Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 49

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Tokala tilted his head and flicked his ears. “I thought I recognized his familiar Spirit Energy. We met once, but I got away. He is a strong warrior to be sure, Ethan, but in Demon World are demons so powerful that they cannot leave or would risk killing lesser demons by being in their presence. In all of Earth’s Order, there may be six alive who can stand near Vilorogue and not pass out instantly or die… if he didn’t regulate his power. You, as an Elemental likely could. Even I would kill everyone nearby if not for limiting my power. So if Thor cannot break through, nor the others testing it, you can imagine just how great the old dragon is.

  “The attack on me and my men were short and bloody. The only thing that saved me was my illusions, but even then I was greatly wounded. Allow me to recreate the scene.” Tokala spread his furry hands, palms and claws facing upwards.

  Air rippled all around them like water and changed, but Ethan held still and watched in wonder. The illuminating flowers disappeared and was replaces by a giant cavern. Ethan knew he was seeing an illusion of immense power as even the smell of sulfur tickled his nose and for both he and the Kitsune sat where they were. Large wall torches burned while some kind of glowing moss grew in the roof. The floor was oddly smooth and polished with great care. Movement caught Ethan’s attention for out of a corridor first came Tokala’s illusion, followed by a shifty, yellow skinned Elf with long pointed ears who could only be Ildo. Also following was a second Kitsune with three tails, a Kelpie who was a beautiful black stallion that had long fangs extending down to its jaw like some kind of predator and it had blood red eyes, and lastly there were four hairy Goblins and a male Harpy.

  They stuck to the rock wall, extinguishing torches along the way to hide in shadows. But then the Elf suddenly vanished as a dragon dropped from a dark hole in the ceiling where the glowing moss didn’t. The dragon was black like coal, had large yellow eyes that glowed with an inner power, from snout to tail was about a hundred and fifty to a hundred and seventy five feet long. Huge wings were folded along its back while four mighty legs held it up. Long, curved horns looked more like spikes protruded from his head. Then a dozen demons appeared at its side, some not even Ethan could adequately describe clearly except they were deadly and eager for blood. Without warning a green barrier surrounded Tokala and his men, but Vilorogue took a deep breath, arched a long neck and as it shot forward, out came a giant fireball from its great maw of deadly teeth. It impacted the green shield as if it were weaker than paper and engulfed the group.

  The illusion faded as Tokala was barely seen running back the way his group came and his identical illusion pretended to be burning alive with his other companions. Only he wasn’t unscathed as his arm and tails were badly burned.

  “After I fled Vilorogue’s fortress, he quickly discovered my ruse and sent those greater demons after me. Wounded as I was, I stood no chance whatsoever. So I fled to an ally, using every trick to throw off my pursuers, knowing full well they would hunt me to my last breath.” Tokala laid his hands on his knees and sighed. “I knew of only one way to get them off my scent and I had to disappear, fake my own death you could say. My ally sent me to this world, but it would have been only a matter of time before they caught up and those demons you saw were the best hunters in all of Demon World. I did what I must.

  “I arrived on the mortal world and sniffed out a young human woman. She had recently become pregnant by a man who left soon after coupling, but when one as powerful as I looks closely enough, I could see Fate’s hand was going to make the child stillborn. So when she was asleep I took the greatest gamble of my life and intentionally shed all my power to enter her womb, taking the place of the fetus.

  “Nine months later she gave birth to me. What she did was more than shield me from the Demon World hunters. She saved me. I could think as I always have after exiting her womb, but I was forced to physically grow like any mortal child. Doing what I did had consequences.” The lip flaps pulled back wistfully. “I remember clearly her first words. ‘My Kit.’ She said with such love that I was genuinely surprised. Immediately I knew she could see me for what I was, but she didn’t scream or shun me. Few humans have the power to see beyond the veil and it seems that her pregnancy with me opened her eyes. She named me Tokala, as her ancestors called the fox. She protected me as I grew up and slowly regained my powers and tails over the next seventeen years. She showed me love the likes I never dreamed of… what is that look for?”

