Claiming Lainey [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Claiming Lainey [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 27

by Lynnette Bernard

“We do, kitten,” Spence whispered.

  “This family has always been mine,” Tim told her. “I’ll never be able to thank them enough for all that they’ve done for me.”

  Lainey squeezed Tim’s hand, completely understanding how much it meant to him that the McKade family had taken him into their hearts. Deuce’s best friend John was also an adopted member of the family. She sensed that John’s cousin Marc Blackstone would soon become the newest member to be accepted by the McKade family. It was inevitable. The McKades welcomed good people without hesitation and supported and defended them with a passion that amazed her.

  She looked around at the group of people who had been her real family since the time she had been a young child. It didn’t matter that she and Becca had their own parents. They hadn’t been caring parents to them, and both she and Becca had often been abused both mentally and physically as they were growing up. Becca’s injured right hip had been the result of her mother’s anger when Becca had been just sixteen years old.

  She looked across the table to watch her sister as she sat beside Rafe and saw the way Becca sat very straight in her chair and held herself stiffly away from him. She knew that it had taken every bit of courage and determination for Becca to attend this weekly dinner at the McKade Ranch. Looking at Claire, she saw that their friend was in much the same predicament as Becca. The difference was, Becca was cool and distant as she sat beside the man who rejected her love, but Lainey could see the lines of tension and pain on Claire’s face. Lainey knew Claire was fighting to control her empathic abilities. She knew that the pain of being so close to Jake was causing her even more stress in addition to the emotions she had to be feeling from the rest of them. Lainey watched as Jake tried to touch Claire’s arm and Claire sat straight against the high back of the chair, successfully twisting her body away from him.

  Jake sat back, drawing his hand away slowly, his blue eyes lifting to look at Claire before his entire body grew rigid and tight. Lainey could see the anger that filled him. The only thing Lainey could think about was that she was glad that Claire had stayed strong. Jake had to accept and admit that he loved Claire just as much as Claire loved him. His insistence of distancing himself from Claire was causing both of them such sadness. Lainey had to force herself not to shake her head in frustration at the stubborn behaviors of Rafe and Jake McKade.

  She turned to face Spence and smiled, glad that her McKade man had already admitted his love for her and had committed himself to her. She turned and smiled at Tim, knowing that he would be a McKade soon. She was thrilled that she was already their mate and was looking forward to becoming their wife through the commitment ceremony.

  “So how is working at McKade Construction working out, Marc?” Spence asked John’s cousin.

  Marc Blackstone’s attention snapped toward Spence, his unique brown eyes with flecks of gold evaluating him silently. “I’m liking the job so far,” he offered, his voice firm as he faced the group of people who had recently become part of his daily life. “It’s been an adjustment. I’m not used to being so close to so many people.”

  He was a loner by nature. If he hadn’t had the dream that he was needed to help the little girl he could see clearly in his vision, he would never have come to the McKade Ranch. But he had experienced that dream, so he had made the journey to look for the beautiful little girl who was destined to be his daughter. His dream had shown him that the little girl’s mother would be his mate, and he needed to help her protect her little girl from the people who threatened to take her away from them.

  “How’s Madison working out as your administrative assistant, Luke?” Spence asked his younger brother. “She told Gracie that she loves working with you, Rafe, and Jake.”

  “That woman is a treasure,” Luke spoke up immediately. “She’s got us so organized it’s scary. She knows when we need things even before we do. If I wasn’t so happy with my mate, I might be tempted to take Madison as my own. Sorry, Melanie.” Luke’s voice was teasing as he spoke. He leaned down and kissed his mate’s temple lightly.

  “Feel free to find someone else to take my place, Luke McKade,” Melanie spoke up, her hazel eyes flashing with just a hint of mischief as she turned and focused her attention on the plate of food before their son Robbie. “It’s your loss, buddy.”

  Luke laughed softly. “Mel, you know I would never want any other woman but you,” he told her gently. “You’re the perfect mate for me, and the perfect mother for our children.”

