Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 16

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

Chapter 15

  Tokala gasped as he sat up and looked around. Beside him lay Ethan, unmoving. The Kitsune gasped again and crawled over to the human’s side and pressed two fingers to his neck. ‘Thump thump’ came a weak, steady pulse.

  “The wish has been granted.” The Crescent mirror said in a gentle voice.

  “But we’re both alive?” Tokala said as his tone was full of disbelief. He looked at his side and said “You have a crack!”

  In fact the mirror’s surface was cracking more by the second. “It is long since my time to fulfill my role and enter oblivion from whence I was made so no other may ever use me again. Young fox, hear my final words this time.” He scooted closer and was too afraid to touch as every moment the mirror’s face fractured more and more. “My power of wish had no bounds if a price is finalized and many have sought my power, but I could never speak of it. Every wisher is like a greedy, spoiled child, much like yourself. All wishes are selfish, but this man, as powerful as he is, was willing to risk it all for a stranger. I’ve listened to every word since you took me as I have all my wielders. But it was this frail mortal human who acted selflessly for a complete stranger. Instead of taking your life or his, I give my own. Do not squander what he has done for you and your mother. It was his selflessness that allowed me to act on my own whim and do something myself for a change. Farewe…” with one loud, final crack the mirror shattered to less than grains of dust.

  The Kitsune stared fully as the Crescent Mirror vanished into absolutely nothing, leaving behind only the silver chain. In deep respect he bowed his head and said “Thank you.” When he felt his power still draining he realized he had to act and spun on his knee and hunched over Ethan. “And I sincerely thank you for this gift.” With one sharp claw he gently nicked Ethan’s forearm, gathered a single drop of blood and licked it. Tokala’s eyes widened with instant realization. “Impossible! You can’t be!” he then moved his muzzle closer to the man’s neck and took a deep whiff to say “It’s true! This smell is unmistakable… You are just like…” there came a loud whinny of a horse and looked up to see the black Pegasai trying to tear his way through with every fiber of its being. A look of immense hatred were shooting daggers at him. The Kitsune stood and yelled “He’s alive!”

  Storm-shadow stood on top of the barrier and demanded loudly “Get away from him, Demon! I’ll kill you if you don’t!”

  “You’ll never see me again, most likely.” Tokala bowed and spared one last look at the unconscious Ethan and then shot forward to the door like a lightning strike. Once behind it and no one was near, he used his power of illusion and changed his appearance into a human seventeen year old copper skinned boy and altered his scent so none from Order could distinguish him. He sprinted inhumanly down the stairs, seeing his vines disappear without a trace and found his mother’s floor to see the staff in a near panic. He yelled in Italian “What’s going on!?”

  One of the staff he knew smiled and tears spilled down her round cheeks. “It is your mother. She is awake! We do not know how, but she’s calling for you!”

  Tokala hurried and before he got to the door he saw his mother standing in her hospital gown as healthy as she ever was. Tears leaked from his eyes as he ran to embrace her. She smiled at his illusion, knowing all his tricks and squeezed him tight. They collapsed in a hug.

  The powerful barriers instantly vanished and Storm-shadow barely managed to slow himself and land. Immediately as his hooves touched the roof he charged to Ethan and licked the side of his face. “Wake, please wake!” then he gained a groan and Storm-shadow sighed. “Thank the stars!”

  A dozen Pegesai were instantly airborne, following Shadow-storm and Thor. In moments the half human/Naga dismounted and charged over to the Elemental’s side. “Lad, come on!” he gave a quick slap.

  Ethan reacted and roared like a wild beast and punched Thor in the jaw with surprising force. Ethan leapt and took a fighting stance and blinked when Thor sat up after getting knocked to his back and rubbed his jaw. “What a punch, Laddie! We ought to brawl one day and make our ancestors proud.”

  “Huh?” Ethan stood as memories returned and more flyers came in to land all on the roof. Most were curiously quiet and wary around him.

  “Where’s the Kitsune, Lad? We can have a brawl another time, but now we need it and the mirror.” Thor pushed aside the pain and threw his braid of golden hair back across his spine.

  “Gone.” Storm-shadow announced. “I didn’t hear much, but I saw the Kitsune flee and the Crescent Mirror is no more.”

  “WHAT!” Came a mighty voice and heads shot up as an Enforcer of immense power landed before Ethan, Storm-shadow, Shadow-storm and Thor. His helmet was on fire, had gigantic black wings, carried a lance of pure light and a sheathed sword at his hip. The enforcer stood fourteen feet tall and bulged with muscle that all Enforcers and male Spirit Guides had in surplus. “Explain! Fate sent me when the mirror was just used. It needs to be recovered.”

  Storm-shadow stomped on a silvery chain and said “All that remains is this. I saw it crumble and disappear. The Kitsune made some wish and next I see is my companion jump over and place his hands on the mirror too. Then there was a blinding light and the Kitsune fled.”

  The burning helmet turned on Ethan, but the oppressive anger of the Enforcer lessened. Large black eyes behind the helmet’s fire narrowed till he said “The Elemental returned to life? Fate will not be pleased with what you’ve done.”

  “I could care less what he thinks right now.” Ethan growled and everyone gasped, but the Enforcer made no move. “I did what I thought was right. If you’re looking for someone to blame you need to go place it on him. It was his doing that made the Kitsune steal the mirror in the first place. I don’t really know what happened to it, but if it’s gone I say good fucking riddance. Something that powerful should never have existed to begin with. Right now I’m in the mood to roast something so I suggest you fly along before you become fried chicken.”

  Deathly silence blanketed the whole rooftop and even the wind seemed to hold its breath. Then the Enforcer walked forward, a mountain of muscle, but Ethan held his ground while everyone else backed far away. They stared at each other for a moment before the giant of a man bent over and plucked the chain that once held the mirror. “Mr. Volorum, you would do care to watch that mouth against we Enforcers. If my duty was not to retrieve the mirror you would be punished. I give you this one warning. Hold that tongue no matter how overwhelmed you are. Be thankful my task is clear and finished. If the mirror is destroyed, so is my needed presence.” Black wings spread and instantly the Enforcer shot to the sky, soon all that could be seen was the flaming helmet in the starry sky.

  A great sigh came all at once, but the first to laugh was Thor. “Lad, you sure have some mountain size stones. Even I fear the Enforcers. Go put on some clothes and take a breather.” At that, Ethan blushed and looked down to realize how he was dressed. “The rest of you, make sure the Kitsune is caught or killed if need be. Lad, did it say where it was heading?”

  Ethan stopped and knew what he had to do. Right now he had to let this one go. Tokala earned a second chance this time. “Not really. All he said was he was the Kitsune you didn’t kill long ago.” This darkened Thor’s mood. “Maybe you can tell me why it’s suddenly dark out? Before I tried getting the mirror away I remember it still being daylight.”

  “Daylight?!” someone in the crowd said. “You’ve been out of contact for over twelve hours. Everyone’s been worried when we lost communication.”

  “Everything will be sorted soon!” The commanding officer with a hammer said loudly while readjusting his eyepiece. “Right now we need to hunt the fox down. Get to it!”

  With a roar, half charged the door while flyers took off and surrounded the building. Ogres, Nagai and Amazons poured through the hospital but as Ethan stumbled to the door his legs were wobbly and began buckling. Scaly hands shot out of nowhere and Ethan was eased down by Blake as Floa had Translocated the e
ntire team. “Easy now.” The Naga said, nearly poking Ethan in the eye with the pommel of the broadsword sticking out from his right shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  Nell knelt beside him with Kira and were concerned, but listened as he said “Drained…” He sighed and breathed deep. “Feels like I just completed one of your grueling training sessions and all my joints ache… So it’s really night. I swear it’s felt like a few minutes tops.”

