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Hunted (Auralight Codex: Dakota Shepherd Book 2)

Page 10

by Shei Darksbane

  The wolves inside soon became the wolves outside. All thirty or so pack members joined us outside and soon the ground was littered with clothing. Ralof shifted first, breaking an unseen tension as he took on the form of the beast inside and we all followed suit.

  The pain of the shift racked me and I felt the rage of the wolf join the agony of my human flesh as I found the creature I was inside and let her body become mine instead.

  I came out of my shift howling and noticed quickly that I was one of many who did so. Raelya did not cry out so, nor did Andrei who had bounded up next to Ralof as soon as he had finished shifting. Elisa trotted out from the house in her wolf form and bumped into Andrei pointedly as she passed him to stand by Ralof’s side.

  I admired their forms in the moonlight. Andrei was a large, dark-furred timber wolf with an incredibly intricate pattern of bright red snaking its way through his fur in the shape of his human-form tattoos. To my surprise, the red lines glowed faintly in the dark and seemed to smolder among his dark fur.

  Elisa was large, fluffy, and white with a thick, but patchy coat that lacked fur in many places where her body beneath bore scars. A strip of furless skin crossed her sightless eye in a long diamond shape.

  But most impressive among them was Ralof; his wolf was the biggest I’d ever seen. His fur was silvery with dark patches on his back, and his coat was long, longer than any other I saw. I wondered what kind of wolf he was as I glanced around at the pack surrounding me. I recognized timber wolves and grey wolves, and there were plenty of breeds I didn’t know the name of but knew I had seen before, like whatever kind Elisa was. But Ralof was one of a kind and I had never seen his like.

  I glanced to my side as Raelya bumped up against me. She was lovely: a wolf of the same breed as Elisa’s I thought, but her coat was a light greyish-tan with pretty white socks and a white mask. I bumped my head against her head in response and she nuzzled at me playfully.

  As soon as we’d all shifted, Ralof threw back his head and howled again, this time fully amplified by the wolf-throat that was made for making such sounds, and just like that, we were off. The pack surged forward in a flurry of furry legs and fluffy tails. We followed the Alpha to the treeline, rushing for the freedom of the run, bidden by the electric drive in our souls to hunt together in the night.


  First Blood

  Raelya ran beside me and I felt myself grinning, or what passed for grinning as a wolf. My ears stood up and my mouth relaxed open as I flung myself into the trees and barreled down the hillside surrounded on all sides by my pack—

  Something big and heavy rammed into me and I tumbled several feet down the sloped forest floor before catching my footing and jerking my head up to face a big, dusty-tan wolf with a dark mask and very large teeth as he turned to snarl at me. Disoriented, I bristled and snarled back. The other wolf took a step toward me and snapped at me, growling loudly. Raelya bristled beside me and growled in return, stepping slightly between me and the other wolf.

  For an instant, I thought he was going to attack me, but he turned suddenly as Ralof appeared behind him and growled louder than any of the rest of us had managed. The other wolf glanced at Ralof then briefly back at me as he turned and trotted off with the Alpha. I hadn’t seen Jack shift forms, but I recognized the big wolf all the same.

  At first, I was angry and confused, and not sure I could let it all go so easily, but Raelya nudged me to catch up with the pack, and we chased after them. As soon as we were moving again, my anger toward Jack was drowned in the feeling of pack, and lost to me entirely. I tossed my head and ran faster, exhilarated by the freedom of the run. I had no idea what I was doing, but the wolf knew exactly what to do, so I carefully let go of the wheel, so to speak, and let her have her way. I relaxed my human mind back as the wolf took the lead and rushed willingly to the surface.

  The pack poured over the hills and down into the valleys, bounding through the trees and all over the mountainside. The Great Smoky Mountains were our playground, and the creatures that lived within them, our prey. The first rabbit that streaked past the pack was like a jolt of lightning to my chest. I charged after it as many wolves all around me gave chase, but it was caught before I could even close half the distance. The rabbit squealed as the werewolf broke its back with a swift snap of her powerful jaws, and the hunt was over just as quickly as it’d started.

