Shotput of Power

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Shotput of Power Page 10

by Drae Box

  “Hmm. Nope. I don’t carry change.” The entrance master glanced towards the guards, then smiled and stepped closer to Aldora. “Make my day and flash me your boobs, and then you can go in.”

  Aldora squeaked, stepping back instinctively from the man. He grinned at her.

  “You what?” snapped Aldora, frowning. “I’m not doing that, you perv!”

  “Then bugger off. My day’s boring enough without forcing these ex-fighters to squash you like a bug.”

  Aldora glanced towards the eight guards, frowning, and then looked at the entrance master. I can’t sneak my way in – there’s too many of them and I don’t know how I’d get past them anyway. Raneth would probably find a way to force them to let him in – best them in a fight maybe? But I can’t do that. I suppose I could do what this guy wants, but I’m never telling Raneth…

  “Fine.” She lifted the front of her top then rushed to lower it. “Good enough?”

  “Yeah. You can go in.”

  Aldora stomped past the Newer. What would Raneth think if he found out I flashed someone, anyway? She clenched her eyes tightly shut for a second as she shook her head. Heck, I can’t get that nasty little perv’s look out of my head.

  She followed the arrows painted on the wall, picking up the sound of the crowd on the other side, roaring their reactions to whatever fight was going on. More of the faded red fabric was draped at intervals along the walls. She reached the end of the ascending corridor, where sunlight filtered through a semi-transparent version of the faded red drapes, with a slit splitting them in two in the centre. She stepped through onto yellow and black sand.

  There were two criminals fighting in the centre of the arena. They were shaded by strips of the faded, semi-transparent red fabric that hung from some of the balconies of the upper seats to a metal pole in the very centre of the arena. On Aldora’s left side was some of the crowd, sitting on long benches or standing and hollering at the two men fighting. To her right a stone staircase gave access to the higher levels of seats. I won’t find Teton unless I have a better view, she thought, heading for the stairs. She climbed up them, careful to keep her balance as there was no railing to stop her from falling off the sides. The crowd cheered and booed in unison as one of the fighters struck a death blow. Aldora paused and turned to face the arena. Using the distraction, she then looked around for anyone unbothered by the fighting and spotted two men talking to one another as they climbed down the next set of steps further to her left. Both were scarred with the arena’s mark and had paler skin than someone part or fully Eastern Barbaric.

  “You might want to get off the stairs before you fall off,” stated a deep voice.

  Aldora turned and looked up the steps to see a man with mocha skin standing in her way. He held a small tray which was strapped to his neck and wore a bloodied but basic sword at his waist.

  “Move out of the way, woman.”

  His accent is Eastern Barbaric, realised Aldora. No scar on the face either. No obvious marking, anyway.

  “You’re Teton, right?” she asked. She watched as he frowned. “I need some help.”

  “Don’t we all? Let’s get off the stairs. Follow me.”

  He turned and headed further up the stairs and stepped off, squeezing past a few of the men and women seated on the bench he was walking beside. Aldora hurried after him, until they stopped behind one of the large strips of fabric that had torn and hung down, obscuring where they stood from most in the arena. One man lay on the bench there, sleeping with his mouth agape. Teton smiled and rested the backs of his legs against the man’s shoulder.

  “What do you have?”

  “Oh, I don’t need your fencing skills. I need your knowledge about a specific item I’m looking for.”

  Teton frowned then dumped the tray next to the sleeping man’s head. The snore paused briefly before the sleeping male smacked his lips and resumed snoring.

  “You an inspector?” he growled, stepping closer to Aldora.

  “No. A Giften.” She patted the Dagger. “The Dagger of Protection’s official Bearer.”

  “Oh. That Giften. Heard you were around Oreg. Thought you would have been arrested by the inspectors by now for having an illegal magic weapon or some such excuse. What do you need?”

  “Just like that, you’re gonna help me?” asked Aldora suspiciously. How did he know I was around, anyway? Does he know who leaked that we were coming here? “How did you know I was in Oreg?”

  “The people I talk to are criminals. That sort of information is useful to share.” Teton nodded. “You being around has got to be upsetting the inspectors. Some things I’m happy to do just for that, as long as it’s safe for me.”

  “All right,” uttered Aldora. There’s got to be a catch, but let’s see what happens. “I’m looking for the Shotput of Power, one of the Dagger’s siblings. It’s small enough to fit in a person’s palm.”

  Teton grimaced with a hissed inhale. “I’m not sure that’s something I should be talking about,” admitted Teton as he shifted on his feet.