  Storm-shadow then tossed his mane and pranced around to say “This scent… a plant from Demon World. It acts like magic, shifting perception to make time appear faster. A short quarter hour, given the concentration, may make a day pass completely. Quite dangerous if prolonged. Your body would starve to death in what would merely be an hour or so. Ellen, in my saddle, pull out the canteen. He needs to drink and flush his system.” The Centaur came over and did so. She then handed the drink to Ethan who greedily drank, realizing how dehydrated he was. “It is no wonder you are so temperamental and challenged an Enforcer. Take care of yourself and cool off.”

  In seconds the canteen was empty, but before he could ask for another Magnus handed his over, but was actually a sports drink. He said “Thanks.” and downed it too. By the time he finished it Kira had left and returned with his clothes and his headset saying “I found these in a corner by the stairwell, by charred marks made by your feet.”

  He was appreciative and quickly slipped into them and excused himself as a biological emergency hit and he had recovered enough to run to the nearest men’s room and voided an overfull bladder.

  By the time he returned to the roof as a new man, many were quietly waiting for an explanation. He waved his team over to a corner as well as Thor and Shadow-storm. In a low tone he said “You won’t find the Kitsune, but he isn’t what any of us expected. Thor, I know you rarely let anything go, but he has changed. We need to go to the First House for a debrief.”

  “Tell me right now why I should.” The head of the Fifth House levelly commanded.

  “Have you asked yourself why the Kitsune hasn’t hurt a single individual? How long ago did you and he clash?”

  “Six hundred or so years ago.” Thor said. “And yes, it has bothered me. Last we met he was a cruel bastard and stole some precious items from my loft. He is one of the few demons who can claim to have bested me. So what was this wish the Enforcer said had happened? What was the wish?”

  “To heal someone dear to him. He was willing to sacrifice himself to do it. I don’t know what happened after, but before I passed out I tried taking his place…”

  “Ah, so now it makes since.” Thor rubbed his scaly smooth chin. “There is an old legend my father told me of the mirror that says only a selfless act will end the mirror’s power. If it is truly gone… well… there is nothing anyone can do. And agreed we are, Lad. The mirror needed to be destroyed. I cannot say the same for the Kitsune. His past must be judged. And find him we will. But you must return to my father and tell him everything, and I do mean everything. Since you belong to his House I cannot order you without his directive.”

  “Thor,” Ethan grabbed the man’s arm and released it quickly when the ancient warrior glared. “sorry, but you need to trust me on this, he has changed, for the better. He could have wished for anything, but he spoke on behalf of another. Believe me when I say that if he wished for anything else I would have roasted him without a second thought. We were this close from one another.” Ethan stepped back some. “He isn’t like other demons I’ve faced. If by some chance you do find him and he doesn’t attack, you will detain him only. He has spent the last seventeen years repenting and I believe him.”

  “LOST THE SCENT!” a Naga shouted from the door a dozen yards away.

  Thor gave Ethan an appraising look before shaking his head. “I’ll take your opinion under advisement, Lad. When we find him, so long as he doesn’t attack or harm another, he will be treated justly. He broke many laws and will be held accounted for. But if he so much as retaliates in any damaging way, I’m going to put him down and finish what is long overdue.”

  “That is all I’m asking.” Thor nodded and walked away, barking orders to secure the entire building. A familiar person landed on his shoulder. “Floa, how’s your girl?”

  “Shaken still, but unharmed. She’s never been so helpless without her Translocation abilities. She and her team, as well as everyone are unharmed. Are you ready to head home and answer to my fiancé?”

  This silenced the group completely. “Wait? When did you get engaged… I thought your and Nymph kinds only marry your soul mates when you… you know.” He said.

  “I’ll let Odin explain. I just can’t keep it as a secret anymore.”

  Magnus snorted. “Odin? That virile old Viking? He’s never married and never settles.”

  Nell laughed. “You’re joking, Floa. Odin is the most promiscuous male to exist. And he only sleep for a week in a whole year, meaning he has a lot of time to get things done.” One green eyebrow arched. “Usually with threesomes every night. Once he satisfied a hundred women in one night.”

  “A hundred and nine actually.” Floa corrected proudly. “I was there and wow… What a rush!” the Pixie giggled as she shivered. “But you will learn soon enough that he has been granted a gift that no one knew about. And I can’t wait to see your faces when I make him tell all of you.”

  “Floa, thanks.” Ethan said and she smiled.

  “Don’t mention it! You looked like you needed a distraction. If you need more I can tell you about my sex life?!”

  “No!” Ethan shouted and laughed as she expertly eased tension. “Right now I want to sleep and dreaming of you getting it on with that ancient badass will give me nightmares.”

  “Awe, you’re still so adorable.” She patted his cheek. “And here I thought you and Kanade would finally shed that shyness after all the time you two…” She stopped as he placed his middle finger against his thumb and tensed. She knew he would flick her. “Alright. Hey, I can’t stop being what I am. Immortal sex drives in women are insatiable. You’ll learn soon enough. Everyone ready?”

  All nodded and she clapped.

  They instantly Translocated to the road outside the castle. Then before they took one step Floa clapped again, disappeared and ten seconds later reappeared in her larger form, carrying Blossom asleep in her arms and even brought along Kanade.

  “Ethan!” Kanade began to cry as she shot after him, wrapped her arms around him and took to the sky. She slowed as he croaked “Can’t Breatheee…” and she pulled away. He sparked a levitating flame above them so he could see her face. She used her power to lock them in place so she didn’t need to flap her wings constantly to hold position. Down below the team waited, but Floa disappeared with Blossom and came back soon empty handed, obviously to put the baby Pixie to bed. Kanade though said “I’ve been so worried, My Angel. Dress kept me informed and told me you were lost, no one could communicate with you all day. I was so worried.” She cried into his neck while he stroked her hair soothingly. “The other team you saved tried goin’ back to rescue you, but couldn’t get anywhere near close… Oh, Ethan, I was so worried. What happened?”

  “I’m okay. Really. I would like to tell this only once because I’m tired and hungry and I want to hear why Floa and Odin are going to be married.”

  The last part had Kanade’s tears stop and she drew away in surprise, but not releasing her superhuman embrace around his middle. “What? When did this happen? They…” She looked down at the patient group and then back at him. “You better not be lyin’ or tryin’ to make my worry into a joke. You won’t like… Oh who am I kiddin’. Come here.” Despite her embrace, she leaned forward for an expected kiss. He was all too eager to oblige. When they pulled apart she spoke in a dainty yet husky tone. “You better find a way to make me feel better, Husband. I expect you to make up for puttin’ me through Torment.” Hell’s equivalent.

  “I’ll start with a backrub.”

  “And bring me to ecstasy
till I tell you otherwise. And I’ll make sure you won’t get a wink of sleep so that you won’t be able to leave bed. I’ll make it especially impossible to walk as my legs will be locked around you. You have much to make up for before I consider lettin’ you from my sight again.”

  “Your wish is my command, Ma’am.”

  She smiled and read his surface thoughts and liked what she saw. She felt an erotic shiver shoot up her spine and warm the entire core of her being before she asked “Love, it will be quicker to let me read your mind. May I?”

  “Go right ahead. I have nothing to hide from you, but later, if I omit certain details, will you promise to stay silent?”

  Kanade nodded and dove into recent memories of the past half hour to say “So you had no idea that I’ve been in a tizzy all day and night? And I agree, you did the right thing. I also am glad that you are so selfless. I wouldn’t have been mad if you had died, but I’d be there right behind you, proud you did good and gave your life for a stranger, a demon at that. And to answer your biggest question, Yes, some demons aren’t a threat and can love. It is rare though and demonic nature is difficult to resist. Those who know love find it easier. This Tokala will likely repent so long as his mother lives. Afterwards, who knows. I’ve never heard of such a tale, more so that he loves a human. We will talk later, in private.” He wholeheartedly agreed, even as she processed his memories in an instant rather than speaking. “Right now I want to learn about Floa and Odin. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I know. Pixies and Nymphs only marry their…”

  Together they looked at each other with realization and said simultaneously “Soul mate!” she though added “But… Oh we need more information before our minds accidentally assume wrongly.” She spread her wings and lightly snapped her fingers, ending the spell and glided down. Kanade landed without offering an apology and stepped closer and knelt in front of her friend. “Show me proof. Ethan told me you and Odin…”

  Floa smiled and blatantly exposed much of her large breasts proudly by pulling the collar of her top down. Ethan turned away in modesty, but it was too late as the image of green perky nipples were loosed upon the world. Others came closer to see a silvery patch of skin glistening between her full bosom. “See. I’m marked now after so long…” Violet eyes shifted to the one person not looking. “Oh, Ethan, they are just boobs. I know you know that when a Pixie finds this between their breasts… Well you know someone had to be between my thighs.” She pulled the top back up and sighed “So modest. Come, we must get done before you hear how special my mark means to me.”