  But the pack was still running. I veered off from the small group of wolves who paused to snack on the rabbit and chased after the rest of the pack which had already sighted another target. A doe bolted from her hiding place as the pack drew near, and eager hunters swarmed after her, the front runners herding her to the side, forcing her toward the rest of us.

  I snapped at her leg as she passed, burning with desire to taste her blood. Raelya leapt over me and scored her flesh with her teeth. The doe stumbled, and kept running, but the stumble had been enough for a few wolves to get in front of her. A smaller, black wolf leapt at her throat and clamped strong jaws down around her neck as the pack leapt for her all around. I sank my teeth into her flank as she kicked and bucked, ultimately going down under the pack’s waiting, hungry mouths.

  And then we feasted on her flesh.

  I had no hesitation, no fear and no remorse. I ripped a mouthful of meat from her flank before another gray wolf shoved me aside and I snapped my head around to growl at him. The other wolf met my eyes for an instant before ducking his head and stepping back. I chewed at my prize as did the others all around me. I didn’t growl at the gray wolf again as he edged in for a bite. Already content with my share of the kill, I wasn’t concerned with him anymore, and this time, he was careful not to shove me.

  I flicked my tongue out against my bloody muzzle, savoring the sweet flavor of the fresh, hot, prey and I was filled with excitement and the thrill of our victory. I threw my head back and howled and my voice was joined by the voices of my pack all around me, singing our joy to the night sky.

  My stomach satisfied, I gladly joined with the rest of the pack who had circled back to us, running down another deer. This one was a stag and I saw Ralof and Elisa harrying it from both sides. Andrei ran behind it, nipping at its heels as it struggled to bound away to no avail. This time, it was Ralof who took the kill, snapping into the buck’s throat with his mighty jaws. He was so tall, he didn’t even have to leap for it. As he clenched with the stag, Elisa leapt for its flank and Andrei caught one of its legs, worrying at it as it went down.

  Ralof tore a chunk of meat from the deer’s throat and the others followed suit, claiming choice pieces of the kill before allowing the others closer for a taste. No one challenged Ralof or Elisa or even Andrei for their bite. The Alpha, his mate, and his second commanded their respect.

  When the pack had feasted on deer, and a few rabbits, we lost interest in what was left of the kills, and took off for more running. We fell down the mountain side like water over a fall, streaked through the valleys between the hills, and wove our way through the trees. We ran along the cool riverbeds, and splashed through the streams. The night was ours and I was breathless with exhilaration.

  Suddenly, the pack pulled up short as Ralof stopped running, and the rest of us circled around him to avoid running into each other. The feeling of excitement and freedom died down as a pulse of worry went through the pack. Something was wrong. I wanted to get closer to find out what was happening, but other wolves kept getting in my way. I paced one way then the other, but Raelya nudged me and we circled around the other side. By the time we came clear of the crowd to sight Ralof, it was too late. He howled his command, and the pack turned back up the hill, ordered by the Alpha; it was time to go home.

  Worry and dread were my guide through the dark woods as we returned to the pack house. Lead by the anxiety of my pack, I kept pace with Raelya in the dark mountain forest as we climbed back up the way we had come until the house was in sight.

  We spilled into the back yard of the pack house, and my anxiety rose
only higher as I saw Ralof step aside with Elisa, Andrei, Jack, and a couple of others I didn’t know. None of them took time to dress before clustering in a circle, obviously discussing something important, which made my concerns feel even more founded. Everyone else started shifting back to their human forms and getting dressed, but whatever they were talking about obviously couldn’t wait for that.

  As the pack took to two legs again, everyone started picking over the scattered piles for their own clothes. I found mine next to Raelya’s and we both started dressing quietly. I might have been embarrassed if I hadn’t been so worried about what had happened to cause Ralof such concern.

  I pulled on my panties and jeans, then gave up on finding my bra in the dark and settled for my tank top alone. Raelya got dressed quickly then stepped aside and started gathering Ralof’s and Elisa’s clothes. I glanced around and spotted Andrei’s khaki cargo shorts and Harley Davidson tank top, so I decided to scoop them up and follow Raelya to the circle of naked pack leaders as well.

