Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 27

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “For what?” Kira asked.

  Kanade knew it was underhanded, but couldn’t stop herself. She had to let this other woman know her place. “To be with my angel.”

  Kira choked as she chose that moment to take a drink and a passing Pixie ran headfirst into a pillar, also overhearing the declaration. The powerful Witch recovered with Floa patting her back and looked between them and noticed their hands for a moment when the Pixie leaned back to make sure all was well. “You cannot be serious? Spirit Guides never…”

  “Fate himself clarified it for me.” That finalized it and Kanade enjoyed her opponent’s newfound discomfort and contempt. Her tone was so casual Ethan again didn’t notice. “As I was sayin’, I learned of your predecessor’s techniques over fire. You call it a Drone, he called it a Chaser. It is a nearly unstoppable weapon and can strike flesh as well as spirit.”

  Ethan accepted she knew what she spoke of and now that he also knew she cannot lie, sold it. “I remember you said it’s the second most lethal weapon, what’s the first?”

  His angel shook her head, making her natural blue hair sway with the motion. “Nope, not goin’ to happen. You are goin’ to have to learn it on your own. Let’s just say it’ll make your drone look like a Pomeranian to a Great Dane.”

  “That’s quite an ominous picture your painting, Girlfriend.” Floa licked the nectar from her lips. Nectar being the only food a Pixie eats. “If a Drone can attack through anything, this other skill must be indeed impressive.”

  “Saw the memory myself.” She boasted. “I’ve never seen a rival survive it. It’s the reason King Solomon died naturally and survived against a whole demon army alone. Just his name sent demons away with their tails between their legs.”

  “Those that have a tail.” Floa corrected and got a laugh for it.

  “So, Kanade, where have you been? Why haven’t you been helping Ethan? I thought mated Guides were practically inseparable.”

  This time Ethan heard the underlying hostility in Kira’s tone and spoke first. “She had her reasons.” His tone was calm and he struggled not to growl when the snide comment was directed at his favorite person. “If our positions were reversed, I likely would have done similarly. It did have an effect. I lost some weight, grew slightly stronger and could focus on my masters. Kanade also wanted me to be sure I thanked you for helping me out. She actually won’t say it, but she is also grateful you filled me in on things I didn’t know in regards to casters and what runes to keep well away from.”

  He felt Kanade flinch imperceptivity and her grip on his hand tightened painfully. Floa rolled her eyes at his stupidity and Storm-shadow was a silent watcher. Kira though was flabbergasted. “Really?” She asked the Enchantress.

  Kanade felt Ethan squeeze her hand and knew it was meant as reassurance. Mentally she tried to deny his attempt at trying to make them friends, but deep down there was truth. When she realized he was right Kanade grudgingly responded. “Yes, it’s true. You have my thanks for takin’ care of him when I couldn’t. You have a big heart and I know Ethan isn’t the easiest person to get through to. His mind is quick and he so easily assumes and makes mistakes. I’m glad he has you to call a friend. I hope one day we too can understand one another.”

  “You kids are too tame!” Ken added. “Where’s the blood? The hatred? The jealousy? The catfights in mud!”

  “Shut up you!” Floa stomped and grew a satisfied smile at causing pain.

  “Kira, aren’t you afraid she’ll hurt your book?” Kanade asked.

  The Witch smiled. “Not slightly. He deserves it and won’t change. I think he has a pain fetish. Floa likes to hurt him almost as much as I do.” Then she added as the Pixie giggled. “Only Ethan has ever really caused damage to the bigot. Ethan’s threats are the only things that shut him up.”

  A moment later Storm-shadow’s ruby caught Kanade’s eye. “I sense power from the gem. What can it do?”

  “Just five things. Two create a different saddle for Ethan. One silences any sounds I might make, allows me to breathe underwater and the final protects me from fire. Many Pegesai have similar protection.” The prince explained. “The first saddle is for casual flights, but the second is for combat. He adapts well and so far he has a strong stomach. Many bipeds retch from heights, but he enjoys flying with me. My choice for a rider being an Elemental was correct. He is a sturdy individual.”

