Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 53

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Hey, Girlfriend!” Kanade was tackled lightly from behind, on the back of her neck. Floa landed as she changed to her larger size while Blossom missed her own tackle and instead got lost down between Kanade’s breasts.

  “You okay, Sweetheart?” Kanade asked as she pulled the front of her shirt forward to find the green child tangled from the front clasp of her purple bra, grinning up at her.

  “Fine, Auntie Kanna!” Blossom reported as she scrunched her small face and flapped her black, gold and white butterfly wings and flew out of the shirt to drop in her mother’s hand.

  “We still need to work on your flying.” Floa said lovingly to her youngest daughter and looked at her tall friend. “Wow, Girl, you’re more flushed than I’ve ever seen you!” Then she noticed Ethan’s exhausted expression and grinned. “Good for you too, Boy! Put it to her good by the look of it.”

  Both Ethan and Kanade groaned and it made Floa only grin more and make Blossom touch her tiny lips with complete confusion.

  Ethan decided to change the subject quickly. “What can we do for you this evening, Ladies?”

  “Well I need to spend time with Kanade and plan my wedding…”

  “I was actually plannin’ to get started tomorrow…” Kanade interrupted and was interrupted right back.

  “Nonsense! We can get a few brainstorming ideas done while Ethan goes see Morgane.” Floa’s bright violet eyes turned to him. “That’s really why I’m here. She was sending me to go find you and I saw the two of you heading this way. She wanted to remind you that you need to see her.”

  “Haven’t forgot.” He said. “That’s why we are here and not back home.”

  “And I have a few orders to complete.” Kanade added.

  “Then he can go and we can get started. I know you can multitask better than anyone else, Girlfriend.” Floa added.

  “Fine…” Kanade sighed and smiled to her mate. “Go on ahead. We’ll be here waitin’.” She then flicked her wrist and there appeared a silvery sheet of paper with client lists while she looked over by the wall where packages waited and also Dress had delivered more objects from different Houses that requires an experienced Enchanter’s skills and not a novice’s.

  It was a rather hefty pile.

  “See you beautiful ladies soon.” Ethan said as he headed for the door.

  “Not too soon!” Floa shouted as he was shutting the door and herd his deep chuckle. “You two certainly make a cute couple.”

  “Thank you, Floa.” Kanade felt immense pride at the compliment. “Shall we?”

  “Let’s!” The Pixies took a chair while the Enchantress took hers, grabbed the foremost item on her list and began fulfilling a clients request to charm a ring to detect a lower class Agas demon within fifty feet and be able to keep from being caught in an illusion.

  Elevators opened and the kind Ogress smiled and pointed “The High Witch is expecting you, Ethan.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am.” He said and watched her powder blue cheeks darken in a blush.

  He walked around and found a simple door made completely of pure silver and the walls, like most on these upper areas, were made from white marble. The door had a starburst pattern and around it were hundreds of protective runes, but didn’t have a door handle. Ethan just knocked.

  Ethan yelped in surprise as Merlin’s head popped through the door and around his neck the silver door rippled like water. The silver haired, azure eyed wizard cracked a full grin as he said “Hello Chap! My wife’s been waiting. Come ON in!” Merlin’s head pulled back as his body walked through the once solid door and offered a hand. “Sorry for the fright… Well not really.” The High Wizard laughed loudly.

  Taking the offering, Ethan was helped to stand and learned the wily old wizard, with the look of a man in his mid forties, was deceptively strong behind a slim figure. “Should’ve known you’d do something like that. Sure keep everyone on their toes.”

  Merlin cackled and slapped his own thigh. “Someone has to keep all you muscle-bound giants from taking life too seriously. Come on in!” the wizard touched the door, grabbed Ethan’s wrist and threw him through.

  Giant’s? have I gotten taller again. I remember I was six foot when I died and already grew three inches. Is this natural? He thought worriedly. Months of exercise and practice in fighting allowed Ethan from tripping, but still he stumbled through the door before catching himself. Behind, Merlin laughed.

