Ethnic Apocalypse

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Ethnic Apocalypse Page 1

by Guillaume Faye


  London 2019

  Copyright © 2019 by Arktos Media Ltd.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means (whether electronic or mechanical), including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | | | YouTube


  978-1-912975-33-4 (Softcover)

  978-1-912975-34-1 (Hardback)

  978-1-912975-35-8 (Ebook)


  Roger Adwan


  John Bruce Leonard


  Tor Westman


  Illustration by Pensel Fjorton

  Preface by Jared Taylor

  Because I speak French, it has been my great good fortune to become acquainted with some of the major figures in the French nationalist movement. I have the deepest respect for these men and women who are fighting for their people, but the Frenchman who most deeply impressed me from the very first meeting was Guillaume Faye.

  I well remember the occasion. It was in 2003. I had an introduction to Faye from a mutual friend, and we met in a small restaurant.

  At that time — and it is true even now — many patriotic Frenchmen hesitated to use the word that I think essential to understanding the crisis France faces: the word ‘race’. But after an hour with Faye, I found myself thinking: ‘This guy understands the problem perfectly — maybe even better than I do. And he has a clear perspective on what must be done — maybe clearer than my own.’ I was struck by the power of his mind, his passion for truth, and his love for his people. It was the beginning of a friendship that has lasted for more than fifteen years.

  Living as we do on different continents, Faye and I have not seen each other nearly often enough, but I invited him twice to speak at the American Renaissance conferences that I organize. Each time, he charmed his listeners with his French accent and moved them with his eloquence and insight. And for me, every trip to France naturally included long conversations with Faye.

  Gradually, thanks to the efforts of Arktos Media, this great philosopher of the crisis of the West has become better known to English speakers. Words such as ‘archeofuturism’, ‘ethno-masochism’, and ‘xenophilia’ are now well known to those of us who keep abreast of events in Europe. Guillaume Faye is now among the very best-known spokesmen for the survival of our people.

  The book you now hold in your hands is certainly the darkest, bravest, and frankest book my friend has ever written. It is a brilliant analysis of the mortal threat to us of massive non-white immigration. I cite the following ominous passage that justifies the book’s title:

  There are three possibilities concerning the sequence of events.

  The first, the worst of them all, would be that of submission. It takes two to wage a war, and if our white Frenchmen do not defend themselves against these invaders and foreign aggressors, there will be no war. What will result instead is decay, collapse without real combat or isolated acts of revenge. This is a possibility which I cannot exclude.

  The second possibility, a terrible, distressing and unthinkable one at that, is the outbreak of a racial civil war resulting in the defeat of French natives and other ethnic Europeans, who would have to fight against their own collaborationist state. This is a development mentioned particularly by Jean Raspail.

  The third possibility is that of a victorious civil war with incalculable historical consequences, including, of course, the collapse of all our political paradigms. Whatever the case, we will find it impossible to evade major disorders in the coming years. Indeed, Western Europe will soon be the setting for an inevitable earthquake.

  This is pure Guillaume Faye. While others fail to grasp the extent of the problem — or even the form or nature of the problem — Faye cuts straight to the fateful choices we face: submission, defeat, or victory. He writes that there is no other choice because a ‘convivial living-together is only possible when it involves populations that are biologically and culturally related. Anything else is but a sham. We do not wish to live with these people. Period.’

  There actually is a fourth possibility, which is voluntary, peaceful separation. There are a few modern examples: the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the separation of the Czechs from the Slovaks. In the former Yugoslavia, separation was mostly violent, but Slovenia was born virtually without bloodshed.

  In all these cases, however, there was a crucial difference from that of France: These nations were (re)established in territories that had been historically populated by distinct peoples. In France, an alien population with a ruthless will to power and united by a triumphalist religion threatens the native population, and the entire country is at stake. Peaceful separation is hard to imagine.

  And, of course, as Faye writes so clearly, France is not the only white nation in peril. All of Western Europe as well as the overseas nations built by Europeans face the same crisis of dispossession — and for the same reasons. The capitulationist spirit of the French that Faye describes with such penetration applies word for word to the ruling and media elites everywhere from Germany to Canada to New Zealand. Only those nations that were sheltered by what we used to call the iron curtain have escaped — at least for the time being — the effects of ethno-masochist poisons. This apparent determination of the white man to bring about his own destruction is without precedent in the history of our species, and no one describes it better than Guillaume Faye.

  One of the three choices this book outlines for France is submission. I cannot imagine a more miserable or ignoble fate for a nation that has contributed countless treasures to our civilization. And yet, for the reasons that Faye explains both with sadness and with fury, such a fate is not unthinkable. A similarly contemptible collapse is likewise possible in my own country. If our people awaken and build for themselves a future as glorious as our past, it will be thanks to the efforts of brilliant, tireless men such as Guillaume Faye.