  “Sorry.” Ethan said, not realizing he was a bit more skeptical than he meant to show. “The way you speak, you love her don’t you? Not in a sexual way… like a mother and son. I just realized your eyes reminded me of my own. I loved my mother very much and would have done anything… But I have it on good authority she is well in Spirit World. I just didn’t think demons could love.”

  “You’d be surprised what you don’t know, but I guess you warriors only see the gruesome side of we demons. I guess I was just as bad for a long time as I did consume many souls, torment people, steal and cheat. Eighteen years ago I probably would have been hunted down like many other demons Order needs to rid the worlds of. Just because we demons don’t have a soul doesn’t mean we do not have a heart. I’ve just finally found mine after so long.

  “My human mother reared me better than my mates did with my kits. She knew I was older than her, for we talked openly as soon as she brought me home. None of that matters, a mother is a mother and she loved me unconditionally. Because I was little, I didn’t have my powers to grow even a sprout till I was four or a tree till eleven. My mother though taught me morals and boundaries. When I pinched things, she’d spank me.” Ethan couldn’t hold back a chuckle which Tokala joined in with. “Yes, she spanked me so hard I couldn’t sit for days. When I’d play tricks she’d ground me. She is a stern female, but that is what I needed to learn my lesson. When she learned I ate souls, she didn’t get mad, but told me that when she birthed me, I’m not what I was and warned that if I ever ate so much as an ant’s soul again she would kill me… and she meant it. She carries a knife on her all the time.” The Kitsune smiled sadly. “And for the past seventeen years I’ve been clean, not one soul. My love for my mother is absolute and no matter how badly I want a soul, each time I catch a soul’s scent I now see her disapproval look in my mind that could wither the greatest demon tree. Only now do I see that souls were a drug and now I see what is better, her. After me, she no longer had any other children, but she deeply loves me and says I am her bright ray of joy…” The fox’s silver eyes lowered to the roof, as if he could see his drug induced slumbering mother below. “But six months ago, as I was cleaning dishes with Mother back home is when I caught a horrible scent coming from her. When I looked closer I saw Fate had tasked her to die painfully.

  “I took her immediately to this very hospital to make sure my nose” he wiped the black nose in question. “wasn’t playing me for a fool. We got the results back and found she had inoperable pancreatic cancer with six months to live.” The truth spilled out now. “When we got home I began making medicines no human has yet created out of herbs both from this world and Demon. But every cure I could treat with my power over plants didn’t work. Fate’s hooks are too deep in my mother. For the first time in sixteen thousand years I felt truly powerless and worried for the woman who gave me more than any treasure there could ever be. Right now she is heavily sedated and has only hours left as the cancer caused her so much pain. I want her to live a full life and die of old age, not cancer riddled.

  “Then I remembered of an ancient talisman crafted in Spirit World by none other than the Spirit King, the Crescent Mirror who can grant any wish. I knew I was going to break a vow to my mother and never steal again, but I was desperate. My full power had returned last month so I sought the aid of a Siren and plotted my greatest heist. I secretly slipped through Spirit World’s impressive wards and brought along the Siren. I really didn’t care about the lesser demon, but I required its talents to knock out the guards. I found the
treasure room easily enough and the Siren lulled the guards asleep. We got in and I let my nose lead me to this.” He pat the sliver of a mirror on his furry chest. “I took it and as payment for aiding me, the Siren took one treasure which should never have been found…”

  “The Mallatiatherium Sword.” Tokala’s eyes widened. “Yes, I know all about it. I killed the Siren who was in possession of it yesterday and I was forced to kill sixteen innocent people because it was too late to give the antidote. It was trying to raise an army, turning humans to demons. One unfortunately could have been saved, but was killed before it could call for reinforcements. The Siren worked quick, trying to build an army for something, but we managed to save many from the blade’s effects. The sword is now back in Spirit World, under heavy guard.”

