Psychic Prison

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Psychic Prison Page 20

by Veronica Agnus

  I knew the radius of these items would have to be close. Lyla knew that my psychic abilities, which included the ability to levitate items of any height or weight with my mere mind, were limited to a certain distance.

  A second train horn shot through the air. The increased volume and the escalated vibrations beneath didn't distract me from my quest.

  Time was of the essence, but I knew everything would have to be zoned out to capture what I desired - to claim what was mine.

  The sounds of the train dimmed, just like the rest of my sense of hearing, until I was in a world of silence. My breathing came to a standstill after one final breath, and the loss of my sense of smell soon followed.

  Without my hearing, sight, and ability to smell, all my other senses increased, enough for me to feel the energies I was seeking. The sight of pulsing magic picked up the first silver ball. Its core was a beautiful gold while the small circle of its exterior body was a dull blue.

  Now that I knew exactly what I was looking for, finding the others was a piece of cake. When I had all five in my grasp, I picked up on one more thing I wanted to claim, but quickly let my actions speaker louder than my wishful thoughts.

  I used my psychic abilities to push my targeted items into the air, higher and higher at a rapid pace. My ability to hear came rushing back, in time to catch the sound of my handcuffs unlocking and the screaming horn of the train.

  I wasted no time in tumbling off the tracks, five seconds before the train rushed past where I'd been handcuffed. It didn't even slow its speed, but it no longer mattered now that I'd accomplished my assigned task.

  When the last train car passed me, I lowered my eyes to where I had been sitting. The handcuffs were now nothing but flattened pieces of metal.

  "Sometimes I question supernatural sanity," I mumbled to myself before a high-pitched scream could be heard from above. I took a step forward, the shrilling scream growing louder and louder.

  I outstretched my arms until Lyla fell into my grasp.

  Her wild, wide eyes darted to me, seconds before the silver balls she'd ordered me to retrieve fell into her lap, one by one.

  She looked from her lap to my beaming eyes of triumph and then back to her lap.

  "You bitch! Why did you send me up?!" she questioned.

  "I had to claim everything that was mine before the train hit me. That includes my ex-girlfriend, who’s actually my ex-boyfriend, who's going through an emotional crisis and merely wants to push me away in an attempt to spare me the complications such a relationship would invoke."

  All Lyla could do was stare, her flushed cheeks growing red like the rest of her face. I grinned and shrugged my shoulders, lifting my head up with pride.

  "I win. Now I'll make sure to use this technique to find all my enemies, capture them in my grasp, and turn the tables around in our battle! Wow, I feel like a mastermind. Actually…" I looked back down at her. "I totally feel like a man in this moment. Is this how you guys feel with your dominance shi- FUCK! COLD!"

  I literally dropped her, jumping as far back as I could, but not hitting the ground as my body levitated in the air.

  Lyla hadn't hit the ground either, her body now wrapped in a light blue glow while shards of ice began to morph around her. I'd forgotten about her ice ability, a rare trait owl shifters held at their fingertips.

  "I'll kill you!"

  "Oh, no, no, no, no." I shook my hands in a stopping motion. "You can't break up with me because you're a man and then get all emotional like a woman. That's technically my jo-"


  "AH! Atticus! Atticus!!!" I screamed as I rushed in the opposite direction, praying to the heavens my fiancé would be a knight in shining armor and come save me from Lyla's wrath.

  * * *

  A rush of familiarity hit me then as the memory faded and I returned back to the present. My eyes opened slightly, enough to confirm that I hadn't been discovered just yet. A set of feet stopped in front of the hole I'd crawled into, but I remained as calm as ever, a grin of maliciousness taking over my lips.

  "Do not question your power. Allow it to wrap around you like a cocoon, and when it does, one of higher power will protect you when you need it the most."

  The specific part of Freya's words of advice now made sense. This wasn't a battle I could accomplish alone, but it wasn't one I needed to spend time fighting.

  All I have to do is bring them to a place where higher power lingers.

  The answer was obvious: Level Four.

  My eyes closed, and the world of pulsating neon energies lit up once more. It didn't take me long to pick up on the ten individuals heading to my spot, but that wasn't my current concern.

  What I was about to do would be something I'd yet to try with my abilities. However, like Freya had told me, there was no need to question the magic within me. Even in a place like this that should have shackled every bit of my born gifts.

  Nothing will stop me from escaping the claws of these weaklings.

  I let my senses begin to fade like in my memory until my inner sight of nature's spirit grew with intensity. When the world was as heightened as it could be, I allowed my mind to move outside of the box I'd laid upon it.

  The sudden shift felt like an out-of-body experience as my vision suddenly moved downward, lower and lower until it landed on a single glowing object.

  A burning silhouette of orange and gold.

  As if the beautiful shadow of flames could sense my sudden presence, its silhouette head glanced up to my floating essence, and I knew this was where we had to be.

  This being of power would be my ticket out.

  My resolve triggered me back into my body, and my hearing rushed back to me as a woman's voice shouted, "She's here! Get her!"

