Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 20

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Lunch was just as amazing and filling. Even with a sore jaw he ate quickly. And just as he was told to do, Ethan arrived to find Blake under the shade of a nearby tree. “So what new tortures do you have for me this time?”

  Blake grinned and shook his head. “Nothing so strenuous or physical till after breakfast tomorrow. Come. Sit before me like this.” He complied stiffly from pain. It was the same meditative arrangement saw from morning. “For the next hour and a half you will focus your mind inwards. I will help guide you to finding balance. Right now you have none. Your rage leaves you blind to clarity and focus needed to attain balance and think critically. Neither your mind or body are even remotely trained. Tomorrow will be harder, but after lunch every day we will focus like this until I feel you are ready to set out on your own.

  “Now close your eyes and listen. Breathe slowly until your exhaustion and pain diminish…” Ethan listened and several times Blake had to wake him because he fell asleep rather than finding a mental center.

  Then before he knew it Blake stated “That is time. It has been six hours under my teaching. Go home and rest. Sleep would be prudent. I’ll also have someone send ointments for your wounds. Until tomorrow.”

  “How did I do?”

  “Well enough at this point. I have other duties. Farewell. Same to you, Old Friend.” The Naga left.

  Storm-shadow nodded. “Ethan, I think you should ride on my back. I will show you the best paths to Celestia’s and the castle so you don’t overly rely on me. You still need to settle in and I’ll wait for you tonight for dinner.”

  Too tired to argue, Ethan managed to mount. Instead of flying, Storm-shadow walked and gestured to all the trails Ethan would need and where they led.

  An hour later Ethan was dropped off and collapsed in his bed after telling Dress, in his new space, when to wake him in two hours.

  Chapter 7

  Dress kindly woke Ethan at the appointed two hours and grimaced. “Blake sure did a number, Handsome. Do you feel as bad as you look?”

  “That good huh?” Ethan croaked and moved over from Dress’s new space and gazed into the full length mirror. Never in his whole life could he remember looking so beaten up. In only a few hours bruises began setting in to color the skin that remained swollen. His lower lip had a nasty split crusted with dry blood. His right jaw and left temple had most of the goose egg quality and his left ear also bled slightly, but had since dried. He forced himself to remove his shirt and it revealed welts, early bruises and a few more minor cuts.

  “Ethan,” Dress said and watched the Elemental spin around to look at him. “While you slept Blake had me deliver special ointment to you. Best you take another shower before applying it to every wound and swelling. Right now it’s in the topmost drawer.”

  “A hot shower would be welcome.” Ethan said and walked over to Dress and retrieved a small ceramic container with a lid. He also grabbed fresh clothes with hair and body liquid soap and made a beeline for the bathroom.

  The shower was too short and barely eased discomfort. In the jar was a cool blue paste and Ethan dipped two fingers into it to apply a thin coat over his jaw. He fought the tender pain, but after twenty seconds the throbbing subsided and the mirror’s reflection showed the ointment’s color disappeared, leaving a barely visible, glossy coat behind. It had a cooling effect and his busted lip eased up just as quickly. In ten minutes every sore ache had numbed, but fatigued muscles were untouched.

  Soon Ethan returned to his room and began unpacking. After just two boxes he took off the wrist weights knowing he had broken his teacher’s order. Couldn’t be helped. Dress was all too eager to take every article of cloth and proved to be valuable company. For a gay closet, he was kind and a good listener, sometimes cracking a joke. Dress was the kind of person everyone could easily befriend. The being had many interests and was full of knowledge, but never once would he speak of another that wasn’t commonly known. Comics went straight to the shelves of stone and Dress explained the runes imbedded in the rock wall are protection that safely guard from outside powers and as he is the new owner of the room, only Ethan could retrieve the items. Ethan was glad his prized collections were safe, even from his own fire. He tried burning a worthless scrap of paper for a test and the runes didn’t allow even a spark to touch it.

  “Alright, it’s five, Ethan. Better get going.” Dress said.

