Psychic Prison

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Psychic Prison Page 25

by Veronica Agnus

  The beads of water rained down on me, the steam of the water a blessing in these parts of the showers. From my last conversation with Kitty, timing to take a shower down here was everything or you'd be stuck butt naked under pouring ice water.

  Some stated they did it on purpose, the water coming from the heart of Alaska to give the prisoners a wakeup call that this wasn't some luxurious hotel.

  There wasn't anything fancy about these showers, unlike Level Three's massive bathrooms and halls fit for royalty.

  Regardless, I wasn't going to stay long. All I needed was a quick wash and then to go back to my chambers to take my meds. That whole sexual experience with Titus left me in a craving mood, but I was pretty positive he wasn't coming tonight.

  It was Blaze's rotation tonight, but he normally checked in and once he knew I was comfortable, he would sit in the corner of the room and read a new book of his choice.

  Blaze was the only one that I was having trouble figuring out. He was quiet, but not necessarily shy, handsome, but carried an intriguing mysterious air about himself.

  I've been researching the fae, but the books just emphasized their perfected appearance, powerful nature magic, and how lethal they could be if you ticked them off.

  I'd never witnessed ticked off Blaze, nor did I know enough about him to get a feel in comparison to the others.

  Titus was one who didn't share a lot of words, but I knew how dangerous he was. Atticus didn't cloak his emotions, he was the easiest to read. Kai was one who asked a million questions, but now that I'd gotten a little glimpse of another side of his personality, I wished to open that treasure chest and reveal more.

  Blaze was another treasure chest I'd yet to expose, but there wasn't any rush, seeing as I was still stuck within these depths.

  Patience was key. I had to keep reminding myself of that.

  With that thought, I reached for the knob and shut off the water. Staring down at my feet against the yellow titles, I noticed how the tiles went from ugly yellow to a marvelous pearl white.

  * * *

  "Why are you breaking up with me?"

  I lifted my head to stare at the drenched Lyla before me, her eyes full of tears that reflected my watery ones.

  "What did I do?!”

  "You know you've done nothing wrong," Lyla whispered. "I...I'm the one making this decision."

  "It takes two to make a decision when it comes to a relationship. You can't just enter my shower, kiss me like the world is fucking ending, and then say we're breaking up. We are NOT breaking up!"

  "Okay, okay." She put her hands up defensively. "We need a break."

  "That's the same shit!"

  "I'm ashamed of who I am!" she snapped.

  "You're afraid of being a boy?!" I snapped right back, her eyes going wide at my words. I let out a huff, steam escaping my nostrils.

  "Fuck, Lyla. You think I'm so blind I didn’t see through that shit of a glamor?! I've known you're a boy for years! I've loved you regardless of what's between you damn legs! Your curse is just a temporary thing. Only a few more cases and we'll be able to do our own search on the matter! Can't you be a little more patient?"

  "What will patience do?!" she snapped. "It doesn't fix the fact that I'll lose you."

  "Why the hell would you lose me?!" I shouted. "You and Atticus are everything to me! You've been with me through it all. From the happiest moments of my life to the parts where I thought I'd never take another breath. You guys helped save me from that Nedalra douche! I'm here, free to live my life and work with the loves of my life to bring justice to supernaturals and humans alike! If you truly believe I'm going to one day dash you to the side of the road, you can go fuck yourself!"


  "Fine! Let's have a damn break, but you better figure your shit out, Lylashina, or I swear to God, you're never eating out of this pussy again! Let alone sticking in that cock of yours!"

  "Are you threatening me?!" She actually sounded shocked.

  "Yes! No chance of fucking this," I emphasized, rolling my hand around my naked, wet body. "So there!"

  There was a sound to my left, and the memory begins to fade, but my vision turned to see Atticus glancing at the two of us.

  "Are you guys dealing with one of those relationship crises? If so, I can come back."

  "UGH!" we groaned. "Why are you here, Atticus?"