  The room of the High Witch and Wizard was beyond impressive. Not only was it huge, but filled with rows of journals where one wall had the titles etched in stone saying ‘Merlin’ and ‘Morgane.’ There were thousands of hand written journals from both. One area had over four hundred feet of cabinets filled with potions, some in bulk and others in concentrated vials. Another area had a glowing blue dome that crackled with the sound of electricity and was two hundred feet wide as it is tall. One large area held racks and shelves of mystical items of unknown purpose. Objects floated all over the room in seemingly random order, but not one thing collided. The oddest thing flying above his head was their lavish four post bed. Over by their journals was a set of desks where papers were stacked beside advanced computers. Dress was nearby on the expansive carpet and smiled in greeting. Oddly enough, Ethan didn’t feel the room was all that cluttered compared to all outward appearances of Merlin. So it’s Morgane’s doing. Ethan thought otherwise there would be no order to the mess.

  But Ethan first blurted “How can your room be so huge when this part of the building hasn’t anywhere near this much space?”

  “Because space is being manipulated, Love.” Morgane Le Fay said in a heavy English accent as she came out from behind one of the huge glass cabinets, that held untold potions, with a book under her slender arm. Her long curly red hair was braided and the rope hung across a shoulder and over her front and she walked with confidence only a woman of great power ever could. “Merlin and I devised this spell centuries ago and whenever we need more bloody room we just increase our space to accommodate. No need to be frightened. There are many spells that protect the space alteration from failing. If all does there is an automatic spell which would transport all inanimate objects somewhere safe so we do not get compressed by everything.” She sat her book down to say “Come closer and Merlin, don’t bloody frighten the child so.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?!” the wily wizard grinned and blinked to a different mental channel. “Damn, forgot to stop my last experiment!” Merlin then ran and leapt into the cackling blue dome. Not five seconds later there came a loud ‘Boom!’ which rattled the whole room.

  “Merlin!” Ethan yelled and went to run over.

  “My husband is safe.” Morgane said with calm confidence. “You would not believe what that fool of mine could live through. He might be as insane as many believe, but he is High Wizard for a reason. Besides, I would know when he’s truly harmed. That barrier just keeps his meddling from destroying my potions. Some are quite fragile and he knows what’s good for him should he break any of my works.”

  “Only a truly terrifying woman could make him do anything and fear her.”

  Morgane beamed. “It is good you see me so. That man sure tests my patience, but I love him dearly. Please come over so I may check on you.”

  Ethan did so and watched as she used magic to bring over a simple wooden chair as she sat in her plush chair at her desk. He took the seat she dropped three feet before her.

  The High Witch placed a manicured fingernail in the center of his forehead and lightly traced a series of runes on his brow. A slight tingling sensation began forming on his head and flowed into him. “The spell I casted upon you will take a few moments to run its course and fully diagnose any lingering pathogens or toxins in your body. The luminescent flower you spoke to the council of isn’t deadly, but I need to make sure the Kitsune didn’t leave any surprises that will take root in you. I cannot tell much over the obvious fact that you and your mate have recently been intimate.”

�Speaking of, what is the news on that first front?” He said to change the subject. Ethan still found it odd everyone in the House could talk of sex so easily. Personally he felt they were teasing him and Kanade. But old people told it like it is, no longer caring about what others believe.

  “After you left and council settled from Odin and Floa’s announcement, Thor contacted us to say the Kitsune and his human mother left the hospital and ultimately disappeared.”

  “But I never said anything of his mother!” Ethan blurted before he could shut up and flushed greatly as he just confirmed who was saved.

  Morgane smiled patiently, expecting his outburst. “We know, especially we mothers on the council. Our maternal instincts knew the Kitsune did it for a woman from how you spoke up for this Tokala. Do not think we can’t figure this out without you or verify all facts thoroughly. Everyone on the council has centuries of experience to draw upon, Ethan. We were confirmed as one of our Nymphs dressed as a doctor had learned a woman on death’s door with pancreatic, stage four cancer just suddenly awoke fully healed and came out of a drug induced coma. By the time our operative learned the woman had a loving and loyal son who had been gone a few days instead of being there in her final hours… well, we aren’t that unobservant. Thor went personally to the room where the woman was being examined with her son nearby and found they were merely illusions and learned they were seen leaving hours earlier. By then the trail was cold and Thor had no alternative except to call the hunt to an end.”