  “Thanks again. You’re a good distraction. I nearly finished unpacking, but now that I’ve got a new TV and tablet, what do I do with my old ones? Do I just throw them away?”

  Dress’s knobs of blue eyes rolled. “Of course not! We never throw anything away. Everything is repurposed or recycled. Throw the electronics into me and I’ll give them to Tattoo or one of our electronic specialists. I’ll tell them you donated it, if you want? Is there anything you want to keep private on your computer?”

  “No, I mostly played online games or watched shows I missed… and thanks, I’ll take the offer.” Ethan brought the boxes containing the computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and TV over to the golden face. Dress opened his doors to show a black void and accepted the heavy boxes set to be taken away.

  Ethan reapplied the wrist weights, grabbed the book from earlier and left. As he was heading for the stairs he heard a TV running in Celestia’s room and knew she was awake. He knew he didn’t have time to chat so he left.

  Twelve minutes before the castle resonated the sound for dinner, Ethan entered the main hall through the Ogre area since it was the shortest path from Celestia’s. Waiting as promised was Storm-shadow. They greeted shortly and took a seat. Ethan could see others looking at him and it was easy to see how badly he was beaten. Thankfully the ointment remained effective.

  “Why are the two of you sitting by yourselves, Lads?” Came a Scottish feminine voice.

  The two turned and Ethan said “Kira, right?”

  “Forgot me so soon? I’m hurt.” The sultry Witch slid in next to him. “And here I thought I made an impression after getting all dolled up.” Kira twirled a section of her long brown hair around her fingers absently. When she looked closer her eyebrows shot up. “Well aren’t you a pleasant sight.” She leaned in closer and lightly touched his swollen cheek, her ample bosom’s cleavage filled his vision before he had a chance to avert his eyes. This time though her new blue dress wasn’t so risqué. It covered more of her fair skin, but still left little to the imagination by how thin it was. “Naga work I’d guess?”

  “He looks the same to me. Dumber than a bent nail.” Ken commented.

  “How can you tell?” Ethan glared at the brown leather book. “You have no eyes?”

  “Bah!” Ken said and Ethan imagined the trapped soul inside was giving him the finger. “I don’t need eyes to see, asshole! I can see everything within twenty feet. So how do you feel with that knot on the back of your head?” Ken asked a little too kindly. The book poured it on thicker than frozen molasses.

  Kira went to check, but Ethan’s large hand caught hers and pulled it back, he was already uncomfortable physically and didn’t need to be smothered. “Thanks for worrying, Kira. My grandfather used to say if the first day is bad, wait till tomorrow. I expected Blake to be a hard teacher.”

  Kira pulled her hand back, but not before her soft fingers caressed his. “Be thankful you weren’t taught by one of the Amazons. You’d be in traction for days. Why are you wearing weights?” He explained. “Well don’t overdo it. If you want, I can make all your hurts go away?”

  “Between your thighs I’d wager.” Ken remarked in a offensive manner.

  Storm-shadow intervened. “Kira, Ethan is wearing tournikka ointment. And I do not permit any Caster to use magic on him. He is unfamiliar with the costs. High Witch Morgane should have spoken to all Casters.”

  “What am I missing this time?” Ethan asked.

  Suddenly Kira looked away under Storm-shadow’s glare. “I’m sorry. My leader did speak to us before the first meal. I forgot, Prince Storm-shadow…
Ethan, I could have made a spell which would heal you in half the time, but it would render you asleep for three days.”

  “Oh… well, thanks for the offer, but I don’t think Celestia would be impressed if I took the easy way out or that Blake would only increase his methods if I skipped three days for just a little pain. Right now the ointment is a blessing and effective.”

  “It should be.” Kira smiled with dazzling teeth. “One Tournikka leaf goes for three thousand points and to make ointment would require no less than twenty.”

  Ethan sat stunned. “Really?” She nodded while glossing her lips with her tongue. “Storm-shadow, why did he give me something so expensive? I can’t pay him back and Tattoo said I couldn’t exchange my cash for points.”

