Summer Shifter Days

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Summer Shifter Days Page 15

by V. Vaughn

  "So you feel it too?" I ask. "The exhaustion? Thirst?"

  Her eyes get big, and I think she knows what I'm talking about. "I really have to go."

  She turns her back to me. Damn it. "This is not over, Kitty. I know where you live."

  She stops in her tracks for a second and then rushes out.

  "Shit." The hand dryer thuds when I bang my hand on it, and pain radiates through my arm. Kitty knows something about what happened to us. I'm sure of it. But whatever it is, she's afraid, and I don't know what to do to get the truth.

  The occupied stall door creaks as the woman opens it slowly and peers out. I glare at her. "Nothing to see here. Nothing at all." I walk out and push my way through the crowd. I hear the tinkle of Kitty's laughter, and when I glance over to see who she's talking to, I wonder if the woman can tell it's fake. The man is back, and when I look at him, he's staring at me. A shiver runs down my spine. I'm not sure why I thought he was attractive before, because something about his eyes chills me to the bone. I break our gaze and continue walking to leave the store.

  Once I'm outside, I take a deep breath and notice the temperature is cooler than before. I wrap my arms around myself and head toward my car. I recall the panicked look in Kitty's eyes when she said she didn't drug me. That may be so, but I think she knows who did. I may not have gotten my answers tonight, but this is far from over, Kitty Kane.



  She knows. My stomach rolls with the urge to vomit as I return to the signing table. The night Sebastian and Alexander fed on my friends, Alexander told me that their victims would wake up and not know anything had happened. I think he was misinformed, because Lyndsey's questions about the events of that night say otherwise. The fact that she thinks I drugged her and her friends makes me wonder how she knew, and then it hits me. Blood loss. I recall my mother talking about a patient who had lost a lot of blood in an accident, and she told me it would take a few weeks for the individual to replenish their red blood cells to restore their energy level. Considering how active Lyndsey and the guys are, I bet they noticed the amount of blood the vampires sucked out of their veins. Crap!

  I glance at Sebastian when I get to the table, and he squints slightly at me in disapproval. The urge to vomit I had earlier from nerves returns, but this time it's from fear. I say, "Bathroom break. I didn't think to go before." He doesn't speak, but I'm sure he'll have something to say later.

  "Miss Kane?" I turn to a young woman who's holding a book out toward me. I swallow hard to tamp down my fear and smile as I morph back into Kitty Kane. I get through the rest of the signing easily enough, and the distraction is welcome. I find nobody asks anything I can't answer, and I do my best to enjoy the praise I receive for books I didn't write.

  When the event is over, Sebastian is cool toward me until we get to the limo. Adly shuts the door with a solid thud, and my boss inhales deeply as he pins me with his gaze. "I see one of your friends came tonight."

  Bile rises in my throat, and my heart adds her feelings of panic flooding my whole body with the urge to run. "I didn't tell her to."

  "I know you saw her in the bathroom. What did she want to talk to you about?"

  Oh god. Part of me thinks I should protect Lyndsey from Sebastian, but I'm not sure there's anything I can do. He clearly wants her out of my life. But for an ancient vampire who's supposed to know what he's doing, he sure screwed up the they-won't-know-what-happened piece. I blurt out, "She knows something happened the night you— " The sound of him sucking her blood echoes in my mind, and I grimace before I say, "She accused me of drugging everyone."

  "What did you say to her?" He sounds curious, and I'm surprised I don't detect a note of anger.

  "Nothing. I said I didn't drug her, and that's it."

  "Hmm," he says as if we're talking about the weather. He glances down at his phone and texts someone, apparently disinterested.


  When he returns his gaze to me, he asks, "Fish or steak tonight? We really should try the new restaurant by the fish market. I hear the food is phenomenal."

  Is he really Googling restaurants? "Sebastian!"

  "Margaret, please. This is nothing for you to worry about." He calls out to Adly and tells the driver the name of the restaurant he's chosen.

  I refuse to drop the subject. "You telling me not to worry makes me do exactly that." I don't dare to tell him about the symptoms Lyndsey said she has. Symptoms associated with blood loss. I don't think she suspects that, but Lyndsey made it clear she's not going to let this go. And she made a point to let me know she's aware I live in the Hart mansion.

