Shotput of Power

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Shotput of Power Page 6

by Drae Box

  That sounds about right. She rarely rides in case she gets shot, remembered Raneth as he stepped free of the cell. Aldora and the Prince of the Cats joined him, so he led them upstairs.

  The inspector followed behind. “When you get into the main room, sit on the floor with your legs crossed and your hands on your knees.”

  Raneth checked the room as he walked into it, noticing two more inspectors were waiting on them with their swords sheathed. One had a milky eye. Alright. Doesn’t look like they’re about to go and behead us. Best be careful though in case they plan to creep up behind and do it. He sat down as instructed but chose to sit in the middle of the room. Aldora sat next to him and Pedibastet helped himself to Aldora’s lap.

  The front door slammed against the wall and Aldora jumped. As she rested a hand against her chest, heavy footsteps thundered their way inside. Raneth grabbed Aldora’s hand and helped her onto her feet. He then stepped in front of Aldora, still allowing her to see past him towards the front door. Movement in the window to their right caught his attention; a man clad in black wearing a matching black beret looked back at them.

  Aldora squealed.

  Raneth wrapped his left arm around her waist, tugging her close. Surprised by the one at the window. He angled himself to shield her body with his as his right hand drew a throwing dagger. The booted invaders swarmed the room, carrying a mixture of Southern guns, miniature crossbows and swords in their hands. They lined up in double file facing towards Raneth and Aldora. One surged forwards, pushing Inspector Ian backwards, off the table and onto the floor. He was pinned by a knee to the throat. One of the other waiting inspectors rolled his eyes as he was grabbed, pushed onto his knees and had an arm twisted behind his back by another of the men in black. Four more of the unidentified men swept past the Giftens, heading for the cells below.

  “CLEAR!” came one of their voices. The bellow was taken up by another in the room, and then another from somewhere else Raneth couldn’t determine.

  “Entry is safe, Your Majesty!” barked one of the black-clothed figures, a woman, nearest Raneth and Aldora.

  Raneth’s hold on Aldora loosened slightly when he recognised the guard, but Aldora stayed close to his side with her arm wrapped around his waist. He tried to ignore her touch, focusing instead on the Newer Royal Guard, now the biggest threat in the room.

  He watched in silence as a woman Aldora’s height strode between the two lines of weaponised guards, coming to a stop a short distance from him, Aldora and Pedibastet. The woman’s red hair was curled atop the back of her head, glinting with the light of the rising sun. Her skin was pale, similar to that of a Giften or a Newer, and it appeared to be completely smooth and without the speckles usually seen on the faces of those with hair of her colour. Her thin form was clad in a brown-and-yellow velvet dress that hugged her torso, baring her smooth shoulders and arms to the Giftens. The dress snuggled close against the Newer queen’s hips, before expanding outwards, the material turning darker as it fell, right down to its black hem.

  “Raneth, sweetie pie, Pedi told me you would be coming to Newer with your intended. Have my inspectors been horrible to you again?”

  “Um…” He swallowed nervously at the unwanted pet name and felt Aldora staring up at him. “No. I came in here uninvited this time.” If you count being dragged in here and beaten up as being invited. This isn’t the first time Regina’s bailed me out of this place.

  “Ah. Well, that makes a change. Inspectors, I will be taking these Giftens with me.” She paused, focusing sharply on Raneth. “And they won’t cause the Oreg inspectors problems again.”

  Raneth shrugged. Can’t promise that, he thought.

  “If they do,” continued Queen Regina, “they’re likely helping me out and they won’t have to explain themselves to you. You’re all to leave them be.”

  Queen Regina knelt on one knee and extended a hand towards Pedibastet. “Your Highness, my day is always made brighter by your presence.”

  Pedibastet purred, strolling towards Queen Regina and rubbing his cheek against her waiting hand. “Thank you for your welcome, Your Majesty,” said Pedibastet. “Please escort me and my companions to safety.”

  “Nothing would please me more than having you at my palace.” Regina turned to the woman that had told her it was safe to enter. “Rena, please escort the Prince of the Giften Cats, the royal official captain and the Dagger Bearer to the carriage whilst I have a word with whichever inspector in this dump is senior.”