  “Madison is a beautiful woman,” Melanie insisted. “I know she’ll be a perfect mate and mother. Maybe we should introduce her to Martin Porter. He’s a good guy. I think he’s about ready to settle down. What do you think, Luke?”

  Lainey turned toward the angry sounds coming from the man at the end of the table, seeing that the rest of the family did the same. She could feel the anger seething from Marc Blackstone, smiling as she realized that they had just poked the bear.

  “Is there a problem there, Marc?” Luke asked him seriously, looking at the hulking man and intending to push him as far as he could within the confines of safety for the women in attendance.

  “No. No problem,” Marc answered, barely controlling his need to demand that no one speak about introducing Madison to any man named Martin Porter so that she could be his mate. He reached up and ran his fingers through his hair, tugging on its waist length with a force that brought his attention away from the woman they were discussing.

  “It doesn’t seem like there’s no problem, Marc,” Luke continued to bait him.

  “I said there’s no problem,” Marc said again, standing slowly and placing his linen napkin on the table.

  “Honey, maybe we should introduce Madison to Martin,” Luke said after a moment. “I’m kind of worried about Cooper. That little girl needs someone to protect both her and her mother.”

  “I will protect Cooper,” Marc said angrily.

  “You can’t protect her if you’re not willing to mate with Madison,” Luke told him just as angrily.

  Marc was silent at Luke’s words. The anger eased out of him slowly. Luke was right. He was putting both Madison and Cooper in danger by not putting aside his issues and taking a chance on finding out if he was capable of loving them.

  Deuce and Gracie came back into the room, taking their places at the large table and viewing their family. The tension in the room was palpable.

  “Marc?” Deuce spoke up, looking at the man whose past was a deep concern for him. “Is everything okay?”

  Marc nodded abruptly. “I’m having a hard time accepting that I’m supposed to be a father to Cooper,” he admitted, smiling sadly as he thought about the adorable little girl that loved to cuddle against his chest and play with his long hair. “I don’t think it’s best for her.”

  “Why would you think that?” Gracie asked gently. “Cooper really loves you already. She’s a sweet little girl, and she’s a good judge of character. I’ve seen her interact with other people. She’s nice and polite, but when you’re in the room, she lights up with happiness. Only you and Madison do that for her, Marc.”

  “I don’t know how to be a father or a mate,” Marc said quietly, his voice gruff with controlled embarrassment. “They both deserve someone far better than I am.”

  “That’s a load of bunk,” John spoke up, throwing down his napkin and standing to face his cousin. “If Robbie wasn’t sitting there, I would have said something far worse.”

  “Don’t, John,” Marc began.

  “No. I’ve had about enough of you slamming yourself,” John said angrily, successfully stopping him from continuing with his protest. “I don’t know what’s happened to you over the last few years, but I’m not going to let you allow this chance at happiness with a wonderful, kind woman, and an amazing little girl slip away from you. Think very hard about what you’re doing, Marc. If you’ve been given the gift of a dream to direct you toward this future, don’t reject it. You’re meant to be with Madison. She’ll
be the perfect mate for you. Cooper is meant to be your daughter. How can you deny such a wonderful future?”

  Jamie stood up and wrapped her arms around her mate. She kissed the side of his neck and laughed softly as his arms hugged her tightly.

  “Marc, John is right,” Jamie said softly. “You’ll find you’re completely settled when you accept the woman who’s meant to be your mate. I know you must have your reasons for fighting so hard against this mating, but you should know that you’re hurting Madison by denying the future you’re meant to have with her and her daughter.”

  “Is that what Madison told you?” Marc asked, stunned by this new revelation.

  “No. She hasn’t said that she knows that you’re meant to be hers,” Jamie assured him. “But if you know it, don’t you think it makes sense that she might know it as well?”

  “Madison has had a very hard life, Marc,” Gracie told him gently. “She’s a wonderful person, and she deserves to have a mate who will truly love and cherish her. Don’t hurt her, please.”

  “I have no intention of hurting her,” Marc told them all, his deep voice strong as he stood straight and looked at all of them.