  Raelya handed clothes to the Alpha and his mate wordlessly and I offered Andrei his things. They all took them without pausing their conversation to pay us any mind, and all three of them started dressing as they continued to speak. Raelya stood nearby silently, so I didn’t immediately move away when we’d finished handing off the clothes. I was burning with curiosity and a deep need to help if the pack was in danger. I heard Ralof mention that the prints were too large for a bear, then Andrei shook his head and proclaimed them the wrong shape.

  “Could be something from Fae.” Elisa glanced up at Ralof thoughtfully.

  “Could be. Or it could be an unusually large bear.” Ralof reiterated.

  Andrei shook his head. “I’m telling you, boss, it wasn’t shaped right. I know you’ve got experience on me, but—”

  Jack cut across Andrei almost idly, “Could be an Ursa.” He crossed his arms and glanced back toward the woods. I did my best not to pay any attention to Jack, not just because he was buck naked, but he’d said something interesting, so I couldn’t help glancing up. I felt he didn’t miss the motion as he twitched slightly and wrinkled his nose.

  “They are extinct.” Ralof insisted levelly. “Even in Arcadia. The last was killed more than two centuries ago.”

  Curiosity was eating me alive. “What’s an Ursa? Is the pack in trouble?”

  Everyone stopped and looked at me and Andrei opened his mouth as if to answer me but Jack cut him off sharply, glaring at me pointedly. “Move along, new wolf. This don’t concern you.”

  I blinked in surprise then bristled with anger and started to open my mouth but Ralof nodded. “He is right, Dakota.” His voice was gentle, but firm. “Go back to the house and help Raelya do a head count. Make sure everyone is back.”

  I wanted to protest, but the Alpha’s word was like stone to me. I nodded and accepted the salve he had offered by giving me something important to do. Not like I didn’t realize what that was, but it helped a little regardless. I turned and walked away with Raelya without another word and as we neared the open glass door, she caught my hand and squeezed it. “It is all right, Dakota.”

  I nodded stiffly. “I know. Just…”

  Raelya pulled me aside and gripped my shoulders. “Dakota, Ralof knows what he is doing, as do Elisa and Andrei, and even Jack.”

  I sighed. “I know. But… My instincts are driving me crazy right now. Something’s wrong and I know it. And I can’t stand not being a part of… whatever it is they’re doing to protect the pack from it.”

  Raelya smiled gently. “You are more dominant a wolf than anyone expected, you know?” She shook her head as if amused. “I understand that the urge to protect your pack is strong. It fills a dominant wolf with need and it is difficult not to act on it. But let me ask you this: do you trust Ralof?”

  I pouted at her. “That’s not fair. Of course I do.”

  “Then, trust Ralof.” She tapped my nose gently. I snapped my teeth at her finger playfully and she grinned at me. “Ralof knows what he is doing, and believe me, Dakota, if he needs you, he will call for you.”

  I stuck my lip out even further. “I guess too, it’s kinda frustrating being treated like a child who needs to be quiet while the adults are talking.”

  Raelya smirked at me. “Or was it because Jack was the one who told you to go?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Ralof told me to go too.”

  Raelya nodded. “And he knows what he is doing.”

  I sighed. “All right, all right.”

  Raelya smiled at me gently. “Do not hold it against him, Dakota. I know it is hard to stand back and let the older wolves take charge when you want to help, but you must understand that to Ralof, you are very young.”

  I threw my hands up. “But I’m not very young! I’m twenty-eight! Not some kid who isn’t—”

  Raelya slid her hands down my arms to capture my hands. “Dakota.” I cut off and looked up at her. “To Ralof, you are very, very young. To Ralof, I am very young.”

  I considered that for a second then sighed, letting the tension slide out of me. “I guess if you’re older than my Nan and that’s still too young…”

  Raelya smacked my shoulder playfully. “Hey!”

  I grinned at her. “What? Isn’t it true?”

  Raelya pouted at me. “Even if it is, do you have to point it out?”

