Ethnic Apocalypse

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Ethnic Apocalypse Page 14

by Guillaume Faye

  To French Catholics, the fact that places of worship and pilgrimage have been placed under armed protection is an unprecedented development since the Muslim-Arab raids that originated from conquered Spain during the eighth and ninth centuries. However, the reactions of the Catholic hierarchy have been weak and are bound to be a source of joy for the jihadists themselves. In accordance with the Gospels (a fact that is important to bear in mind), the Church of France has been calling for mercy and forgiveness. By contrast, the religious authorities of persecuted oriental Christians have neither been taking such linguistic precautions nor abiding by any theological modesty in the face of their Islamic aggressors.

  A survey conducted by the IFOP117 in 2017 revealed that the slaughter of Father Hamel at the hands of those two Muslims had traumatised French Christians, who had finally become aware of the Islamic and jihadist threat. Our Christian public opinion and Christian believers both disapprove of the fact that the Church of France has put the murder of Father Hamel by Muslims and the execution of Father Popiełuszko by Polish Communists (1984) on an equal footing. Communism, an ephemeral opponent of the Church and Christian faith, has nowadays disappeared from Europe. Archaic Islam, however, whose hatred of Christianity first emerged fourteen centuries ago, has been settling here and quietly establishing its presence. The prelates of the Orient, who are lucid and experienced in this regard, have never ceased to warn us: ‘They shall do to you what they have been doing to us.’ The implied message is the following — eradicate them from Europe before it is too late.

  Weakness, Cowardice, Denial and Gullibility — The Four Pillars of Our Disappearance

  In December 2016, the Berlin Christmas market — a strong Christian symbol in its own right — was targeted by a jihadist who, similarly to what we witnessed in Nice in July 2014, used a truck to ram into people. The death toll totalled twelve infidels offered to allah-the-most-merciful as a sacrifice. In his anti-racist desire to avoid potential ‘amalgamations’ and the ‘stigmatisation’ of Muslims, a certain Green MP (an Islamophilic leftist, which constitutes an almost pleonasmic combination of words) refused to allow the assassin’s wanted notice to be published. One is thus plunged into the very depths of collaboration and complicity with those criminal invaders.

  Angela Merkel, who, as part of a theatrical and fake sort of humanitarianism, has organised the Syrian migrant invasion, is also objectively co-responsible for the situation. Although the migrants are mostly Muslims, their exclusively Syrian origin has yet to be proven.

  As for Ivan Rioufol, he believes that, through its elites, Europe is digging its own grave. Here is what he wrote in Le Figaro: ‘German society is devastated by its own self-blame. Thus do emasculated civilisations perish’. The greatest fear of Western European leaders, of those frightened collaborators, is that a reaction on the part of our indigenous populations against the constant terrorist acts will soon give birth to violent resistance. Their motto is: smooth and subtle collaboration, no resistance, no provocation! In addition, of course, to hollow slogans of the Macronian type (‘Let us open up to the world!’ — what a splendid idea to open up to Islam, since it itself is also so very open!). The submersion of France in the flood-like migrational backwaters and its forced Islamisation are the results of a humanitarian utopia mixed with an aversion for one’s traditional country and a bullet-proof bad conscience. These degenerate elites are completely indifferent to, and sometimes even revel in, the dramatic situation experienced by their indigenous people, who are despised, mocked and constantly insulted.

  Consider the quite marked state of insanity and stupidity betrayed by Macron when he declared, shortly after Mutti Merkel had opened the doors to welcoming approximately one million migrants (fake refugees and genuine invaders whose ranks, incidentally, happened to comprise only men): ‘She has saved our collective dignity by welcoming refugees in distress and avoiding amalgamations’.118 It is by allowing others to invade us that we are to reclaim our honour. Christian charity, you say? The hyped propaganda of cosmopolitan ideology, which is surreptitiously anti-White and hostile to indigenous Frenchmen that declare themselves as such and watch Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s119 broadcasts on TV, rages all around us, especially in the media with close ties to the powers-that-be. This ideology is protected by a politicised and biased justice system that has surrendered to the same reflexes of submission and collaboration that others once embraced in communist regimes or during the Vichy period (whatever one may think of it). Choosing not to mince words, Ivan Rioufol writes:

  The West will only avoid a debacle if it readopts its lost principles of authority, strength, and war. Obama’s Islamophilia has accentuated the vulnerability of the free world, a world which Merkel has betrayed in the name of “diversity” by opening the door to more than one million Muslims. (Le Figaro, 6th January, 2017)

  Stimulated by unlimited immigration and superior birth rates and driven by an aggressive, pathological, conquering and proselytising sort of virility, Islam is gaining power all over Western Europe, and especially here, in France. This contrasts with the sluggishness, carelessness and hollowness charactering our leaders, the future vanquished ones who are always content with themselves and their own failures. Boualem Sansal, an Algerian anti-Islamist writer whose perceptiveness is equal to that of all those who find themselves in such an uncomfortable situation, made the following statement on 13th December, 2010: ‘France has already ventured far on its path of Islamisation and is now prepared to give everything away’. Our media and elected officials strive to minimise this large-scale phenomenon and refer to other matters so as to divert attention, just like a tubercular that clings to the idea that he is only suffering from angina.

