Ethnic Apocalypse

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Ethnic Apocalypse Page 24

by Guillaume Faye

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  TN: My Family Life Among the Bobos and Bearded Men of Jean-Pierre Timbaud Street.

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  AN: History is fraught with numerous myths centred around minor or major events. They consist of exaggerations, omissions or fabrications and always serve a certain ideology. It all began very early with the great fire of Rome that was allegedly lit by Emperor Nero’s henchmen in July, AD 64 to accuse Christians and act as a pretext for subsequent persecution. Such claims are a fallacy, for the fire was merely an accident. The Muslim-Arab world has given rise to an anthology of myths that are often utterly deceptive and nowadays relayed by the dominant ideology. The first of these is the tall tale describing the tolerance and scientific and cultural creativity of the Arab-Andalusian civilisation that settled in conquered Spain, which contradicts reality entirely. Next in line is the exaggeration of slavery. The exaggeration of the slave trade is concomitant with the great silence surrounding Muslim-Arab slavery, which was much more important and harsher and was supplemented by centuries of looting, raiding and piracy in the Mediterranean, a taboo subject that is rarely discussed. Let us also bear in mind the official and globalised lies about the alleged misdeeds, crimes and exploitation of European colonialism. Indeed, political mythology has a bright future ahead of it.

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  TN: Arthur Schopenhauer (22nd February, 1788–21st September, 1860) was a German philosopher. He is most famous for his work entitled The World as Will and Representation (penned in 1818 and expanded in 1844), in which he defines the phenomenal world as the product of a blind and insatiable metaphysical will.

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  AN: As stated by RT.France:

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  TN: Wahhabism is a Muslim doctrine and religious movement founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab during the eighth century. It has been labelled ‘ultraconservative’, ‘austere’, ‘fundamentalist’ and ‘puritan(ical)’. It is an Islamic ‘reform movement’ whose purpose is to restore ‘pure monotheistic worship’ (Arabic: tawhid). In actual fact, the term Wahhabi(ism) is often used polemically and those that abide by such precepts ordinarily reject its use, preferring to be called Salafi(un) or muwahhid(un) instead.

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  TN: On 23rd March, 2018, a series of Islamist terrorist attacks shook the towns of Carcassonne and Trèbes in southern France. Radouane Lakdim, a twenty-five-year-old Moroccan-born ‘French’ Muslim, shot the two occupants of a car in Carcassonne, killing the passenger and hijacking the vehicle. He then opened fire on four police officers, leaving one of them severely wounded. Lakdim subsequently drove to nearby Trèbes, where he stormed a Super U supermarket, slaughtering two civilians and wounding others before taking at least one hostage. Having sworn allegiance to the Islamic State, he demanded the release of Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving suspect of the November 2015 Paris attacks. A high-ranking gendarmerie officer, Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, volunteered to swap places with a hostage. Following a three-hour deadlock, he was shot and fatally stabbed by Lakdim and died a hero shortly afterwards.

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  TN: Despite spending several decades in France, El Hadi Doudi was never granted French citizenship, which enabled the French authorities to expel him from the country in April 2018. There are, unfortunately, others who, unlike him, were born on French soil and thus became French citizens.

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  TN: Born on 5th March, 1944, Élisabeth Badinter is a French philosopher, author and historian who, during the 1989 Islamic scarf controversy, co-wrote an open letter to the then Minister of Education, Lionel Jospin, demanding that all girls who refuse to remove their headscarves be banned from attending school.

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  TN: Pascal Bruckner is a French author who, in 2006, published a book entitled La Tyrannie de la Pénitence: Essai sur le Masochisme Occidental (The Tyranny of Guilt: An Essay on Western Masochism), in which he states that Western intellectuals have been guilt-tripping themselves and opening the West up to an Afro-Muslim mass invasion that threatens to erase the very foundations of Western culture.

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  TN: Namely his maternal grandfather, Hassan al-Banna, who was an Egyptian schoolteacher and imam and is famous for having established the above-mentioned Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential Islamic revivalist organisations.

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  TN: Le Bourget is a commune in the north-eastern Parisian suburbs located 10.6 km from the centre of Paris.

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  TN: The Urgency and the Essential.

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  TN: Born on 16th May, 1951, Emmanuel Todd is a French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) in Paris.

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  TN: Identified in the French civil registry as Alain Bonnet but often using his full name Alain Bonnet de Soral, Alain Soral is a Franco-Swiss writer, journalist, essayist, and film maker. Having initially been a communist and later worked for the National Front, Soral has gone on to establish his own political association, Égalité & Réconciliation (Equality and Reconciliation).

