and asked you to take her virginity in the first place.”

  I saw a small smile play on his lips before he looked up at me.

  “You were spectacularly drunk that night. You stomped off like a little kitten who was denied her cream. I was trying not to smile because you looked so fucking cute.”

  “Excuse me? I was really upset with you. And embarrassed.”

  He reached for me, pulling me into his lap and holding me to his chest as he stroked my back. I curled my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder. Hell, he smelt so good. He felt so fucking wonderful. Aiden had always made me feel so safe. Even when I’d known it was a bad idea to let him in.

  “I didn’t want you to do something you later regretted because you were drunk.”

  “I only got that drunk so I had the courage to ask you to.”

  It was true. I’d never really admitted it to myself at the time, but I was terrified of the whole thing. A part of me knew I wanted it with Aiden, wanted to know what it felt like, but the other half was scared shitless. I felt so vulnerable. Even though he’d had me at his mercy several times over, giving him that seemed like far more of a big deal than letting him tie me up.

  Now I felt stupid that I’d made such a huge deal out of the whole thing because having Aiden fuck me there was the sweetest ecstasy. There was something so primal and unforgiving about it all.

  “Is it so fucking terrible that I can’t get the image of you splayed out for me so I can fuck you there out of my head despite what’s happened this evening?”

  I shook my head. Hell, whenever something shit happened to us, sex was always the balm. I didn’t care if that was messed up or not. I didn’t even care what that meant. It was just us. Me and him. It’s what worked. It’s what brought us together.

  But there was still something we had to deal with first.

  “I know what I said to him about no more dinners, but… if we don’t keep going, he won’t tell us what you need to know.”

  “It’s okay, princess. It was the heat of the moment. I’ll tell him we’ll still go, but only if you’re okay about that.”

  “I don’t want to see him, but we’ve never really had a choice in the matter.”

  “He keeps telling me you’re important to all of this, but fuck knows what it means. We need answers and the only way we get them is by playing his fucking game. Then, we never have to see him again. He’ll hopefully fuck off back to America and we can go back to living our lives without all of this shit. Just you and me.”

  I pressed closer to him, running my fingers up his neck and curling them in the hair at the back of his head.

  “Just you and me sounds like heaven.”

  “And it will be heaven. When this is all over, I’m going to take you away. We never got to have a honeymoon.”

  “Did you have anywhere in mind?”

  “Somewhere hot so I can watch you strut about in a tiny little bikini that barely covers your tits because you know how much I fucking love them.”

  To reiterate his point, he cupped one of my breasts through his t-shirt, running his thumb over the rapidly hardening nub. I laughed.

  “Mmm, somewhere private and secluded so you can fuck me on a sun lounger?”

  He nuzzled my neck.

  “Fuck yes… our own private villa where no one can see me ravage you until you’re begging me to stop.”

  “You know I’d never tell you to stop.”

  He growled. The sound vibrated across his chest, causing me to squirm in his lap as his thumb continued to brush over my nipple. I was getting wet already, thinking about him laying me on the bed and preparing me with his fingers so I could take his cock.

  “Princess,” he grunted, grinding me into him. “Fuck, I want you so much.”

  “Fuck me,” I whispered against his skin. “Fuck me until I’m crying out your name in ecstasy.”

  He picked me up and put me back on the bed. I pulled off his t-shirt and lay back as he tugged off my underwear. He stared down at me, grey eyes blazing with heat.

bsp; “You’re the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen. Look at you, so fucking perfect in every single way. All your curves and edges. All that fucking beautiful ink. Your skin fucking glows. Everything about you is amazing.”

  I smiled at him. I loved the way he adored me. It didn’t make me feel embarrassed when he said those things. I believed him when he told me I was beautiful. I saw it in his eyes when he looked at me.

  I opened my legs for him, showing him exactly what he did to me. He nipped his bottom lip between his teeth. He was so fucking sexy too. Standing there in all his tattooed glory. His muscles rippling with each breath he took as he watched me. He simply would always be the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on.

