Unmerciful_Forbidden Bonds

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Unmerciful_Forbidden Bonds Page 37

by Cat Miller

  “I love you, my mate, my Lindsay.” The words were a soft echo in her mind that didn’t reach her ears, but she’d heard them all the same.

  I know. I feel it. I know it, Lindsay thought to herself, but Kayden also heard.

  “And?” he asked as he began to lick the puncture wounds his fangs had made. Lindsay followed his lead and did the same to his shoulder.

  “Oh! You heard that?”

  “I did, and I’m waiting.”

  Lindsay saw the impression of his face in her mind. He was giving her that impatient look with squinty eyes and a smirk.

  I need to tell you? Don’t you already know? She thought.

  “I want the words, Lindsay,” Kayden demanded.

  Lindsay smiled against his skin. Kayden was a confident man, but he was also now her mate. If he needed, she would always provide. She knew he could feel her emotions, just as she felt his. Kayden felt like he’d somehow let her down by mating with her in the woods. There was some kind of ceremony or words he thought she should have been given. It had to be a ritual of some sort. He needed to be reassured that Lindsay was content.

  “I love you, my mate, my Kayden, my life. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for being my reason to live. This is the best night of my life, standing alone in the trees with my mate.”

  Kayden’s blood filled her mouth, his thought filled her mind, and suddenly the need to possess him physically filled Lindsay’s body. Kayden groaned. Still lapping and sucking at her neck, Kayden walked until he wedged Lindsay’s back against a tree.

  “I have to, Hellion, I’m sorry,” Kayden said in her mind, and she knew he was feeling guilty for not giving her a dream wedding night.

  “This is perfect. All I need is you,” Lindsay replied. She licked the bite wound on Kayden’s shoulder to stop the bleeding. Then she could help him remove her pants. Lindsay unbuttoned Kayden’s jeans, and he shoved them down just enough to free his cock. There was no foreplay, no sweet word, only the undeniable need to be one in every way. Kayden lifted Lindsay and returned to her throat. She wrapped her legs around his hips. His granite shaft was hot and almost where she wanted it. She adjusted herself slightly because Kayden didn’t seem capable of helping her at the moment.

  “Need more of you. Have to have all of you.” Kayden’s voice was harsh and hungry in her mind.

  He held her steady with his hands under her bare ass, anchoring her to the tree. Lindsay clung to Kayden, circling her hips until the jutting pressure of his cock parted her folds and penetrated her body. Lindsay’s mind imploded. Kayden nearly fell to his knees but somehow managed to stay upright. The sensations were overwhelming. When Kayden thrust deeply into Lindsay, she experienced his pleasure as well as her own. She felt him enter her body from his perspective. She experienced his shaft being enveloped by her heated wet core with him. It felt better than anything he’d ever known. She also felt her own pleasure at being possessed entirely by this powerful warrior who was now her mate. She felt his every breath in her lungs as if they breathed together. Every thrust of his hips was also hers. Every groan of pleasure and vow of love was shared between them. Kayden took Lindsay, and she accepted him, and both of them experienced every second as one. It was so consuming that she knew it couldn’t last long. The climax hit them both simultaneously. A pleasure so deep it was painful started at Lindsay’s core and spread to her limbs, shaking her to her very soul. Kayden pumped his release into her body and screamed her name to the sky.


  Kayden backed up and fell to his knees. Lindsay straddled his legs and held on tight to her mate. They stayed that way for a long time, just holding each other and reveling in the unity of their minds and hearts.

  “Mine,” Kayden said and squeezed her tighter. “All mine.”

  Lindsay’s mind briefly drifted to a memory that made her smile. Kayden’s head came up, and he looked surprised. He was sharing her memory.

  “You never told me,” Kayden accused.

  “I didn’t understand before. Now I do,” Lindsay laughed.

  Tessa knew long before they had a clue that this day would come. It was Dani who had given Lindsay the prediction she hadn’t understood at the time. This mating was fated to happen. They really were true mates.

  “My one true mate,” Kayden groaned, and his shaft grew hard inside of Lindsay again. It was going to be a long night in the woods.