  He clicks off his phone and then smoothes out his tie as if he isn't interested in what I said. I've come to learn this means the conversation is definitely over. I cross my arms and scowl as I lean back and give one last-ditch attempt at getting an answer. "I don't suppose I can get you to tell me what you're going to do about this, can I?"

  "I found the menu online earlier, and there's a halibut-and-hazelnut dish I think you're going to love."

  I shake my head as my thoughts run wild. I imagine Lyndsey showing up at the Hart mansion and knocking on the door to talk to me. Fortunately, I'm gone for the next month, but what would Bertha do? What is she trained to do? A vision of Lyndsey chained in the secret underground passageway from the house to the garage that allows the vampire occupants to avoid sunlight flashes in my mind. I glance over at Sebastian, and the glow from his phone gives his skin an eerie cast as if he's in a horror movie, completing my vivid scenario.

  My heart clenches with dread. Elizabeth's afraid. For the millionth time, I wish I could talk to my heart donor, because I think she's trying to tell me something. Is Lyndsey in danger? I wonder if Sebastian would actually kill my friend to keep her quiet. I'm startled when Sebastian leans forward and places his hand on my knee. "Margaret. We're at the restaurant."

  I realize the car has stopped. "Oh." I scoot to the edge of my seat, and when the door opens, I take Adly's hand for assistance getting out. An ocean breeze blows around me as I step onto the pavement, and I inhale the salt-tinged air to let it soothe me. I think about Alexander and wish he were here. I know he wouldn't let Sebastian do anything bad to my friends. The restaurant is on a pier, and I gaze out at the ocean sparkling under the lights of buildings that line the harbor.

  Sebastian comes to my side and offers me his arm. I gaze up at him, and Elizabeth fills me with the desire to kiss him. I scowl and am tempted to ignore Sebastian's attempt at chivalry, but I know that I'd likely stumble in my heels on the uneven wood planks if I do, so I hold on. When we get to the door, he places his hand on the small of my back to lead me through. His touch makes me tingle with Elizabeth's response. I wish I didn't feel it. This should be Alexander.

  The hostess comes out from behind her counter when she sees me. She’s got a huge smile, and for a moment I wonder if she knows me as Maggie. But when she gushes, "Miss Kane, it's an honor to have you tonight," I'm relieved. She bypasses people waiting in line to come to us. "When I heard you were coming, I saved you our best table." Wow. Sebastian must have really done a number with the PR. I smile back at the woman, who looks old enough to be my mother, and she says, "Right this way." Once she turns to lead us away, I glance at Sebastian, and he winks at me.

  We're led to a spot that has a view of the harbor, and Sebastian and I sit so we both can see it from the square table. He tucks my chair in, and a waitress arrives almost immediately with a wine menu. Sebastian opens it, and she waits patiently for him to make a decision. It makes me wonder if she has any other tables. My boss asks for champagne.

  I'm a bit giddy over the way the hostess treated me, and it makes Sebastian more tolerable, so I ask, "I think tonight went well, don't you?"

  He smiles. "You were perfect, Kitty."

  His praise means more to me than I'd like, and I smile back. "Thank you." I think about the hours Sebastian spent going over story structure and breaking down th
e parts of Kitty Kane's books. "You prepared me well."

  The waitress has returned, and we focus our attention on the opening and tasting of the champagne. Once she leaves, Sebastian holds up his glass for a toast. "To the beginning of an adventure you'll never forget." The fine crystal rings when we clink our glasses, and I let the bubbles of expensive champagne dance on my tongue before I swallow it down.

  I watch the flame of the candle on the table as it wavers, and I think about Alexander and the night we ate out. My throat thickens, and my pain over missing him rushes forward. I set my glass down and open my purse to check my phone. A quick glance tells me no, and my mood darkens.

  Sebastian says, "We're staying in a lovely hotel in Boston tonight that has a wonderful pool, and it's not far from the aquarium. I think you should get out and enjoy the amenities tomorrow."