  The woman dressed in black gave a clipped nod and then gestured for Raneth and Aldora to follow her. Raneth’s hand gently rested against the small of Aldora’s back, a slight pressure recommending she move. Aldora strode forwards, lifting her chin to be in line with the floor. As she walked between the lines of guards, Raneth observed a few of their weapons twitch. Aldora glanced over her shoulder towards Raneth; he prowled at her back, frowning, his lips pressed together.

  Pedibastet tapped his tail against Aldora’s left leg as they continued past the staircase. “Out of one lion’s den and into another,” he warned softly.

  He’s preparing her, Raneth realised.

  “Expect the unexpected with Queen Regina,” continued the cat, ignoring as the Newer queen slammed a door behind her and Inspector Ian. “Regina has a lot of rotten apples around her, and none worse than Algernon, her Internal Kingdom Strategies Commander.”

  “Her what?” whispered Aldora.

  “The man in charge of advising her on how best to sort out the internal issues within Newer that threaten its stability. He will see us as pawns. I leave it in your capable hands to ensure we do not get stuck in his grasp,” said Pedibastet just as Queen Regina started shouting at Inspector Ian.

  Chapter Four


  Stuffed into a small carriage with the Newer queen, the back of Aldora’s throat tickled from her perfume. The queen had yet to acknowledge her and was trying to have a conversation with Raneth. Raneth was sitting beside Aldora and holding her hand. He kept drifting asleep, only to jerk his head up at the queen’s voice. Aldora held a hand over her mouth as she yawned. She wanted to snuggle against Raneth’s side and sleep, but she was too nervous and Pedibastet was sitting in her lap and needling her legs with his claws. Queen Regina paused in her questioning of Raneth to peer out of the side window.

  “Oh good,” she said, smiling. “We’re almost home. Are you three hungry?”

  “Always,” stated Pedibastet, lifting his head from his paws, his purr intensifying. “As long as chicken, tuna or salmon is involved.”

  “Of course, Prince Pedibastet. As for you two, a nice Giften dish will be prepared for you.”

  “Thank you,” said Raneth, sitting up a little straighter and rubbing his eyes.

  Aldora watched him closely, realising that his movements warned he had given up on the possibility of sleep. I guess that means I might as well too.

  “I don’t think you’ve met Aldora before,” he said to Queen Regina. “Aldora is the lady I helped to find the Dagger of Protection in 2005. She’s the official Dagger Bearer now.”

  “No, I have not had the absolute pleasure,” said Regina, smiling at her.

  Aldora smiled back, forcing herself to meet the foreign queen’s eyes. I don’t have anything to feel self-conscious about, she thought.

  “When are you getting married to him, then?”

  “Married?” squeaked Aldora. “Well, I… Raneth?” Where did she get this idea?

  “No date yet,” said Raneth smoothly, wrapping an arm around Aldora’s shoulders. “But we’re very happy.”

  OK, that was clever of him. He didn’t lie or embarrass her by correcting her. Is he trained for that? Has he ever done that to me before?

  “They are extremely happy,” added Pedibastet, oblivious to Aldora’s curiosity. “How is Algernon?”

  “Stuffy old man is up to something, but then, what does a Newer queen know?”

  “A lot more than they say, usu
ally,” uttered Pedibastet. “If he displeases you, why is he still holding his station?”

  “What am I supposed to do with a man known to be corrupt, without a good one to replace him? Better the enemy I understand than one I can’t,” asked Regina. “I’ve many difficulties to overcome to clean up the mess my kingdom has gotten itself into, but we can talk of that later, in the mission room.”

  “The mission room?” asked Aldora.

  “Oh, it’s nothing to worry about. I felt we could discuss things there as Algernon does not have clearance to enter. It’s mine. Ah! We have arrived. Royal officials first.” Regina smiled and gestured to the door.

  Raneth stood up, bent at the waist so his head wouldn’t hit the carriage roof and opened the door. He stepped out, then turned and held out a hand. Regina took it before Aldora could. After the queen had stepped down, Raneth gently took hold of Aldora’s waist and lifted her free of the carriage. He set her down and then turned to Queen Regina, ignoring the muscular man heading their way and the bodyguards piling out from the carriages that had followed Regina’s.

