Yes, I Can Do This

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Yes, I Can Do This Page 6

by Laran Mithras

  Tina shifted again. "You don't hate me?"

  He laughed. "Um, no. Why would I hate you?"

  "Well, your wife, and all…"

  He waved a hand. "Look, she's always been that way with women who aren't as…well-endowed as her…you know. Goes back to high school, even."

  "Some friend she'd make, huh?"


  "And you aren't all about huge…?" She motioned with one hand.

  He laughed again. "Well, not really. I didn't marry her for her boobs."

  This is interesting. She crossed her arms. "No?"

  "She's a bright woman underneath all that bluster."

  Don't remind me; she easily outwitted me at the pool. "You don't say."

  He shrugged. "Not that she'd ever show that to you. Yeah, I guess you're right." He nodded. "You two would never be friends."

  "Can't say I'd miss it."

  He gave her a serious look. "That's a shame, isn't it?"

  Tina shrugged.

  "You and Gerald seem so nice."

  "We are."

  He coughed and let out a sigh.

  She said, "We could all probably be friends if she wasn't involved."

  He looked at her for a moment in silence.

  She fidgeted and looked toward her parking lot. "I should go—"


  "Hmm?" She was ready to brush off the awkward conversation.

  "How about I come over for drinks and talk to you and your husband?"

  "She'd allow that?"

  "She gets off later than we do."


  "You're a nice couple; at least let me apologize for Valerie."

  "I suppose…"

  He winked. "I'll drop by tonight."

  No way in hell you're going to convince me to like your wife. I'd rather have Tori licking my clit than Valerie ever smiling at me. "Well, okay…"


  Tina was on the phone with her husband.

  He said, "So you have a hot date tonight?"

  She rolled her eyes, even if he couldn't see it. "No, he wants to apologize for Valerie."

  "Why would he want to do that?"

  "I don't know, maybe he's embarrassed?"

  Derek appeared at her door and his face fell when he saw her talking on the phone.

  Ugh, do I really want to go to lunch with him again? She swiveled her chair away and kept talking, but she waved hello at him. "Anyway, drinks tonight."

  "What does a musclehead drink?"

  She laughed. "Uh, asparagus smoothies with protein and raw eggs?"


  "Yeah, no kidding."

  "All right, whatever. You sure he's not bringing Valerie?"

  "That's what he said, but I tell you what: if he does, I'll be running right behind you."

  She hung up the phone a moment later.

  Derek leaned back in. "Lunch?" He sounded hopeful.

  "Not today, Derek. No appetite." It was the truth.

  He looked crushed.

  It wasn't her problem.

  ~ ~ ~

  Tina was sitting on the couch, wishing the night was already over.

  Gerald said, "Is that what you're wearing?"

  She was still wearing her jeans and blouse she had worn to work. She made an annoyed face. "Yes, why?"

  "We have a guest coming over…"

  "What's wrong with this?"

  He frowned a moment. "I just thought you might wear something nicer with a man coming over."

  "Connor?" She made a face that said: are you kidding? "Imagine me in some slinky dress—"

  "You don't own one."

  "Right. So, imagine me in some slinky dress and his wife tags along."


  The doorbell rang.

  She got up and said, "Yeah, hmm." She made large eyes at him and answered the door.

  Connor stood there looking arrogant and bashful, all at the same time.

  Too bad he's married to that cunt; he's cute. "Well…come on in, I guess."

  He held a sack with a bottle in it. "Whisky?"

  She made a motion with her head towards her husband. She was relieved he was alone.

  Gerald took the sack and shook his hand. "Hey, Connor."

  "Hey, I wanted to apologize right off for what happened yesterday."

  Her husband played dumb in a cool way. "What happened?" He took the bottle out of the sack and looked at it.

  "You know, the whole Valerie thing. I love her to death, but sometimes she's so closed-minded."

  Gerald grunted at the bottle. "Nice. Let's go pour this."