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  TN: Who Is Charlie?

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  TN: The suffix -latry is synonymous with ‘worship of’.

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  TN: For Muslims.

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  AN: This association’s very name is an oxymoron.

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  TN: Born on 19th September, 1975, Caroline Fourest is a French feminist writer, film director, journalist, radio presenter at France Culture, and editor of ProChoix magazine. She has authored a book entitled Frère Tariq (‘Brother Tariq’), in which she criticises the works of Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan.

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  TN: Born on 2nd February, 1952 in Cayenne, French Guiana, Christiane Taubira acted as the French Minister of Justice in the Ayrault government. Her reforms and positions sparked a great deal of controversy, especially when it comes to gay marriage and the rights of terrorists and criminals.

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  TN: A former politician, Cécile Duflot is currently part of Oxfam, a confederation of twenty independent charitable organisations striving to ‘alleviate of global poverty’.

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  AN: What few are aware of is that when the first veiled girls appeared in the Parisian region back in the early 1980s, they caused great controversy in circles with close ties to feminism, whose members rightly perceived the veil as an expression of women’s oppression. Anticipating the quibbles of today’s Islamo-leftists, the first to defend these veiled women was an intellectual considered to be part of the ‘far Right’ — Alain de Benoist. De Benoist published a dithyrambic and fanatical opinion column in Le Monde in which he supported these young Muslims. A convinced Islamophile, he spared no effort to get closer to his friends, maintaining, for example, extremely cordial and constant relations with the regime of the mullahs of Tehran…

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  TN: Gauche caviar (i.e. the caviar Left) is a pejorative French term referring to someone who claims to be a socialist but lives in a manner that contradict the very values he allegedly believes in. It is thus very similar in meaning to the English ‘champagne socialist’.

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  TN: Born on 1st September, 1930, Michel Serres is a French philosopher, theorist and author whose works revolve around subjects such as death, angels and time.

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  TN: Born in 1957, Francis Cousin is a French writer and analytical philosopher who has spent most of his life flirting with anarchism and communism. This, however, has not prevented him from maintaining close ties to certain ‘far-right’ figures.

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  TN: Terror in the French Hexagon.

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  TN: World of Books.

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  TN: Le Point is a French political and news magazine published on a weekly basis in Paris, France.

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  TN: François Bayrou is a centrist politician and the president of the Democratic Movement (MoDem). He was appointed Minister of National Education under three different governments and supported Macron during the latest presidential elections.

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  TN: Saint James the Moor-slayer (Spanish: Santiago Matamoros) is the name given to various representations of the apostle James, a mythical and miraculous figure who appeared at the equally mythical Battle of Clavijo and enabled the Christians to defeat the Muslim Moors.

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  TN: The French Situation.

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  AN: Underhandedly run by Alain de Benoist, a discreetly Islamophilic figure who is always careful not to protest against our country’s immigrational invasion and Islamisation, nor even mention it, Élements avoids tackling any issues that might upset people, of course. One would think one was reading one of Le Monde des livres’ own publications. The periodical thus steers a course between Scylla and Charybdis, between two imperatives, namely that of preserving its very right-oriented readership and that of looking at the dominant ideology with puppy-dog eyes, while simultaneously indulging in the criticism of ‘ultra-liberalism’, the commodification of the world, and, depending on the circumstances, the United States of America (the eternal safety valve of idiotic thinkers). Its criticism is therefore always risk-free and rewarding in the editorial marketing world. When I myself worked as the Secretary of Studies and Research — and Pierre Vial as the Secretary General — of GRECE, whose principal organ was none other than Élements itself, the tone adopted by the journal was considered incorrect and, most importantly, it actually developed its own doctrine.

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  TN: Observatory of Secularism.

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  TN: The New Anticapitalist Party.

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  TN: This inexistent word is a combination of ‘(de) souche’, meaning ‘indigenous’ or ‘native’, and ‘chiens’, i.e. ‘dogs’, sounding like ‘sous-chiens’ (another invented term that can be rendered in English as ‘less-than-dogs’).

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  AN: Much less influential than these Islamo-leftists are the Islamo-fascists. One could say that their sympathy for Islam is due to the very same reason — a fascination with dictatorial totalitarianism and violence, regarded as the sole proof of one’s manhood. Centred around a handful of gurus, this movement represents a modest yet profitable market.