  I am grateful and deeply honored that my friend of fifteen years has dedicated this book to me. I also rejoice in his having jointly dedicated the book to my comrade Sam Dickson, who has been Guillaume’s friend and co-combatant for more than four decades. Sam Dickson has faithfully and courageously fought the forces that would transform the West and he admires France and its people as deeply as I do.

  He joins me in this message to the readers of this book: Frenchmen and Americans — we are the same people. Your struggle is our struggle!

  Jared Taylor

  A Brief Note from the Publisher

  The original French title of this book, as the reader will learn from the Introduction, is intentionally incendiary: Guerre Civile Raciale, or Racial Civil War. We have elected to change this title in the English edition, in consideration of the unjustified, and in our opinion, unjustifiable digital censorship that has recently afflicted too many unorthodox writers. It is evident that the original title would render this book a magnet to our contemporary censors, who would work under the curious pretext, no doubt, that any book which speaks of a racial civil war in its title must surely be advocating the same. Then let us declare unequivocally that neither Guillaume Faye, nor his French publisher, nor Arktos, in any way relishes the prospect of any kind of war on European soil. Faye himself describes this outcome as but one of several possibilities open to Europe. As for Arktos, we condone no gratuitous violence, and have never ceased decrying the unnecessary ‘military interventions’ waged even now by Western powers across the globe.

  Indeed, Arktos publishes controversial books of t
his kind in part from the solemn belief that it is only through courageous independent and unconventional analysis of our current situation, that further bloodshed might ever be spared or staunched. More importantly yet, we proudly publish this book, the last book finished by Guillaume Faye before his death, because we hold that it is our duty as thinking beings to contemplate the most challenging ideas of the most challenging thinkers of our time, rather than consigning them complacently to oblivion.

  Guillaume Faye was nothing if not a challenging thinker, as anyone will immediately perceive who enters this book with open eyes and open mind. Many of the ideas the reader will encounter herein are harsh and hard to look upon, but they are genuine and astute; they are a serious man’s assessment of what he regarded as a coming emergency of continental, if not global, proportions.

  It is the reader’s free prerogative to decide whether he agrees with Faye’s assessment of our situation or not; but that primary right should never usurp the corresponding duty of reading a book before one has judged it.

  Arktos Media Ltd.

  ‘From the worst,

  the best may yet arise’

  Dedicated to Savannah,

  Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson


  Diagnosis Before the Storm

  Let us begin with a small summary.

  In Normandy, a priest is slaughtered by Muslims during Mass; in Paris, Nice and other provincial towns, massacres are perpetrated by the same people, all in the name of allah (the absence of capitalisation is intentional on my part, since this fictional entity does not deserve any better); hundreds are killed and mutilated in 2015–2016, with smaller-scale but equally despicable acts also committed (at the time of this book’s completion, the most recent one took place in Strasbourg on 11th December, 2018 and resulted in five deaths); there is ever-increasing criminality involving clearly identified perpetrators whose ethnic origin is often concealed by the official media; and there is also a growing difficulty for the native population to coexist with African and Oriental immigrants who are increasingly aggressive, demanding and violent… All of this is slowly destroying the lives of our natives, i.e. genuine French people, and especially the poorer ones.

  What is astonishing is that we have not yet registered any defensive reaction on the part of this formerly valiant people or that of other European countries, let alone the beginning of any sort of retaliation against Arab and black Muslims, who bear the sole responsibility for all of these crimes.

  One fails to react and, instead, snivels and proceeds to place candles and flowers where massacres have occurred. This might be due to a loss of collective energy, to a weariness weighing down the French who belong to lower socio-professional classes in the face of populations whose cruelty remains unequalled, or to a fear of having the state — a state that displays tolerance towards the invaders, not to say an attitude of plain and simple collaboration! — target any identitarian awakening with repressive measures.

  Yes indeed, but an unpredictable spark may yet cause our natives (meaning THE WHITES — let us state the facts as they are), who are leading miserable and exasperated lives, are weary of being deprived of their tranquillity and culture and are thus driven by a spirit of self-defence, to organise themselves and ultimately launch a counteroffensive.

  Not only am I betting on this potential survival reaction, but I also desire it. The primary duty of the intellectual is to be honest with the public. I shall not evade the issue for fear of ‘what people might say’ or of courts that will condemn my book anyway, without even having read it. So here is my immediate answer: yes, I do wish for my people to rise, to reclaim the pride they should never have lost and to secure the ultimate victory. That is what I want more than anything else, for it is absolutely necessary. There, I’ve said it.

  Why Use the Term ‘Racial’?

  The political book that you are holding in your hands is entitled Guerre civile raciale in the French, A Racial Civil War. Some people are likely to think that I am using the term ‘racial’ out of a desire to provoke, instead of resorting to a more catch-all word or expression; in short, that I have opted for it so that this book can go viral! This, however, is not the case. When I write the words ‘race’, ‘racial’ and ‘racism’, I do so as part of a sincere longing for accuracy. My desire is to state the facts as they actually are, here, in France, and in this age of ours, based on all that we see and notice on a daily basis.

