Loving Nicole: Savage Brothers MC

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Loving Nicole: Savage Brothers MC Page 4

by Marie, Jordan

  “He can’t protect us anyway,” Dani argues.

  “Yes, he can.”

  “No, he can’t.”

  “Damn it, Dani. Dragon needs to be prepared. There’s too much to lose.”

  “I know that, Nic. Don’t you think I know that? Fuck. Don’t you get that I live daily with all the losses I’ve had since I met Michael Kavanagh?”

  “Dani…I don’t mean…”

  “I know what you mean, Nic. Fuck, I know what I’ve cost you. I do. I wake up with nightmares about it. That’s why I want to leave now. To protect you and little Dragon. Fuck, even to protect Dragon. I don’t want any of you to get hurt. Michael is my problem. You guys didn’t choose this.”

  “You didn’t exactly choose it either, Dani.” I defend because she didn’t. Even the fucked up choices that she’s made, I couldn’t say I wouldn’t have made the exact same ones. Hell, maybe even worse ones.

  “I made the choice to bring you into them. I shouldn’t have.”

  “Fuck that. You couldn’t do it on your own.”

  “I could have, I was weak. I should have fought to keep you safe.”

  “Afternoon, ladies.”

  My head jerks around to see an older man standing by our table. He’s stocky, not overweight really, it’s more like muscles that have been neglected over the years. His hair is gray. Something about him sends off warning bells.

  “Not interested, buddy. Move along,” Dani says. Perhaps she doesn’t get the same vibe from him, I’m not sure. She barely glances at him.

  “Really, Mrs. Kavanagh, I assumed you would be most interested in what I have to say.”

  My heart stops. My eyes lock onto Dani’s. I watch as the color slowly drains from her face.

  “Sorry, you have the wrong person,” I say, reaching under the table to put my hand on Dani’s leg. Her hand meets mine under the table and grips it tight.

  “Oh, I don’t believe I do at all, Ms. Wentworth.”

  “That’s Mrs. West.”

  “That’s not quite true. At least not yet.”

  “Who the hell are you?” I tear my eyes away from Dani and look at the stranger. He’s too damn smug and condescending to suit me.

  “That’s neither here nor there right now. I have a message for you, Melinda. It’s from your husband.”

  “I…I don’t….”

  “Save it, we both know that you would be lying. Mr. Kavanagh will be in town next week. He will expect you at this address on the day and time listed. Do not disappoint him,” he says putting a piece of paper on the table.

  Dani looks at it and then back up at the stranger. Slowly, her back stiffens and the fear that had been dogging her since she got the reminder of her past life disappears. She meets his eyes, her face is cold and not an ounce of the fear she is truly feeling shows. Her hands cross under her breasts and she gives off the badass vibe that she has adopted since she first ran to me years ago.

  “You can tell Mr. Kavanagh to go fuck himself—preferably with a sawed-off shotgun and the safety in the off position.”

  The man looks at her and you can see the disdain in his eyes and the way he regards her. I want to strike out at him, but I don’t. Doing so will only make a bad situation worse.

  “I can see hiding in the hills with a bunch of uneducated Neanderthals has had an unfortunate effect on you, Mrs. Kavanagh. A shame but, hopefully, not an irrevocable change.”

  “Being around real people has had a fucking great effect on me, douche bag. Why don’t you get the fuck out of here so I can enjoy my dinner? I got to tell you, your stink is starting to affect my appetite.”

  “Really, Mrs. Kavanagh, I do hope you remember who you are before you meet with your husband.”

  Dani flips him off with both fingers and the man’s face colors as the other customers take notice because, well, Dani is not being quiet.

  “I would suggest you remember your station before coming to your husband.”

  “I would suggest you go to hell.”

  “Do not make Mr. Kavanagh come and get you. Rest assured your punishment will be much worse if you do. You have brought enough disgrace upon the Kavanagh name.”

  Dani and I remain quiet as we watch the asshole walk off. I hear Dani let out a breath and move my head to watch her. It’s then I see the tell-tale trembling in her hands and the over-bright sheen in her eyes.

