Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 43

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “But isn’t it sexist? The spell book only working for the women? What about your dad…”

  Kira held up a finger and he stopped. The whole table seemed curious now, except Kanade. “Just like there are different runes I cannot use while Kanade can, so it is between Wizards and Witches. Witches can cast curses to bewitch objects and create very potent potions that Wizards cannot. Wizards though can use greater offensive spells and illusions. Most of the spells in on my side focus on feminine arts. Only I though can match a Wizards offensive casting of offensive spells at this House, but I’m terrible at illusions. Six other Witches in the world can claim to be stronger… that still live. There is a reason why people call me the most powerful Witch here for a reason.”

  Ellen leaned forward to say “Ethan, I know your history with her, but our team needs a Witch, all hunts have at least one Caster as support. To my knowledge Kira Penbrooke has yet to formally decide on a permanent team…”

  “Team?” Kira looked at the beautiful Centaur with long dirty blonde hair. “Wait… Ethan, you lead a team?”

  “For the past two hours or so. S Class.” He admitted just as Storm-shadow settled down beside Ethan in his usual spot. “Hey Storm.” The Pegasai, Witch, Enchantress and Pixie heard what happened this morning by the Elemental and introduced the new members. Blake later sat down with his wife so silently beside Ellen that none saw them yet. He then had to order breakfast from Cook and half way through said “And that’s what happened.”

  Kanade nodded and said “I agree with Ellen’s consideration. Kira, despite our past, I think your powers will be good for their newly formed team… if you want to that is. You have my blessin’ to fight with my husband.”

  “I will… think on it.” Kira decided and looked down at her half finished plate of scrambled eggs and bowl of blueberries.

  “Well you’ll also need a full time Pixie!” Floa stated. “It’s been awhile since I’ve pitched in for such a job. Kanade if I go with them will you watch over Blossom while away?” The blue haired beauty nodded, knowing she couldn’t be part of the team for enchanters couldn’t fight and would only be a liability. They could cast powerful protections, but in combat that isn’t what’s needed.

  “Glad to hear it.” Heads snapped to Blake and his wife. The Nagai looked at each other and hissed a laugh. “Everyone, this is my brood-mate Reevy. Reevy, this is Floa and her daughter Blossom, Enchantress Kanade and you already know the others.”

  Reevy, unlike Blake was lighter of color with less prominent scales covering her body. She was deceptively demure, but wore dark green scales that looked like large diamonds, like chainmail over a pair of well endowed breasts that made even Kira a bit jealous. Her opaque claws were painted a ruby color, but wore spike studded gloves. At her elbows were bands with a sharp curved blade that were lethal in close combat and over a shoulder was a rapier sword. Her voice was soft for a Nagai. “It is a pleasure to meet my mate’s companions. I’ve heard so much and it is past time I get to meet you in person.”

  “Why did you wait so long to introduce her?” Ethan asked Blake.

  Reevy answered “Because I would be a distraction and I am quite busy hunting Sheedan down.” She noticed the table’s instant reaction to this. Sheedan the Agas Demon Lord who sent the Elves covertly to the First House and one of whom tried kidnapping Vina. “Do not worry, I know what I’m doing and only those trained to hunt Agas can participate. This is another reason I stayed away from my mate’s pupils. Love, better tell them before I get questioned to the third degree.” She winked at Ethan.

  The sword carrying male smiled and said “We got ourselves a rather difficult mission. Kira,” The Witch gave him her undivided attention. “you will need to decide soon whether to join Ethan’s group or not right now. Your talents will be greatly needed on this difficult mission and as you too are also a warrior who took the oath you have an obligation, thought I know Ethan won’t force you to do so. Listen to what I have to say and decide.” Kira at least nodded as Blake looked to each member closely while taking a bite of seasoned rabbit from his plate. The seriousness of Blake’s words kept the table quiet while the rest of the hall was just as lively as usual. “We’re going on an S Class ranked mission though we’ve never officially worked together before because of Ethan’s power. As a Fire Elemental we’ll likely have only the hardest tasks from now on, B Class and up, but this one needs coordination above all else.” Blake swallowed and Ethan knew Class ranked missions were A-E depending on danger and S Classes were left for the greatest issues that held worldwide dangers. “Spirit World has had a breach by two demons and two celestial items were stolen because of it. We are tasked with retrieving them and eliminating the thieves.”