  “Your Majesty,” uttered Raneth softly. “Might Aldora and I take a small rest before we eat? Being in a room with inspectors all night meant we didn’t get a wink.”

  “That can be arranged. We’ll wake you both in time for lunch. Algernon, see our distinguished guests to their rooms. They wish to retire for a few hours.”

  Aldora turned her attention to the muscular Algernon as he nodded at the Newer queen’s request. He was tall, though not quite as tall as Raneth; thinking over the Newers she had seen so far, Aldora realised that most of the males had been between her and Raneth’s height. Algernon’s upper lip was hidden under the most waxed and bulbous handlebar moustache Aldora had ever seen; it reminded her of the walruses that were seen further south in the world, near the Greatlands. She had to clench her jaw to prevent an appreciative smile from slipping free. She looked at Raneth. He was eyeing Algernon too. Raneth doesn’t look even a little friendly. Wonder if he’s dealt with this guy before too, wondered Aldora. I hope Raneth never grows a moustache.

  “Please follow me, Your Highnesses,” said Commander Algernon, dragging Aldora’s attention away from Raneth. He was smiling at her and she quickly returned his smile out of politeness.

  Raneth eased closer to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. She strolled along behind Algernon, noticing how similar the black uniform he wore was to that of the men and women responsible for guarding the Newer queen, except where they wore berets, he wore a black cap with gold trim. At his waist was a sword, and on his other side was a fairly large Southern Kingdom gun that ran down his leg to his knee.

  “You are welcome to explore the grounds, Miss Leoma,” said Commander Algernon, “but please do not leave the safety of the palace’s walls. Royal Official Bayre, I assume you will see to it that your lady friend does not miss meals? You know how tightly this palace is run — no late meals. Ever.”

  “Yes, commander.”

  “Good.” Algernon didn’t turn to look at either Giften. “And how do you find the Newer Kingdom, Miss Leoma?”

  “It’s… different,” admitted Aldora. “A lot more bustle, and some things are more in the open than I would expect.”

  “You mean the brothel you visited in Oreg Town?” asked Algernon, finally looking over his shoulder. “Or the town itself?”

  How does he know about the brothel? Pedi said he’s in charge of internal stuff, but what does that mean exactly? “How–?” she uttered.

  “I have informants in the settlements. I require a full view of the state of our kingdom’s internal affairs.”

  “That’s… understandable,” admitted Aldora.

  Algernon smiled and turned his attention back to their path. “Of course it is.”

  With the small talk seemingly finished, Aldora opted to pay more attention to the grounds. The palace looming in front of them was larger than the Giften palace, and wide enough that Aldora wasn’t sure if it would fit on any street she’d ever seen. The difference between Giften and Newer architecture was noticeable in the light pink of the bricks and the cement that held them together, as well as the unexpectedly large windows, which all had black bars in front of them that jutted from the windowsills to protect those inside. Cray’s palace doesn’t have any bars at the windows. Are the Newers likely to attack their queen? There seems to be a lot of security around her. Far more than Cray has ever had. She glanced at Raneth to see if he had noticed the security measures, but he was looking to their left, watching a gardener raking leaves. Along the path of loose yellow stones and sand, small bushes quivered with the movements of garden birds, quietening as the humans walked between their homes. Raneth’s not acting too curious about anything, but that could just be tiredness. Being in the inspectors’ headquarters for that long seems to have done a number on him.

  “For security purposes, I have arranged for Miss Leoma to be in the north wing’s nicest guest room. Royal Official Bayre, you will be positioned in the south wing’s best guest room.”

  Raneth hummed his acknowledgement to the commander and then smiled at Aldora.

  She raised an eyebrow and looked at Algernon’s back. “Commander, why does it make sense to separate us?”

  “It’s my understanding that you do not have military training and yet could be considered lethal. I cannot have someone with both those attributes, whom I don’t know, in the same wing as the queen. The Bayre heir is a Giften royal of some descent and has been here a few times before. I trust him to have the queen’s best interests at heart.”