  Tina didn't think that included her, so she sat on the couch while the boys had their little guy-thing pow-wow. She crossed her arms and looked at the clock. Cute or not, she wasn't going to be convinced to like Valerie.

  They stayed in the kitchen for a few minutes, murmurs coming through to the living room without audible comprehension.

  When her husband came out, she took the offered tumbler containing two fingers of amber liquid. She sipped it immediately, taking in a fair amount. Are we done now?

  Her husband sat next to her and Connor relaxed into the recliner as if he was comfortable there.

  Connor said, "I was apologizing to your husband about Valerie being so stuck up."

  She lifted an eyebrow and scrunched her mouth to the side with dismissal.

  "I also wanted to apologize for appearing to make moves on your wife…"

  Gerald squinted. "What do you mean?"

  He motioned with his tumbler. "You know, when she sat on my lap. I knew what she was doing and thought I'd play along."

  Her husband piffed and waved his glass. "That didn't bother me at all. She can be playful sometimes."

  "Ah, good. If you noticed, I tried not to touch her – just let her do her thing."

  Gerald frowned. "For me or for your wife?"

  "For you…" He trailed off and looked uncomfortable.

  Tina tried to contain a laugh. "Yeah, as if your blonde Amazon barbarian would let you touch me."

  Connor chuckled low and long, his eyebrows coming up and his head shaking as if to indicate big trouble. "Yeah, not happening."

  She sipped and said, "So why are you here? Nothing changes."

  He pursed his lips, looking into her eyes with his deep ones. "Because you're nice people."

  "Is that all?"

  He nodded. "Society is uncivil enough as it is. While I do love my wife, she has her faults. I'm here covering for them."

  Tina relaxed a bit and shifted into a more comfortable position on the couch. "I guess…that's very nice of you."

  Connor smiled – something small and simple. "Thank you."

  Gerald said, "Well, you didn't bother me any. Like I said, sometimes Tina gets playful."

  Valerie's husband nodded. "Good. I wanted to make sure; I don't want to be having problems with a nice couple like you."

  "No, no problem at all. As long as you don't mind her doing some bold things sometimes."

  Connor glanced knowingly at Tina. "Oh, she can be as bold as she wants…" He drifted off into a chuckle.

  She shifted on the couch. Was that a flirt? Or is he just giving me permission to take revenge on his wife? "Could you tell your wife not to touch my husband's private parts?"

  He laughed a little louder, but not by much. He swigged a bit of whisky. "That would just make her do it. She doesn't mean anything by it, you know. It's just her way of saying…"

  Tina raised an eyebrow. "That she's more of a woman because of her bigger tits?"

  He covered his mouth with his fist and coughed once. "Exactly."

  "It's kinda rude."

  He nodded. "It is, I know."

  "I'm not sure what I might do if she touches him again."

  Connor shrugged as if to say it was what it was. "Well, then, feel free to do what you need to do. Maybe Valerie will learn something out of it."

  Gerald looked very uncomfortable. "You two didn't hav
e words over her touching me?"


  "You know that she did actually touch my…uh…"

  "She touched your swim trunks. Like I said, she didn't mean anything suggestive by it. If I thought she was interested in you, then you and I would have to wrassle in the pool over her."

  Tina said, "So all this attention she gets doesn't bother you?"

  He chuckled and waved his tumbler. "It's who she is. For better or worse, all wrapped together. No, I don't really think she has designs on any man other than me."

  Arrogant, cocky bastard. But cute, aren't you? "That's pretty confident of you."

  "Maybe. But maybe because I know her. I should probably get going before she gets home."

  Tina was feeling vindictive. "She wears the pants in the family, huh?"

  He sat up straight, stretching. "Nope, I just don't need problems where there are none."

  "What she doesn't know won't hurt her?"

  "Something like that, I guess." He stood. "Thank you for hearing me out. I know things are awkward, but I wanted you to know you're nice, I appreciate nice people, and she actually doesn't hate you."