  The air at the table grew thick with silence before Ethan’s innocently ignorance had him asking “Stolen? From Spirit world? Isn’t that place off limits to demons or something?”

  Heads turned to him, but not harshly. Kanade took his hand and said “Ethan, Spirit World has the greatest protection and no demon has gone there for over five hundred years. Not since the accords were finalized. It was supposed to be impenetrable by Chaos’ reach… and if not one but two demons found a way in and entered the fortified and guarded Trove of treasure… well they will be powerful demons to be sure.” She looked to Blake and asked “What kind of demons were they and what was stolen?”

  Slowly the Naga fingered a katana at his hip. “A nine tailed Kitsune” Ethan heard it pronounced kit-soon-nay. “and a Siren. The report said the Siren was powerful enough to put two Enforcers asleep while the fox entered and stole the items.” Ethan saw everyone tense slightly in preparation. “The artifacts stolen were the Mallatiatherium Sword and Crescent Mirror.”

  “You can’t be serious!” Storm-shadow whinnied.

  “Indeed I am.” Blake said with an unwavering gaze.

  “What are these items? I’ve never heard of them.” Kanade said and only Ethan and Kira were likewise left out.

  Floa answered as Blossom lay curled up on the bench after finishing her nectar. “Not surprising. Fate himself locked those two powerful creations away before the three of you were ever born. The Mallatiatherium Sword was demon forged and offered as a gift for the Accords while demons got our Spectral Light so that they could see in the deepest pits of Demon World. The sword, I know for a fact because I saw it used nine centuries ago, can cut anything alive and turn it into a demon. All it takes is one tiny nick and you’ll be lost forever as an obedient demon servant to the owner of the sword. It will even make lesser demons out of trees. The only way to free the souls turned demon lays in the hilt, but only if it’s taken before their skin turns black. Black servants lose their soul. The only ones able to handle that forbidden blade are demons or Nagai. It will kill any other bearers.

  “The Crescent Mirror can only be used at night and can be likewise catastrophic if left unchecked. It’s power is matched by the phase of the moon. The fuller the moon, the more powerful it becomes. What makes it so dangerous is it can grant any wish no matter how big, for a price.”

  “Price?” Kira prompted.

  “That is what I said. If the wish is minor you might lose a finger or something equivalent. And you only get one wish. If it is a big wish cast under the full moon it can destroy a city larger than New York instantly for the wisher’s life. Even galaxies can be destroyed.” Floa answered to her level of information on the subject.

  “Alright, but back to the demons…” Ethan looked at all at the table. “I know a Siren can be man or woman who’s voice can lull one to sleep or blow out your eardrums if you hear, but what is a Kitsune?”

  Storm-shadow answered this time. “A rare demon who’s power is reflected in the number of tails it has. Nine is as high as they come and are more deadly than a greater dragon. They look a mix of human and fox and covered with either red or white fur. They are tricksters, can manipulate plants and are the greatest thieves. Blake said this fox demon has nine tails and I can assure
this will be one of the greatest demons we’ll ever face. Demon Lord Class. Ethan, we must retrieve the sword and mirror at all costs for the damage they can create is incalculable… Blake, the items are our primary target correct and killing second?”

  “That is the mission given by Spirit World. We will be the first to try and reclaim them and if we fail we’ll assemble an army. I have to be there for the sword and administer the antidote as soon as possible. Right now both seem to be in Venice Italy, but have separated. We know the general area at least and our first target is the sword. Since the mirror wasn’t used tonight means one of them are waiting for the full moon to rise in two days. Unfortunately the sword is already in use. We will practice till noon and leave after lunch. If we wait for long one of them will quite literally have the power to make an entire army of truly loyal demons who will obey any command.” Blake finished.

  “Then we better eat and get started.” Kira said. “Something this serious will need me, especially against the Kitsune. I’m in. You all can get started while I prepare countermeasures.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Ethan said, realizing that as leader, he had final say. Everyone finished eating every delicious bite.