  “I too have found he doesn’t fear heights.” Kanade commented.

  “Heights aren’t the problem. It the ground you need to worry about.” Ethan said and enjoyed how her soft thumb stroked his hand. He never wanted to let go. He too knew she was the one for his heart had never quickened for any woman at just a simple smile so powerfully before.

  “If only you wouldn’t fear water.” Kira said.

  This was news to his angel. “You have an aversion to water? Why?”

  “Don’t really want to talk about it right now.” He said in a low tone.

  None pushed it further.

  “So, Kanade, what happened last night? I’m guessing he didn’t know a thing about you till after dinner. From the tension you two still have, you obviously didn’t ride him like there was no tomorrow.” Kira not too subtly said with a wink and laughed as the pair week beet red.

  “Uh… No, we still know so little of each other.” Came the Enchantress’s quiet answer before grabbing her drink and taking a much needed gulp of the citrusy liquid.

  “Ah the innocence of untried youth.” Floa giggled. “I still remember my first mate. He was a handsome Gargoyle who knocked me up the first try and he gave me two beautiful daughters. He was tender as far as Gargoyles go.

  “Geeze, Floa how many kids do you have?” Ethan asked.

  “Seven hundred and ninety four with another on the way.” She proudly crooned even though she looked eighteen at most and had a firm figure. Ethan’s eyes could only bulge as his tongue refused to work.

  “You’re pregnant!” Kanade asked in surprise.

  “Yep.” Floa rubbed her taut belly and grinned brightly. “Found out when I woke up in bed with Odin this morning. His seed fertilized my field again. This will be our eleventh together. My power is slightly off and after a hundred babies you just know when you get pregnant. Odin is also happy. In a few weeks I’ll lay our cocoon and wait till it emerges.”

  Kanade nearly glowed as she got up to pick her friend up and give a hug. “Congratulations.” Floa simply giggled.

  From then on everyone was more focused on the Pixie’s new life that took root in her womb and she enjoyed all the attention.

  When it was ten minutes till eight they all put away their dishes. Kira had been quietly plotting something, but Ethan didn’t say anything when he caught her calculating eyes on him. He smiled in a friendly way and she forced it back to not seem rude. But then she told the group “I’ve got to head out. A few matters need my attention that cannot wait. See you lads tomorrow.”

  “Nice meeting you Kira.”

  “Same to you, Kanade.” The Witch said tersely, picked up her annoying tome and sauntered away.

  “I also need to go. My daughters and sons need to know another sibling is on the way.” Floa clapped and returned to her natural size and flew off.

  Outside, Blake was just coming out of his meditation when they arrived. “So rumors are true.” The Naga said as he strapped his blades to his body.

  “Which one?” Storm-shadow asked.

  Blake’s eyes took the three of them in. “The Enchantress and Ethan are mates.”

  “Words spreads fast around here huh?” Ethan said with a sigh.

  “That and I can see how more relaxed you are with her so near.” Blake stepped forward and cocked his head. “Only soul mates bring out such a reaction… Female, why are you here? Ethan will not focus. Even I cannot focus with my soul mate near.”

  “Hello, I’m Kanade, Blademaster Blake. I know this is unorthodox, but I have a feelin’ Ethan will surprise us all.”

nbsp; “How so?” His earthy scales shone almost as much as her glittering skin.

  “Ethan didn’t have much of an incentive before and all warriors need somethin’ to strive for. Since Nagai do not train multiple students so a healthy rivalry can push them further and faster in this art, Ethan has promised to do better than before.”

  “Should he not?” Blake’s claws clicked on the black katana sheath.

  “I won’t get any opportunities to spend time with her.”

  The Naga warrior hissed a laugh and slapped his knee. “Such is the way of females. Even my own mate won’t let me in our room if I do not exceed her expectations. Very well, you may oversee his training and I expect you to uphold this offer should his focus diminish even slightly from his usual effort.”

  Kanade tilted her head in acceptance.

  “Then to commemorate a change, Ethan, remove your shoes and begin running alone. If I catch you, the Enchantress leaves immediately. I suggest you begin.”