  The stallion shook his mane. “Do not think on it. Blake and I are both over a thousand years and we have more points than we could ever spend in a human’s lifetime. So many demons have fallen beneath us we’ve lost count. Besides, Tournikka is the most effective natural healing concoction to exist. The blue leaves reduce swelling, clot blood, extract poisons and infection and the cool warmth promotes better localized circulation to heal all but the most grievous wounds. Blake gave it as a part of your training so you do not wear out and live in so much pain you cannot move.”

  “Do you know where he is so I can thank him?”

  “Busy.” Is all Storm-shadow said. “Wait till tomorrow or have Dress send the message or send a message from your new computer.”

  “So do you mind if we join you tonight?” Kira asked.

  “You may so long as you keep Ken quiet. I do not wish to listen to his ignorant comments.” The stallion stated.

  “Fine by me. At least you don’t need to listen to him all day long.”

  “Oh no, Lass. My words are wisdom itself without caring about a person’s feelings you big breasted whor…” Ken’s words were cut off as Kira snapped her fingers and a green bubble surrounded the book.

  “Quiet at last.” Kira said with a sigh that nearly made her enormous breasts come flying out of the dress.

  “Why do you even put up with that? If Ken’s just a spell book and Witches use spells to revert to a younger age to have a sense of immortality, wouldn’t you have time to copy or even memorize the spells so you don’t need to listen to him?” Ethan asked while waiting for Cook to show up.

  “Family curse you could say.” She replied in a light Scottish accent. “I’m one of the youngest Witches even though my power surpasses even High Witch Morgane Le Fay, but I still have a lot to learn. Until my little sister comes of age and harnesses her energy, I’m stuck with Ken. He might be a right git, but only the women of my family can read the words within or if asked for a spell he can find an appropriate one. Ken is also spelled that anything in his pages cannot be duplicated and many of his pages have powerful and dangerous spells so only he protects them.” She sighed again. “Believe me, I’ve tried to copy his contents. Nobody likes him, but he has his uses. .. however few. Worse though, he’s mine till my sister come in need. He has magic that always keeps him in twenty feet of me too.”

  “Well that royally sucks.”

  “You have no idea.” Kira grabbed Ken’s strap and dropped him beneath the bench with a light smile. “So you figured a way to learn from Celestia?” she poked Ethan in the ribs and drew a gasp from him. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were hurt.”

  “Yep. All over to be precise.” He returned.

  “So… has anyone caught your eye? A good looking man like you shouldn’t find a willing woman hard to find around here.” Kira turned and put an elbow on the table and struck a sexy pose that was clear of inviting meaning.

  “I’m flattered, really Kira, but I know I’m barely average in looks. Besides, right now I need to focus because enough distractions fill me. Blake and Celestia take up most of my time.”

  Kira’s green eyes didn’t look convinced. “You really have no idea how good a man looks to a woman who works so hard and doesn’t complain. Humans especially make the best lovers in my opinion. I always had a thing for lumberjack looking men. I love wide shoulders too. Just grow a short beard. Your strong jaw line would do well with one. And don’t sell yourself short, you do have a humble charm that will have females flocking to you, especially since even Celestia took you in. And before you know it you’ll be so fit you can please several women at the…”

  “Please stop, Kira. I’m uncomfortable with this conversation.” His bruised cheeks reddened.

  Then Kira sat up straight and her eyes widened with realization. “You’re a virgin?” It wasn’t a question.

  “Thirty years old. Is there a problem?” He asked coolly and Kira knew she struck a nerve as the air grew suddenly warmer.

  “Not at all.” She recovered quickly before licking her lips again. “So are you celibate, taken a vow like monks? Or is it you’re waiting on your one true love?” Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you are some religious nutter?”

  Ethan shook his head. “No, I never believed in religion and as for my virginity I want to be with some who I felt was right. And the one I hoped to have a shot with is impossible to reach. I doubt I’ll ever feel the same way than when I was near her.”

  “I always liked a bit of a challenge. So who was this girl that earned the affections of a Fire Elemental?”