  “My beautiful tattooed sex god,” I whispered.

  He released his bottom lip and smirked at my words. His fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxers before he pulled them down slowly. His cock sprang free, slapping against his stomach. Fuck me. He really was a fucking sight for sore eyes. I tried not to drool because Aiden was like looking at a perfectly sculpted Adonis. And he felt like one when I had my hands on him. All that hard muscle pounding into me. Making me feel the sweetest fucking bliss.

  The anticipation was killing me. I needed him in me. I wanted his skin against mine. His hands running over my body in that possessive way of his. I was his. His girl. His wife. And he was mine.

  He knelt on the bed, his fingers running up my calf as he crawled towards me. They brushed up my side when he leant down and captured my mouth in his. His kiss was demanding. I gave in, letting him devour me whole.

  When he pulled away, his grey eyes were wild with desire. They scorched my skin. He shifted back, reaching over to the bedside table and grabbing the lube off it. We both knew exactly what was going to happen. He was gentle as he prepared me, making sure I was ready to take his cock. I arched up against him, groaning as his fingers thrust inside me.

  Usually, Aiden had me bent over the bed or laying on my side when he fucked me there, but it seemed tonight he didn’t want that. He wanted to be looking into my eyes.

  Pushing my legs up slightly, he pressed his cock inside my pussy first, knowing I was dripping wet for him. He grunted as he thrust into me. Fuck, he felt so good. Then he pulled out and spread lube all over his cock.

  The initial thrust gave me a slight amount of discomfort, but he took it slow, letting me set the pace in which he fed me his cock. I squeezed his arm every time I was ready to take more. His grey eyes bored holes into mine as he sunk ever deeper inside me. I felt like I was burning up under the intensity of it and the sensation of his cock inside me.

  “Aiden,” I whispered. “No one has ever made me feel the way you do. I love it when you’re inside me like this.”

  I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair as I brought him closer to me until our lips were almost touching.

  “I love you to the stars and back.”

  “Princess… you’re so perfect.”

  He kissed me. It was gentle like his thrusts as he began a steady rhythm. I hooked a leg around his waist, allowing him deeper access to me. He didn’t fuck me hard. He fucked me slow and deep.

  It occurred to me this wasn’t fucking. This was making love. The first time we’d actually had slow and sensual anal. It wasn’t rough and hard in the way he usually took me. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he thrust into me.

  “I love you,” he whispered against my lips. “I love you forever, Avery. You’re my world. You ground me. Keep me sane. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  My heart thundered in my chest. His words made me feel so alive. So wanted. So precious to him. The way his fingers brushed over my sides, stroking my skin as he took me. All of it reminded me of how much I meant to him.

  I cried out as he took me higher with each thrust. His lips trailed along my neck. Fuck. He always knew how to make it feel so good. Sex with him was utter bliss. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “Harder, Aiden, please.”

  One of his hands gripped my hip as he pounded into me.

  “Princess, fuck, you’re so tight, fuck.”

  I could feel the tension inside him as he held back from erupting inside me. I hooked my other leg around him, holding him to me. The angle had him brushing up against just the right spot. I panted, feeling so close to the edge I almost couldn’t handle it.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, fuck, don’t stop.”

  He peeled one of my hands off his back and pressed it down on the bed, holding it there as he kissed my neck. His tongue found my earlobe, circling it before he bit down. I cried out, completely coming undone. Tingles shot down my stomach, erupting in my core.

  My head rolled back, loud cries of pleasure emitting from my throat as my climax waged war through my body. I pulsed around his cock, causing him to curse and his grip on me tightened.

  “Fuck, princess. Fuck. I can’t…”

  I felt it. Him. Coating me with his cum. Giving me everything he had. The utter blissful feeling which we both gave into. That’s what we sought out. What we needed. Craved. Desired.