  Kanade embraced the Pixie while Ethan turned back. “I’m so happy for you, Floa. It is long since been due you got what we all seek.”

  “Thank you.” Floa said, teary-eyed. “We must hurry. I want to do this with him. It’s not my story to tell and if we linger I won’t be able to resist.”

  Floa and Kanade held hands as their group hurried down the sparse hall. Many of those still awake called greetings, but didn’t hurry to hear news, which would come out no later than breakfast. Nell was the only one who had to leave for Vina, since she didn’t have much to say she was allowed to retire for the night. She walked away saying she’d see everyone tomorrow.

  About a half mile later they were greeted by Kiroq who was leaning against the wall with his wings wrapped around himself like some kind of robe and it gave him a mysterious air. The Gargoyle fixed dark brown eyes and tapered ears in their direction. When they got close enough he parted his half, doglike hairless muzzle to say “Glad to see you still alive, Ethan. Thor contacted the House and told the council leaders you are to be debriefed of the situation and got a bit chummy with the Kitsune. Follow me, we’re ready to hear all about it.”

  Dread filled Ethan, but it didn’t show as he and his team followed the Gargoyle into the elevator. As the door shut he asked “Kiroq, how much trouble am I in?”

  “Deactivate your gear.” Kiroq tapped his ear meaningfully and waited till it was done. Ethan turned it off while all eyes took at the general. Kiroq then showed his thick fangs as he smiled. “Whatever you told Thor sure got under his skin. That old man hates letting things go and has a habit of wanting to be better than any other. He doesn’t like how you let the Kitsune go, especially since it was one who thwarted him.” Kiroq’s large claws scratched his head. “You needn’t fear, but answers are all we’ll need from you. So long as you didn’t break any rules you’ll be fine. Already many of our forces are coming back to get some rest or returning to the Fifth House. As of five minutes ago, the demon is still at large. So it’s true the Kitsune hasn’t harmed a single individual?”

  “No.” Kanade said.

  “And how did you know? You weren’t anywhere near this problem.” Kiroq said suspiciously.

  “True, but I saw my angel’s memories. And I agree with Ethan’s choices in what he did.” She defended herself and her love. “Unless provoked, Tokala, that is the Kitsune’s current name, won’t likely harm a fly. For years he has found a new path and his reasons for the theft of the mirror were reasonable, in his own way. No law was broken. Will this take long, Ethan is tired and hungry?”

  “I don’t believe it will take long at all.” The large Gargoyle said and moments later the elevator chimed when they reached the top floor.

  The Ogress wasn’t at her desk, being so late. It didn’t matter so much as they took a left and followed the large, four and a half foot tall, massively muscled Gargoyle to the tribunal room. All the leaders were in session and rapid typing from Tattoo on his computer ‘clicked’ and echoed continuously like calm and intensive talking. Some Ogres and a half dozen flying Pixies were working. When they entered Pegasus stomped one large Clydesdale size hoof on the polished marble floor like a gavel in a courtroom. Silence proceeded thereafter. The great black stallion leveled his brilliant blue eyes and said “They’ve arrived. Now we can get actual answers.”

  “Aye.” Odin said as he pulled on his blonde braided beard that hung to the heart of his sternum. “Welcome lads and lasses. Again, Ethan, you caused another profound stir in Spirit World. Fate isn’t happy and wants you locked up for a decade for allowing his father’s creation to be destroyed.” The room silenced at that and Ethan gulped till the middle aged looking Viking grinned. “But I also heard what you said to that Enforcer. You must be a descendant of a Viking. No other human has such gall to stand against one of them and not quake.”

  “Best laugh we had in months since you downed Odin’s brew!” The madman Merlin cackled. Morgane, his wife, laughed lightly at his side, unable to resist.

  “Even on my worst days I would have been silent.” Collu the Centaur stallion announced. “We are all eager to hear what happened.”

  “Ethan, please hold this and explain what transpired. It is a request of us, but Thor demands it done. We stand for truth and justice. Please accept it for now.” Morgane Le Fay said as she flew a metal rod over to him and his group.

  Kiroq though actually flew to his seat beside Pegasus and settled.

  The metal bar had the same rune used on Kira and was enchanted to allow only the truth to be spoken. He knew about it for Kanade explained how it worked months ago. It didn’t allow lies, but it couldn’t force someone to speak without a secondary spell working in conjunction. With a heavy sigh he plucked it from the air and held it in a white knuckled grip at his side. Now that the room sat with heavily expectant silence, he and his team approached the half circle desk. “Alright. Here’s how it went. When Thor and all squad leaders learned one team didn’t respond he told everyone to move immediately to the hospital. Floa Translocated myself and Storm-shadow as this was said only as it was one of her daughters who was a teammate on the squad responsible for checking it out. In a mother’s worry she forgot the rest of our teammates and we arrived not a second before our target erected a barrier that allowed only humans and non-active energy, Spirit or Demonic, inside. Storm-shadow waited outside while Floa and I entered. Soon we located t
he captured team and I ordered them out. Otherwise they’d be in my way. I covered myself in fire to burn my way past tons of vines that magic cannot burn. Because I’m human and remembered how other humans could pass the outer barrier, I stripped off my enchanted suit Kanade made. I passed a second barrier and…” Ethan continued with the story, telling events as they were and unable to lie thanks to the rod. He retold Tokala’s story, omitting certain details and for the next five minutes he spoke without interruption. “And the next thing I know is sharp pain, waking up, slugging Thor and… well you should know the rest.”

  Silence and contemplation lasted for only a few moments before Crait, the Naga High Champion, said “So this Tokala made a wish to save a human from Fate’s intentions, but you’ve yet to tell us who this human is or where we can find him. Tell us.”

  “Not gonna happen.” Ethan stood his ground even after the powerful Naga glared. “Look, we all have someone we would have used the mirror on and see them returned to life or see them healed and be willing to give everything for it, even our very lives. To see my mom and grandparents again is worth that price. Tokala isn’t as he was. After sixteen thousand years he has changed. The only one in this room who can say they’ve lived so long is Princess Chillie. Princess, can you deny you wouldn’t use the mirror at the cost of your own life?” She shook her head honestly. “Look, Tokala got his wish and I’ll not give him up. I can’t explain how either of us are alive after the wish, but Storm said Tokala left me alive and disappeared. I was helpless and still he didn’t kill me as any other demon would have in the same situation. If all the other things didn’t happen I would still give him a head start and not send a Drone after him. This demon found love and isn’t a threat any longer. Before tonight I thought all demons were evil. Why wasn’t I told this?”

  “Because it is rare.” Mia, the white Centaur mare matriarch said before Crait went on a tirade for answers. “There is no such thing as good or evil, just perspective. Still, we wish life to flourish, Chaos wants as its name implies. Demon masters control their minions and those who adhere to the Accords are left alone so long as rules are obeyed. Only when they start taking lives will we intervene. If this fox has no master, being powerful enough to be one, and hasn’t harmed a soul in recent years, has truly found love in a human and was willing to give his own life… Well I might not agree completely with your field decision, but you made the correct choice and it is true he let you live. Others certainly would have taken your life. Demons are naturally selfish and self-serving denizens, but if he has found love, true love, he will not be a threat now that his human is saved. We can agree the wish was granted if Fate sent an Enforcer saying so. Fact of the matter remains that he broke into Spirit World, a precious artifact is lost forever and his inactions resulted in seventeen human deaths by the Siren companion and the sword so he must be held accountable.”