  “I see.” Tokala sighed sadly. “Well I take full responsibility. I should have killed the lesser demon, but I was too focused on my mother. I used my power to make realistic illusions to confuse any trackers, sending them randomly all over the city. But my traps would merely bind people. I’ll never kill as I once did without provocation, that is an unbreakable promise I made with my mother. I still never expected all of them to be attacked at the same time. I had forgotten how others would react to the mirror’s theft… and what it could do.”

  Just as he stopped talking there was a strange hum in the air which was odd because the entire roof was void of sound from the outside. Tokala smiled grimly. “It is time. Thank you, Ethan for hearing my tale. I trust it will not be forgotten.”

  “What?” The Elemental jumped in surprise as the Kitsune stood in a fluid movement.

  The wrapping of vegetation capping the hospital began to part from the center. Despite the raging storm and constant flashing of lightning, it was too dark. From the fury of the storm, Thor was still desperately trying to break through, but no thunder boomed as it had. The glow of the flowers were all that gave constant light. In a breathless tone Ethan said “It’s night! How can that be?! It should still be daylight.”

  Tokala chuckled and turned back to Ethan, removing the mirror from around his neck. “I’m sorry for the deception. These are plants from Demon World. Oh do not fear, they are harmless. The strong floral smell you no doubt noticed upon entering the dome was actually a mild sedative that makes whoever smells it see time pass more swiftly. To us only fifteen minutes have lapsed, but in actuality, hours have. Right now the full moon is out and I’m going to make the last wish of my life. Just see to it my mother knows I love her.”

  Ethan just stood completely stunned at the reality of what was said.

  Tokala felt his central heart thundering in his breast while his lungs constricted, making it hard to breathe as he held the mirror cupped in both hands and lifted it to the sky while telling all the plants to shrink back into seeds and never grow again. Around his inner sphere flew a Pegasai with glowing hooves crackling with power, but no matter how hard it stomped it could not break through any better than the thousands who stood outside trying. He had felt his barrier draining his Demonic Energies with each strike, especially from the gigantic Thor he spotted from the shrinking trees that once capped the building. In a deep voice Tokala shouted “By the power of the moon I call for a perfect wish!”

  The power of the Crescent mirror shot a beam of light through the raging storm that soaked Tokala’s fur and tails. His sad silver eyes watched as the storm was pushed aside and nothing Thor could do could stop the celestial energies from working. The moment the full moon overhead reflected off the mirror, it began to change. As the phases of the real moon waxes and wanes, so too did the Crescent Mirror match. What was once a sliver grew into a perfect disc. It began to hum with energies of the universe and beneath the clear and starry sky came a rich feminine voice that was soft and commanding, the likes of which few in all of history ever heard. “I have heard your call. With the full moon so to shall your wish be perfect and lasting. Set me down and see your reflection before the moon to speak your wish.”

  The Kitsune carefully lowered the now whole mirror on the ground and saw his sad and determined expression reflected with the moon surrounding him like a halo of blessing. “My wish is to see my human mother healed of her cancer and to live to old age before passing.”

  “Such a wish is against Fate’s domain. To grant it the price must be your life in exchange. If you are willing to fulfill this wish, place both your hands on my surface and it will be done.” The woman’s voice said without care.

  Tokala knelt and did as instructed. Light shot from the mirror, flying through his face like a great laser which blew his silver mane of hair straight up.

  Ethan snapped out of his reverie yelling “NO!!!” long strides brought him over and he slapped his own hands onto the mirror too. “Mirror, Take me instead!”

  “What are you doing, Ethan?!” Tokala yelled. “This is my wish! You have no reason to do this.”

  The Kitsune gasped as steel grey eyes began to redden and somewhat glow. “No, I’ll not let you die. If there are good demons like you, I’ll protect you at the cost of my own life. I’ve already died once, but you don’t have a soul!” He growled deeply while the beam of light encompassed him too, but he shoved his human nose against Tokala’s. “When I die I’ll continue. When you die your existence is over! Finished! I’ll likely spend eternity in Nothingness, but it’ll be better than what you’ll face. There is no afterlife for you. My angel will understand, but your mother wont. Let me do this for you so you can be with your mother when she gets better and you can watch her live that full life you’ll miss out on sharing.”

