Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Corrupt Empire Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 78

by Sarah Bailey

  I felt Avery trembling next to me, but I didn’t dare look at her because I was getting choked up with emotion too.

  “It’s over now. They can’t hurt anyone else. I made sure of it. I did that for you even though you never asked me to. I did it for all the girls they’d hurt over the years. And I guess I did it for me too.”

  I heard Avery let out a little sob and it broke my heart. Fuck. This whole thing killed me. Saying goodbye was much harder than I ever expected.

  “I love you, Mum. I always will. I promise I’m okay. I’ve got Avery and she’s all I need in this world. We’ll come see you again soon.”

  I let go of Avery so I could place the violets I’d brought with me on the place she was buried. When I straightened, I took my wife in my arms and let her cry on my chest as tears slipped down my face too. I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that, but when she looked up at me, she smiled.

  “When I sign the papers, it’ll be over,” she whispered.

  I reached up and dried her cheeks on my coat sleeve.

  “It will be and we won’t have to worry about any of this shit ever again.”

  She nodded, pulling away and taking my hand. We walked back to the car together, both of us having huge weights lifted off our shoulders.

  We were almost there.

  And very soon, our life together would truly begin.


  Avery sat at her desk for the very last time. I leant up against it whilst two solicitors stood in the room watching her sign the papers along with one of The Harris Cooperation’s lawyers. She shook out her hand before she signed the last document.

  “There, the company is no longer mine,” Avery said as she put the pen down.

  “Very good, Mrs Lockhart,” one of the solicitors said as he came forward to collect the papers.

  She stood up, taking my hand.

  “Do you need anything else from me?”

  “No, no. Thank you for your time today.”

  She nodded at the assembled party before we walked out of her office together. She stopped off to say goodbye to Saskia and Clara before we got in the lift.

  “How does it feel to be unemployed?” I asked.

  She giggled.

  “Weird, but good. Do I even need a job? I’m technically a billionaire.”

  “We’re billionaires you mean.”

  She looked up at me, grinning.

  “Well, yes, what’s mine is yours.”

  “You’re most definitely mine.”

  Her doe eyes glinted.

  “Mmmhmm… I’ve belonged to you since the day we met.”

  And she knew very well I’d belonged to her since that day too.

  The lift reached the ground floor and we walked out together, stopping off at reception to collect our helmets. I led her outside and we walked to where I’d parked my bike. She was wearing appropriate clothing for this, unlike last time she’d been on the back of my bike. She looked fucking hot in her jeans and leather jacket. That first date we’d shared felt like a lifetime ago and in a way it was. Over six months had passed.

  “So, birthday boy, where to?” she asked, slipping her helmet on.

  The fact that she’d signed over Daniels Holdings on my birthday was a bonus. It was the end of the year from hell and the start of something new. The start of our lives together.


  I straddled the bike and she got on behind me, wrapping her hands around my waist. I may have driven back faster than I should’ve, but she hadn’t tightened her grip on me. When I parked, she jumped off the bike, pulling her helmet off. She had the hugest grin on her face.

  “You look happy,” I commented.

  “You’re going to say I told you so, but that was amazing. Can you take me out on the motorway so we can go faster?”

  I laughed, wrapping an arm around her as we walked over to the lift.

  “If you want to. Who’d have thought you’d turn into a little speed demon.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Don’t forget, I still can’t drive.”

  She didn’t need to when she had me. We got upstairs and into the flat. Avery took my hand and led me into the living room when we’d rid ourselves of our coats and shoes.

  “Why do you have that mischievous smile on your face?” I asked, eying her warily.

  “No reason.”

  “I don’t believe you.”


  She put an arm out when we reached the room. Piled up on the sofa were several wrapped gifts. I looked down at her.

  “When did you do this?”

  “Well… it’s hard to keep anything from you, but I uh, hid them in the cell.”

  I shook my head. That cell was going to disappear very soon. I’d hired the contractors to convert it and renovate the rest of the flat whilst they were at it.

  “Sneaky girl.”

  “Come on, it’s the first time I get to celebrate your birthday and you didn’t let me do much at Christmas. Aren’t I allowed to treat my husband?”

  I leant down and gave her a kiss.

  “I suppose you are.”

  She looked so fucking happy. It killed me. She dragged me over to the sofa and we both sat on the coffee table. She’d got me several items of clothing, including new trainers and t-shirts. She’d bought me a rather expensive watch which I’d pointed out when we’d been out a few weeks ago and a new set of boxing gloves.

  “Thank you, princess.”

  I was about to give her a kiss when she jumped up.

  “That’s not everything.”

  I raised an eyebrow as she moved around the back of the sofa and picked something up. She held it up in front of her and I froze in place. It wasn’t lost on me that I’d asked her to do this for me, but I hadn’t expected her to have painted a finished piece quite yet.

  There we were, arms wrapped around each other as we had our first dance as man and wife. She’d painted every last detail including the little beads on the bodice of her dress.


  “Do you like it? I can’t see your face so you’re going to have to tell me.”

