Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 46

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Can we walk home? I could use it.”

  “Of course.” Then she bent down and took her stilettos off. “Now I won’t break an ankle when we reach the dirt trail.” Kanade held the straps in one hand and claimed his with her free one. They moved together, Ethan lost in thought and Kanade worried of her mate’s inner turmoil she could feel. Going down the elevators she asked “Ethan, do you mind if I see your memories?”

  “They’re not pretty? Have you ever seen what the sword does to a person?” She shook her head. “Well the worst part is I had to kill sixteen people because of it and I’m sick to my stomach. If you wish to see my memories, better make sure your stomach is empty first.” He warned.

  “I haven’t eaten since lunch.” She promised and pushed her power deep into her mate’s mind and the first thought she heard of his was “I’m so glad I have Kanade. She makes me feel better by just standing there. She’s my feel good drug.” She would have smiled if not for how sad his thoughts were. But then she dove deeper into his mind and gasped as she relived every moment since he left before the elevator chimed. Then she pulled out.

  They walked through the Ogre’s hall without saying a word. When they reached outside she stopped them and enfolded him in a hug and cried on his head. “Those poor people. Oh, Ethan, I feel as you do. Sixteen innocents lost their soul.” She felt his arms wrap around her back and caress her wings. “That is such a sad fate to have been taken.”

  “What’s done is done. Let’s go home and get some sleep.”

  ‘Row?’ they heard suddenly and pulled apart.

  “What was that?” Kanade asked as she looked around. Ethan ignited a fist as there came a mewling sound and a purr. Kanade then jumped with a yelp, flapping her wings. She looked down and saw something small shoot into the darkness. “Somethin’ touched my leg!”

  “Think it was a cat.” Ethan said and watched as Kanade landed on the balls of her feet and folded her wings.

  Ever so slowly they heard a ‘Meow’ and out from the darkness came a small pair of glowing sky blue eyes. Kanade knelt slowly and said on a soft, quiet, warm voice “Don’t be afraid, Kitty. You just scared me. Come on.” Ethan held still and was curious despite the fact he felt so sad over the ones who died recently and Kanade’s change from crying to coaxing. What he loved most was her hip hugging pants didn’t cover a lacy black thong that took his mind off everything for a moment. He knew what he wanted to do to forget the past few hours and knew she was always willing to oblige since her sex drive was equal, if not more, than his. “Come on.” She coaxed again and his attention returned, but he saw a minor shudder in her wings that happens only when she too was aroused.

  Out from the shadows appeared a full sized black cat, sleek like a miniature panther and soft of fur. Ethan then noticed Kanade’s finger in the sand drawling absently the runes for Peace, Calmness and Acceptance and sent the spells to the black cat in a subtle way. Its ears twitched before it sat down and scratched with its paws absently. “What are you doing?” he whispered.

  “Showin’ we’re friends.” She replied and held out her hands. “Awe, you poor critter! I see your ribs. If you come closer I’ll feed you.” This almost made Ethan laugh for the sound of food made the cat stop and purr in pleasure. It got up and warily padded closer with dilated, yellow eyes. When it came within reach Kanade didn’t immediately pick it up as she was tempted. She pat the feline slowly, whispering soft words of encouragement. When it got used to her she gently scooped it up and it went ‘ReeR’ in surprise, but didn’t attack. Kanade stood and held the cat to her chest with a bright smile. “Ethan, can we keep him? He’s too tame to be feral.”

  “Wait, what?!” He was understandably surprised. “You want a pet? He isn’t ours? He must belong to someone. You know as well as I that the entire area is surrounded by the wall and nothing can just sneak in without the patrol finding it. Kanade, he… it is a he right?”

  “The equipment is clearly male.” She giggled after checking. “Awe, please! Look, he’s hungry and hasn’t been fed in awhile. I always wanted a pet.” His expression wasn’t so sure, but knew full well that she adored cute things and the black cat wasn’t homely in the slightest. “Can we keep him if I cannot find his owner? He doesn’t have a collar so it might take me awhile.”

  Those golden eyes of hers was his undoing. “Fine, but be careful Celestia doesn’t see him. She eats small animals once a day.”