  The Beginning of a Religious War that Heralds a Racial One

  Although the everyday warning signs that point to an ethnic and religious civil war are unmistakeable, one voluntarily chooses to conceal its symptoms. On a global scale, a religious war has indeed begun with the sustained aggression of Islam against other communities, especially Christian ones (in Central Africa, the Middle East, and Catholic Asia), amidst a deafening silence on the part of the Vatican and European bishops, who are too busy rescuing Arabs and Blacks from misery all around the world.

  From the assassination of Father Hamel and the persecutions, murders, spoliations and expulsions targeting Christians in the Middle East, to the above-mentioned carnage at the Berlin Christmas market and the January 2017 Istanbul attack against a discotheque frequented by Western Christians (which left thirty-nine fatal casualties in its wake and attracted some attention), Islam’s bloody pace has clearly not slackened. Those Catholics who do not understand the extent of the danger that now threatens them are either stupid or blinded by a rather convenient sort of faith — for to preach love in all circumstances and forgiveness of the most atrocious crimes is the best excuse for cowards to constantly justify their own inaction.

  The numerous attacks on churches that were foiled in both France and other countries and the aggressions perpetrated against Christians in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Philippines and all of Oceania prove that Christianity and its symbols have become the targets of an Islam that is now openly moving on to warlike jihad on a global scale, as if by some kind of contagion. To increase its atavistic aggressiveness, it has proceeded to take advantage of its prey’s own weaknesses. Regardless of the presence of emasculated European states, never have Islam’s ambitions come up against such a weak and unresponsive Christianity as the one symbolised by Pope Francis, who is both a traitor and a madman.

  A predator, however, is always excited by its prey’s good-naturedness. When we deny the threat and try to hide the fact that it has now entered an active phase, we rob ourselves of our ability to respond to it. Donald Trump is, to my knowledge, the only head of state ever to have stated anything like this:

  The Islamic State and other terrorists are constantly attacking Christians in their communities and places of worship
. The situation is only getting worse, and the civilised world must change its way of thinking.

  And he is absolutely right.

  The Real Reasons for Anti-Catholic Hostility

  These reasons are neither of a religious nor of an ideological nature, but are, above all, sociological — trapped in a state of mental torpor and always in denial of reality, the pacifistic, blinded, Islamophilic and hopelessly anti-racist dominant ideology pretends not to have seen or detected our inner enemy. One must not forget the example of Vincent Peillon, our (socialist) former Minister of Education, who acted as the licensed parrot of the official vulgate of political correctness and is also a notorious Islamo-collaborationist. In January 2017, Peillon had the gall to liken the fate of Muslims to that of Jews under Vichy, accusing our French secularism of discriminating against them.

  Obsessed with the olden days of the mouldering French Revolution and Third Republic, the Islamophilic Left has not ceased to espouse anti-clerical attitudes and has been wallowing in Pavlovian anti-Catholicism, as seen during the occasionally brutal and disproportionate repression targeting the Manif Pour Tous, the anti-homosexual marriage movement organised by Catholic networks (excluding the clerical hierarchy).

  In actual fact, the purpose is not so much for the Left — and the hegemonic ideology it imposes on our entire political spectrum — to attack our currently defenceless priesthood and Catholicism, whose priests and believers are steadily decreasing, as to express its animosity towards this sociologically Catholic and indigenous France, with its generally large families and heterosexual members who marry their own kind, remaining respectful of our traditions, attached to our French identity and rooted in their age-old homeland. In short, WHITE PEOPLE are the ones targeted. Despite the fact that it never displays any aggression nor harms anyone, this class of culturally Catholic Whites irritates these insane leftists, who consider its presence to be completely unacceptable and a source of disorder in our new-found national landscape.

  Will the Left’s pathological, masochistic, rancid and unhealthy anti-White/anti-French racism one day be complicit in murderous acts, perhaps? Very possibly so. The coming racial war will also pit Whites against each other, on both sides of the conflict — on the one hand, those who want to protect their own genes and, on the other, the traitors who long to disappear, dragging their whole people along with them into their bizarre suicide.

  Have You Ever Met Genuinely Racist Catholics? I Definitely Haven’t!

  The main problem is that we do not seem to have an adequate response plan in the face of this leftist hatred of Christianity and its cultural wealth. Whether against their political opponents (progressists and seculars) or, more generally, their historical adversaries (mainly Muslim conquerors), Catholics lack the necessary panache.

  At this stage, we find ourselves slightly outside our analysis, as we enter the realm of assessment and summarise our experience. For my part, I have never met a single Catholic who could be described as racist (with all that the word implies and truly means), even in the company of nationalistic Catholics who consider themselves to be strict traditionalists. It is all quite simple, actually: ask any patriotic Catholic if an African who also happens to be a patriot and has recently converted to Christianity should be sent home in the event of a mass de-migration process that would follow our side’s lightninglike assumption of power. You will see how long they will hesitate before giving you an answer. There we have it! No, seriously now, hesitations of this order are no longer acceptable. We have no time to waste on such childishness. Foreigners are DIFFERENT FROM US and must return to their homeland as soon as possible. Period.