  “I’m going to have to leave, Nic.”

  I nod. She can’t stay—not now.

  “I know. I’ll help you relocate and we’ll…”


  “Dani, I can…”

  “You can’t be part of it. I will not be responsible for you getting hurt anymore.”

  “Dani, we’ve been over this.”

  “We have, so you should understand. It’s time I stand on my own two feet.”

  “We need to talk about….”

  “No, at least not right now. Here come’s Crusher. Let’s just let it go for now. You get back to Dragon.”

  “What about you? Where are you going?”

  “Think I’ll head down to the Den and find someone to scratch an itch,” she says and I’m probably the only person who can tell that the smile doesn’t reach her eyes—not even a little bit.

  “If you want company tonight Hell Cat, I’m free.”

  Dani leans back, her lips going into a full kiss-my-ass-kind-of-smirk.

  “Hell Cat?”

  “It seems to fit,” he shrugs.

  Dani shakes her head and gets up from the table.

  “I don’t think so, stud.”

  “Baby, I could scratch your itch so well you’d purr for days.”

  “From what I hear your scratcher has been around so much, it’s liable to cause an itch a girl needs medicine for.”

  “Didn’t realize I was dealing with Queen Elizabeth.”

  She stops and turns around and looks at him. I can’t stop from watching them. In some ways they remind me of the way Dragon and I are with each other.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Crusher?” She asks.

  “The virgin queen?”

  She shakes her head, “Long way from a virgin baby, I just don’t happen to want Nikki and Lips’ sloppy seconds.”

  “I could make sure you liked it.”

  “Bigger men than you have tried and failed—and I do mean bigger,” Dani says before turning around and walking away from us.

  “See? Pussy with claws. Hell Cat,” Crusher yells back and Dani flips him off, not bothering to turn around. If I wasn’t so worried about her, I would have laughed.

  Chapter 7


  I’m sitting in the club, with my woman in my lap. The place is mostly empty tonight. All the brothers have gone to the Den or Pussy’s. In fact, besides me and Nicole, the only other ones around are Hawk, Frog and Nailer. They’re playing cards with one of the new prospects. A few of the Twinkies are hanging around them. The mood in the club seems almost depressing. I can’t remember it being like this except for right after we found out about Irish. I still don’t understand his betrayal. It had to be about more than money, but I’ve tried for months and months to find out more—there just seems to be nothing to find. I try to pull my mind out of those dark thoughts, before they have time to settle too deep.

  “You’re awful quiet, Mama.”

  “Got a lot on my mind tonight,” she whispers.

  I reach down and grab her hand, bringing it to my lips, before locking our fingers together and pressing them against my chest.

  “You’ve been quiet since you came back from the dress fitting. Talk to me.”

  “I just have a lot to think about. I’m okay, Dragon,” she says. I hate this feeling in my gut that tells me my woman is not being completely truthful with me, so I try to tap it down. I don’t really succeed.

  “Someone has been stalking around the club.”

  I feel her stiffen up against me and the muscles in her hands contract.


  “Hanging around outside the gates, filming. Visiting the club businesses. That kind of thing.”

  “Any idea who?” She asks and there’s a tremor in her voice. Is it concern for the club or fear of something else? Fuck.

  “Not really, no. We have a few leads.”

  “I see,” she says and you can definitely hear the tremor in her voice.

  “Anything you want to tell me, Mama?”

  “Should there be?” She asks, curling into my side and burying her face into my shoulder. I can feel the moisture against my skin.

  Something is bothering her and tearing her up. I need to fix it. I can’t if she doesn’t let me in. My hand curls into her hair holding her close. What did this? What brought us to the point where she’s not trusting me? Was it something I did? Didn’t do?

  “You need to talk to me, Nicole. I know you have something going on. Talk to me about it so I can help.”

  “I think Dani’s going to leave,” she whispers.