  She shrugged, not knowing what else to say to such a dead avenue of relationship. Well, I can't say the same for her; I hate the bitch.

  Gerald let him out.

  She sat up and stretched in almost the same fashion Connor had. Creaks and pops greeted her. She said to her husband when he came back in, "That was kind of stressful."

  "You should've given him a hug goodbye."

  She set her empty glass down. "Oh…as part of the whole hotwife thing?" She said it without thinking.

  Her husband froze. "Wh-what?"

  She looked at him. What doesn't he understand? She blinked as the replay in her mind of her words hit her. Oh shit.

  He peered at her sideways with suspicion. "What did you say?"

  Her heart pounded and thundered with the calamity of her error. "Uh…well…"

  He stayed silent, searching her face.

  She blew out a breath. "I guess I have a confession."

  He studied her carefully.

  Tina picked up the empty whisky glass and turned it nervously in her hands. "Remember how sick you got on our anniversary?"

  His suspicion mounted. "Yes…"

  "Well, I thought you were making an excuse—"

  "I was puking my guts inside out."

  "I know, but I thought…"

  He looked perturbed. "It wasn't my fault the shrimp was undercooked."

  "I know. Anyway, I thought you might be cheating on me."

  "Ha! Never."

  "But I thought it, so I checked your laptop for emails."

  Gerald fidgeted nervously. "There are none."

  "Not from some whore, no. But…I found your hotwife folder."

  He tried to look confused. "Hotwife folder?"

  She gave him a dry look. "I know what I found. The folders with all the hotwife captions in them. I read many of them – I wasn't imagining it."

  He sat, tense. But he was thinking, then he nodded. "I…find the idea…"

  "A turn-on, I know."

  "You're not bothered by that?"

  She laughed. "I've had nothing but total rejection for trying to fit that mold—"

  "Wait, what?" He squinted, focusing. Then he chuckled. "Is that why you vamped on Don?"

  She nodded.

  His chuckle broke into a nervous laugh. He covered his eyes with his hand and shook his head, still laughing.

  She pouted. "Don't mock me; I tried."

  "With Don?" He sounded incredulous.

  "Yes, with Don. He's always so nice."

  Her husband shook his head. "But he's never given us any indication he'd do something like that."

  "But he always flirts with me."

  "He does not. He's nice to you."

  "He flirts."

  Gerald raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "Tina, dear, he doesn't."

  She sighed.

  "Is that why you started wearing those clothes? Jeans instead of slacks covered by those work-tents?"

  She nodded, rubbing the bridge of her nose under her glasses.

  He gave a short, incredulous laugh. "You actually tried—"

  "Oh, please don't rub it in."

  "I didn't think you'd go for any of that, especially since you gave up all your partying to marry me."

  "Once a partier, always a partier? But I know what you mean – none of my past ever crossed my mind. It was like you completed me and I didn't need any of that anymore."

  He scratched his head. "So you've been trying?"

  She snorted. "And failed. Nothing worked. I've lost my touch, or whatever."

  "I wouldn't say that."

  She shook her head. "All I had to do was just have a small smile on my face. Guys would flock to me from out of nowhere. Now? I can't beg and get anything."

  "What were you hoping for, anyway? Permission to run off with some hot guy?"

  "No, no. I read those captions. I was trying to follow them. Be sexy for husband by flirting with his friends. I thought I could do it."

  "So you didn't see them as an excuse to cheat?"

  "You know me better than that."

  He shrugged. "Guess I had to ask."

  "Sorry I snooped."

  He waved some fingers. "I suppose if you aren't mad, then neither am I."


  Tina grinned all week at work, and it grew the later in the week it got. Suddenly her sex life had gone from life-support to running a marathon. Gerald was insatiable as they talked about his fantasy and the caption pictures.

  They made love with him talking about her riding some guy's cock. The thrill and strangeness heightened her sensuality and orgasms. If she couldn't actually get a decent man, then at least she was having a major blast with her husband. This is the way it's supposed to be.