  I do not know whether Catholicism has been burdening itself with this kind of misplaced modesty in other parts of the world, but I do know that, every year, thousands of Polish believers come together to protest against the Islamic invasion of Europe.120 Anything is therefore possible, although I do see things as they really are: our right-wing Catholics are prisoners of their own intellectualism and of an annoying sort of biological relativism. In their eyes, Blacks and Maghrebian people have a soul just like ours. They do not wish to fight at all and, at best, establish a sort club to reflect on immaterial things such as love, brotherhood, Jesus Christ, symbols, etc. All of this would, of course, be fascinating if we were not already on the brink of being wiped off the face of the Earth, damn it!

  At this point of our book, everyone should be able to understand that in order to win a racial war, one must first be racist, regardless of whether one participate in it willingly or reluctantly. One must acknowledge others as being different, categorise them as ‘enemies’, hate them and then fight against them.

  A racial AND civil war will involve violence, as well as terrible tragedy and injustice. Making very quick decisions will turn out to be necessary. We must accept the fact that some deaths, even within the enemy camp, will neither be just nor pleasant to cause. An indigenous person must, however, choose other natives over all foreigners, rather than prefer some allogeneic ‘brothers in Christ’. In their desire to soften the hearts of the French people fighting them, many immigrants will attempt to play this card. They will try to come across as unreproachable Christians so as to make us lower our weapons. I therefore hope that white Catholics will not stand in the way of our identitarians in an effort to save their beloved mulattoes. Indeed, those that shall strive to prevent us from doing what is necessary and cleansing the continent will soon be seen for what they obviously are — nothing more than traitors.

  Chapter VIII:

  The Jews Amidst the Racial War

  The Jewish Community in the Front-Row Seats

  As I have previously suggested in my book entitled The New Jewish Question, which has often been misunderstood, one can predict that a civil war between the different communities of France will actively involve the Jews. The latter community faces a virulent and growing wave of anti-Semitism that no longer comes from the traditional far-Right, unless we count its psychotic representatives such as Alain Soral, who is both fascinated and manipulated by extremist Muslims. Instead, it originates from Arab and Afro-Islamic milieus, whose members are young and vindictive.

  For a decade or so, these third-world populations have increasingly been targeting Jews with abuse, crime, vandalism and threatening words that always go unpunished, as part of a development that can no longer be denied by observers, all of whom must also acknowledge that no act of violence, aggression or retaliation has ever been undertaken by the members of the Jewish community in return. Just like our native French people, the Jews have allowed themselves to be harassed and killed by Maghrebian scum, without ever doing anything about it, unless one counts the pressure exerted by Jewish associations on the French government in an effort to have their synagogues protected by experienced soldiers. To my knowledge, however, no Jew has ever reacted individually, i.e. in the pagan and manly sense generally ascribed to the term.

  Lowbrow anti-Zionists keep repeating that Jewish lobbies are actually behind the Afro-Arab-Muslim immigrational invasion. What they forget is, on the one hand, that it is the Jewish community itself that suffers most as a result of the assassinations, bullying and incessant aggression that Mohammedan colonisation generates, and, on the other, that the main pro-immigration and Islamophilic pressure groups are not Jewish but belong, instead, either to leftist humanitarian associations with no apparent link to Jewry or are associated with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which supports the ideas of Pope Francis.

  The ‘court Jews’ I have mentioned elsewhere are a different case. They are all calculating intellectuals (Todd, Minc, Morin, Kouchner, in a list that is far too long for me to complete) who have cut themselves off from their own community, and especially its popular fringe, and are not particularly attached to Israel. They have thus chosen for themselves the path of ambiguity and negotiation. They are nothing but filthy collaborators.

  In the event of a racial civil war involving allo
geneous Muslims, which, in my opinion, is no longer a conjecture but a certainty, one can predict that the population of Jewish origin will find itself in the front row and endure extreme aggressions that may well resemble those it has already experienced both in Europe and elsewhere. The historical destiny of this people is to start from scratch, again and again, everywhere and identically.

  The Threat of a New Kind of Anti-Semitism

  Jewish historian Georges Bensoussan has contributed to the collective work entitled A New Anti-Semitism in France, which was released in 2018. Having been accused of racism (how original, oh la la!) and Islamophobia, especially by the biased and rather ambiguous CCIF, whose activities we have already covered at length, he was fortunately acquitted. The book goes back to the horrible and incredible case of Sarah Halimi, a Jewish sexagenarian tortured at home — to cries of allahu akbar! — by one of her neighbours, a large black Muslim man, who then proceeded to fatally defenestrate her. The event was marked by a scandalous and very fishy absence of intervention on the part of the approximately twenty policemen that the building’s inhabitants had called and asked to intervene; not to mention our justice system’s suspicious delay in qualifying this abominable crime as ‘anti-Semitic’, a crime whose author was not thrown in prison immediately, but first placed in a psychiatric hospital for being — guess what? ‘Unbalanced’. How typical.


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