  Lindsay had to smile at the mass of warriors and their mates who accompanied her, Kayden, Gage, and Koren to the council hall. Word of their mating had spread quickly through the Enclave. Kayden was the chief’s only son and the natural next in line to be the chief himself. So it was a big deal that he’d selected a mate. According to Koren, it was a tradition for as many of the clan as possible to go when a new member was presented to the council. It was a law that all births be announced to the council, as well as matings. This could be done with a phone call or an email these days, but Gage was a traditional sort of guy, so his clan presented themselves face-to-face. The Paris clan was enormous, and because Gage was the chief, most of the clan was spread out across the country in various Enclaves. Everyone at the central Enclave where Gage presided was also considered clan. The warrior class seemed to be a giant rough and tumble family with various branches that were connected to the trunk. The Paris’ were that trunk.

  Lindsay had been summoned by the council for some unknown reason. Gage reasoned that there was no better time to present his new daughter. Lindsay hoped she wouldn’t be asked to recount her time with David and Sheena again. It would be very uncomfortable to speak about that time publicly.

  “I don’t think it’s about what happened to you,” Kayden said from the bus seat next to her. Yes, they were on a bus. There were actually two buses full of people going to present her to the council. Kayden was in her head with her now and picked up on passing thoughts. “They have all the information there is to have regarding that time. And the good Dr. Fitz would have shared anything of interest she’d discovered.”

  “Then why do you think they want to see me?” she asked.

  “I honestly don’t know. We’ll find out very shortly,” Kayden answered as the bus rolled to a stop outside of the council hall.

  It was a beautiful building with Roman columns and tall, solid double doors. Lindsay’s understanding of the council was that they were basically royalty. They made the laws and enforced them. The seats were passed down through the family. And what they said was the final word. The Vampire Nation’s laws were strict, and violators were punished swiftly and with deadly force if the crime called for it. No death row for the vampires. When Kayden and Lindsay exited the bus, Samantha was there waiting for them. She wore an amused smirk on her far too pretty face.

  “I don’t know what this about, but I’m here for moral support and a prison break if need be,” Samantha said when she engulfed Lindsay in a hug. Samantha’s nostrils flared, and her eyes widened. “Oh my goodness! You’re mated! Congrats! We’ll have to go shopping and have a spa day to celebrate.” Samantha hugged Lindsay even tighter.

  Kayden watched on as if it was a trap he needed to avoid.

  “Thank you. I’m very happy and so much in love,” Lindsay replied.

  “I should be that lucky as to have a love match when I’m mated. I think Mom is going to sell me to the highest bidder,” Samantha said with a laugh, but Lindsay didn’t think she was joking.

  The Vampire Nation was strange, and the upper class was so antiquated that it made Lindsay sick. Could her mother actually sell her?

  Samantha let go of Lindsay and gave Kayden a quick hug. “Congrats, you big ox. I wish you all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thank you?” Kayden said, and it sounded like a question. Lindsay chuckled. He’d get used to Samantha. They’d grown up together for Christ’s sake. Why did he look at her like she was a stranger?

  Samantha gaped at the bus loads of warriors lined up to flank Lindsay as s
he entered the council hall.

  “Making a statement, Kayden? Bravo! Show those bastards they aren’t the only ones with muscles.” Samantha grinned.

  Kayden blinked in confusion. Lindsay understood that Samantha used to be a little different, to say the least. Most weren’t a fan of hers unless they wanted something from her or her house. Samantha didn’t let the opinions of others get her down. Kayden was still trying to adjust to this new, friendlier Samantha, but this was how Samantha had always been with Lindsay.

  “Just a little heads up, David is in the gallery all the way in the back. I saw his entourage of guards take him up a while ago,” Samantha informed them.

  Kayden growled.

  “Take it easy, Kayden. He’s actually here visiting Daddy and Mason all the time. I didn’t want either of you to be taken by surprise. The male is like a ghost. He floats around in the background.” Samantha waved as she walked away.