  “I’m not saying he shouldn’t.” Ethan said and as he held the rod still, they knew he meant it. “What I am saying is I’m not going to be part of this anymore. As it is, my orders, when Blake got the mission, was to retrieve the sword and mirror, find those responsible and have the objects returned. Mission complete. And the mirror should never have existed. With it destroyed it can no longer be used by anyone, for any purpose.”

  “I find no fault.” Priestess Edda, the Nymph, said to the assembly.

  “Nor do I.” Odin announced. “Fate can get over it and stop whining like a spoiled brat. The Crescent Mirror was too great a temptation to have ever existed and now that it is no more we have no further need to fear a repeat and fear of what it represents in the wrong hands. Besides, Lad,” the lone blue eye locked on the feisty Elemental. “Fate’s influence won’t decide your actions in my House. You won’t be imprisoned for this unexpected turn of events. What’s done cannot be undone, especially now that the mirror’s power is forever gone. By majority vote of the council, who disagrees?” Only Crait raised his arm. “Then Ethan, your mission was a success and lives were saved. You all earned your rest and bounty of ninety five thousand points apiece.”

  “But tomorrow, Ethan,” Morgane Le Fay interjected as she played with a loose strand of her curly strawberry hair. “I request that you come by and see me just so there aren’t lingering effects of the demon flowers. They aren’t deadly for the short amount of time you were exposed, but just in case… You understand. If any new symptoms arise you must find me immediately.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He replied to the High Witch.

  “Good, now that that is settled…” Floa bounced on the balls of her bare feet and the room turned their attention to her suddenly chipper personality. “Ooodin?”

  “Floa!” For once the one eyed, seven foot tall Viking was completely flabbergasted as he knew that particular tone. Everyone in the room heard it and the mood of the room shifted with anticipation. “I thought we agreed?”

  The grinning Pixie shrugged her slender shoulders at his attempt to conceal what he hid. “Couldn’t be helped. Come on. Tell everyone! I’ve waited long enough and you know I’m not a patient woman.”

  “What Pixie is.” Odin grumbled and saw her evergreen foot tap with impatience. “Oh, Fine. I was waiting till after my sleep, but if you’ve already spoiled the surprise it also cannot be helped.” Gungnir in hand, he walked around the table, the end of the solid metal lance clinked on the floor in a rhythm to his long natural strides. Everyone was curious and eager at the strangeness and for once, Merlin wasn’t bouncing in his seat like he had too much sugar and was listening to voices only he could hear. Odin met Floa by the corner where the entire room could see and he said “You all know I gave my eye and vow to serve Order for all eternity and have filled that role for nineteen hundred years.” Heads nodded while all leaned forward. “Last week I was granted a gift by the Spirit King.”

  This now gained the entire room’s attention as not one pair of eyes weren’t bulging. It was such a shock that many had to force themselves to breathe. Odin went on and wove his massive hand around Floa’s tiny green one, even as she remained in her larger form he was massive. “Fate was who heard my wish to fight and granted me immortality under Order’s endless service, but he did more than take my eye. The Spirit King spoke to me in my mind a week prior and I hadn’t heard his voice since I pleaded that Jormungandr be given a better opportunity when he aided me against the Dragon Rattyz. Jormungandr lives outside to this day as a loyal house guardian. I would never forget his voice. I learned Fate actually is who granted my request on my behalf against his father, but not for an entire century of debate. I was in a century long Odin Sleep, unaware of Fate’s tinkering. To me it felt like just a moment when I learned he’d said aye. In actuality I learned I’m not nineteen hundred, but two thousand years old exactly, as of last week.”

  “Two thousand! Happy birthd…”

  “I’m not done speaking yet, Merlin, my old friend.” Odin interrupted before he could be assaulted by questions. “In my study last week I learned of the secret withheld from me. Spirit King mentally explained that if I had remained faithful for two millennia and fought Chaos’ corruption I would get back what was lost. Well… I have been steadfast.” He glanced down at Floa with a tender smile she beamed back. “What I didn’t know was that Fate also took more than my eye. To ensure I upheld my end of the bargain of eternal servitude he also took my sense to find my soul mate. It would ensure I had no ties to alter my course or withhold my warring against Chaos. Spirit King returned it to me that night a week ago.”

  Floa pulled the collar of her shirt down to show off the silver patch of skin that was almost a perfect oval between her breasts and seem to enhance the beauty of her unblemished green skin. “We knocked boots afterwards and found out why we’ve always been so attracted to each other and why Odin has fathered more of my many babies than any other man. We were soul mates all along, but without Odin having that part of him… we would never have known.”

  “We’ve chosen the winter solstice to
be traditionally wed, after my annual slumber.” Odin said.

  The room clapped and Odin gave Floa a deep kiss when she jumped in his bulging arms and wrapped her slender arms around his neck. Hugs and backslaps were exchanged. Merlin though commented “Seems like Odin won’t be having so many strangers come visiting.”

  “Think again!” Floa announced, hearing it with her pointed green ears. “Just because we’re soul mates doesn’t mean our sex life will be pruned back. He better keep bringing girls to our bed or I’ll bring them myself. A virile Viking and a Pixie need bedmates… lots and lots of bedmates!”

  Odin laughed proudly. “That is my woman! I couldn’t ask for better!”

  “No. You couldn’t.” She agreed with a bright smile of sharp teeth. “Princess Chillie, care to join us tonight to celebrate?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” The ancient princess’s smile broadened.

  “I guarantee it will be.” Floa stated, dropped down and openly kissed the princess in front of everyone. The princess wasn’t even surprised and returned the attentions. None seemed like this was anything out of the ordinary. The only ones to blush were Ethan and Kanade.

  “Congratulations, Floa.” Kanade hugged her friend a moment later when the crowd pulled back some. “Ethan and I are goin’ downstairs to eat. The others wanted me to also tell you how happy they are for you, Storm especially.”

  “Thanks, Girlfriend. I’m just glad I no longer have to keep this secret. A week felt like centuries. Too bad your kind won’t play. I could show a trick to make…”

  Kanade pressed two slender finger’s over Floa’s pouty lips. “Don’t ruin this moment. You know it will never be between us. We are friends, not with those benefits. Ethan is all I want or shall ever need. Enjoy your night, I will do the same.” She then kissed her friend’s emerald cheeks. “See you soon.”

  “Oh, before you go. I want you to be my Maid of Honor.”

  The Enchantress smiled kindly, but didn’t get teary eyed as either woman expected. “I’d be honored and accept. We’ll talk later, your husband-to-be is wanting your attentions.” Kanade stood and waved goodbye as her Pixie friend skipped to Odin’s side.

  She returned to see only Ethan and Storm-shadow had remained by the door. Magnus, Blake and Ellen left. She took Ethan’s hand with a smile and they left.

  “What will you have?” Cook said as they sat down at the nearest table just out of the elevators. The Wisp was waiting, use to being called at any time. Since it wasn’t time for a mass meal and the heavy resources for today’s hunt would mean she’d be working extra tonight as different groups were coming and going.

  Kanade said “Three extra large, deep dish pizzas with pepperoni, sausage and mushrooms and two large pitchers of beer.” With a flash, Cook prepared the order instantly and glowed more brightly with happiness as the Enchantress said “Looks and smells delicious. You’ve outdone yourself again, Cook.”

  “Call my name if you need anything else.”

  “We will.”

  Cook disappeared and Ethan’s gnawing hunger had him grabbing two slices at a time and stuffing his mouth. Kanade would have found his manners appalling if she couldn’t sense how depleted he was after such an ordeal. It proved too much and she too was effected, remembering she also hadn’t eaten since breakfast and was sickened at the thought of his disappearance for hours. Ethan devoured an entire pizza alone and two slices from the third before downing three glasses and much of his pitcher’s golden liquid. Kanade though finished off the remainder of the meal and liquor.