  "We’ve got an assignment," he announced. "Alisha. I need you to go over the Pacific Ocean and see if there are any cruise ships that are stranded. The waters are fierce tonight. We'd go together, but it looks like there are two on opposite ends."

  "I can go with her," Lyla suggested. I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine on my own. She wants a break!" I huffed.

  Atticus looked between both of us.

  "You two need some ice cream? Maybe I'll light the fire of the fireplace, and leave you two al-"

  "NO!" we countered. "I'm heading out first." I stomped out of the washroom, but Atticus stopped me.

  "Wha-" He kissed me firmly on the lips.

  "Be careful," was all he said as he let me go. I pouted my lips, but slowly nodded. "I'll be careful. Love you."

  "Love you more," he whispered.

  I glanced at Lyla, seeing the conflict in her eyes.

  "You're a jerk, but I still love you." I turned around, took another inhale, and let it out slowly. "And this is the second time you've wanted us to have a break, Lyla. I'll allow it this time, but this is your final warning. If we get back together and you want to take a break a third time, that's it. We're over, and I'll just stick to this one-husband life."

  That's all I said as I waltzed out the door, a locking sound pulling me out of the flashback.

  * * *

  I took a few breaths, my body shivering at the memory as tears stung my eyes. My brain wished to grasp more of what happened after that, but I knew what day that had been.

  The night before all this shit happened.

  My hands pressed against the tiled wall. I needed the support as I caught my breath. I couldn't grasp why this flashback was making it so hard to breathe, but I fought to remain calm as I closed my eyes.

  It's just the past. Nothing to worry...worry...worry.

  The single word continued to repeat again in my mind, fear spiking through me as haunting memories rushed into my mind.

  * * *

  "I don't belong to you!"

  "You certainly do! You're mine. I've struggled years for this moment. Your childish mind can't grasp this now, but one day you'll thank me."

  "I belong to no one! I’d rather die than be yours."

  "Be careful of what you wish for, little butterfly, for I can grant that exact wish!"


  * * *

  My hands clenched into fists, my fingernails digging into my palms. The pain was nothing like the overwhelming emotions rushing through me. The pain these memories awakened; the heartache and fright that struck me like thunder.

  It felt like I couldn't breathe, and the anger raging in me reminded me of a wildfire, spreading fast and with a vengeance.

  Revenge. I deserved fucking revenge. That man. He's the reason why I'm trapped in this disgusting place. I don't deserve to be imprisoned. I. Am. Free.

  I gritted my teeth, fighting the urge to destroy everything around me. I knew this would pass. All I had to do was pull through it.

  "Look what we got here."

  "Now they decide is the best time to jump us?" Freya's voice drifted through the pounding in my head.

  The thought of being interrupted during my clear mental breakdown made me angrier. I opened my eyes slightly, noticing how the lights flickered on and off.

  Glancing slightly to my right side, I immediately noticed the five girls wearing towels around their waists. I peered to my left; there were another five girls with wide grins on their lips.

  It wasn't their towel-cloaked bodies that made me dread my current predicament, but the bars of metal in their possession.

nbsp; Seriously? I'm lucky to get three meals a day here and yet these bitches have metal bars, hammers, and…fuck! Is that a sword? Where the fuck did she get a sword from? Why don't we have a sword? Fucking fuckers.

  "It would have been smart for us to ask for an emergency weapon," Saphire noted. The laughter that came from the opposite side of my mind was clearly from Freya.

  "Emergency weapon? We are a fucking weapon. Give me just a minute. That's all I need to kill these bitches."

  I sighed and pressed my forehead against the wet tiles.

  "Listen. If you guys want to shower, go right ahead, but if you're here to mess around with me, I'm not in the fucking mood," I declared. "My head is killing me, life sucks right now, and I couldn't even get fucked. So don't lay your problems on me, cause I don't want them."

  "Aww. This little queen of the underground thinks she can say whatever she wants?" the leader of the group mocked, the others laughing around me.