  It was good to have a friend. Lindsay enjoyed Samantha’s company and hoped Kayden would, too.

  “All right, Hellion, let’s go see what the council has to say.” Kayden wrapped a protective arm around Lindsay’s shoulders. Gage and Koren walked ahead of them as they crossed the threshold of the impressive entry. Dozens of warriors and mates filed in behind them. Lindsay thought it might have been a little overboard, but for the first time, she felt included, like an important member of a really protective family.

  Inside all heads turned toward the rear doors when the Paris Clan lead by Gage filed into the council chamber, filling every available space and lining the walls. The council had just entered the chamber and was settling into their seats. Gage waited until the last minute to enter the building. Don’t let it be said the man didn’t know how to make an entrance.

  “Gage, it’s odd to see you here in an unofficial manner.” Griffin took in the mass of warriors standing behind Gage with a grin. “Did you come to wage war on the council?” He left his seat and came around the long table to speak to Gage.

  Judging by his relaxed demeanor, Lindsay was sure Griffin was expecting this invasion. Unlike most of the rest of council, who were looking a little intimidated by the invasion. Mason was also smiling.

  “Griffin,” Gage said in greeting as he shook hands with the councilman. “To the contrary, I am here on official business for my clan.”

  “I heard a rumor that we might be getting some happy news today. It’s a refreshing change.” Griffin turned his attention to them. “Congratulations, Kayden and Lindsay. Chase and Dani will be sad they weren’t here to get the news personally. Lindsay, welcome to the family. We’ll get together soon. Let me get back to my seat so you can do your duty.” Griffin actually winked at Kayden. The man looked happy. It was a change.

  Gage stood tall and proud, holding his mate’s hand. It struck Lindsay that she and Kayden looked like a carbon copy of his parents. The men were tall, dark, and handsome powerhouses. Koren and Lindsay were tall for women with pale golden hair. They waited patiently in the middle of the aisle for the council to officially acknowledge their clan. It didn’t take long.

  “The council welcomes the Paris Clan to the chamber,” Adele said with a smile. “To what do we owe the honor of a personal visit from the Chief of Clans?”

  “Thank you for the warm greeting, Councilwoman Vaughn. I come to fulfill my duty to the nation and officially register the newest member of my clan. My son, Kayden Paris, has taken a mate. We welcome Lindsay Roselle to our clan and offer the clan name and protection,” Gage responded formally.

  “Best wishes to your expanding clan and congratulations to the happy couple,” Adele replied. “Your registration will be processed, and Lindsay will be added to your clan history in the library. Are there any other matters you need to address today?”

  “Only that my mate and I intend to stand behind our new daughter today. My people are here to show Lindsay the support of Clan Paris,” Gage stated.

  Adele nodded. She was old school and appreciated Gage’s show of clan tradition. They didn’t make a call or send an email. They showed up en masse to present a new member.

  “Kayden and Lindsay Paris, please step forward,” Adele requested.

  Gage and Koren stepped to the side and Lindsay was pulled forward by Kayden.

  “I thank the council for officially adding my mate, Lindsay Paris, to the clan history,” Kayden addressed the council proudly with his chin up and chest out like a soldier.

  “It is our pleasures to see a male who grew up running these halls with one of our own children take a mate. Does your mate have any extrasensory abilities to report to the council?” Adele asked.

  Kayden looked at Lindsay.

  “I am not aware of any extrasensory abilities as of yet, but if any develop I will report them to the council immediately,” Lindsay tried to make the clan proud by not allowing her voice to shake when she answered.

  “Your response has been recorded, Mrs. Paris. Now, we do have another matter to discuss with you today. If you would please have a seat on the left, we’ll get started,” Adele directed.

  Lindsay and Kayden sat at the table up front. Gage and Koren along with some of the older Paris Clan members sat in the front row. Lindsay felt like she was on trial for some unknown offense while she waited for someone to tell her why she’d been ordered to present herself for questioning.