  “Much better.” He said and rubbed his firm stomach.

  “I feel as content as a fat cat.” She quipped and gathered the dishes. “Now I’m ready to purr.” Kanade nudged him suggestively and felt at ease as he richly chuckled.

  “Let’s go home.” He got up with her.

  After dropping the dishes in a depositing hole she wrapped an arm around him as he did her. Since it was getting late there were fewer in the way and he didn’t care how it looked as Kanade spread her wings and carried him through the air. Few ever joked that he relied on a woman for all knew who they were and their overwhelming powers.

  Cool air helped ease Ethan’s mind and his stomach was seriously full. Hey Kanade? He thought and saw her golden eyes turn fully on him and realized she was still inside his head. “Thanks for ordering pizza.”

  “You’re welcome, My Love.” She smiled softly, a private smile that is his alone. “Neither of us were in the mood to play with our food. It was a quick and fillin’ meal. Would you like me to stop readin’ your mind?”

  “Doesn’t bother me, but I still cannot for the life of me understand how you find my thoughts so fascinating.” He admitted as the wind ruffled his hair more strongly as she few them outside and into the open where she slowed and took her time flying with him.

  “I do not like pryin’ into another’s mind just like I do not like others inside my own, but of all the minds I have touched yours is by far the most unique. You have a strong sense of morals and kindness that others of Order lack or have forgotten in time or under heavy hardship that they become desensitized. Even among humans, your mind is special and different, but I do not know why and I like it that way.” She touched her gold choker out of habit and smiled as she always does for it meant it was proof all this was real. “Odin, I’ve read before, and your minds couldn’t be more different. All he thinks about is fightin’, drinkin’ and tearin’ the clothes off Floa and every woman who catches his lusty eye.

  “You on the other hand think of a great many things at the same time unless you do that intense focus thing you do and push all thoughts aside. Your focus is frightenin’ sometimes because until your goal is complete, nothin’ stops you or gains your attention unless it is big. When you don’t focus though, your mind relaxes and once I caught you jugglin’ over twenty ideas at the same time. I would swear you were a great, master Wizard for only they can do such so easily. You can juggle like my kind in mentality, but I usually juggle over a hundred thoughts at any one time. Your mind is refreshin’, especially when you catch sight of me.” She flapped her wings and grinned. “It might be because you are my angel, but never have our kinds bonded as we. You are the first human I mean. Aside from that I truly love how you see me. I know I’m pretty, even among other Spirit Guides, but the way you see me…” She quivered in delight and it made him smile. “Well I can say I’m flattered. There is no word in the universe, Spirit or Demon World that could come close to saying how delightful your honest mind is. I cannot help myself by feelin’ your emotions when you know I’m around and it fills me with joy and I find it erotic. And my heart goes aflutter when you see me as yours, your sexual goddess. I love how vivid your imagination is…”

  “Like this?”

  Kanade saw what he suddenly thought and missed a beat before catching them. “Don’t do that!” She swatted his arm with her free arm and laughed. “But yes, My Darling Husband, and it will feel good. Your beard is wonderful between my thighs and that image you just sent me better become reality.” She smirked. “It is unfortunate you cannot read my thoughts.”

  “Oh?” he arched an eyebrow. “How so?”

  She pulled him closer and whispered in his ear in an intimate way “Because no matter how bad you think your dirty thoughts are, mine are far worse.”

  “Doubt it.” He chuckled and she enjoyed how his sound vibrated through her.

  “I cannot lie and you well know it!” She slowed even more, enjoying the closeness and the slight electrical current that occurs whenever they touch. “I always thought Pixies and Nymphs were incorrigible, wantin’ to wrap their legs around anythin’ with a rod or each other. I barely believed they had more than a thought that wanted anythin’ else, even as I kissed my way through troves of Spirit Guides and Enforcers in search for my mate. Not once did I see myself like those free spirited females.

  “Suddenly I’m drawn to you and I can think of nothin’ else most of the time.
I feel like a bitch in heat and want to feel of one body all the time. Our link as soul mates, I can feel it now and understand it logically, but my mind has turned on instincts I never knew about. I don’t want them off either.”

  “Floa said something about an immortal’s instincts and sex.” He suddenly realized. “It was confusing, but could you clarify?”

  Kanade looked as him before making her finger glow and cast a green levitation spell. Her wings folded as she stood on an invisible barrier of air and sat Ethan also on it. It was disconcerting, but he stood strong.

  Beneath the full moon, he didn’t need to use fire to see and could view that they were a good mile above the ground. The cool Scotland air was strong, but his leather clothes kept him warm enough and Kanade’s wool sweater and jeans kept her warm too. In a small southern voice she said “Immortals of Order breed more slowly than mortals. Nymphs have the fastest reproductive rate and can have a seed every year if they have a partner who beds them at the right moment. Pixies can have an egg once every decade at best if they have sex daily, Centaur may be lucky to have one in every five to ten, Ogress’ likely have one baby once a decade too, Gargoyles have a litter of four to six every fifty years and Nagai have clutches once a century. How many they have is up to chance. There are others, but you get where I’m goin’.” She put a hand over her chest. “Out of all immortals, my kind has the lowest birthrate of all since it’s near impossible to kill us. What Floa said actually means for we female immortals, our instincts to mate makes us more sexually active in the hopes we get that one brief moment to conceive in our long lives. The moment you broke my maidenhead my sex drive was awakened and will never relent. It is almost beyond our control once we find our true soul mates. Ethan, Nagai, Phoenix and Gargoyles go into heat when they are most fertile and naturally know when it’s time. I am in heat all the time, but am not fertile and won’t know when I will be until I lay our egg.”

  “You make it sound painful?” He winced with uncertainty.

  “Because it can be.” She was honest. “Especially for my kind. Yes, sex is fun and I can’t get enough of you, but for immortals, especially those who haven’t yet given birth, it is a physical need. I enjoy my thoughts and how you ravish me, but if we quit or were separated for a prolonged period I would quite literally go mad with lust till we rejoined.” She watched him gulp. “I would be unable to stop myself from trackin’ you down, rip off your clothes and quite literally rape you if we were separated for longer than two months. I would be sane for the first couple weeks and feel a great hunger grow with each passing day, but I would still be myself. Unfortunately I would lose even that soon enough till I had you in me and your seed filling my womb. Your seed is now a drug I can no longer live without the first time you spilled it in me. It’s not a joke. Without it, I would lose who I am. Oh, Ethan, I’m not tryin’ to frighten you, merely explain what you asked… Males do not feel the need as strongly for they desire couplin’ at all times, but we females require it. It is why I have difficulty lettin’ you go and why we can rarely have visitors when alone. My instincts to fill our nest with young are heightened whenever I see you and only add to what I already love. My favorite time is when you work hard and are covered in sweat I get to lick from your neck… Sorry, I got off topic.” She seemed to blush in the darkness. “I know I can let go of myself enough when you combust and are aroused by me. The instinct will never go away, but when we become parents I may be able to go half a year without couplin’ so long as our young one is still in the nest. I’ll return to the way I am right afterwards. I know this for my parents are difficult to be around and they like to share their more personal thoughts like our new friends. The instinct to breed young is in all women, but not as strongly as it is in mine. No other species will go completely mad like mine without their mate… that I know of.”

  “I never realized.” He said slowly. “Kanade I promise to never allow you to go mad. You know I want a child between us and I’ll do my part gladly to see you don’t get hurt. But what I want to know is why you said you can ‘let go enough?’”