  All that did was make me smile widely, and I opened my eyes to see three prisoners pointing in my direction, their pride-filled expressions only shifting to horror. My expression had to priceless. I felt triumphant that these beings, who desperately wanted to bathe their hands with my blood, now sensed their approaching demise.

  What happened next would have left me speechless if I wasn't so high on the vibes of my victory. The world shifted and landed us in complete darkness.

  I opened my eyes to my new environment, my elevated view only aiding me in seeing what I was positive the others could not.

  Relief began to spark through me, but I remained in position while the bewildered prisoners fought to see through the black slate of the dark.

  "W-What?!" one of them stuttered. "What's going on?!"

  "Where are we?" another questioned, her voice trembling

  "Who cares! Get-" The last prisoner couldn't complete her sentence as a ring of fire shot from the ground, the ignited flames moving with deadly conviction as they grew higher and higher.

  I wasn't the slightest bit afraid, the heatwave that hit us from all directions a mere wind of warmth to me.

  A few of the prisoners screamed, like the sudden shot of temperature was enough to melt their skin off. To my surprise, that's exactly what began to happen, three prisoners watching in sheer shock as their skin began to melt from their hands and face.

  "AH!" The screams were short-lived while the rest of us remained silent as the melting victims struggled for breath and fell to the ground.

  Thirty seconds went by and they were nothing but puddles even down the bone. The remaining prisoners dropped to the floor in shock, two of them passing right out, while another vomited on the ground.

  I uncrossed my legs and rose up, my attention lost to the flames that grew higher and higher. We were now surrounded by a wall of raging fire, captive in the middle of the burning chaos.

  Waiting for the ruler of the blaze.

  The sound of footsteps came from behind me, and for the first time ever, I was overcome by a wave of weighted energy. My body trembled, my knees suddenly begging to fall to the ground in complete submission.

  I fought against it, my surging pride and defiant n
ature suddenly as resistant as ever to this hidden power of commandment. I didn't bow down to just anyone, and even if I'd met my match, I'd fight against being overtaken by this force.

  Clicking heels echoed around us. The sound should have been impossible when the ground beneath us was of soil and ash.

  Going against my odds of survival as my eyes scanned the remaining conscious prisoners, who did nothing but bow their heads in shame, I swirled around to face the ruler of this ring of fire and the sight left me breathless.

  Striking orange hair with mesmerizing golden locks that levitated with purpose. Shimmering lavender eyes that bore into your soul. Smooth, glossy lips with a hint of golden sparkle. Slightly pale skin without any imperfections.

  The black dress that cloaked her body hugged her slim but curvy frame, the deep dip of the material at her cleavage showing the triple element symbol that glowed a vivid gold.

  The symbol was unfamiliar to me, but within my mind, it was something I once remembered. However, that was of little importance as the oozing tides of magical power hit me.

  What actually struck fear inside of me were her dauntingly massive black wings. They were positioned upward, not reaching their full height, but each feather could be the size from one's shoulder to their elbow, if not bigger.

  The first half showed the true beauty of the silky black feathers, but the second part was ignited in flames.

  With every step she took, a golden tile appeared beneath her, and I suddenly wondered if there was a higher level from a monarch.

  "Level Four. That's the 'don't you dare enter' floor. You have a suicide wish and believe the vampire sucking your blood route is too slow, feel free to enter the depths of Level Four. They'll gladly murder you on sight, though I can't guarantee the pace of your death. Some have been a few seconds, others have been weeks. The longest on record is a year of torture before their remains were sent up to Level One."

  She had to be one of the few that remained on this floor, and I could only question what creature she could carry within her divine beauty that marked her to the pit of this prison.

  When she reached where I stood, my whole body shook uncontrollably as I gritted my teeth in pain. I couldn't allow myself to bow in her presence. My eyes stung with tears from the lack of air that made it hard to even take a breath.

  The woman stood there, her expression as emotionless as her eyes. She was waiting for me to acknowledge her royalty. To submit to her will and give her the satisfaction she knew she deserved.

  Two could play the game of worthiness.

  No matter my challenges, flaws, and circumstances, which I always fought to ignore, I knew I was worthy. I was full of self-love for the strength I still carried even after those of rank and obsessive control tried to eliminate me from this world of life.

  Not everyone could survive what I had.

  Not everyone could get up each day after the horrendous memories of my temporary death.

  Not everyone would be willing to open themselves once again after losing what was most valuable to them.

  Not everyone would have the courage to fight towards the goal of revenge.

  This woman had a story of her own, but so did I, and she had to acknowledge that I deserved a chance to fulfil what I hoped for.

  To regain all that was mine and deliver the plate of revenge my hidden enemies deserved.

  Beads of sweat dripped down my face. I struggled with every quick breath I took. My previous headache was back with a pounding force, and my vision was doubling and swirling like I was now on a swinging ride.

  "Intriguing." The woman's voice was filled with delight as her lavender eyes twinkled with interest.

  She lifted her hand up, her short black nails beginning to emit a soft, orange light.

  The slight touch sent shockwaves of pain through me, but I didn't crumble as I fought not to scream in defeat. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I was sure if I remained within this woman's grasp for any longer, I'd die.