  Derek leaned in, smiling. It was Friday.

  She nodded to him. "Give me a few minutes." She had gone to lunch with him every day so far. While too big for her tastes, he was funny and good company. She would never do anything with him, but they could at least pretend like they were doing something sexy and covert.

  She had told her husband about the lunches, embellishing the looks and winks and suggestive talk. In actuality, none of that had occurred, and he knew it, but it turned him on so much that he didn't mind. So she made up enough to excite him.

  ~ ~ ~

  Tina locked her car door. Another week done.


  She spun, ready to use her keys through her knuckles to gouge out eyeballs. "Oh my god, don't sneak up on me like that."

  Connor looked shocked. "I didn't."

  She glanced around for Valerie.

  He said, "She's still at work."

  "Oh. Well, hi."

  "Swimming Sunday?"

  What's it to you? "I don't know. Probably. Why? Does your wife have something nasty planned? Should we stay away?"

  He shook his head, and more vigorously as she went on. "No, no, no. Was just wondering."

  "What for?"

  He grinned sheepishly. "Well, it's nice seeing you out there. You, Gloria…"

  "You like seeing Gloria?"

  "Yeah, she's pretty."

  Tina gave him a strange look. "But she's so old."

  He laughed. "She's maybe ten years older than you?"

  "Like, yeah."

  He slapped his cheek and drew it down comically. "Totally ancient, right?"

  She laughed uncertainly. "Am I old?"

  "No, I just like seeing you in a bikini. That new one was special."

  She coughed. "Special like retarded?"

  He laughed, clean and easy. "No, special as in I really liked it."

  "Should you be telling me this?"

  "You don't like hearing it?"

  Tina let her mouth drop open. Do you have to be so frustrating?

  Connor grinned and winked. "You offering?" His eyes glanced to
her mouth.

  "Ack!" She snapped her mouth shut and pursed her lips. The blush rushed up her neck and she scurried towards the walkway. Oh my god. What a jerk.

  The chuckle that followed her was delightful and devious.

  ~ ~ ~

  Sunday afternoon presented Tina with conflict. She clutched her third screwdriver to her chest. "I don't know if I want to swim."

  Gerald frowned at her. "I guess we don't have to… What's with you, anyway?"

  "Valerie. Connor has me thinking she has something planned."

  "I didn't get that from what you told me. Unless you didn't tell me everything."

  "No, I told you."

  "Then I can't see why you'd be so—"

  "Look me in the face and tell me Valerie is going to be the perfect angel this time."

  He cleared his throat. "Well, I…uh…"

  "Are you looking forward to her tit-show?"

  "No, of course not. But maybe someone new will be there. You know she always makes a beeline for them."

  "After giving you a free show."

  "Well, I don't have to look."

  She sighed. "You could flip her off."

  He grumbled. "She might take that as an invitation."

  She giggled. "Um, yeah, never mind. Maybe I'll flip her off."

  "If it makes you feel better."

  "Maybe I will."

  ~ ~ ~

  Tina felt comfortably numb as she entered the pool area.

  Connor and Valerie were already there. The woman was displaying her huge breasts for three grinning men. Connor was talking to Gloria.

  Gerald led them to the other side and they sat.

  After a moment, Valerie made a show of getting onto the diving board.

  Tina rolled her eyes. She noticed Gloria doing the same.

  Gerald sighed.

  She said, "Three laps, then she'll breach right here."

  He said, "Yeah, but I won't be here."

  She snickered. "Wish I could've brought a screwdriver along."

  "No alcohol in the pool."

  "Pff, yeah, yeah."

  The three older men she had been talking to lined up at the side and muttered to each other with lascivious smiles.

  Valerie posed like a goddess, knowing they were admiring her.

  Tina smirked. "Oh, brother." She felt the swoon of her last drink hitting her. Well, I did it; I'm out here.


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