  She finally giggled and drew her wings around him. “My Love, you know I cannot seriously injure another. You’ve felt my strength. It is greater than Amazonian, Centaur and Gargoyle combined. When we couple and share blissful release, if I could hurt you my legs would crush you together like warm butter, bones and all. I’m surprised I draw blood from scratchin’ your back every night, but my fingers don’t dig in your muscles.... Even without my inherent spiritual powers.” She added and heard the thought that crossed his mind and glared. “Never think that! You are mine! No toy or sex machine could ever do anythin’ to me. And nor will I try. You fill me completely as my soul mate only could… No I’m not fakin’. Not once did I ever! You need to know soul mates feel intimacy on levels others cannot comprehend and no woman enjoys fire swirlin’ around their man’s dick when it’s inside remotely like me, especially since there are no men like you anywhere. It makes release stronger for me actually and come much more strongly. You’ve seen what you do to me every night and I know how much you love how I quiver and my wings shake. I cannot consciously do that and I need no spell to reach orgasm like some Witches do with their small rodded mates. If only you could read my mind you would feel what you do to me as much as I love your mind when you feel and caress me.” She then lightly flicked his nose. “And you should also know my pussy responds to your size and grips you better than any human ever could. When you arouse me I respond and clamp so hard you can’t pull out till I relax. I know you’ve wondered how a woman of my greater stature could feel so tight.” She loved him more as he blushed and heard one of the many thoughts in his mind say ‘Kill me now, she wasn’t supposed to know. Crap, Ethan, stop thinking about it. She’s listening right now...’ he chastised himself. “Yes, I know. It is hard to resist my mate’s thoughts. But you should know this as well, while we are alone up here. There is a reason why my kind has this ability. Just like human men, males of my kind come in an array of sizes and females, since history began, molded to fit their soul mate so they could enjoy it to the very upmost. Some males are small, others so large it can hurt the female even with this innate physical trait. But the reason is so that no matter how large or small, we find orgasm completely and strongly every time. Size matters not in my kind. It would not matter if you were as small as a short human or a fifteen foot tall Enforcer with a baseball bat member, we females feel pleasure the same. Ethan, do not think yourself less of a man, but from the minds of other males, you are already larger than average, even for a human.”

  Ethan was quiet for a minute before asking “Back to what you said about breaking me if you were able, does it hurt, holding back?”

  Kanade threw he head back and laughed. “Much the opposite. The part of me that cannot harm actually makes things more excitin’. I feel my release lasts much longer because of it. And your fire that wraps us better than my wings also fills me with pleasure and warmth. Each flicker of the flame on my body heightens my love for you even more each time… Ah, well that thought is an entirely different matter.” She read as the thought crossed his mind. “When you release come in me, what you feel is my inner muscles taking your seed right into my womb. All women do it, but you feel me more clearly as my body will not allow one drop from bein’ lost… Yes, I’m aroused already… No, not yet. You promised a backrub first… Interestin’…” She grinned as his torrent of thoughts slammed shut and focused solely on an image. Kanade missed all this thoughts and felt at a loss, hating it, but the lone image sure made up for it. She licked her lips hungrily for it made her desire leap to the stars and continue mounting. “You better be able to pull that off or I’ll be mad.” She grabbed him and put his face between her breasts, canceled the spell with a thought and shot straight for the lone building on a small hill.

  Their nest.

  In seconds she landed, sat him down and realized she was neglecting an important issue. “I must visit the powder r
oom first.”

  “Is that a doggie door?” He pointed to the new hole at the bottom of their front door. The smaller metal door seemed cut in an eight by twelve inch panel and would lift from the upper hinge.

  “Yes, for Panther.” She said and opened it up. “This mornin’ I made him an openin’ and an enchanted leather collar that will activate his need to leave the room should it get hotter than a hundred and twenty. We were lucky our lovemakin’ didn’t kill our pet. It’s for his own safety and won’t let him in till our room is safe to enter. I also bought a few toys for him. Blossom and I played with Panther till I heard you were… Never mind, I must go.”

  She hurried straight to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

  Immediately after she shut the door Ethan spotted a six foot high fixed contraption covered in thick carpet. It had several small steps, two ledges, a small home in a hole which was filled with white blankets that could be used as a scratching post. One wall had hooks for cat toys, some were filled with streamers or small objects to pounce on. Over beside it was a cloth bag stuffed with fancy cat food.

  She’s really going to spoil the cat. He thought.

  “You bet I am.” She replied from behind the bathroom door. He smirked and brought the image back in his mind and heard her gasp and something metallic drop. “That wasn’t nice! Now I need to shower!” She declared heatedly. “I just splashed soap in my wings and you know they’ll itch. For punishment, you stay out there till I’m done… Ethan stop it!” He laughed as he shot her another, more erotic image. “No more! I’m done diggin’ in your head for now. I can’t concentrate, especially now that I’m thinkin’ about what you want. Incorrigible beast!”

  ‘Row.’ Came a sound and feeling as Panther came out from nowhere and began rubbing against his leg as all cats do when they want attention.

  “Hey there. Has Kanade and Blossom been good today?” Ethan said as he bent over to scratch the feline behind the ears. Panther purred loudly as if in response.

  A full stomach had Ethan feeling a bit sluggish so he took of his boots, socks and clothes, aside for his boxers. Dress spoke shortly and was so glad all turned out well. He took all the clothes, promised to have them clean by morning and disappeared, giving privacy.

  Seeing the empty, messy bed proved Blossom and Panther played there otherwise it would be folded just the way Kanade liked it. He added a few logs to the fireplace, snapped his fingers to spark the tender and in seconds it was burning cheerfully.

  At the bed, as soon as he sat down, weariness regained control while an overstuffed stomach demanded full attention.

  Kanade dried her body and wings off somewhat from the shower’s dryers and felt excitement growing, forgoing drying completely as she knew a better way and she knew how much he liked her in such a state. She ginned and opened the bathroom door and her smile fell.

  Over on the bed she found her love deeply asleep, sprawled out it surprised her. Upon his manly chest of reddish brown hair lay Panther curled up and purring loudly. Panther looked content as if he owned Ethan and gave her an appraising look before grooming a paw and wiping an ear.

  Disappointment lasted only moments till she felt he hid his tiredness well enough to fool her. She wanted to have her way and enjoy his pleasures, but she saw how relaxed and content he was and decided to make sure he’d make up for it tomorrow. She brushed a strand of his auburn hair aside and kissed his temple to whisper “Sweet dreams, My Angel.” Then she looked at the content kitty. “And you mister are in a dangerous place to be lounging. Sometimes when he sleeps he starts a fire.” Panther ignored her as any cat would. “Fine. Don’t hiss at me if your tail catches fire and I have to throw a bucket of cold water on you.” She skillfully crawled into bed without disturbing her love and snuggled up before throwing the blanket around them along with her wing till all three were together. Panther didn’t seem to mind and she too found sleep fast approaching now that all the worry of the whole day was released. Kanade buried her face in the curve of his neck and let his smoky scent finish her off.

  “Wake up, Lover!” She demanded.

  Ethan’s eyes shot open as she roused him and he could barely think with her straddling him in her underclothes. Her body was moist, as if she just got out of the shower and she felt him respond approvingly. “Wha…”

  “You’ve slept long enough. It’s mornin’ and I’m not lettin’ you out of this bed…” Kanade quirked a smile. “Least not till you make it up to me.”

  “Fell asleep didn’t I?” She nodded and fluffed her wings in anticipation. “I take it Panther is outside?”

  “Under protest, but I want my husband and won’t hold back any longer. Those images you left me with were hauntin’ my dreams and I want to see if you’re capable.” Her golden eyes were darker with intense desire.

  “Kanade, are you alright?”

  She blinked. “Remember last night’s conversation?” Ethan nodded, unable to ever forget. “Well we missed yesterday and I feel the gnawing desire much more strongly and know that it’s real. After our first matin’ sealed our bond, we’ve not been apart so long and I’m ready to go. I didn’t know the hunger to couple would already be so strong. Probably because I’m head over heels in love, but I’ll not take no for an answer by lettin’ you out of this bed.” Her eyes widened as he smiled and burst into flames which physically manifested in his desire for her. “Good!” She swooned as the flames grew around her and closed her eyes to enjoy it. His Spirit Energy of fire dried her instantly and thanks to her gold necklace she was well protected. If it were a natural fire she would have been burned alive.