  “Must be pretty mad?” Ethan asked as he felt the spell invisibly working its way down his abdomen.

  “Most certainly. Thor is quick to anger, especially when his enemy slips through his fingers not once but twice. Still, he gets over it rather swiftly as well.” The High Witch explained with an ageless calm. “Nevertheless, he won’t hold it for long since there is so much to do than expend resources on someone so powerful and who is no longer a high priority threat at the moment…”

  “Love, may I raid your stash of Limmian seeds?” Merlin said as he stepped through the barrier and brushed off the ashy remains from his blue shirt and black jeans. “The mixing ratio was out of balance with Cereeme sap.”

  “You’re more than welcome to it. I have a new shipment coming in next week from the Sixteenth House’s grove.” She said and watched him leave humorously for Merlin’s eyebrows were singed off.

  Ethan found it impossible to contain his laughter, but he controlled enough to not burst out in hysterics. Morgane’s lips barely quirked, but her twinkling green eyes told she was finding it difficult as well. Merlin didn’t pay any attention as he carried a small white bag and reentered his dome.

  When the tingle reached his toes and vanished out came a ball of blue magic from his forehead.

  Instantly, Morgane plucked the inch wide magic out of the air and rolled it in her fingers. “Quite interesting. You are… extremely healthy.”

  “The way you said that was very disturbing. What is interesting?”

  Her sharp green eyes leveled on him as she held up the ball of light. “I’ve never seen a diagnostic so pure outside of being a Witch or Wizard right after a purge. If I didn’t know any better I would swear you were one of us. One of the magic born. You should have many non-harmful toxins accumulated since birth from foods, drinks and sickness and maybe two or three bad, but this” She looked at the entirely clear blue magic marble. “says you hold no viruses or toxins in your body whatsoever. We who can cast, can purge our bodies of harmful diseases and toxins and aside from powerful talismans or expensive potions, you should not be so healthy as what this is showing. I feel you might have some minor magical potential like Odin and a few others, but neither can I sense you’ve purged your own whole system.

  “What I did to you when you were under Kira Penbrooke’s influence merely took out any mind altering potions is nothing compared to the yearly purge Casters do to remain fit.” Morgane’s lips pursed in an adorable way as she thought. “As I said, quite interesting. The only likely reason for this is you being a Fire Elemental or you’ve somehow got the strongest immune system ever recorded in a human. Nothing inside you will likely ever do harm… Ask your beloved if she’s been spelling you all the time. Only her kind can purge another’s body with magic alone.” The orb disappeared and she stood. He followed. “Everything’s in order, Ethan. I know you are a busy man, but one day I would like to ask for you to be studied of this phenomenon. The research could be invaluable, so long as it’s not Kanade’s work. When you see her, ask. Tell Dress to allow this if you agree and it’s not a Guide’s meddling.”

  “Dress,” Ethan looked at the golden face. “can you ask Kanade about this real quick and relay what she says?”

  “One moment.” Dress winked and took a full minute of silence before saying “Kanade says she hasn’t put a single body spell on Ethan and the white gold bands on his wrist and his leather armor cannot do what you’ve discussed and she further says for Ethan to say yes. Neither did she know of this innate ability.”

  “Alright then.” Morgane said and turned to her guest. “I’m quite busy for the next few months so this research will have to wait. We can set up a date as soon as my schedule allows, Love.”

  “Sounds good. We’ll also have to discover if I’m even capable of doing spells. For right now I’m also busy, especially since Kanade will need some help with Odin’s and Floa’s wedding.” He waved goodbye and moved to the door. “Uh, how to I get out?” Ethan said as he rubbed his hand on the solid silver door.