  Kanade squealed like a little girl and held the cat out to look at it staring back at her with discontent the way only a cat could. “I’ll call you Panther!” she decided. “You look like a panther.”

  “You plucked that from my head, didn’t you?”

  She nodded quickly with a mischievous smile. “That… and the images of what you want to do to me when we get home. Can’t help it. Your imagination gives me shivers of delight… Since you said yes to Panther, you can have you way.” One blue eyebrow arched. “Interesting, I want to try that one first, but after we all eat.”

  “Deal.” Ethan laughed and came closer. “I’m so sorry, Panther. Looks like Kanade has an eye for you.” He went to pet it as she pulled him to her breast lovingly. The Panther swiped a paw with claws extended and four long scratches tore into Ethan’s skin. “OW!” he jerked his hand back instinctively. Already blood started flowing from the four lines, but it wasn’t too deep and stung. “Well this is why men like dogs.” He glared at the cat as its whiskers twitched.

  “Don’t be mad at Panther.” Kanade defended her new pet. “Perhaps he just doesn’t like men or has had bad experiences. He didn’t hiss when he scratched you. I think he was playin’. He is still a kitten by how soft his fur is. An old cat would feel coarse. He feels softer than silk.” She looked down and said “Panther, be nice to Daddy. Ethan, try again. I think he’ll be nice this time.”

  “If he scratches me once more I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again.” Slowly he reached and this time Panther’s hands were soft and clawless as he played and nuzzled affectionately. Panther secretively licked a drop of blood with his rough tongue. Somewhere deep inside, Ethan felt suddenly aware that Panther would never harm him again. Then the feeling vanished and he felt the purr increase.

  “Isn’t that better?” Kanade crooned. “His motor is so strong his whole body vibrates. He purrs almost like you do in bed Ethan.”

  “So long as he doesn’t replace me I’ll be fine, but I need to clean the wounds. A scratch could get infected easily. And we need to make sure he doesn’t belong to anyone before you get your hopes up.” Ethan had to be realistic.

  “Alright, but he’d never replace you. You know that.” She bumped Ethan with a hip teasingly as he picked up her shoes.

  It wasn’t too long till they returned home and he downloaded the entire recording of the mission. Celestia was still working relentlessly at the forge, but knew he wouldn’t be available for awhile. Kanade didn’t let Panther go and he seemed content in her embrace, purring a never ending vibration as she stroked his chest and belly. Inside, Ethan went to the bathroom and took off his leather jacket before scraping off the already forming scabs from the scratch, hopping in the shower and washing the stinging wounds out and applying a thin coat of ointment to the site.

  By the time he came out wearing only a towel and a bandage to the top of his hand he found Kanade on the sofa with Panther greedily drinking from a saucer of milk and had already munched on a strip of liver. On the coffee table was a large covered plate of food she had also taken out of the microwave.

  Panther didn’t regard Ethan as he sat down and ate with Kanade, also sharing the bag of chips she partook of. “He really was hungry.”

  “Told you!” Kanade tickled Ethan’s bare ribs and took a bite of a hotdog with just ketchup and mustard. “Isn’t he cute?”

  “Men don’t say ‘cute’ and to refer to any male as cute is an insult.” He joked.

  “Oh? You’re my cute teddy. Is that an insult?”

  “You bet it
is?” He grinned.

  “And how do you plan on punishing me?” She challenged.

  “Like this!” He jumped up and threw her over his shoulder. She squealed and was thrown onto the bed. She stopped moving as he threw her a heated look, her wings splayed like her hair as she looked into his hungry eyes and heard him growl so deep it could be felt, a sound made from deep in his chest rather than his throat. It sent her nerves afire as he threw the towel that covered him to the safety area and burst into flames as his desire for her always did when he got excited. Much of his flesh vanished beneath bright yellow fire till getting up close. Kanade reacted to his need with her own as she jerked her pants and underwear off, but in her haste with inhuman strength she ripped her backless long sleeves to shreds along with her bra. Another set ruined. She thought absently, but she managed to save her lower garments a split second before he drove to the hilt and took her to ecstasy over and over again till her own name was forgotten.