  “Hmm,” said Aldora, frowning up at Raneth. He’s related to Cray? But why didn’t he ever tell me? Her partner looked back at her. You’re in a lot of trouble, mister, she thought, but how best to talk to him about this particular secret of his?

  “Your room,” uttered Commander Algernon a short while later, gesturing to an open door.

  Aldora peeked past the gold wooden door. There was a large window directly opposite the door which took up the majority of the northern wall, but the bars uglified the view of the palace’s gardens. The centre of the room had a small dining table for four people; it was made of white marble, with curved legs carved to be a tangle of delicate flowers. The edges of the table were gently curved and fashioned to match the flowers below, with gold etchings within the marble. In the centre of the table was a large vase of bright flowers Aldora didn’t recognise. To the left, there were two more doors, matching the one she was standing next to. To the right, past the table, was the largest bed Aldora had ever seen. It was a four-poster enclosed by a semi-transparent lilac curtain. They definitely like flowers here, she realised, spotting more engravings of flowers in the dark wood of the bedposts and the upper frame, and embroidered flowers upon the bed sheets.

  “I trust it’s more than you’re used to but that you’ll enjoy it,” continued Algernon.

  Aldora nodded.

  “You’ll find a small clothing room in one of the side chambers, and a reading room in the other. Should you wish to shower, you’ll need to visit the communal showers in the lower chambers of the palace. Royal Official Bayre will be able to show you, I’m sure.”

  Again Aldora nodded, stepping onto the thick cream carpet and taking her first few steps into a room she knew she could never afford. She turned, spotting another table in the corner behind the door, nearest the bed, with another vase of fresh flowers on it. “Thank you, Mr Algernon,” she said, wondering whether there was a polite way to dispose of the flowers. Why do people always assume girls like flowers?

  “It’s Commander Algernon, Miss Leoma,” stated Algernon sharply. Aldora glanced at her shoes as she nodded. “Right. Royal Official Bayre, would you like me to show you to your room as well?”

  “I can find it. I need to have a word with Aldora before I head off for some sleep.”

  “Of course you do,” uttered Algernon. He turned and headed back up the corridor as Raneth stepped into her room
and closed the door.

  I’d better have that talk with him now before we get distracted, she thought. “You’re related to Cray,” stated Aldora, taking a seat at the table.

  Raneth prowled over to join her, taking the seat with its back to the door. “It’s not exactly a secret, Aldora. I just haven’t mentioned it. The Bayres married into the royal family about two hundred years ago, give or take a little. There’s a few rumours about the why, but the journal of the Bayre in question revealed that the Giften royal at the time fell in love with the Bayre heir as they worked together to get home safely from Seaus Island during the Seaus Island Revolt. It’s in the history books – the marriage, anyway.”

  “We didn’t study the royal family at my school, or the revolt,” admitted Aldora. She folded her arms on the table and looked at Raneth carefully. “So what does that make you?”

  “A very distant nephew to Cray. Very distant. There’s been more Bayres than royals in that time.”

  “But that would mean you’re also considered family to Southern Kingdom royalty.”

  Raneth nodded, looking a little uncomfortable as he scratched at his jawline.

  “So that’s why Queen Regina thinks we’re already planning to get married,” guessed Aldora. “We haven’t even asked each other if we want to get married yet.”

  “Well, I… Prince Pedibastet advised me to tell Cray to tell Queen Regina that we were engaged before I left. She writes letters to Cray every few months, asking to… um…” Raneth looked away and cleared his throat. “Her phrase is to… ‘borrow’ me for a night. She isn’t married and she needs an heir to keep her power secure. Other kingdoms are happy to marry civilians, but Newer’s still stuck with the old-fashioned idea that royals should partner with other royals.”

  Aldora rested her head in a hand, looking at Raneth. “That’s disgusting,” she stated hotly. “I don’t care that they’re old fashioned, but ‘borrowing’ you just makes it sound so…” She struggled to pick the right word, so she went back to the first one, “…disgusting. I hope you were never tempted?”


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