experience of modern war avoided, 386–87
military spending, 12–13, 353, 412n, 519n, 533n, 534n
optical glass production in World War I, 139–40, 454–55n
Russian rocket engine ban, 371–72
Russian rocket engine sales to, 363, 364, 371
space spending, 520n
see also Civil War
United States Military Telegraph, 123
Universal Time (UT1), 99, 441n
Uranus, 52, 62, 167, 304, 444n
Urban VIII (pope), 51
Ursa Major (the Great Bear), 67–68, 432nn
US Defense Mapping Agency, 99, 343
US economy
competitiveness in global economy, 30, 31
research and development spending, 30
science and engineering, percentage of US employment, 21
share of world economy, 31, 419n
technical industries, share of gross domestic product, 21
Ushant, France, 72
US Presidents and the Militarization of Space 1946–1967 (Kalic), 290
USS Abraham Lincoln, 24
U-2 spy plane, 198, 276, 278, 492n
Van Allen radiation belt, 216, 302
van Creveld, Martin, 116, 117, 445–46nn
Vedic astrology, 54
Vega, daguerreotype of, 144
Vela Hotel satellites, 216–17, 474n
Vela Sierra and Vela Uniform programs, 474n
Velázquez, Diego, 107
Venera probes, 211, 364
albedo, 196
in astrology, 50
radar echoes from, 191
recorded in Mesopotamian tablets, 41
transit in 1769, 91, 92, 440n
VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System), 199
Very Large Array, New Mexico, 199
Very Long Baseline Array, 182
Vespucci, Amerigo, 436n
Victoria (ship), 88
Vidal, Gore, 35
Vietnam War
antiwar movement and, 8, 410n
author’s revulsion at, 9
in Johnson era, 289, 290, 500n
in Kennedy era, 284
NASA cooperation with Pentagon, 290
photograph of naked Vietnamese girl (1972), 9, 17
and reaction to Desert Storm, 7–8
US troop numbers, 320
Vikings, 68, 78, 432n
Vinland, 78
visible light, 100, 101, 165–66, 169, 199
von Braun, Wernher
American space program, 267, 366, 488–89n, 523–24n
Operation Paperclip and, 262, 468n
V-2 rocket and, 193, 264, 468n
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 288
V-2 Rocket Panel, 193
V-2 rockets, 58, 183, 193–94, 468–69nn
Waiting for the Barbarians (Coetzee), 35
Wallace, David, 423n
Wallenstein, Albrecht von, 49
war as stimulus for creativity, 4, 5–6
War of the Worlds (Wells), 242–43
Washington Crossing the Delaware (Leutze), 114–15, 445n
Washington, George
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 112
command of the Continental Army, 112–15, 116
telescopes and, 111, 112–13, 115, 116, 130
water hole, 200–201, 470n
Watson-Watt, Robert, 190, 194, 244–45, 465–66n, 467nn
wavelength, defined, 100, 169
wave–particle duality, 169
Waxahachie, Texas, 29
wayfinders, clues used by, 64–66
ASATs (antisatellite weapons), 257–59, 283, 291, 294, 356, 485n
atomic bombs, 151, 190, 263, 303, 457n, 474n
directed-energy weapons, 240–41, 242
evolution and development of, 238–40
fusion bombs, 304, 389, 390, 391, 474n
kinetic-energy weapons, 240, 241
space weapons, 256–60, 286, 297–301, 312–13, 397, 485n
Weeden, Brian, 397
Weinberg, Stephen, 368–69
Weston, Scott A., 393–94
“When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again,” 10
Whipple, John Adams, 144
White, Theodore, 56
Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), 232
wigwaggers, 125
Wilkins, Arnold, 244–45
Wilkins, John, 119–20
Wilson, Heather, 325
Wimperis, Henry, 244, 245
Wise, Donald U., 369
Wohl, Louis de, 61
Wolfowitz, Paul, 346–47
Wollaston, William Hyde, 145, 146
Wolter, Detlev, 295
Wood, John, 437n
Worden, Simon P. “Pete,” 26
world domination, 266, 287, 499n
World War I
demand for military production, 135–36
demand for optical glass and optical munitions, 134–36, 139–40, 452nn
US Army Signal Corps and, 128, 450n
World War II military spending, 403, 533–34nn
World War II radar use, 184–90
Wright, Edward, 90, 439n
Wright, F. E., 134, 140
Wright, Wilbur, 128
WS-117L satellite, 278
X-15 aircraft, 279, 495n
Xiaojing Gouming Jue, 43
Xi Jinping, 318
XMM-Newton (ESA), 199
X-ray astronomy, 151, 225, 226
detection of, 180, 213, 225–27
discovery of, 171
Earth’s atmosphere and, 214, 225
year, length of, 39–40
Yeltsin, Boris, 358, 361
Zak, Anatoly, 372
Zanj (East African people), 436n
Zeiss, see Carl Zeiss Foundation
Zeiss, Carl Friedrich, 130, 131–32
Zeiss star projectors, 132, 139, 451n
Zenit (Kosmos) missions, 159, 458n
Zheng He, 78–79, 435n
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
StarTalk: The Book
Welcome to the Universe: An Astrophysical Tour
with Michael A. Strauss and J. Richard Gott III
The Inexplicable Universe
A six-part video lecture series
Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier
edited by Avis Lang
The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America’s Favorite Planet
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution
with Donald Goldsmith
My Favorite Universe
A twelve-part video lecture series
Cosmic Horizons: Astronomy at the Cutting Edge
edited by Steven Soter and Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Sky Is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist
One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos
with Charles Liu and Robert Irion
Just Visiting This Planet
Universe Down to Earth
Merlin’s Tour of the Universe
Copyright © 2018 by Neil deGrasse Tyson and Avis Lang
All rights reserved
First Edition
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ISBN 978-0-393-06444-5
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