  Morning arrived and Ethan’s biological clock shed blissful sleep, but he was surprised to find his true love laying atop him. Her full breasts rubbed with each deep breath as her hair lay wild over his neck. His manhood reacted as fire sprung to life with vigor and the sensation of rigidness and the swirling fire inside her love channel awoke Kanade and she nuzzled his neck and crooned happily. The gold choker around her neck was warm against his jaw as she rubbed him the way she knew he loved it, making sure her scent was tantalizing his senses. Lazily she said “Mornin’.” And as she woke and felt they were still connected her eyes fully widened. “What a way to wake me, My Angel. Let me take care of that.” Even in the darkness where the fireplace was little more than embers she began to move, taking control of his need with her own till they shuddered and cried out together. Her hips were majestic in how they lifted and dropped with force of animalistic love and power. His roar erupted as she clenched tight and felt his hot seed fill her and gift her womb with his love only she had claim over. She collapsed with shivers and laughing while she rolled off to pant and fan her flushed face. “I will never tire of these feelings!” They remained joined since his cock couldn’t leave during her lock-down.

  “Nor will I. Are you in pain? Sleeping like that must be sore.”

  “Not as much as you’d think.” Kanade hugged him close. “If we weren’t so important I do not think we would ever leave the bed. I still cannot believe how wondrous it is to find my true mate. Ethan, no other woman can feel as you make me.”

  “Kind of biased. Still I feel the luckiest man alive.”

  “And don’t you forget it.” Then a sudden thought filtered into her thinking. “Panther!” Kanade’s vagina loosened enough to release its hold, jumped from bed and made way to the light switch to turn it on. “Oh please no. I forgot how dangerous our lovemakin’ is for others.” Ethan was also up and looking. There was a tiny sound and they hurried over to find the black feline contently curled up on the sofa. Kanade sighed a great heave of relief and sat down on the cool leather and pat him. “Panther, I forgot all about you. You were lucky that my sofa is protected from Ethan’s fire. I was afraid our lovemakin’ had killed you.” Panther just purred at her touch and the sound became louder as she scratched behind an ear. “One lucky puss.”

  “Sure is.” Ethan scratched Panther behind the ear. “Kanade, we should shower and get ready.”

  “Shower like usual?” She arched a hopeful eyebrow.

  “I’m already ready.” And the stiffness in front of her face had her licking her lips.

  Her eyes wandered up his manly chest till she saw he wasn’t lying even slightly and jumped from the leather seat. Her slick and bare backside made a sticking sound only genuine leather does as she exited and ran straight to the shower and barely got it started till he was already there and ravishing her from behind. She soared to heights not even her wings could take her.

  They soon exited flushed and wore content, lazy smiles as they dressed. Ethan wore more light leather armor like yesterday since it was the deadline to take back the mirror. Kanade dressed in stunning silver pants and long sleeves while this time choosing to wear heeled boots that hugged all the way to her knee and were custom made for few women were eight feet tall to begin with. Ethan also added another light application to his scratched hand, but no infection had set in.

  As he sat to strap on his boots and tie the laces Panther surprised him. Kanade laughed as the soft black cat agilely leapt on his shoulder and curled around the back of his neck and purred loudly while rubbing his furry head affectionately against his beard. Kanade giggled “Seems you have a new accessory.”

  “Great.” Ethan gave a scratch that the cat enjoyed. “Panther, you’re incorrigible, but a cat does what he wants… and I don’t get a say I suppose anymore do I?”

  “Nope!” His angel added and stroked the feline draped like a scarf over her mate’s neck. “He’s a lover for sure. Aren’t you, Panther?” she cooed lovingly.

  Panther purred to her ministrations.

  “We have twenty minutes to kill. Want to play Halo?” Kanade proposed mischievously. “I’ll kick your ass again.”

  “Sounds good.” Panther was content to lounge as his new master got up, grabbed the controllers and played for a few minutes.

  “KITTY!!!” Blossom gushed when she saw her Aunt Kanna remove the feline from around her slender, glittery neck. The young Pixie ran across the table and barely contained her overexcitement as she stroked him. “Soft.” The toddler said in delight.

  “His name is Panther.” Kanade said. “Hey Y’all. Be calm, Blossom. You’ll scare him. Oh, Nell, you can let Vina pet him too. He’s surprisingly mild tempered.”