  Chapter 13

  Kanade sat on the floor of their living room playing with Blossom when Ethan exited the bathroom and had changed into a brown leather jacket over a green t-shirt and had the front zipped half way. Matching leather pants hugged his hips. Ethan felt odd wearing the firm yet supple leather, but Kanade and Ethan both knew the leather served as more than light armor, around the cuffs, seams and all around it were very tiny runes wrapped around and were created by her very hand. It was a surprise gift a month ago where Kanade said she’d been secretly enchanting them for a month earlier all for him. He knew the words to activate the protection in the event danger was present and the gift was a treasure. He hooked the headset to his ear and didn’t turn it on just yet. Ethan turned just as Floa landed on his shoulder and grabbed his dark auburn hair for stability. “All set?” he glanced down without turning his head too quickly.

  “Yep yep!” Floa grinned at the gray eyeball.

  “Ethan?” he turned as she stood, carrying the young Pixie in the curve of her slender arm as she towered over her mate and tiny perched friend. Ethan smiled to lessen the terror she expressed in her sorrowful gaze. “Promise you’ll come home soon.”

  “As soon as possible, Angel.” He vowed.

  “Floa, you’ll stay close to him won’t you?”

  The Pixie sighed loudly. “Girl, will you quit worrying your pretty little head. We have the strongest warrior leading us and none on the team are slouches. Everything will be under more control in Italy than here with my daughter. You forget, I’ve been at this far longer than all of you, Girlfriend. I’ll go where I’m needed and get everyone out safely.” Then she waved. “Blossom, you be good for your auntie and your father and I will take you somewhere fun.”

  The young girl threw her chubby arms up going “Yea! Yea! Auntie Kanna I beee a good girl, right?”

  Enchantress Kanade smiled adoringly at the young one before locking her golden gaze with grey and leaning down for a tender kiss. It hinted at more upon return. “Be safe, Ethan. I love you.”

  “Love you too.” He then tickled Blossom’s exposed pea green ribs. “You too little scoundrel.” The Pixie child giggled and burrowed for safety beneath Kanade’s shirt. Blossom’s head soon peeked out from between Kanade’s bosom after writhing inside for a moment. A bright grin plastered her adorable face.

  “Let’s go out.” Floa tugged on Ethan’s hair and pointed outside. She couldn’t teleport so long as the privacy runes were in effect and with both Ethan and Kanade inside, they are always activate when together.

  Outside they spotted Storm-shadow in full, warhorse armor. The stallion was armored by Ethan before he carried him home to get ready. Storm-shadow’s armor wasn’t made of polished and ostentatious silver or gold, but painted a non-reflective, tactical black like his coat. It wasn’t the first time Ethan strapped on the armor, but it was their first actual combat mission together. The front of Storm-shadow’s breast, ribs, underbelly and flanks were protected by thick yet exceptionally light plates and a horse’s helmet guarded his face. The body armor was made in sixteen connected plates the Pegasai simply stepped into and Ethan simply had to secure heavy duty leather straps which snugly hugged the stallion. The only unprotected areas were the armpits and wings.

  Storm-shadow was a truly menacing and inspiring figure.

  Down the steps Ethan went till he and his partner met and quickly mounted. Floa said “This will be quicker, Boys.” And clapped.

  Instantly they were transported to the designated meeting area just south of the castle’s main road. They weren’t the first to arrive as Nell sat comfortably on Magnus’ broad shoulders, her ankles crossed over his chest as if she weighed nothing and for once the Nymph wore more than the absolute bare minimum to be publically seen. Nell wore silver chainmail over her torso with her new Dragon’s Horn bow secured across her back with a full quiver of white feather fletched arrows. She wore cotton pants and strapped to her thighs were an assortment of throwing knives. Magnus though was dangerously imposing as he too wore a full set of armor like a knight, but like Storm-shadow, it is non-reflective black and the helm also had a place for his seven inch long ivory horn to protrude. At his side was the heavy metal club, Zaxis.