  “You will if you get close to her daughter and then walk away,” Luke cautioned him. “Speaking from experience, I can tell you that loving a woman who is your mate is a beautiful thing, but loving the children you have with your woman is a miracle that can’t be equaled. Cooper is your daughter. You’ve seen it in your dream, and you know it in your heart. You need to step up and claim what’s meant to be yours.”

  “Unca Marc, can I play with Cooper and your little boys?” Robbie asked, reaching out and touching his leg as he stood beside him.

  “You want to play with my boys?” Marc asked softly, looking down at the little boy he knew had the same gift of visions as his mother Melanie.

  “Yes, please,” Robbie told him, smiling up at him. “There’s lots of kids we can play with.”

  “There are?” Marc asked as he sat down in his seat and reached out to touch Robbie’s cheek.

  “Yes,” Robbie answered, smiling widely. “It will be so much fun to play with all the children.”

  Tim looked at Spence and winked over the top of Lainey’s head. He leaned closer to their mate, pushing up her shirt and touching her soft skin as he covered her belly with his hand. The instant warmth that met his palm made him close his eyes briefly and say a quick prayer of thanks for the babies whose life forces within their mate greeted him.

  Spence smiled as he moved his hand to cover Lainey’s belly, feeling Tim’s hand already there. The spark of warmth that kissed his palm sent a rush of excitement and love through him. When he and Tim had seen the two tiny golden links on the back of Lainey’s neck, they had been overwhelmed with learning that she was carrying twins. But that had quickly grown to such happiness it was barely containable. Their mate was truly a gift who was going to present them with the most amazing miracle—two babies for them to love.

  Lainey’s hands covered theirs, accepting their touch with a comfort level that amazed her. She felt no self-consciousness. She felt no embarrassment that anyone else might see their open affection for her. She only felt happiness and a deep feeling of rightness.

  “Marc, there’s nothing more important than family,” Deuce told him firmly. “You’re now a part of this family whether you admit it or not.”

  Marc nodded silently. He had no response for Deuce’s words. Despite his attempts to remain distant from the McKade family, he had been unable to keep the feelings of acceptance and love that they offered him from affecting him.

  “You also need to accept that there is a greater power in action here,” Deuce continued. “You said it yourself that you’ve been guided here to protect Cooper and find your mate. Don’t you think it’s about time you find out why you need to protect that little girl, or are you going to chance that you’re not there for her when she needs you?”

  Marc leaned forward and placed a light kiss on the top of Robbie’s head, something inside of him clenching in fear that something might happen to the little girl that he knew he was destined to protect and love. Deuce was correct. All of the advice this family offered him was correct. His hesitation and confusion was something he needed to deal with. He had a future mate and a beautiful little girl to claim. He didn’t know if he could get past the feeling in his gut that they both deserved much better than he had to offer them.

  “Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” he said finally, standing and carefully straightening the linen napkin next to his plate. “I’m looking forward to attending your commitment ceremony this weekend, Lainey. I have to get going. I’ll see you at work in the morning, Luke.” He looked at Luke and nodded then turned to Jake and saw that he was watching him intently.

  He stood tall as he walked over to the front door, snagged his tan cowboy hat off the rack beside it, and placed it on his head as he grabbed for his coat. He pulled open the door and left without another word, closing the door firmly behind him.

  “What do you think, Melanie?” Gracie asked her gently. “I’m worried about him. He’s so sad all the time.”

  “I think he’ll be fine once he opens himself up to Madison,” Melanie said softly. “He has a lot of anger inside of him. Do you know what that’s from, John?”

  John nodded, his gray eyes troubled. “I don’t have the right to betray Marc’s confidence,” he told all of them firmly. “He’s a good man. He just needs to take a chance.”

  “Madison will be perfect for him,” Melanie spoke up.

  “Really?” Jamie asked worriedly.

  “Yes,” Melanie answered without hesitation. “I expect the rest of you women to tell her that she’s going to owe me a large chocolate bar with almonds.”