  “Okay!” the mother Nymph smiled as she brought her young seedling over to the newest member of the table and Vina eagerly squealed delightedly as Panther pawed the baby Nymph without claws.

  “Adorable!” Reevy sighed as she placed her chin on her scaly hands. “Where did he come from, Kanade?”

  The Enchantress shrugged. “Just showed up last night out of nowhere. I promised Ethan I’d look for his owner, but I hope he doesn’t have one.”

  “Why haven’t you used…” Kira went silent as Kanade glared.

  But it was too late for Ethan saw the exchange. “Used what? Wait, Kanade you could have used magic to find his owner couldn’t you?”

  The winged woman deflated as she met his gaze. “Yes.”

  “Isn’t it inconsiderate to make his owner worry. Angel, you need to do what’s right.” He laid a hand over hers. “Come on.”

  “Fine!” she said in disappointment as her finger began to brightly glow with power and trace practiced lines in the air for a moment before laying her other hand on Panther’s back. A soft blue orb no larger than a marble appeared in her palm and drifted directly above Ethan’s head and held position.

  “Uh, does this mean…” He started.

  Kira finished. “Panther believes you are his master. The magic leads the target to his master or one to whom he belongs to most. He is yours now, Boyo. Either his owner died or has shunned him. The spell was done perfectly.”

  Kanade brightened considerably and picked up the feline and said “Yea! I can keep you!” she heard a groan and stuck her tongue childishly at Ethan.

  “I take it you’re not a cat fan?” Storm-shadow grinned with perfect teeth only a horse has.

  “Doesn’t bother me all that much. I grew up with a few dogs and cats, but I groaned because I’ll have to tell Celestia that Panther is our new pet and not dinner. She is still a bird of prey.” The table erupted in laughter for they could all imagine how that conversation will go. Ethan would have his work cut out for him.

  A nearby TV flashed on the wall and the hall quieted as what happens many mornings before Cook shows up to make breakfast. This time the screen flashed red and shifted in many languages when it got to English it read ‘Priority Alert’ and the hall silenced to an almost deathly murmur. When the red words faded it shifted to a visual of Odin
with all the leaders of the castle. The All Father was impressive as ever and made even Ogres feel small, fitting for he and Pegasus were a perfect match. “Listen up!” the Viking’s voice carried through the speakers. “We have a priority mission direct from Spirit World. Yesterday the Mallatiatherium Sword was recovered by the newest squad leader, none other than Ethan Volorum our Fire Elemental and his team. Seventeen lives and souls were lost, but eighty nine were saved. Unfortunately the Crescent Mirror will be more difficult to recover. Those who don’t already know, listen carefully. A nine tailed Kitsune is in possession of the celestial artifact and tonight it will be used. This will be a priority mission.” Odin let murmurs spread for a few moments till his powerful voice reclaimed the room. “All squad leaders B and up of this House will be briefed and sent to retrieve the mirror at all costs before a wish can be made. We won’t be going alone. The Fifth House will be partnering with us to strike three hundred and sixteen locations simultaneously. The leader of this mission will be my eldest son.”

  Odin stepped aside as Thor came out from behind the massive throne of his father. The half Naga stood in full leather armor covered with runes much like What Ethan wore. Thor’s voice was deep and as powerful as his father, with a minor hiss as his tongue had a mild fork from his mother, but not as prominent as a pure Naga. Thor was a unique being, the only one of his kind. Other Naga/human couplings have either offspring, but Thor was the only mixed one in existence. “My House’s finest squads will arrive here in three hours. I’ll need to have a conference with all squad leaders after the morning meal. All battle Wizards and Witches will be needed in this endeavor. A Kitsune is too powerful to take lightly. We will succeed and end this threat as surely as if we faced a full war. All it will take is one wish and all of Order could be destroyed. That is how powerful this item is. And once we get it back, don’t wish for anything. It must be returned to Spirit World immediately. Once we have it and the threat eliminated an Enforcer will return it. All warriors assigned to a squad will be needed. Eat and be ready. We will leave at noon, not a second later.” Thor’s elliptical blue eyes shifted. “I will return soon, Father.”


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