  A big part of me is pissed the fuck off that the woman is causing problems for my girl. I can’t lie, there’s even another part of me that is happy to see her leave. Still, if her leaving is what is wrong with Nicole, I need to try and stop that. I want my woman happy.


  “She…she feels it’d be better for her to start over somewhere else. She…she feels guilty over…,” she pauses as if trying to pick her words out carefully. “…She feels guilty over the choices she made.”

  I kiss the top of Nicole’s head.

  “Would it help if I talked to her?”

  “No. I think it’s probably for the best.”

  “She’ll be here for the wedding baby, and you can still keep in touch with her,” I say trying to make her feel better, and figuring I’m failing when her tears fall harder against my neck.

  “No. She’ll be leaving before the wedding.”

  “Who’s leaving?”

  I look up to give Crusher a pissed off glare, but he ignores it—like usual. Instead he sits down across from me and Nic.

  “Have a seat,” I grumble with sarcasm, which is completely lost on Crusher.

  He flips me off and takes a swig of his beer. “So, who’s leaving?”

  “Dani,” I tell him, holding Nic closer.

  He looks at me and I can tell the news upsets him. He is not a happy motherfucker. I don’t like it, for numerous reasons. Maybe it is good that Dani is leaving.

  “Gonna take my woman to bed,” I grumble, and stand up with Nicole still in my arms, my arm under her legs and my other arm around her upper body. She used to complain when I carted her around. She’s given that up, thank fuck. I guess she realized it won’t do her a bit of good, I love having her in my arms.

  “Good enough. See ya’ tomorrow, Boss-man.”

  I grunt my reply. I lay Nicole on our bed and go back and lock the door, returning to hold her close. I listen to her crying in the dark, letting her get it out of her system.

  “Mama, is there something more going on with Dani?”

  There’s no immediate reply so I let the silence stretch out farther.


  “Dragon, she’s leaving. Can’t we just let it go at that? If she was staying, then maybe it would matter.”

  “I can help her…”

  “I’m just going to miss her. She’ll be safe.”

  Safe. That word punches me in the gut. I should question her farther, I should demand more information. I do neither of those. Maybe I’m just fucking tired of all the shit that’s been coming at my family. I don’t fucking know. So, I don’t question it. I put my hand over my woman’s stomach and feel my son kick and just remain quiet. It doesn’t take long, twenty minutes at the most and my woman is sleeping. Her breathing evens out, she’s got this cute little whistle that couldn’t be called a snore and she curls into me.

  I carefully get my pillow and pad it gently to her side so she can hug it, then I get up. I’m not sleeping, not with all this shit in my head. I leave the room with one last glance at my woman. I’m upset with her. Fuck yeah, I am. She should trust me enough to talk to me. I can’t make her—which means I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands.

  “Hey Drag, you’re stirring late,” Dancer says, as I make it to the main entrance of the club.

  “Yeah. What are you doing here?” I ask, because it’s not a secret that Dancer hates being around the club. Brother is doing better, but he still can’t handle large crowds. On the times I’ve seen him with them, he keeps Red close.

  “Carrie was craving some of Nicole’s homemade strawberry dip. So she begged until I brought her ass here to raid the Club’s fridge. So late now, I figure we’ll stay here and go home in the morning.”

  “We’ve become pussy-whipped brother, wrapped around the fingers of two women. Never thought I’d fucking see the day.”

  Dance shrugs, “Can’t answer for you, but no fucking place I’d rather be. It sure as hell is more than I deserve.”

  I nod, I can’t argue. I feel the same.

  “Glad to see you and Red are working through shit.”

  For a minute his eyes take on a glazed haunted look, but it’s gone so quick I almost miss it.

  “What’s up with you anyway? Hardly ever see you around once Nicole goes to bed.”

  “That’s because her body is a hell of a lot nicer to be around than your ugly ass, but fuck, you’re never here, so what do you know?”

  “Point made. Still?” He says, motioning with his drink.