  I stood up and walked around the sofa, taking the painting from her and placing it back down. She looked up at me, confusion in her eyes. I pulled her into me, cupping her face with both hands.

  “I love it almost as much as I love you. When the fuck did you do this?”

  “When you were busy… I wanted it to be a surprise. You really like it?”

  “Yes, princess, it’s perfect. You’re fucking perfect. I’m a fucking lucky man.”

  She smiled, placing her hands on top of mine on her cheeks.

  “And I’m a lucky woman.”

  I pulled her towards me and kissed her. When I pulled away, she was still smiling, her eyes wet with tears.

  “Hey, why are you crying?”

  “It’s over, Aiden. It’s all over. I can’t believe it.”

  I smiled, wiping away her tears with my thumb.

  “It is. You and I are together and that’s all that matters.”

  She reached up, wrapping her arms around my neck and going up on her tiptoes. She pressed her forehead to mine.

  “I love you so much. I’m so fucking happy. I don’t even have words. I’m crying happy tears, I promise.”

  I held her close, revelling in the way she felt against me and knowing that she was fucking mine forever.

  “I love you too, princess. Always.”



  It wasn’t often I was awake before Aiden. He looked so peaceful as he slept, his hair ruffled and his face clear of all worries and concerns. The sun streaming in through the windows highlighted his tattoos. He’d thrown the sheet off in the night. It was hot even though we had the fan going. I’d forgotten to put the aircon on. I wasn’t exactly upset about it because Aiden looked so fucking sexy. I was tempted to wake him up, but I could
n’t. Not when he looked so calm. I leant over and placed a kiss on his chest before silently slipping from the bed.

  I pulled on a robe and walked out into the open plan living area. Marissa, our housekeeper, was in the kitchen.

  “Morning,” I said.

  “Mrs Avery, you want a tea?”

  I nodded, smiling. I leant against the dining table. A few minutes later, she brought over a steaming cup for me.

  “Is Mr Aiden not awake?” she asked, dark eyes glinting.

  “No, he’s still sleeping.”

  “I leave out breakfast for you both before I go.”

  “Thank you.”

  I strolled out onto the large deck, eying the pool and the sun loungers for a moment before I walked over towards where there were steps down to the beach. I sat down on the edge of the deck, letting my legs dangle down as I sipped my tea. It was stunningly beautiful here at this hour. The sun glinted across the clear blue water lapping up against the white sand.

  I couldn’t quite believe this little piece of paradise was ours. We’d been here for a month already and I didn’t want to leave. It’d been good for us. Time to relax. Time to heal our emotional wounds. I wasn’t sure I’d ever really be at peace with what I’d done, but the day I signed the company over to Rick was the day I decided I was done. The past couldn’t be changed. I’d learn to live with it. I wasn’t going to wallow in painful memories.

  Perhaps we both deserved to be punished for what we’d done, but I felt like Aiden and I had suffered enough. And we’d done the right thing by turning in the rest of them. That was justice and it was being served without us needing to divulge our involvement.

  Now we could move on. Now we could have a future. A quiet life together away from all the horrors and bullshit of our dark pasts. That was all that mattered.

  I heard his footsteps across the deck, but I didn’t look up until I felt his presence behind me. He was only dressed in a pair of swimming trunks, his bare chest still on display. I swallowed at the sight of him.

  “You didn’t wake me up.”

  “You looked peaceful, how could I?”

  He smiled, settling himself down next to me with a mug of his own. I leant against him.

  “I suppose I’ll forgive you. I mean we are supposed to be on our honeymoon.”

  “This is a rather long, extended honeymoon. Gert and James keep asking when we’re coming home.”

  “They can just fucking deal.”

  I grinned, sipping my tea. They did miss us, but they also knew we needed time away too. It’d been a few months since Aiden’s birthday and in that time, we’d donated a lot of money to the fund set up to help the girls who’d been sex trafficked and bought this place in a secluded place on the island of Antigua in the Caribbean.

  Whilst neither of us were particularly extravagant, Aiden had wanted to get away from everything and so did I. Rather than sinking money into an expensive hotel, we’d bought a little house instead. It was peaceful and we couldn’t ask for more.

  “We do have to go back at some point. Christmas is coming up and you know we promised to do another New Year’s Eve get together at ours.”

  He took the mug out of my hand and stood, walking over to where the sun loungers were and placing them on a little table. He put his hand out to me. I got up, walking over to him with a smile on my face.

  “We’ll go home soon, I promise, but for now, you and I are going to enjoy the sun because I for one love this little tan you’ve got going on here.”

  His fingers went to the belt of my robe. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath it, which made his grin turn wicked.

  “Naughty girl,” he growled, tugging me closer as his hand went to my breast.

  “Marissa is making breakfast.”

  He sighed, rolling his eyes before he covered me up again.

  “Okay, you’re going to let me fuck you after we’ve eaten though.”

  “I promise.”

  We picked up our mugs and walked back into the house. As promised, Marissa was just putting out breakfast for us. She smiled.