  Morgane simply snapped her fingers while she was writing feverously on paper.

  The door became mildly transparent and he stepped through.

  Chapter 16

  The door to her office opened and Ethan stepped through. Kanade sat down an ancient stone tablet she was working on and Floa ceased talking. “Is what Dress said true?”

  “That Morgane says I’m healthier than a horse and might be able to cast spells? Maybe you should give me a second opinion.” He scratched his head under her intense gaze while she stayed seated and had a pile of finished objects on a nearby table she had enchanted.

  “I was just about to do that.” Her golden gaze softened. “Come and sit beside Floa.”

  “Alright.” He crossed the short distance and watched the Pixie scoot over on the sofa and spread her fixed wings flat against the back. He sat, but didn’t lean into them, knowing that the scales of her wings were difficult to brush out of clothing. Kanade sat in a gigantic office chair with a desk between them and leaned forward, extending a dainty hand and pressed her soft finger to his forehead and lightly traced runes. The tingling feeling she gave off was tenfold more intense and vibrated his body instantly before a clear blue orb no larger than a marble popped from his head and it took his breath away. “Holy shit… Wow, Kanade, Morgane did the same but it took time.”

  “Difference of power, Love.” She boasted proudly and took a close look at what she held between her fingers. “Amazin’, Morgane is correct about you bein’ clean.”

  “Then why didn’t you do it before and have her…?” Ethan didn’t know how to finish those thoughts.

  With a heated twinkle in her eye Kanade said “Other things were on my mind.” and winked while closely examining the orb with her finely attuned senses. “My Angel, too much magic is harmful to the human body and if I did all the spells I wanted to, well let’s just say me bein’ your mate would be harmful and would endanger you. I’ve had to restrain myself because my power to cast spells is too great and effortless. Witches can hold less risk and casters need to purge themselves of more than just toxins. They cleanse themselves of too much magic inside their body. If I did three spells on you, Ethan, you would be extremely sick.”

  “Casting runes has risks.” Floa added. “Not for Kanade of course, but magic done to the body can be potentially life threatening, especially to those who cannot fight against it or use it themselves… Girlfriend, you surprise me. If I had the ability I wo
uld constantly cast runes on Odin to see what makes him tick. Or at least to make his pecker not stay perpetually hard for hours on end.”

  The orb vanished. “Then it is good for Pixies as a whole seem to have issues with being a bit spontaneous.” Floa stuck out her pink tongue and laughed. “Now let’s see if you are capable of castin’.” She returned to her mate and closed her eyes and gently expanded her awareness and encompassed her mate. Her head tilted, making her blue hair swish slightly. “A very faint spark… How could I ever have missed that before? Morgane is right, you do have the potential to minor in magic. You won’t be able to match a wizard, but you do have it.”

  “Missed it?” Floa raised an eyebrow skeptically. “I find that hard to believe. Even those who have a minor talent to use magic are easily found and are always in great need.”

  “That is what makes this so confusin’!” Kanade sighed and opened her eyes. “Ethan, remember when Fate had you hold that glass orb?” He nodded, unable to ever forget that encounter. “It showed fire only. There was only the power of an elemental…”

  “That is concerning.” Came a particular voice and heads turned to find a blonde haired, blue eyed All American teenager in a black business suit leaning against the door that led to the balcony. His clear skin almost glowed it was so unblemished and so intense was his gaze that it was ancient, belying the youthful appearance.

  “Lord Fate!” Kanade yelped in surprise and stood, bowing quickly. Floa and Ethan following immediately after.

  “Couldn’t help overhearing this latest development.” Fate said without moving from the door while the three held position. “Raise your heads.” They did. “Ethan, come here.”

  The Elemental swallowed, suddenly fearful at the tone the powerful being used, but didn’t deny him. Ethan passed Floa and saw Kanade’s wings shaking and showed she was also afraid. The movement helped find an inner calm thanks to all of Blake’s meditative lessons and he approached the deceptive being before him.


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