  "Let's see if anyone would touch her deformed body when we get through with her. Men only like pussy that's young and fresh. When you're a crippled mess, we'll see if those same men look your way, let alone give you the privilege of being in your Level Three status."

  "She obviously paid to be there. Too bad she's about to find out what real Level Threes look like."

  I had to stare at them for a good few seconds, taking in their appearances before I tilted my head to one side and narrowed my eyes.

  "I'm positive that I don't need glasses, and yet I don't see how any of you are anything more than Level Two."

  "Shut up, hoe! We've been Level Threes for years, but who gets the lovely suite that takes two-thirds of the floor? You!" another girl pointed out, her crowbar pointing in my direction.

  "Two-thirds? There are only twelve of us on this floor. Seeing as there's ten of you here, you're only missing one. Is this supposed to be a revolt against me staying here? If so, we could have done this conversation outside and with clothes on," I reasoned.

  "Those stupid prison shits just spit lies out! There's one luxury suite and the rest of our cells are shit! We've been here for years, working our way to get the privilege of that suite, but no! Your rich ass comes along with your 'masters' and boom. You get everything you want with servant prisoners at your feet! It must be nice to sell your body to get all the luxury after the crimes you committed."

  I pressed two fingers to my temples, the sudden high-pitch ringing in my mind annoying the fuck out of me.

  "Listen, Beckys one through ten. As much as I'd love to continue this, I'm unwell and need my meds to stay sane, so why don't we discuss this another day?"

  "Need some help?" Saphire inquired.

  "Doesn’t look like they're going to play nice," Freya said with anticipation. "We’ve got tons of energy for fuel."

  Would it be odd to try and fight this on my own?

  "Oh?" the two of them commented.

  I...I need to get some steam out. To validate my confidence by doing this on my own. If I desperately need help, can you then interfere?

  "Certainly," Saphire agreed.

  "Kick their asses," Freya cheered.

  "Stop zoning out, bitch!" the first girl shouted, raising her metal pole up and being the first to dart my way.

  I love you guys. Remember that.

  That's when my reflexes kicked in, my legs pushing off the ground and gravity suddenly losing its hold in the room. All the other girls began to scream, but I'd already flipped myself over and my legs landed on the ceiling.

  "Fucker!" another prisoner screamed. I clapped my hands, my imagination moving swiftly to create the picture I was envisioning.

  Moving my hands apart, purple flames began to charge between the space, and my body began to spark bolts of blue electricity. My nails began to burn orange, the glow creating multiple tiny balls of pulsating energy.

  My eyes locked onto the leader of the group, and I watched as her eyes grew a deadly red and she revealed her sharp fangs.


  The other girls were fighting against the binds of the supernatural walls that were supposed to keep us from using our abilities, but who were they kidding? I'm sure the people who ran this place hoped we’d kill one another.

  "Let's have fun," I sweetly said, an eerie grin forming on my lips. The black ink of my tattoo began to emit the same orange light as the hovering balls around me, and I pointed straight at the leader.

  "Time to dance."

  The cores of magic shot out in different directions, all of them beginning to hit their mark as screams of agony echoed through the room. My focus was on the leader, just as my psychic abilities shut off - gravity taking its course.

  We all fell to the floor, but the leader vampire landed and pushed right off to meet my approaching body.

  I expected my nails to be fully charged with power as I crossed my arms and shot them out. Multiple strings of orange and silver lashed out at her, slicing various parts of her body.

  It didn't stop her, her closed fist aimed to hit my face. I stopped it with my fist, the impact making me growl while I forced my body to levitate in place.

  The woman screamed, her body charging with a foreign power that made her eyes bleed to black. Due to my lack of supernatural history, I had no clue what she was planning to do, but the sudden shock of black electricity ran through me, enough to make me scream.


  "Burn her!" Freya ordered.

  The flames ignited out from my tattoo to dance around my arm and straight into the vampire's neck. She screamed as the flames formed into the shape of a dragon, its teeth sinking into the vampire's neck before combusting into a huge explosion that sent me back towards the ceiling.