  For payment she took him in her mouth and worked him to her liking till the vortex around it was a blur of male desire before hopping and moaning as her lower lips consumed it’s favorite meal.

  Ethan growled and took her for the ride of her life by spinning her around and massaging her back while pleasuring her. He heard her moan “Sonofabitch! You can!” Her hips rocking back in perfect timing to each thrust.

  Kanade lay curled up and felt completely exhausted like melted butter. All day she got what she wanted and Ethan was more than up to the challenge and filled her every need and more till blissful satisfaction chafed. She smiled as she pulled the sheet up over her naked body and watched Ethan get out of bed “Where are you goin’?” She was so exhausted she could barely lift a wing yet he could still move, if a bit less fluidly than usual and dozens more bloody scratches on his back he wiped off with a long towel. She watched his muscles ripple and wanted more, even in her exhausted state. She couldn’t get enough, even with her body protesting a needed break.

  “I need to visit Morgane. She said to come by today and if I don’t get going now, you will pounce on me again.”

  “You know you can’t get enough either.” She declared, revealing a thigh.

  “Ain’t that the truth!” Ethan chuckled and was grateful Dress already set aside a set of clothes. “I never knew how insatiable you were till today. It’s a good thing I’m no longer under Blake’s mandatory tutelage… Eternity’s looking pretty good if today is any indication.”

  “I might as well fly you over. We can have more fun in my office.” She groaned as she got out of bed and headed for the shower to quickly brush out her hair and saw her cheeks heavily flushed. Her glittery skin glowed more than usual. “I like what you do to me. Sex seems to make me prettier.”

  “Happy to oblige.” He chuckled.

  She came out and dressed quickly as he opened the door to see Panther lounging on the railing, reclined as content as any cat could be in the falling sunlight. She slid into a pair of sneakers and realized she hadn’t fed the feline and opened a can of food hastily. Panther’s ears perked and knowing the sound, rushed inside the room meowing hungrily. “I know and I’m sorry! It’s tuna and beef from the choicest cuts. It’s my apology.” She said quickly and heard ‘Row.’ as if he were annoyed. “Well I can’t help it I love my husband so much I forgot about you. Here!
” She sat the plate down and watched him go to town.

  “You talk as if he’s going to answer you.” Ethan chuckled as he leaned against the door and watched her shrug. “Being from Florida I’m still not used to the sun setting so early. A Scotland winter is going to be brutal. The one thing I’m looking forward to is skiing those mountains to the northeast.”

  “I haven’t skied in years! We can rent a cabin from the Preserver Nymphs and get away for a week or two, just the two of us or pay a Pixie to send us anywhere in the world as a getaway.”

  “After Floa’s wedding of course. Knowing her, she’ll occupy your time soon.”

  “Of course.” Kanade grinned at his save before she got ahead of herself. “Tomorrow I’ll get started on it. The event will be larger than Blossom’s arrival celebration. All of hers and his children, family and friends will likely be comin’. Probably a few hundred thousand at least. Still, Odin and Floa deserve it and it’ll be the weddin’ to remember… if it will be a Pixie weddin’ of her choosin’.” Kanade grinned as she glided to the door, feeling every joint in her body had become unhinged from the amazing exercises she’s endured and gave all day. “I’m just glad our union and marriage doesn’t require festivities and we could spend all the extra energy on somethin’ more productive.”

  “Procreating?” He said in a husky tone.

  “Better believe it, Darlin’!” She laughed while quickly folding the bed before leaving and shut the door behind her, wrapped her arm around him and flew.

  Soon after, the aerial journey of intimate embrace had to come to an end. Kanade aligned her flight and expanded her wings to gently land on her balcony. What was once her bedroom was now a second office. Her new home was ideal to enchant Celestia’s and Ethan’s weapons and armor, but her office here was for everyone else who could afford her spells to permanently enchant objects. Her great wingspan folded behind her as Ethan touched the opening rune keyed to himself and her alone and watched as the door slid open.

  “Hey, Girlfriend!” Kanade was tackled lightly from behind, on the back of her neck. Floa landed as she changed to her larger size while Blossom missed her own tackle and instead got lost down between Kanade’s breasts.

  “You okay, Sweetheart?” Kanade asked as she pulled the front of her shirt forward to find the green child tangled from the front clasp of her purple bra, grinning up at her.

  “Fine, Auntie Kanna!” Blossom reported as she scrunched her small face and flapped her black, gold and white butterfly wings and flew out of the shirt to drop in her mother’s hand.

  “We still need to work on your flying.” Floa said lovingly to her youngest daughter and looked at her tall friend. “Wow, Girl, you’re more flushed than I’ve ever seen you!” Then she noticed Ethan’s exhausted expression and grinned. “Good for you too, Boy! Put it to her good by the look of it.”

  Both Ethan and Kanade groaned and it made Floa only grin more and make Blossom touch her tiny lips with complete confusion.

  Ethan decided to change the subject quickly. “What can we do for you this evening, Ladies?”

  “Well I need to spend time with Kanade and plan my wedding…”

  “I was actually plannin’ to get started tomorrow…” Kanade interrupted and was interrupted right back.

  “Nonsense! We can get a few brainstorming ideas done while Ethan goes see Morgane.” Floa’s bright violet eyes turned to him. “That’s really why I’m here. She was sending me to go find you and I saw the two of you heading this way. She wanted to remind you that you need to see her.”

  “Haven’t forgot.” He said. “That’s why we are here and not back home.”

  “And I have a few orders to complete.” Kanade added.

  “Then he can go and we can get started. I know you can multitask better than anyone else, Girlfriend.” Floa added.

  “Fine…” Kanade sighed and smiled to her mate. “Go on ahead. We’ll be here waitin’.” She then flicked her wrist and there appeared a silvery sheet of paper with client lists while she looked over by the wall where packages waited and also Dress had delivered more objects from different Houses that requires an experienced Enchanter’s skills and not a novice’s.

  It was a rather hefty pile.

  “See you beautiful ladies soon.” Ethan said as he headed for the door.

  “Not too soon!” Floa shouted as he was shutting the door and herd his deep chuckle. “You two certainly make a cute couple.”

  “Thank you, Floa.” Kanade felt immense pride at the compliment. “Shall we?”

  “Let’s!” The Pixies took a chair while the Enchantress took hers, grabbed the foremost item on her list and began fulfilling a clients request to charm a ring to detect a lower class Agas demon within fifty feet and be able to keep from being caught in an illusion.

  Elevators opened and the kind Ogress smiled and pointed “The High Witch is expecting you, Ethan.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am.” He said and watched her powder blue cheeks darken in a blush.

  He walked around and found a simple door made completely of pure silver and the walls, like most on these upper areas, were made from white marble. The door had a starburst pattern and around it were hundreds of protective runes, but didn’t have a door handle. Ethan just knocked.

  Ethan yelped in surprise as Merlin’s head popped through the door and around his neck the silver door rippled like water. The silver haired, azure eyed wizard cracked a full grin as he said “Hello Chap! My wife’s been waiting. Come ON in!” Merlin’s head pulled back as his body walked through the once solid door and offered a hand. “Sorry for the fright… Well not really.” The High Wizard laughed loudly.

  Taking the offering, Ethan was helped to stand and learned the wily old wizard, with the look of a man in his mid forties, was deceptively strong behind a slim figure. “Should’ve known you’d do something like that. Sure keep everyone on their toes.”

  Merlin cackled and slapped his own thigh. “Someone has to keep all you muscle-bound giants from taking life too seriously. Come on in!” the wizard touched the door, grabbed Ethan’s wrist and threw him through.

  Giant’s? have I gotten taller again. I remember I was six foot when I died and already grew three inches. Is this natural? He thought worriedly. Months of exercise and practice in fighting allowed Ethan from tripping, but still he stumbled through the door before catching himself. Behind, Merlin laughed.