  Would it be worth it? To stand up for my self-worth and take my last breath as a supernatural monarch?

  Yes. It would be worth it...and I'd do it again, and again.

  My right arm suddenly burned, the heat setting off a new sense of pain that managed to outdo the one brought upon me by this woman.

  I gritted my teeth, a soft whimper escaping me as I fought to remain standing. It hurt so much, but I stood my ground, praying that it would eventually come to an end.

  A soft wave of laughter reached my fading hearing, and the hand that held my chin let go. I gasped at the shift of my senses. The pain that fought against the new force of internal trauma pulled back entirely, while my surroundings were on the verge of crumbling.

  My body began to tilt back in a slow movement, my weak, half-opened eyes watching as the beautiful being began to move further away.

  She smiled brilliantly, not out of the triumph for overcoming me, but in pride for my effort to withstand her silent declaration against me.

  As though we'd now become equals.

  "Alisha Butterfly," she whispered with formidable grace. "We shall meet again."

  My body continued its extremely slow descent, but I caught her wise words.

  "One who has already sacrificed her identity to seek the truth. You are on the right path. Allow your walls to fall to those you can trust. Seek refuge in their pain and love and continue to search for who you once were. Return to your mate, but look for the other, for both mates will unlock the next chain of events you seek. Then, you will receive your next task."

  My eyes came to a shut as I finally gave in to my approaching demise, but the final string of words glided through the air.

  "My name is Celeste. One of the four faery absolutes. I will keep a close eye on you, Alisha. Let that mark bring you to your destined ties."

  As though my body had suddenly plunged into a body of water, all my senses began to drift away except for the burning pain that came from my right arm.

  I knew that I was drowning. I anticipated the filling of my lungs and the feelings of dread and regret.

  My expectations felt pitiful to me, leaving me in an internal debate as to what I'd achieved in this short period of time. My regret wasn't about what I had done.

  It was about what I didn't do.

  My fear had stopped me from trusting. It was what crept through me when I wished to show emotion and invoked a sense of vulnerability, preventing me from opening myself up to those who wished to know more about me.

  I'd been gifted a different side to captivity, and I hadn't been using it to my advantage. Instead, I was allowing my circumstances to try their hardest to bring me down, and now I was left sinking to my doom.


  The striking voice fought through the pressured waters around me. With my fading senses and being so deep in whatever body of liquid I was in, I tried to assume the sound was all but a hallucination before facing death.


  This voice was different than the first, a feminine sound to its urgent plea. The two calls grew stronger, and I worked hard to open my heavy eyelids, enough to see two approaching beams of light.

  Their approach ignited a ray of hope, and I smiled as the balls of red and gold grew bigger and bigger. I slowly looked to my arm, noticing how the tattoo emitted the same two colors that approached me.

  The koi fish tattoo that hid the outline of an ancient dragon.

  I felt the memory of its significance was at the tip of my mind, but I'd fought a long battle to remain conscious and I couldn't do it any longer.

  My eyes closed, but I felt two different hands grip mine. Their hold sparked new life into me, and I no longer feared death as my consciousness faded further away.

  My wild psychic abilities led me on a rollercoaster chase towards death, only to leave me in a state of rejuvenation.

  Cocoon my flawed self until the time is right to be reborn.

  Predict What The Enemy Desires Of Me

"Say fascinating one more time. I dare you!"

  "Kai, calm down."

  "Fuck off, Blaze. I'm going to kill this fucking doctor, right now!"

  "Would you two quit it?"

  "Atticus. You're making the room like a fucking oven."

  "Better than all this fucking tension in the room. I swear if my Alisha doesn't recover from this, the world will end, and it'll start with this fucking prison."

  "Please make sure we leave first, Atticus. I really don't want to die, and I have a feeling Alisha would want me to take Kitty and Ivy with her."

  "All of your banter is hindering my concentration!"

  "Shut up!" multiple voices silenced the man like he'd interrupted a great debate.

  I, on the other hand, was attempting to pull out of my in-and-out state of unconsciousness.

  When I'd first gotten a glimpse of wakefulness, it was for a gasp of air. My lungs rejoiced at the oxygen while my body was shivering from the freezing temperatures. I couldn't recall where I had been that resulted in my drenched body, and the orders for help bounced around wherever I was.

  It was shortly after something warm pressed against my cheeks and a soft whisper told me to sleep, that I returned to my dark slumber. After that, I returned to the brink of consciousness to feel some sort of poke in my arm. The flowing of liquid entering my body burned just a tad, but the wave of relaxation that followed was a level of high I couldn't achieve with common herbs.

  It was hard to describe, a place of euphoria like you'd experienced after the best orgasm in your existence. I was left floating, my mind wandering in a space of the unknown, bits of my memories flooding my mind, leaving just as fast as they came.

  The drift in nothingness triggered a blast from the past, the moment in time when I'd met the two forces within myself.

  * * *

  Where am I?

  The thought triggered a rush of light until I stood in a magnificent glass building. Flowers of purple and silver decorated the interior of the structure, the glass sculptures and fountain in the middle of the room only accenting its classy and artistic design.


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