  I crashed into it, cursing at the pain, but I quickly moved out of the way, avoiding the shots of sharp leaves that were tailing me as I levitated through the room.

  Aiming for the floor, I suddenly stopped and ducked to the tiled ground, missing the next set of razor-sharp leaves.

  Turning onto my back, I hissed and raised my hands up in time to stop the sword that was about to slice me in half. We shared a look before she glanced down my naked body, all the way to my opened legs.

  "Clean shaven. How?!"

  "Uh." That wasn't a question I was expecting. "Complimentary shavers?"

  "Not fair!" she screamed, jumping back just slightly and aiming her sword to my pussy.

  "Oh hell nah!" I shrieked and rolled backward, missing the attack by a second before falling on my ass and moving my hands upward to make another shield of invisible power, blocking her counter attack.

  "We have fucking forests and you get a clean fucking valley!"

  "How is that my fault?! I just got here!" I screamed.

  "Exactly!" she screamed, her eyes growing white as the floor beneath her suddenly froze to ice. She took one big inhale, and I braced myself as she screamed out, my invisible wall of ice freezing entirely until I was surrounded by a block of ice.

  "Oh fuck," I hissed and fought to get up, feeling a pulsing pain on the left side of my ribs before noticing the multiple cuts on my arms and legs.

  Fighting naked is such a bitch!

  "Wanna see a cool trick?" Freya inquired. "A little help can go a long way."

  Sure! I'm fucked otherwise.

  The sudden spike of warmth inside me left me dizzy, but it was short-lived as that hot sensation pushed out through my skin, igniting into rising flames that danced around me and beginning to create a sphere of heat around me.

  I closed my eyes, the stinging of magic too much for me to keep them open. When the heat became unbearable around me, I wished for it to disperse outward, and all I could hear was a wave of screams.

  My eyes darted open, growing wide at the sight of broken, burned tiles, the residue of flames that burned in the corners of the room, and the view lights that survived the mini-explosion.

  "Oops." I nervously giggled. "Did I do that?"

  "Nine out of ten," Saphire warned. "Stay alert.

  I mentally nodded, taking a few steps forward, but immediately turned around and gripped the neck of the vampire woman. The impact of her body against mine threw both of us back, and a grunt left me when we fell onto my back.

  Kicking her was doing little damage as my left hand was the only thing stopping her from sinking her fangs into my flesh.

  Saphire pushed forward, taking control for a split second as she let out a roar. My shock registered after the stream of flames left my mouth and consumed the vampire woman.

  She screamed and scrambled off of me, desperate to put out the flames.

  I scrambled back and rushed to my feet, fighting to catch my breath while I looked around the room for any other surprise attacks.

  Now that was a pain in our ass. Thanks, guys. I couldn't have survived with just a few bruises if you guys didn't help me out when you did. I...just wanted to have a bit of independence, you know?

  "In time, Alisha," Saphire assured me.

  "You're powerful. We just need to reveal what we've lost," Freya added.

  What are we going to do about this mess?

  "Guards should be here any minute now," Saphire noted.


  "I have a plan!" Freya sang.

  This better be good.

  She didn't take the time to explain it. My body walked over to the only shower that wasn't broken, burned to shambles, or simply 'not' there.

  Reaching for the knob, I turned it to the warm tab, the water flowing onto us. I glanced down to see the parts of my body that were already bruising up.

  Atticus is going to be piss...wait. What are we doing?!

  "Go with the flow," Freya encouraged, seconds before the door slammed open and guards came rushing in.

  Freya took over, but I was still in the front seat as we slowly glanced over to the group of heavy breathing men. Blaze stood in the center with angry pink eyes.

  All of them were looking at the damaged room before their eyes all landed on my naked body. Reaching out to stop the water, I turned and crossed my arms over my chest.

  My unfazed expression took in their shocked eyes while their faces began to burn red while some of them licked their lips. Even with my bruised-up body, I still brought all the boys to the yard.


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