  The room of the High Witch and Wizard was beyond impressive. Not only was it huge, but filled with rows of journals where one wall had the titles etched in stone saying ‘Merlin’ and ‘Morgane.’ There were thousands of hand written journals from both. One area had over four hundred feet of cabinets filled with potions, some in bulk and others in concentrated vials. Another area had a glowing blue dome that crackled with the sound of electricity and was two hundred feet wide as it is tall. One large area held racks and shelves of mystical items of unknown purpose. Objects floated all over the room in seemingly random order, but not one thing collided. The oddest thing flying above his head was their lavish four post bed. Over by their journals was a set of desks where papers were stacked beside advanced computers. Dress was nearby on the expansive carpet and smiled in greeting. Oddly enough, Ethan didn’t feel the room was all that cluttered compared to all outward appearances of Merlin. So it’s Morgane’s doing. Ethan thought otherwise there would be no order to the mess.

  But Ethan first blurted “How can your room be so huge when this part of the building hasn’t anywhere near this much space?”

  “Because space is being manipulated, Love.” Morgane Le Fay said in a heavy English accent as she came out from behind one of the huge glass cabinets, that held untold potions, with a book under her slender arm. Her long curly red hair was braided and the rope hung across a shoulder and over her front and she walked with confidence only a woman of great power ever could. “Merlin and I devised this spell centuries ago and whenever we need more bloody room we just increase our space to accommo
date. No need to be frightened. There are many spells that protect the space alteration from failing. If all does there is an automatic spell which would transport all inanimate objects somewhere safe so we do not get compressed by everything.” She sat her book down to say “Come closer and Merlin, don’t bloody frighten the child so.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?!” the wily wizard grinned and blinked to a different mental channel. “Damn, forgot to stop my last experiment!” Merlin then ran and leapt into the cackling blue dome. Not five seconds later there came a loud ‘Boom!’ which rattled the whole room.

  “Merlin!” Ethan yelled and went to run over.

  “My husband is safe.” Morgane said with calm confidence. “You would not believe what that fool of mine could live through. He might be as insane as many believe, but he is High Wizard for a reason. Besides, I would know when he’s truly harmed. That barrier just keeps his meddling from destroying my potions. Some are quite fragile and he knows what’s good for him should he break any of my works.”

  “Only a truly terrifying woman could make him do anything and fear her.”

  Morgane beamed. “It is good you see me so. That man sure tests my patience, but I love him dearly. Please come over so I may check on you.”

  Ethan did so and watched as she used magic to bring over a simple wooden chair as she sat in her plush chair at her desk. He took the seat she dropped three feet before her.

  The High Witch placed a manicured fingernail in the center of his forehead and lightly traced a series of runes on his brow. A slight tingling sensation began forming on his head and flowed into him. “The spell I casted upon you will take a few moments to run its course and fully diagnose any lingering pathogens or toxins in your body. The luminescent flower you spoke to the council of isn’t deadly, but I need to make sure the Kitsune didn’t leave any surprises that will take root in you. I cannot tell much over the obvious fact that you and your mate have recently been intimate.”

  “Speaking of, what is the news on that first front?” He said to change the subject. Ethan still found it odd everyone in the House could talk of sex so easily. Personally he felt they were teasing him and Kanade. But old people told it like it is, no longer caring about what others believe.

  “After you left and council settled from Odin and Floa’s announcement, Thor contacted us to say the Kitsune and his human mother left the hospital and ultimately disappeared.”

  “But I never said anything of his mother!” Ethan blurted before he could shut up and flushed greatly as he just confirmed who was saved.

  Morgane smiled patiently, expecting his outburst. “We know, especially we mothers on the council. Our maternal instincts knew the Kitsune did it for a woman from how you spoke up for this Tokala. Do not think we can’t figure this out without you or verify all facts thoroughly. Everyone on the council has centuries of experience to draw upon, Ethan. We were confirmed as one of our Nymphs dressed as a doctor had learned a woman on death’s door with pancreatic, stage four cancer just suddenly awoke fully healed and came out of a drug induced coma. By the time our operative learned the woman had a loving and loyal son who had been gone a few days instead of being there in her final hours… well, we aren’t that unobservant. Thor went personally to the room where the woman was being examined with her son nearby and found they were merely illusions and learned they were seen leaving hours earlier. By then the trail was cold and Thor had no alternative except to call the hunt to an end.”

  “Must be pretty mad?” Ethan asked as he felt the spell invisibly working its way down his abdomen.

  “Most certainly. Thor is quick to anger, especially when his enemy slips through his fingers not once but twice. Still, he gets over it rather swiftly as well.” The High Witch explained with an ageless calm. “Nevertheless, he won’t hold it for long since there is so much to do than expend resources on someone so powerful and who is no longer a high priority threat at the moment…”

  “Love, may I raid your stash of Limmian seeds?” Merlin said as he stepped through the barrier and brushed off the ashy remains from his blue shirt and black jeans. “The mixing ratio was out of balance with Cereeme sap.”

  “You’re more than welcome to it. I have a new shipment coming in next week from the Sixteenth House’s grove.” She said and watched him leave humorously for Merlin’s eyebrows were singed off.

  Ethan found it impossible to contain his laughter, but he controlled enough to not burst out in hysterics. Morgane’s lips barely quirked, but her twinkling green eyes told she was finding it difficult as well. Merlin didn’t pay any attention as he carried a small white bag and reentered his dome.

  When the tingle reached his toes and vanished out came a ball of blue magic from his forehead.

  Instantly, Morgane plucked the inch wide magic out of the air and rolled it in her fingers. “Quite interesting. You are… extremely healthy.”

  “The way you said that was very disturbing. What is interesting?”

  Her sharp green eyes leveled on him as she held up the ball of light. “I’ve never seen a diagnostic so pure outside of being a Witch or Wizard right after a purge. If I didn’t know any better I would swear you were one of us. One of the magic born. You should have many non-harmful toxins accumulated since birth from foods, drinks and sickness and maybe two or three bad, but this” She looked at the entirely clear blue magic marble. “says you hold no viruses or toxins in your body whatsoever. We who can cast, can purge our bodies of harmful diseases and toxins and aside from powerful talismans or expensive potions, you should not be so healthy as what this is showing. I feel you might have some minor magical potential like Odin and a few others, but neither can I sense you’ve purged your own whole system.

  “What I did to you when you were under Kira Penbrooke’s influence merely took out any mind altering potions is nothing compared to the yearly purge Casters do to remain fit.” Morgane’s lips pursed in an adorable way as she thought. “As I said, quite interesting. The only likely reason for this is you being a Fire Elemental or you’ve somehow got the strongest immune system ever recorded in a human. Nothing inside you will likely ever do harm… Ask your beloved if she’s been spelling you all the time. Only her kind can purge another’s body with magic alone.” The orb disappeared and she stood. He followed. “Everything’s in order, Ethan. I know you are a busy man, but one day I would like to ask for you to be studied of this phenomenon. The research could be invaluable, so long as it’s not Kanade’s work. When you see her, ask. Tell Dress to allow this if you agree and it’s not a Guide’s meddling.”

  “Dress,” Ethan looked at the golden face. “can you ask Kanade about this real quick and relay what she says?”

  “One moment.” Dress winked and took a full minute of silence before saying “Kanade says she hasn’t put a single body spell on Ethan and the white gold bands on his wrist and his leather armor cannot do what you’ve discussed and she further says for Ethan to say yes. Neither did she know of this innate ability.”

  “Alright then.” Morgane said and turned to her guest. “I’m quite busy for the next few months so this research will have to wait. We can set up a date as soon as my schedule allows, Love.”

  “Sounds good. We’ll also have to discover if I’m even capable of doing spells. For right now I’m also busy, especially since Kanade will need some help with Odin’s and Floa’s wedding.” He waved goodbye and moved to the door. “Uh, how to I get out?” Ethan said as he rubbed his hand on the solid silver door.

  Morgane simply snapped her fingers while she was writing feverously on paper.

  The door became mildly transparent and he stepped through.


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