  I look at him, he’s not drinking alcohol. Brother is drinking a damn Coke out of a can. He hasn’t touched a drop since he got his woman back. He wasn’t an alcoholic, but he said it was too tempting to lose himself in the bottle. He said it was much more enjoyable to lose himself in his woman. I have to agree, but I’m pouring myself a shot of Jack. Dance moves over and I stare at the drink I just poured.

  “Some kind of shit is going down with Nic’s girl, Dani.”

  “Fuck a duck.”

  “That about sums it up.”

  “Bad? Should I take Carrie and Nicole out of here?”

  “Nah, at least I don’t think so. Nicole would tell me if it was that serious. I get the feeling it might be some ex-boyfriend.”

  “Damn, that girl is fucked in the head when it comes to that shit.”


  “Drag? You think it’s cool?” He asks putting his empty can on the bar.

  My finger is moving over the rim of my glass. Every part of me wants to say fuck no. At the same time, I know if Nicole knew something would endanger the club then she’d tell me. I trust my woman.

  “Drag?” He asks standing up.

  I down my drink and drop it on the bar.

  “Yeah man, I’m sure.”

  “Sure about what?” Red asks coming out of the kitchen.

  “Hey Red, you’re looking good.”

  “Hey Dragon,” she says in her quiet voice. She goes immediately to Dancer’s side and curls into him. Dancer’s hand comes automatically over her shoulder and he kisses the top of her head. “Sure about what?”

  “Nothing, Care Bear. Just asking Dragon if he needed my help with something.”

  “I don’t, but if it changes, I’ll hit you up.”

  Dance nods.

  “You want to go home or stay here?”

  Red holds up her container of dip that she got from the fridge, “Let’s go home.”

  “Got what you came for?” Dance asks smiling down at her, and it feels good to see my brother happy.

  “Oh yeah,” Red says.

  “What do you plan on eating that with? We don’t have any strawberries in the house.”

  She looks up at him and blushes a darker red than her hair. Dance throws his head back and laughs. He laughs. Shit, I still find that unreal.

  “Care Bear, one of these days you are so going to tell me what I want to hear without blushing.”

“Jacob, hush.” She mumbles as he takes her in his arms and hugs her. She peeks over his arm at me and I just shake my head.

  “Catch you two on the flip side.”

  “You got it, brother,” Dance says as they turn to leave.

  “Take it easy on my brother Red, he’s an old man you know.”

  “Fuck off, Dragon,” he barks, giving me the one-fingered salute.

  I laugh. I’m glad to see my brother doing so much better. We still have to get revenge for him. He asked me to hold up. He wants to do it himself, but says he’s not ready. I’ve not pushed it. Seems I have enough fires to put out.

  Once they leave, I lock the doors. Anyone else wants in, they have keys. I’m starting to feel that burning in my gut all the time now. Fuck, I hope Nicole isn’t holding out on me.

  Chapter 8


  “When are you leaving?” I ask Dani. It’s the next day, and we’re sitting at one of the picnic tables outside the club compound.

  It’s a gorgeous summer day and with fall approaching soon, I want to enjoy it. My hand absently strokes my stomach. I do it a lot, but more so lately. Dani and I have a complex relationship, but it is close in ways no one but the two of us will ever understand. We’ve been through hell together. When I needed a friend and had no one, Dani was there. When she was actually trapped in hell, I helped to bring her out. Our secrets, our sadness bonded us together. So, the thought of bringing little Dragon into this world and not having Dani there to hold my hand, to be with me…it kills me. I can’t tell her that but I know she feels it. I know that she is terrified to leave. I also know she doesn’t have a choice now and that sucks. I hate Michael Kavanagh, despise him. I’d like to cut off his balls and deep fry… No, I want to deep fry his balls while they were still attached and then cut them off and feed them to him. That’d be infinitely better.

  “Not sure. Soon though. Definitely way before my supposed meeting with the hubby.”

  “Good plan. Hey, at least we got warning and he just didn’t swoop in and grab us,” I answer, trying to make light of it. I actually am surprised he didn’t take Dani forcibly, before we had a heads up.

  “It’s his way. He likes to be dramatic and bigger than life.”


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