  Approaching together came Blake and Ellen, also armored, but wearing thick and maneuverable leather like Ethan. Blake still kept his three swords, but Ellen had more than her two claymores this time as she also carried a bow and quiver.

  Quickly, almost running, was Kira. She and Floa were the only ones without any armor, but the Witch wore form fitting jeans, running shoes and a red sweatshirt. Around her waist was a pouch hiding potions and hanging from her shoulder was a purse likely filled with more Witchcraft materials. Out of everyone, Kira seemed the most casual and normal. They met up and she said “Sorry for being late, lads! Had to make sure we all are prepared to face two greater demons.”

  “Don’t worry. You are right on time.” Nell greeted and lightly dropped off her husband’s wide, armor-plated shoulders. “Kira, right?”

  “Aye?” the Witch said.

  “Did you make sure to bring some Siren plugs? Are you ready to fight a demon horde. Who knows how deep this plot goes and how many have assisted the two demons.” Nell flicked her long green hair over her slender shoulder, making her pointy ears peek out and Ethan held Storm-shadow’s reins loosely while remaining seated.

  “I assure you I have spent all morning and lunch preparing. While you all were working together I was readying for what might possibly await.” Kira then pulled the zipper at her purse and extracted a tiny vial with a yellow tint and a stopper. “This will be more effective than Siren plugs. One drop in each ear will last two days and no Siren magic can lull one to sleep or shatter our ear drums will happen. But be sure to kill it quick for close range will liquefy our brains. And as an added bonus, the drops won’t hinder hearing like plugs do.”

  “Really?” Nell shrugged and stepped closer to tilt her head. “Do me then.”

  Kira dropped a single droplet down the Nymph’s ears, but passed it around after. Ethan followed Ellen and also did Storm-shadow, from the saddle. There was a momentary sense of burning, but then it went away and Kira explained the potion was simply protecting the inner ear by coating the eardrum. Floa had to grow to take her drops and returned the still mostly full solution back to Kira.

  Ethan though said “But what if the Kitsune has the Mallatiatherium Sword? We know the objects are separated, but how will we contend if it’s in its hands?”

  “A gamble.” Blake said and he rolled a shoulder and tightened a strap on his spiked forearm bracer. “The information is sketchy to be sure, but Kitsune aren’t naturally swordsman and Sirens do like sharp things. It is just a guess, but if the Kitsune has the demon sword there is no pot
ion I’m aware of to truly neutralize their powers over nature and illusion… Unless I’m mistaken?” Blake’s eyes tuned to the Witch.

  “Not that I’m aware of either.” Kira said. “I can fight the illusions somewhat, but, Ethan, if it attacks with plants it’ll be up to you.”

  “Got it. We all set?” Ethan asked and watched as Blake, Ellen, Kira and Nell all took out a nearly identical device that he wore. The only one that was most modified was Blake’s since he didn’t have an ear to support the limb and eye piece, but he fixed that with a strap that wrapped around his head. Then Ethan took a closer look at Magnus’ helmet to see just behind the left eyelet was a screen also. “Wait, you all have one too?”

  “Of course.” Ellen said. “It helps with communication and we can link them together so we all know where the other is.”

  “That’s why I was late.” Kira said. “I just received mine a few minutes ago so I don’t know all its functions.” Nell pat Kira’s shoulder and promised to give a quick rundown.

  “Well this makes things easier. Everyone turn yours on.” They said the activation sequence. “My dearest angel.” Was Ethan’s unique start up phrase and the screen instantly flashed and calculated targets, distances and oriented to finish procedures in two short seconds. “Activate and link to all devices within twenty feet, priority leader, mine.” It beeped and five sequenced numbers activated. The numbers signified the others in range. “One: Blake. Priority; Second in command, Two: Kira, Three: Nell, Four: Magnus, Five: Nell. Save as primary priority contact as ‘Team Link’.” Another beep confirmed order’s success. “Blake One!” The image on the lens shifted to Blake’s point of view along with sound that came from the other point of view and Ethan cycled through the remaining four to say “Good. Is everyone alright with that?” Everyone’s screens automatically were bound to his with him being number one and Blake as his second.


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