  “This is my wish! I can’t…”

  Before either could say another word their vision went white, consumed in the light of the Crescent Mirror.

  Chapter 15

  Tokala gasped as he sat up and looked around. Beside him lay Ethan, unmoving. The Kitsune gasped again and crawled over to the human’s side and pressed two fingers to his neck. ‘Thump thump’ came a weak, steady pulse.

  “The wish has been granted.” The Crescent mirror said in a gentle voice.

  “But we’re both alive?” Tokala said as his tone was full of disbelief. He looked at his side and said “You have a crack!”

  In fact the mirror’s surface was cracking more by the second. “It is long since my time to fulfill my role and enter oblivion from whence I was made so no other may ever use me again. Young fox, hear my final words this time.” He scooted closer and was too afraid to touch as every moment the mirror’s face fractured more and more. “My power of wish had no bounds if a price is finalized and many have sought my power, but I could never speak of it. Every wisher is like a greedy, spoiled child, much like yourself. All wishes are selfish, but this man, as powerful as he is, was willing to risk it all for a stranger. I’ve listened to every word since you took me as I have all my wielders. But it was this frail mortal human who acted selflessly for a complete stranger. Instead of taking your life or his, I give my own. Do not squander what he has done for you and your mother. It was his selflessness that allowed me to act on my own whim and do something myself for a change. Farewe…” with one loud, final crack the mirror shattered to less than grains of dust.

  The Kitsune stared fully as the Crescent Mirror vanished into absolutely nothing, leaving behind only the silver chain. In deep respect he bowed his head and said “Thank you.” When he felt his power still draining he realized he had to act and spun on his knee and hunched over Ethan. “And I sincerely thank you for this gift.” With one sharp claw he gently nicked Ethan’s forearm, gathered a single drop of blood and licked it. Tokala’s eyes widened with instant realization. “Impossible! You can’t be!” he then moved his muzzle closer to the man’s neck and took a deep whiff to say “It’s true! This smell is unmistakable… You are just like…” there came a loud whinny of a horse and looked up to see the black Pegasai trying to tear his way through with every fiber of its being. A look of immense hatred were shooting daggers at him. The Kitsune stood
and yelled “He’s alive!”

  Storm-shadow stood on top of the barrier and demanded loudly “Get away from him, Demon! I’ll kill you if you don’t!”

  “You’ll never see me again, most likely.” Tokala bowed and spared one last look at the unconscious Ethan and then shot forward to the door like a lightning strike. Once behind it and no one was near, he used his power of illusion and changed his appearance into a human seventeen year old copper skinned boy and altered his scent so none from Order could distinguish him. He sprinted inhumanly down the stairs, seeing his vines disappear without a trace and found his mother’s floor to see the staff in a near panic. He yelled in Italian “What’s going on!?”

  One of the staff he knew smiled and tears spilled down her round cheeks. “It is your mother. She is awake! We do not know how, but she’s calling for you!”

  Tokala hurried and before he got to the door he saw his mother standing in her hospital gown as healthy as she ever was. Tears leaked from his eyes as he ran to embrace her. She smiled at his illusion, knowing all his tricks and squeezed him tight. They collapsed in a hug.

  The powerful barriers instantly vanished and Storm-shadow barely managed to slow himself and land. Immediately as his hooves touched the roof he charged to Ethan and licked the side of his face. “Wake, please wake!” then he gained a groan and Storm-shadow sighed. “Thank the stars!”

  A dozen Pegesai were instantly airborne, following Shadow-storm and Thor. In moments the half human/Naga dismounted and charged over to the Elemental’s side. “Lad, come on!” he gave a quick slap.

  Ethan reacted and roared like a wild beast and punched Thor in the jaw with surprising force. Ethan leapt and took a fighting stance and blinked when Thor sat up after getting knocked to his back and rubbed his jaw. “What a punch, Laddie! We ought to brawl one day and make our ancestors proud.”


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