  "By myself?" I wish Alexander were here to go with me. Although I suppose going out alone would be much better than staying cooped up with Sebastian all day.

  "I was thinking about joining you for the aquarium trip." He offers me a slow sexy smile. "If you don't mind."

  Elizabeth fills my heart with the warmth of love, and darn it, it manages to soften me a bit too. Besides, I know I'll squeal over the dolphins and penguins, and it would be nice if I had someone to share my excitement with. "I don't mind."

  "Wonderful," Sebastian actually clasps his hands as he says it. "I think the penguins are my favorite. I hope you'll indulge me."

  "I love the penguins too!" I catch myself. "I mean, besides the dolphins." Darn it. I don't want to like Sebastian.

  But... since I'm going to live life in a large way... I say, "I've always wanted a huge room service breakfast with waffles and real maple syrup." I smile because I know I'm about to irritate my boss's slight OCD. "And then get it all over the sheets, because housekeeping will clean it up for me."

  Sebastian cocks his head at me in confusion before he lets out a deep laugh.


  "You are such a treasure, Margaret. If you want to get your bedsheets sticky as you gorge on waffles, then you will." He shakes his head as he smiles. "There are so many things I can't wait for you to experience."

  I don't think he meant to sound sexual, but my insides twinge at the suggestion of his words. I quickly pull up the memory of sex with Alexander instead, and that leads me to worry that the man I love might have changed, considering he hasn't replied to my news. The heart-shaped vial of Sebastian's blood is smooth on my fingers as I fondle it. My boss insisted I wear it in case I need to drink the life-saving contents, but I'm wearing it because it means I'll be able to see Alexander again. Although I'm beginning to wonder if that's really true. Can true mates ever leave each other?

  "Margaret," says Sebastian softly. I glance up at him. "I'm pleased you like your necklace."

  I realize I'm still holding the vial of his blood. "Oh." I remove my hand and see his adoration for me shining in his eyes. Part of me wishes Sebastian were the brother I'd fallen in love with, and my heart aches with Elizabeth's longing for him. I reach for my champagne and smile at him. While I can't give him what he wants, the least I can do is show him I appreciate the kind things he does for me. I say, "I think the halibut for dinner sounds wonderful."



  Once I leave the bookstore, I walk across the street to a tavern to get a drink and figure out what I am going to do to get Kitty to talk. The place isn't very busy, and I grab a seat by the window so I can people watch. The menu is slick in my hands as I look for something to eat, and when the waitress comes to take my order, I ask for a burger and a beer.

  I'm convinced Kitty knows what happened to us at Matt's party, and I wish I'd asked her if I should go see a doctor. Although I do feel better today than I have, so perhaps the lingering effects of whatever drug I was given are wearing off. When my food arrives, the burger tastes so good I devour it, and as I'm finishing my beer, I notice a sleek black limo pull up in front of the bookstore. That's got to be for Kitty. I grab cash out of my wallet and slap it down on the table before I rush out to my car parked in front of the tavern.

  Once I get inside my small hatchback, I slink down to avoid being seen as I watch for Kitty. I'm not disappointed, because she and the man I saw at the signing walk out of the bookstore and get inside the limo. The moment their door slams, I'm up, and my engine catches as I turn the key. I'm not sure where they're going, but I plan to find out.

  It turns out Kitty and her companion don't go very far, and the limo drops them off at a restaurant on the waterfront. Luck is on my side when I find a parking space only a few buildings down, but when I get inside the restaurant, I don't see them in the line of people waiting for a table.

  I decide to head to the bar and have another drink, scope out where Kitty might be, and plan what to do. The bar is spectacular, with its dark wood counters and backlit center shelving full of glowing liquor bottles. It's oval shaped and in the center of the restaurant. With plenty of open seats, I decide it doesn't matter which one I pick, because I can move to a spot where I have a better vantage point if necessary. I choose a place that gives me a good view of the tables facing the water, and it doesn't take me long to find Kitty's flaming-red curls still piled up on top of her head.