  Both of us were a panting, sweaty mess when the last pulses faded. He stared down at me with those beautiful grey eyes of his.

  “You know what I’ve just remembered?”

  I cocked an eyebrow.


  “Lunch with your friends tomorrow.”

  I almost slapped a hand over my forehead. Aiden was right. We were meant to be meeting James and Gert along with her new girlfriend. I wasn’t entirely sure how James would be around Tilly. It would be the first time we’d all met. I just hoped he wouldn’t be sullen.

  “Did you have to remind me now?”

  He grinned, rolling off me and propping himself up on his elbow.

  “I thought you were looking forward to it.”

  “I am, it’s just… Well, you see, I don’t know if James is going to be on his best behaviour or not.”


  “Gert doesn’t exactly have the best track record with relationships. He’s just worried about her. You know, she legit cried on our shoulders for a month after the last one.”

  “Was it that bad?”

  I turned over on my side, looking up at him.

  “I think finding your girlfriend in bed with two other women constitutes the worst way to find out you’re being cheated on.”

  His eyebrows drew down.


  “Yeah.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I think part of the reason why I never really got involved with anyone was because of what I saw her go through. I guess you could say I distrusted a lot of people.”

  He gave me a smile, brushing my hair from my face.

  “You trust me though, right?”

  I knew he was teasing me, but I didn’t want him to think I didn’t take our trust in each other seriously.

  “With my life. Besides… I know you wouldn’t stray.”

  He gave me a semi wounded look.

  “Did you ever think I might at any point?”

  “What? No.”

  I reached over, stroking my hand down his chest.

  “I don’t think anyone could think that given how much sex you demand from me.”

  I held back a smile when I saw him rolling his eyes.

  “I don’t hear you complaining.”

  I winked at him before jumping off the bed. I cocked my hip out to the side.

  “Also why would you go elsewhere when you have this all to yourself?”

  I pointed at my chest. He bit his lip.

  “Where are you going?”

  I didn’t reply, strolling away towards the door. I turned back to look at him.

  “I won’t be long.”


  “I have a surprise for you.”

  I ducked out of the door before he could ask me what it was. I made m
y way to the bathroom, cleaning myself up before walking into the kitchen. Pulling open the freezer, I deposited some ice from the tray in a bowl. Aiden might not remember how much it drove me crazy when he’d used ice on my body during sex before, but I certainly did.

  I brought it back into the bedroom with me, jingling the ice in the bowl as I approached the bed.

  “And what do you have there?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  I crawled on the bed, shoving him on his back as I straddled his waist. I picked out one of the ice cubes from the bowl, placing the rest on the bedside table.

  “Just something a little… cold.”

  Popping it in my mouth, I leant down towards his chest, watching him the entire time. His pupils dilated, a smirk appearing on his face.


  Two could play at this game.

  And the only sounds he made after that were curses and moans as I showed him exactly how much ice play could be pleasurable for him too.

  Chapter Twenty


  Avery looked back from the front seat at James who was sat in the back. We’d picked him up on the way to lunch.

  “Why do you look so miserable?” she asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  I looked in the rear view mirror. His arms were crossed over his chest, expression sullen as he stared off out the window.

  “Don’t be such a big fat baby. Is it because we’re meeting Tilly?”

  “No, it’s not that.”


  He turned, looking at me directly before his eyes fell onto his lap. Avery twisted back around in her seat. She reached out and put a hand on mine. I wondered what that look he gave me meant.

  “He already knows about the shit with your family, James,” Avery said after a long minute.

  “Oh well thanks, now the whole fucking world knows.”

  “Hey, don’t be like that.” She turned back to him. “He’s my husband, what do you expect me to do? Lie?”

  She hadn’t told me much about them. Just heavily implied that James’ father, Zachary Benson, abused his kids. I should’ve been surprised but living in the world of the super-rich had tainted my view of them. Too many people with skeletons living in their cupboards.


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