  “Do you need me this evening?” she asked.

  “Is the kitchen stocked?”

  “Yes, Mrs Avery.”

  “Then no. Aiden and I can manage.”

  She bobbed her head.

  “I see you tomorrow.”

  I gave her a smile as we both sat down. Various fruits and fresh pastries were laid out for us. I shook my head. Marissa spoiled us. We paid her a good wage for cooking and cleaning for us and I think she was grateful. When we left, she would still have a job here, making sure the house was ready for when we returned. And Aiden and I agreed we wanted to come back often.

  “So, when we do go home, what are we going to do?” I asked, spooning fruit into a bowl along with yoghurt.

  “Hmm, you are going to keep painting and perhaps I’ll buy you an art gallery.”

  I shook my head, snorting.

  “I don’t need you to do that. Be serious.”

  “I am. You can draw and paint at your leisure.”

  It is what I wanted to do. Be an artist. Not that I’d ever really amount to anything huge, but perhaps I could do portrait commissions. One thing that had come out of Aiden insisting I paint more was the realisation it was something I was actually pretty good at. The canvas I’d done of our wedding day would have pride of place in our living room. A reminder of the most perfect day of our lives.

  “And you?”

  “Well… I thought I’d go work with Ben, you know, run his business for him whilst he tattoos.”

  “You’d want to do that?”

  He nodded, grinning as he dug into his own food.

  “And have you spoken to him about it?”

  “Skye is pregnant again.”

  I looked up at him.

  “Again? But Josh isn’t even that old. Also, when were you going to tell me?”

  His grey eyes glinted and he shrugged.

  “I’m telling you now. It wasn’t planned, but I think he’s happy. Anyway, he needs help, he asked me so I said yes.”

  “Good, I’m glad. You and him should spend more time together. Would give me a break from all the sex.”

  He rolled his eyes, giving me a sly smile.

  “Hmm… are you complaining?”

  “No, of course not. Don’t forget, I’m the one who’s not wearing anything under this robe because I was totally planning on stripping it off and giving you a little show after breakfast.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, it is. So you better eat up.”

  And I’d never seen Aiden wolf down food so fast. Minutes later, he stood up and put his hand out to me.

  “Now, you said you were going to give me a show.”



  As soon as Avery said she wanted to give me a show, my cock got so hard, I could hardly think straight. Being out here in fucking paradise was the best thing for both of us. After all the shit we’d been through, we needed a break. Time to relax and decide on our next steps. And… fuck like rabbits.

  Avery hadn’t complained about the number of times I’d stripped her down and made love to her in the month we’d been on this island.

  She put her hand in mine and I drew her outside onto the deck. I untied her robe again and tugged it off her shoulders. It fluttered to the ground. Fuck. She looked so damn sexy with that tan, her naked skin glowing in the sunlight.

  Her wicked smile was the only indication I had she was up to something. She let go of my hand and dashed towards the pool before I could stop her. The splash she made was loud in the still and quiet air.

  When she came up for air, she was still grinning. I shook my head as I tugged off my swimming trunks and jumped in with her. She tried to swim away from me, but I grabbed her and pushed her against the side, pinning her to the wall at the shallow end so we cou
ld keep our footing.

  “Someone has been a very bad girl.”

  “Is that so?” she said with a glint in her doe eyes.

  I didn’t answer. I wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, holding her in place as my mouth descended on hers. She tasted like the dragon fruit she’d just consumed. My other hand fell between her legs, stroking her as she arched into me.

  “You’re mine, princess,” I said as I pulled away and nipped her ear.

  “Aiden,” she moaned, pressing against my fingers.

  “Are you going to do what I say?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  Fuck. I needed inside her.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She shifted in the water, holding onto me as I helped her wrap her legs around me. My cock brushed up against her pussy. I moved away from the side of the pool towards the steps. Walking out of the pool with her wrapped around me, I kissed her again. I only pulled away when we reached the sun lounger. I sat down with her in my lap.

  “I want you to sit on my cock, princess.”

  She shifted up on her knees and sunk down on my cock. Being inside her was fucking ecstasy. I pulled her against me, my fingers tangling in her wet hair. As I thrust upwards, she dug her nails into my shoulder and groaned.

  “Mmm, that’s it, princess. I’m going to fuck you long and hard until you’re completely spent.”

  Her only response was to hold onto me tighter as I started to move inside her. Fuck, she was so beautiful. Inside and out. There was no one else in the world who could compare to her. At least not for me. I worshipped this girl. This goddess. My wife.

  It wasn’t enough to have her sitting on top of me. I wanted more purchase so I could fuck her brutally. She’d run away from me and I wasn’t going to allow her to get away with that.

  “I want you on the bed, hands up against the headboard for me,” I told her, my lips brushing against the shell of her ear.

  She shivered at my words but got off me without hesitation. I watched her walk back into the house without a backwards glance. I rose slowly, snagging a towel from the side table and drying off. Then I stalked into the house and through to the bedroom.


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