  One of the bartenders comes over to talk to me, and I ask for a menu. Judging by the clothing I see on the patrons, I think this place is priced out of my league, and I might be sipping on an overpriced soda as I wait for my chance to ambush Kitty again. Ideally, one of the pair will go to the restroom so I can get her alone.

  When I get the bar menu, I glance at the beer list and discover I was right about the pricing, so I order a cola. The bartender asks, "Waiting for someone?"

  I've been so lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed how striking the guy is. While his pale skin makes me think he never sees the light of day, his blue eyes practically glow. I offer him a flirty smile as I lie. "Yeah, but I might have been stood up."

  "What a shame. If you were my date, I'd be here early." I chuckle, and he leans in close. "Let me buy you a real drink. What can I get you?"

  "You don't have to do that."

  "No. I don't." He scans me quickly with his gaze. "But I want to."

  I give him the once-over too, and I notice he's built like an athlete, with his wide shoulders and trim waist in black slacks and a white button-down with rolled-up sleeves. He may not get outside much, but he definitely hits the gym. "Any imported draft will do."

  He flashes me a toothy grin that almost blinds me with movie-star perfection before he turns away to get me a beer. I sit back and spend a moment appreciating his fine backside. This guy is hot with a capital H. I didn't expect to have such fascinating company on my stakeout, but I'll sure take it.

  When he returns with a twenty-ounce draft, I say, "That's a lot of beer."

  The glass is covered in frost, and when he hands it to me, his fingers brush mine, sending a tingle of desire through me. He says, "I'm in no rush to see you go."

  I shake my head at his blatant flirting. "Do you pick up girls at your bar often?"

  "Not yet. How am I doing?"

  I take a sip of my beer and hold the cold liquid in my mouth for a moment before swallowing it down. I lick the foam off my lips and watch as his nostrils flare.

  He places his hand on his chest and inhales deeply as his eyes roll back for a second. "Have mercy, woman." He traps me in his gaze. "What's your name?"


  "Lyndsey," he says slowly. "I'm Liam. So what does Lyndsey do for fun?"

  "Surf and watch bad movies. You?"

  "I watch bad movies and women who surf." I chuckle, and he says, "Actually, I'm a freelance software designer."

  A man a few seats down from me calls out, "Liam, man, can I get a drink sometime tonight?"

  Liam rolls his eyes at me and walks over to the customer. I take the opportunity to find Kitty again. She and her companion are both still there, so I take
another sip of my drink and focus my attention on Liam as he moves behind the bar.

  While I watch holy hotness in action, I begin to wonder how wise it was for me to have put Kitty on the defense back at the bookstore. I really should have pleaded to her sympathy, and I decide that's going to be my approach this time.

  Liam is too busy to come back to talk to me, and I begin to worry I'm going to miss my chance to speak to Kitty if I don't do something soon. The moisture of my glass is slippery on my fingers as I take a sip of my beer, and I make a decision. I'm going to go talk to Kitty in front of her companion in an attempt to appeal to her empathetic side.

  I glance around for the restroom sign and get up to head that way in case Liam is watching, but as soon as I've walked away, I switch directions to go toward Kitty's table. When I get there, I slip into a seat across from her and her date. I glance at the guy. "I'm so sorry to interrupt." It strikes me that he has similar coloring to Liam, only this man's eyes are a vibrant green. I turn my attention to Kitty, who has her hands clutched together. "I know what happened at Matt's isn't your doing, but I think you know something. Please. I'm only trying to figure out what I need to do to feel better again."

  The man furrows his brow and asks, "What's wrong?"

  Kitty glances at him, and I answer before she can jump in. "Kitty and I were at a party a few nights ago, and I'm afraid we might have been poisoned in some way, because most of us are weak now."

  "My goodness," the man says. "Kitty, are you experiencing the same thing?"

  "Ah..." She looks at me but doesn't meet my eye. "A little bit." She frowns. "I mean. Yes. I can't seem to get enough sleep."

  I'm not sure why she's lying, but I go with it. "Exactly, and I'm so thirsty."

  "Me too," she says. She looks at the man. "Weird. Right?"

  He tilts his head at me. "I'm sorry. I don't think we've met. I'm Sebastian Hart. I manage Miss Kane."


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