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  AN: On 23rd September, 2018, Bergoglio made the following insane and unforgivable statement when speaking to the faithful in Lithuania: ‘You, as Lithuanians, have an original message to bring — that of welcoming differences, … and becoming a bridge that unites the East and the West’. Source:

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  TN: La Manif Pour Tous, literally ‘Manifestation for All’ and correctly ‘Demonstration for All’, was initially launched to protest against the French bill on same-sex marriage, but soon began to advocate further values such as the defence of the traditional family and the rejection of a fictitious ‘gender theory’.

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  AN: To speak, as all Muslims do, of a ‘merciful god’ when invoking allah is to laugh in the world’s face, is it not? Not at all. Indeed, ‘merciful’ does not mean ‘full of goodness’, but ‘one that willingly forgives’ his obedient and faithful followers’ wrongdoings, even when his commandments are cruel. Just like many ancient pagan deities, allah is a sacrificial god that demands that one immolates and kills in his name. All the murders committed by Muslims, which involve the use of knives, assault rifles, vehicle-ramming or explosives and are always accompanied by cries of ‘allahu akbar!’, are nothing but acts of human sacrifice.

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  TN: In the Poland of the 1980s, Solidarność (Solidarity) was a broad anti-bureaucratic social movement that resorted to the methods of civil resistance in an effort to advance the causes of workers’ rights and social change. The response of the Polish communist regime to these activities was often both brutal and uncompromising.

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  TN: Institut français d’opinion publique, or French Public Opinion Institute.

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  AN: Portraying migrants as harmless refugees under the pretext of rejecting ‘amalgamations’, Merkel and Macron have seen their self-righteousness and deceit denied by the facts. Indeed, crime figures have skyrocketed in all areas where the rate of migrants has exceeded a certain threshold. Checkmate!

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  TN: Jean-Pierre Pernaut is a news reader and broadcaster on French television.

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  AN: The event takes place whenever Poles celebrate their Independence Day. On 11th November, 2018, some friends invited me to attend, but my failing health prevented me from taking such a trip. A fact that I deeply regret, since the event has left a lasting impression on me, both in terms of attendance and quality.

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  TN: Pierre Hillard is a French essayist, editorialist and a Doctor of political sciences.

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  TN: Organised on 16th–17th July, 1942, the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup (French: Rafle du Vélodrome d’Hiver, commonly known as Rafle du Vel’ d’Hiv’) was a Nazi-led raid that involved the mass arrest of Jews by the French police in Paris.

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  TN: The International League Against Racism and Antisemitism.

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  AN: The following comments are taken from an interview with Guillaume Faye conducted by a young journalist with liberal right-wing views, Grégoire Canlorbe, and posted on his blog at the following address:

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  TN: Originally from Sepharad, Spain, Sephardic Jews are a Jewish ethnic group.

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  AN: Eretz Israel is a religious term that relates to a divine promise, and was first used in Samuel 1, 13:19. It is a geographical area that includes the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the cradle of the Jewish people.

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  TN: Periscope is a live video streaming app for Android and iOS developed by Kayvon Beykpour and Joe Bernstein and later acquired by Twitter.

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  TN: Hang the Whites.

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  TN: Opération Sentinelle (Operation Sentinel) is a French military operation involving 10,000 soldiers and 4,700 police officers and gendarmes tasked with ensuring the protection of sensitive ‘points’ against terrorism across the entire French territory. The operation was initiated in response to the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks.

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  TN: Total Incapacity to Work.

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  TN: Pôle emploi (French for ‘employment centre’) is a French governmental agency whose function is to register unemployed people, help them find work and offer them financial aid.

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  TN: The .22 Long Rifle or simply .22 LR is a long-established variety of .22 calibre rimfire ammunition which, in terms of units sold, remains by far the most common type of ammunition today.

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  TN: The Borloo plan is the name of project proposed by Jean-Louis Borloo to the French government on 30th June, 2004 and focusing on improved employment, better housing and equal opportunities for all. It is a so-called ‘social cohesion plan’.

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  AN: In the 1960s, the partisans and militants of the African-American cause, which had emancipated itself from the Whites, embraced mass conversion to Islam, which they regarded as the banner of non-Whites and perhaps even as being hostile to Whites. Boxing world heavyweight champion Cassius Clay changed his name to Mohammed Ali, and the Black Muslims movement also enjoyed a certain success.

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  AN: This is the case of all propaganda, even the sophisticated kind: in the face of repeated events, it gradually grows weaker, and the unhealthy and unsustainable regime collapses, either willingly or by force.

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  AN: This use of the term ‘racised’, a neologism meant to designate non-Whites, is a very interesting one, since it betrays a blatant inferiority complex (Whites do not belong to a race, they are apart, above) and a relentless racial obsession.


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