  “It hurts thinking about her. I cannot speak of it right now. I’m sorry for disappointing a lady so much.” Before she could further that line of conversation he changed it. “So Kira, how old are you really? I know it’s rude but I’m curious.”

  She smiled tightly, realizing what he had done. “I’m twenty three though my ma’s ninety four. And you are?”

  “Turned thirty, three months ago. So what kinds of things do Witches do?”

  “Mainly we research where to fight Chaos or act as support for our warriors. If demon numbers are too high for our fighters, we occupy the denizens with our spells or if we have time to focus and create we can bring down the enemy. I must say though that last night’s show with you melting that stone was impressive. I heard many of the Nymphs wanting to bear seedlings for you.”

  Ethan laughed. “One already proposed just that at noon.”

  Kira laughed too.

  Cook suddenly showed up and created them a large meal. Ethan praised the Wisp and she glowed. He also was impressed by just how much Kira ate. He’d never seen a girl put food away and not be uncomfortable. She noticed his gawking to admit “Not only is everyone fit to fight at any moment, Casters require the energy to do our spells.”

  Five minutes later Ethan got up. “Thank you both, but I’ve got to head out.”

  Whatever spell on Ken seemed to have worn off. “Don’t forget me, Fatass!”

  Ethan growled in a low rumble that a human couldn’t hear, looked on the ground and shot a spark of fire at the tome which made Ken yelp. Kira dropped her fork and stared at the book. “How did you do that?! He’s protected from fire and other offensive effects.”

  The Elemental shrugged. “Maybe the spells have worn off. I didn’t hurt him or singe it. But hey, if you want I’ll destroy it if he doesn’t behave.” Ken yelped and Kira stared openly. “You hear me Ken? All Kira has to do is give me the word and your prison will be destroyed. If you are more trouble than your worth you’re already dead right? What do you have to lose?”

  Kira squealed when the tome was silent and ran up to hug Ethan. “Thank you! No one ever had the power to do what you did. His soul is tied to the leather that was once his skin. If you burned just that he would be destroyed and sent to Spirit World, destined for Torment.”

  “Don’t even think about it, Utters! I don’t know how he did that, but he shouldn’t have.”

  “What did you call me? Do you want to be released? You know you got it good old fool. I’ve been touched by Torment’s chains. It’s more painful than can be described…” The book was silent so he went on. “And you’ve never been on the receiving end of a Fire Elemental’s
power before. The protective spells on you might not resist my ability. For once you aren’t indestructible.”

  “I will have vengeance on you, Ethan. Somehow, someway you will feel my wrath.” Ken vowed.

  “He can’t do spells can he?”

  “No.” Kira stomped a heel into the binding of her book again. “The only thing that has a bite is his words. His soul is confined and feeds the spells protecting him. Finally, for the first time in my family’s history someone can shut him up.”

  “Glad to do it. I despise bigots. I’m off.” Kira waved goodbye while Storm-shadow snickered at the seething book who finally met a match. None in the house would stand in Ethan’s way if he destroyed him. Some might even cheer him on for everyone wanted Ken gone and sent on his merry way.

  Night fell quickly, but Ethan now had a neat new trick. He literally ignited a hand and could see whenever he wanted. No more relying on flashlights or worrying about stumbling in the dark should a light blow out or batteries die. Luckily the paths were direct and simple. Along the way to the forge and home he walked with a group of four Centaur warriors who all carried a pair of claymores along their horse half sides and a pair of curved sabers over their hairy, human half backs. The company was welcome and they appreciated his ability to use fire so they didn’t trip on a rock or sprain a hoof. Ethan doubted the Centaurs were half as clumsy as himself, but besides being uptight giants, none being shorter than nine feet from head to hoof, they were quite sociable. Two even hinted that if he ever got good in physical combat they would be willing to teach him their ways.

  Eventually though he found his new home and the downstairs was lit with flickering orange light. He walked straight to the door and opened it. “I’m back.”

  “So I see…” Celestia glowered and stopped when she looked closer. As he shut the thick metal door she approached and lifted his chin. “Who did this!” she demanded.


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