  Immediately he removed his boots and socks without even a chance to stretch. His bare feet became a blur as he charged down the path he’d run for weeks on. Without the weights on his arms and legs he noticed an immediate increase in overall speed. Hearing how Kanade truly wanted him and thought fondly on his behalf by wanting him to be better prepared had removed weight from his heart, making it soar. And wanting to show her the results of all he had endured made him fly across the ground, each step sending dry dirt up behind. Threat of failing and not being near her pushed him to limits he didn’t know. He didn’t even notice his breathing change till he reached the north side of the castle. Usually he would already be gulping down air, but he controlled his breathing as was taught.

  Around the third corner was when he saw Blake’s pearly white underbelly and broad chest. The determined glint in his slit eyes were set to capture him. Not today! Ethan thought and stared ahead on the path, adrenaline adding an extra jolt as a growl of determination ripped from his chest.

  Blake saw the change in Ethan’s stride go from a trained human’s run into something more lithe and graceful which put on a tremendous burst of speed. He had intentionally chosen a pace to give chase, but the level of focus that overcame his student was vastly impressive. Blake felt his own blood begin to stir as his student made the challenge finally worth something and his own scaly feet became faster. The Naga wanted to see just how far he could push this man now that he found the proper incentive. And as his ear holes picked up Ethan’s now familiar growl, Blake hissed while grinning. His tail whipped with excitement.

  Blake watched as they passed the front to find Kanade and Storm-shadow watching them. Storm-shadow’s jaw hung as both he and Blake realized Ethan had never been so quick. And Ethan’s focus was so great on not being captured that he didn’t even realize he passed Kanade for his pace didn’t slow. As the Naga passed the pair, he shrugged and said “Kanade, you are welcome to make him show this level of effort any day. I thought he was determined before! Who knew you were his muse!” and his words didn’t reach the runner.

  Storm-shadow looked into the Enchantress’s eyes to say “Normally Ethan by now would need a moment to recover. Kanade, is it just me or does Ethan resemble the proper running technique the Olympic bipeds use?”

  “I saw it too. He’s tirin’ quickly, but his run is ideal. Blake is an excellent teacher. Let’s fly and see how much longer he can last.”

  “No.” The stallion said. “This is Blake’s method. If Ethan looked over his shoulder and sees us fly and falters, his efforts will be futile. Even for humans, the level of focus won’t last long.”

  On the northern side of the castle again all Ethan’s energy was spent. His second wind gone a half mile ago. The difficult run accumulated and angry muscles demanded him stop. Unable to resist another step his knees buckled, but managed to fall off the path and into dry grass. His chest rose and fell rapidly and sweat poured from every pore and stung his eyes.

  The shadow of Blake covered his head and even the Naga had begun to breathe heavily. “These results are better than I expected. Now that I know it can be done, you will put in more effort each day. You seem the type that can show off to a mate and do better because of it. Many choke, but you thrive. When you can stand, we will continue.”

  His breathing was so heavy he couldn’t respond. Ethan took a minute and a half before rising and took off at a jog. He couldn’t return to the earlier stride, but he forced himself to continue.

  It took twenty more minutes to spot them and as Ethan could see her welcoming smile his legs gave out again. Worry flashed across her features and she couldn’t resist gliding to him. “Ethan?” she tilted his head up.

  “Water.” He asked hoarsely.

  Blake quickly found his bag and pulled out two bottles of water. He tossed one and Kanade caught it before handing it over. Ethan unscrewed the metal cap and gulped the tepid water greedily. It felt good going down and he had gotten used to the warm water. Cold water wasn’t good on an overheated system. When it was empty he smiled and fell flat on his back. “For some reason that actually felt good.” His angel laughed and stood.

  “Endorphins and adrenaline.” Blake said as he too finished his drink. “Besides sex and battle, exercise is addictive. It keeps you healthy and fit, but too much isn’t good… Now we spar before your body gets stiff.”

  Ethan grunted, but recovered enough to stand.