  This reality is experienced by our peaceful French men and women, who are mocked, attacked, raped and killed every day by individuals belonging to non-European races. Oh, I am certain that the very sight of these words will seem unpleasant to those that are ever so bleary-eyed… I could indeed say ‘people’, ‘ethnic group’, or ‘community’ to bring similar things to mind. Although these words would perhaps be suitable for the demonstration that I intend to give, they would nonetheless still fall short of the adjective racial when it comes to clearly and accurately defining the coming war.

  I fail to see why I should ban myself from using a word that actually exists in dictionaries just because the dominant ideology and those who gobble it up so blissfully find it too disagreeable. Do you know what is really unpleasant, by contrast? Living your life surrounded by ten million, twenty million, or even a greater number of Africans and Arabs, with whom we have never wanted to associate. What is very disagreeable indeed is acknowledging the thought that, soon enough, the people of our race, namely the Whites of Europe, will be a minority in their own lands. What is more than unpleasant is our inability to describe the very horror of our situation without burdening our statement of the facts with foolish periphrases and politically correct words, all of which remain less expressive of what is crucial for us to say than of what one is required to say.

  We have been invaded by immigrants belonging to foreign and belligerent races that have come here to have their cake and eat ours. They want to reap the benefits of Western prosperity without having to make the same effort we have made in order to enjoy it, while simultaneously retaining their own identity and hating us most openly. They perceive us as being foreign and will continue to do so; it thus seems fair to me that we should regard them in the same manner.

  I use the word race because I do not see how it would ever be possible not to label as racist the lyrics of this rap song, which was released in 2018. Read these excerpts and judge for yourselves: ‘I enter nurseries and kill white babies, seize them quickly and hang their parents’; ‘Quarter them to pass the time’ (surely, this is all just irony and not to be taken seriously, right? Let us, however, continue with our charming reading experience); ‘Whip them hard, and do so earnestly’ (these are just rap lyrics, what are you getting at, anyway? There’s nothing bad there); ‘Let it all reek of death, let them piss blood’; ‘Let these foul fruits provide us with a fascinating, pallid and entertaining spectacle’ (how entertaining indeed, wow! Are we having a good time or what!); ‘Take any life they have, let them be lifeless objects from now on’ (oh, because the bloke is in a hurry, in a hurry to kill us right now! But wait, it’s a song, just a song, so don’t panic!); ‘Dominate them, and put your names on their testaments!’; Chorus: ‘Hang them, hang them, hang the Whites!’, ‘No feelings, let them all die at the same time!’ (A genocide — why not? Let us unleash our insanity!); ‘Set an example, torture those too rebellious in front of your whole group’.

  Who would dare to claim that these lyrics, written and sputtered by a black man (Nick Conrad — a pseudonym, of course), are anything but a fury-ridden pamphlet targeting the white race and a set of instructions for his third-world friends, urging them all to come and hang us and indulge in various pleasures such as ensuring that we all die at the same time?

  I call a spade a spade and a racial war a racial war; for that is exactly what we are heading for. It has already begun, even if it remains at ‘low’ intensity for the time being. Peoples of different and antithetical races coexist
in the same country, hating each other throughout. There will be no improvement, and it will all end very badly. There cannot be any other outcome, and the purpose of this book is to prove this — which is why I have entitled it A Racial Civil War.

  A Racial Civil War — A Novelty in the West

  History is unpredictable and holds many surprises; and yet in 1913 and 1938, it was perfectly possible to predict the outbreak of a war. Most people were, in fact, preparing for one. Today, the same kind of tension is felt everywhere, the same intuition pointing to a future disaster. Several books and innumerable articles in the written press or on the web mention the prospect of a very imminent war in Europe, and especially in France — a war of a new type that would upset all our ways of life, a civil war that would no longer involve states. It would, instead, be a civil war of unprecedented nature: a racial civil war.

  It is a type of confrontation that Europe has never really experienced, and which the United States has only faced to a limited extent, almost imperceptibly, with the eruption of community riots.

  Europe and the United States have already experienced civil wars of their own: the religious wars in France between Catholics and Protestants, the clashes of the French Revolution, the American Civil War, the Thirty Years’ War in Germanic countries, the English Civil War of the Glorious Revolution in the seventeenth century, the civil war of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Irish Civil War (Catholics versus Protestants), the Spanish Civil War of 1936, the Greek Civil War following World War II, the Yugoslav Civil War of 1999, etc.

  All these wars were between partisans belonging to a single people and were waged in the name of ideological, political or religious differences, within the same cultural sphere. The coming civil war, on the other hand, will not be a clash between members of the same people, as was the case in the past, but a deadly conflict between populations that remain at odds with one another on all levels, whether ethnically, culturally or religiously. For the first time ever, what is brewing on European soil is a civil war with a racial dimension — or, more specifically, an ethno-racial one, to use the straightforward and realistic language of the Anglo-Saxons, a language that is ever so despised in France, the country of ideologico-dogmatic abstraction where one is afraid to call things by their actual name.


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