  I laughed and squeezed her hands tightly. “Maybe it’s just easier if I think of you that way…” I blinked at myself and my traitorous mouth. “I mean… uh…”

  Raelya smiled amusedly and fluttered her lashes at me prettily. “Oh? Are you saying it is hard to resist me otherwise?”

  I chewed at my lip a little. “So, we were supposed to be counting heads, right? How many wolves were supposed to be here again?”

  I turned from Raelya desperately and started counting heads, but the pack was not standing in line to be counted and I lost count immediately. “Why would Ralof ask a dyslexic werewolf to count the pack?” Honestly, dyslexia had little to do with it, but it made for a good, light-hearted excuse.

  Raelya laughed. “I will count. You go get us a plate, and we can go watch a movie afterward, all right?”

  “All right.” I gratefully accepted the opportunity for a moment to clear my head, and so went back into the house and braved the crowd of werewolves between the door and the kitchen. Everyone was talking excitedly about the hunt, and no one else really seemed upset about the fact that Ralof had brought us back suddenly. I soothed myself with the thought that maybe that meant this wasn’t all that unusual. Maybe I was over-reacting and it only seemed like a big deal to me because I was so new.

  I gathered some food for Raelya and myself, snagged a couple of sodas from the fridge, scurried up the stairs and retreated into the sanctity of her room.



  Raelya walked into her room a while later and paused to take in the scene before her. I’d tied a string from her closet rod to a hanger on the bathroom door and draped a blanket across it, turning her bed into a blanket fort. I had a movie set up and ready to be unpaused and our food sat neatly on her nightstand which I’d moved to serve as our table at the foot of her bed. I grinned from within the fort, already dressed for bed in boxer shorts and a sleep shirt with a Halo UNSC logo on the front.

  Raelya grinned as she closed the door. “What is this?”

  I shrugged. “Slumber party part three, remember?”

  Raelya laughed as she stepped aside to her dresser and dug about for night clothes. “Oh, of course. I did promise you a movie.”

  I nodded. “And I’ve already picked one out.”

  Raelya tilted her head curiously. “You have?”

  “Mmhmm. Since you love driving so much, I thought you’d like the recent remake of Mad Max.”

  Raelya found what she was looking for and closed the drawer. “Which has something to do with driving, I take it?”

  I nodded. “Driving, surviving, and bad ass women.”r />
  “Oh, well that does sound nice.” She slipped into the bathroom to change, coming back a moment later in a long, soft-looking tee shirt with Native American styled artwork featuring a pack of wolves on the front. She slipped into the blanket fort with me and I started the show.

  We watched and chatted, ate our food and laughed. Raelya enjoyed the war-driving and strong female characters in Fury Road just as I imagined she would. I enjoyed the warmth of sharing one of my favorite geeky fandoms with one of my favorite people. I also enjoyed the closeness of my packmate laying beside me.

  As the movie ended, I rolled to the side, stretching and asked her, “So did you like it?” I was trying to hold back the feels and avoid overly geeking out on her, but I could see she’d enjoyed it, so that was good enough.

  “Yes, it was very good. I loved Furiosa, and the ending.” Raelya smiled at me. I grinned broadly, then yawned. “You look sleepy.”

  I nodded. “Long day.”

  “It has been, yes.” Raelya glanced up at the rigged up blanket. “So, how do we get this down for bed?”

  I grinned and reached to the side to the string that dangled down next to my head. “Like this!” I jerked on the string and the blanket came down on top of us with a loud plastic clattering as the hanger smacked against the door and then fell off. We both laughed as we worked our heads out from under the blanket, then Raelya sat up and grabbed the pillows from the head of the bed and smacked me with one as she handed it to me. I laughed and tucked it under my head.

  After a moment, Raelya glanced over at me. “Do you want to sleep like this, or… perhaps as our wolves?”

  “That could be nice. I mean, haven’t slept as a wolf yet. Could see what wolf-sleeping’s all about.” Considering my earlier feelings I thought maybe sleeping in my wolf form would be the safer option anyway.


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