  Someone above cleared their throat, and it drew Lindsay’s attention. The upper gallery was also full. She saw David watching from the front row. Their eyes met, and he nodded to her in greeting. She knew he wouldn’t come any closer. That was a good thing since the sight of David had Kayden’s hackles up. He was growling again. Lindsay returned her eyes to the front of the room and patted Kayden’s hand.

  “Lindsay, may I call you that? Or do you prefer Mrs. Paris?” Mason asked.

  “Lindsay is fine, sir,” she agreed.

  “Since you are new to the nation, I feel we need to explain a few basics to you, so you have an understanding of why we felt the need to speak to you,” Mason explained. “When a human is turned, unless they have no family at all, there is always a certain amount of clean up that has to be done to protect the nation. We can’t have open investigations into a missing person case when the person isn’t missing. They’ve merely just chosen a different life.

  “How do you deal with that?” Lindsay was curious.

  “Human minds are quite flexible. Most issues can be cleared up by a visit to the new vampire’s family to ensure them that all is well by implanting a memory or two. If the vampire doesn’t wish contact with their human family, that can also be achieved in the same way. We can help the humans get past the loss with whatever story works best for the situation. If the person has been reported missing, we have people who can make contact with the police to aid in closing those cases.”

  Lindsay was now imagining disappearing evidence and detectives getting their memories rearranged. There had to be vampires everywhere in human society to help the vampires go unnoticed. Cops, lawyers, doctors, bankers, maybe even legislators. It boggled the mind.

  “This is a rare occurrence because, as you know, the change can be deadly and less than half of those who’ve attempted have survived. It’s not a risk taken lightly. Your case was special, to say the least,” Mason explained.

  “What do need from me, sir?” Lindsay was afraid she already knew. They would have looked into her family and Lindsay’s missing person case. She was mortified because she knew there hadn’t been one. Her parents never noticed she was gone. Her friends at school had reported her missing, but it didn’t go far.

  Kayden squeezed her hand at her side. Due to the mental connection brought about by their new mating, Lindsay knew Kayden wasn’t aware of whatever the council had found that caused them to call Lindsay in for this session, but he had a suspicion that someone other than the council had made it to her parents and rearranged their memories. Lindsay hadn’t needed to explain what happened when she went home to find that her
parents weren’t looking for her at all and none of the staff had been alarmed when she showed up out of the blue. Kayden thought one of David’s minions could have done it back when Lindsay first disappeared. She didn’t know if she’d ever get used to his thoughts flitting through her head as if they were her own.

  “Like all others, we had to look into your family and any police investigations related to your disappearance. We intended to gather as much information as we could before speaking to you about how you wanted to proceed. There didn’t seem to be any reason why you wouldn’t want to see your family again, but at some point, they would notice you were no longer aging, and we’d have to readdress the topic in the future. Once any police investigations ceased, the choice would be yours.”

  “Okay?” Lindsay began to believe Kayden’s supposition was correct. The council wouldn’t have found an investigation related to her. Someone had to have erased her parents’ memories of her disappearance. It explained why nobody at their home was surprised to see her after so much time.

  “Lindsay, this may be difficult for you to hear. None of us on the council wants you to worry that we have somehow tampered with your parents’ memories. We thought it best to bring them here so they could speak to you directly,” Griffin interjected.

  Griffin waved to a guard near a side door. The guard opened the door, and Lindsay’s mother and father were led into the chamber. Lindsay sucked in a shocked breath. How was this possible? Why would they bring humans to the council hall? Her mother was gorgeous in a designer dress and shoes with her hair and make-up perfectly styled, as always. Her father was handsome in his suit without a hair out of place. They both bore an air of haughty contempt for their surroundings. As if it was a bother to be summoned before the council. They didn’t appear to be afraid or confused. How could that be?

  “Mother! Father!” Lindsay rushed forward to see her parents. She didn’t know what to say to them. She only knew that the heart of the little girl who’d always wanted her parents’ approval was pounding in her chest. They were here. She didn’t understand why the council had brought them to her, but after her kidnapping and torture, Lindsay just wanted to be held by her parents. She wanted them to tell her where they believed she’d been all this time. She needed to know that they cared about their only child.


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