  The women smiled softly at each other. The men had no clue what was happening and the women had no compunction to let them in on their private agreement.

  “It’s nice to see you happy, cara,” John whispered against Jamie’s neck as he kissed it lightly.

  “Do I have to put in place another rule for you to tell me your secrets, Mate?” Deuce asked Gracie softly, smiling when she reached up and tugged his hair so she could claim his lips sweetly.

  “Care to explain that to us, kitten?” Spence asked as he smiled down at her and rubbed her belly tenderly.

  “Nope,” Lainey said, smiling at the rest of the women. There was no need for the men to know what Melanie had told them not so long ago. “It will only serve to increase the arrogance of the men at this table.” She couldn’t prevent the light giggle that escaped her as she saw the men look at each other briefly before returning their attention to their women and smiling smugly. Only Rafe and Jake were guarded in their gentle looks at Becca and Claire. Lainey smiled as she realized that those two men would soon be giving in to the future that was destined to be theirs. Melanie had seen it, and Lainey believed it with all her heart.

  “It’s not nice to keep secrets, honey,” Tim told her, kissing her cheek and pressing his hand firmly against their children within her.

  “Sometimes it’s good to have secrets,” Lainey told them, laughing.

  “I think you’re right, kitten,” Spence agreed, looking at Tim and smiling smugly.

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” Tim agreed, focusing on the surge of warmth their secret babies sent his way.

  Chapter 23

  Lainey walked into the barn and headed directly for Tim as he stood just inside the stall that housed his gray stallion Hawk. She watched as her mate lifted the saddle from his mount and placed it carefully onto the wooden divider between the stalls. She smiled as she saw him pick up the grooming brush and methodically set to his task to take care of the horse. How like Tim to make sure that his animal, and all the animals of the McKade Ranch, were seen to and valued.

  “Now there’s a sexy sight,” Lainey spoke up, smiling and winking at Tim as he looked over his shoulder at her.

  “Lainey, girl,” Tim called
out to her. “It’s nice to see your beautiful smile. I love having you greet me at the end of every day.”

  Lainey laughed and reached out to tug on the heavy saddle. “It’s nice to see you at the end of my day, too, Timothy,” she told him honestly.

  Tim’s hands were immediately on her wrists, holding her still. “Do not lift that saddle, honey,” he told her firmly.

  “Timmy, I’ve been helping in the barn since I was a little kid,” Lainey protested, turning her hands over so that Tim’s hands covered her palms. She squeezed his lightly and tugged on them until he took a step toward her.

  “Lainey, you shouldn’t be helping in the barn,” Tim told her gently. “You’ve already worked a full day at the diner and have to be tired. Spence and I don’t want you lifting anything heavy or tiring yourself out.”

  Tim looked at her and saw that their mate was definitely showing signs of tiredness. There were dark smudges beneath her eyes, and he worried that her pregnancy was taxing her body. He and Spence had talked about it, and they were both worried.

  “Timmy, I’m not tiring myself out,” Lainey insisted.

  “I think you might not realize it, Lainey, but I think you may be,” Tim told her softly. “I just want you to be extra careful. Spence will be home as soon as he finishes going over the morning assignments with Deuce. If we need to hold you down and keep you in that bed to rest, we will, honey. Believe it.”

  “Tim, I’m fine,” Lainey protested. “Spence isn’t here to be all growly on me, and you don’t have any reason to be either. Come on, you know I’m strong. I can help.”

  “I know you’re strong. I know you can help. I’m just saying you need to rest and take care of yourself. And don’t think you’ll be distracting me or Spence with being all sexy so we don’t stand our ground.”

  He reached up and traced the dark circles beneath her eyes with the pads of his thumbs. Everything about her beautiful features screamed exhaustion. He was more than concerned for her and their babies. He would have to talk to Spence about sharing the news of her pregnancy with her soon. Even though he and Spence had agreed to allow her to discover their miracle on her own, he was questioning the sense of that decision. She had to take better care of herself and their twins.


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