  It wasn’t too long later that Ethan and Blake stood in the sand pit with wooden swords. Kanade, Storm-shadow and several new spectators watched from outside the sand eagerly. Some wanted to watch the most recent celebrity and hero in action.

  As soon as Ethan took a stance Blake began his attack. Ethan blocked the strike and kicked sand from his boots, but the Naga countered with a three knuckle punch with a fist and bones larger than any human. Ethan couldn’t avoid the punch entirely, but by leaning back it reduced the trauma. Wood smacked furiously together and Ethan still wasn’t anywhere near adept to avoid the master. The exchange lasted seconds and each attack left one new point of pain on the Elemental. Thankfully his face came out unscathed.

  With Kanade watching, Ethan wanted to show he wasn’t nearly as pathetic as he was when they first parted. It narrowed his focus and fed it to push his own limits further and further. Pain didn’t hurt half as bad. Ethan growled and roared, much to the crowd’s amusement, but he was in control of all faculties except that odd habit. The crowd clapped and cheered both on, especially when a skillful move was executed. Still, not one strike, landed cleanly on the master. Blake still held back and everyone knew it, but Ethan’s determination made him recognized as a quick learner. No two consecutive moves were ever unleashed without being blocked.

  For two and a half hours they battled, neither relenting. Ethan learned rapidly without explanation. Blake had been right, experience was key to learning, as was pain. And with Kanade there, his skills leapt while his body tired.

  In a surprising final move, Ethan dodged the troublesome tail, stepped on it and brought down the wood sword with both hands. Blake was a fraction too slow and with his tail captured he was caught off balance and watched as the sword was bought down on his foot. There was a loud ‘twack!’ before the Naga felt pain and gasped before pulling away and jerking his tail back.

  Then came the noon chime. Everyone was stunned into silence, none more so than Ethan. And the knowledge of what occurred sunk in. “Blake, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” The Naga favored the sore foot slightly. “If it were a real sword I would have lost the foot for a week. The move was well timed. There might be hope for you after all. Shower, eat and return for meditation.” Blake limped away and put the wooden sword in its training stand.

  Storm-shadow was stoked, Ethan figured as the stallion nearly pranced. “Wondrous move! Few can land such a blow, Ethan. Well done, My Friend.”

  Kanade was so proud of the accomplishment, hating every time he was hit, but proud nonetheless. She smiled and it was all
he needed. She laughed as he opened his arms saying “Where’s my reward?”

  “You’re all sweaty and covered in dirt, Ethan! And it stinks. Maybe after you hit the showers.” She said it, but she found herself drawn to how good he did smell to her. She squeaked when he ran at her and leapt with a flap of her wings to land on the pavilion roof. Out of arm’s reach.

  The crowd laughed at the entertainment and horror on her face.

  “I see how it is.” Ethan chuckled. “Don’t you like dirty boys?”

  “Just go wash off or you can forget about the reward!”

  “Fine fine.” He walked over to the shower stalls and let the water clean him off.

  As he dripped out of the stall his coloring reddened and all the water steamed off, a trick he learned last week that dried instantly. Kanade waited near there, brushed his hair with her fingers and smiled tenderly. “As promised.” She bent down and gave him a well deserved kiss. It was quick, but greatly enjoyed. “I’m proud of how far you’ve come. Watchin’ from a distance wasn’t at all the same. People are seein’ now what I’ve known since first we met.”

  “And that would be?”

  “A good man worthy to be near for he is destined for greatness.” She claimed his hand. “Come, let us go eat.”

  The three of them walked back to enjoy some lunch. Storm-shadow, along the way, gave tips and comments that were welcome in regards to all the attacks he had watched closely.

  After lunch they spent another hour and a half meditating, but this time Kanade joined in, wanting to learn the art of mental discipline herself. For once Ethan felt at peace and achieved a proper state of mind with her very presence.

  “Enough for today.” Blake said and left without another word as he always had.

  “Ethan, Kanade, I too must depart.” Storm-shadow spoke as the pair stood. “Star-bolt and I will be leaving for the remainder of the day…”


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