  Aldora stepped closer. If Raneth was here, he’d think Teton knows something or he would have just said he doesn’t know anything. “Please. It’s important.”

  “My ability to breathe is too.”

  “Please, Teton. My best friend has been tasked with finding it. We can’t go home without it until we’ve given it at least six months, and he’s a royal official. I’m worried he’s going to get hurt if we stay here for that long.”

  “A royal official? Their captain by any chance? I heard he was around too. Young one, apparently. Around your age, from what people say.”

  Aldora nodded and watched as Teton frowned in thought.

  “Please, Teton. He’s my partner too. I want him to get home safe. He means a lot to me. I would do anything for him.”

  “I understand your desire to protect your man, but I have to take care of myself. What happens when you and your guy leave? I get murdered, that’s what. I can’t help you. If you’d asked anything else, I would have helped but that’s too dangerous.”

  “Please, Teton,” she uttered softly.

  “Girl, he said he wasn’t interested in getting killed,” stated the man lying on the bench. He opened an eye.

  Aldora ignored him and gently placed a hand on Teton’s arm. “Haven’t you ever loved anyone and just wanted to keep them safe?”

  Teton glared at Aldora’s hand, so she removed it.

  “Yes,” he admitted. “I have. This guy here.” He jerked a thumb at the man on the bench. “He and I have been through a lot together, but that doesn’t mean we’ll do anything dumb like...”

  Teton’s eyes twitched to look behind Aldora. She glanced over her shoulder and spotted Inspector Ian striding towards them, frowning.

  “Someone must have seen you come here,” hissed Teton.

  “Dagger Bearer,” said Inspector Ian. “Come with me.”

  Aldora hesitated. Oh-oh. This can’t be good.

  “Now,” insisted the inspector, curling a finger for her to come closer.

  Aldora glanced at Teton, but he and his partner were already walking away.

  “Alright, Ian,” said Aldora, giving him a smile. “I was just having a chat with those two.” She walked closer and Ian grabbed her wrist and spun her around. Cold metal snapped into place around her wrists as she cried out. She stamped on the inspector’s foot.

  “Stop resisting, Giften!” snapped Ian as he grabbed hold of her arm. “I’m arresting you for foreign tampering.” He jostled her around to face the stairs. “Move.”

  He shoved against her, indicating she should walk towards the stairs. Reluctantly she did.

  “You realise Queen Regina won’t be happy about this, don’t you?” asked Aldora. How do I get out of this? What would Raneth do?

  The inspector scoffed. “I’m alright. She’s not here, and you’re not the one who knows her. Algernon’s spies won’t report you being arrested straight away. And I’m not tell
ing the queen I have you this time. Algernon wants you in the arena and I’m really happy to help. You got me in a lot of trouble with the queen.”

  “Well, you’re not alright,” growled Aldora. “What’s to stop me arresting you after this?”

  “You have no power here and I read up on you after Regina came to you and your royal official captain’s rescue. You’ve got a dangerous magic weapon, but other than that you’re just pathetic. You’re lucky lover boy was there to do all the heavy lifting.”

  Aldora frowned. I’m not pathetic! I’ve been learning from Raneth and Master Redler! She jabbed her elbow back into Ian’s left kidney. He released his hold on her and she bolted, immediately lurching at the torso as Ian grabbed the metal chain running between her handcuffed wrists. She kicked back, aiming for his groin with her heel. Ian shifted slightly so she missed and caught his thigh.

  “Let me go!” she snapped. I shouldn’t have done this alone!

  “Not ruddy likely,” hissed Ian, taking hold of her arm as he passed her and yanking her down the first step.

  Looking around, Aldora noticed Teton and his partner watching her; they had crept back towards her and Inspector Ian but were still further back in the stands.

  “They’re not in control of Oreg!” shouted Teton, pointing at Ian. “Haven’t been for a long time, Dagger Bearer! You have to escape!”

  Ian paused in jerking her down the steps. “Oi, dog muck!” he snapped. “Shut your gob or I’ll see to it you get arrested too!” In a lower voice, he added, “Move, Giften scum.”

  Unable to stand her ground, Aldora reluctantly stepped along behind him. What does Teton mean? How can law enforcers, even corrupt ones like these, not be in control of their home? I need to escape. I could try using my gift, but I could hurt everyone near us. Master Redler said my gift is controlled by imagination when I’m not being provoked. If I focus on Ian, I might do a better job of affecting just him.

  The inspector yanked on her harder, trying to speed her up. Aldora glared at her feet. Picking the fox, the first animal she had accidentally imitated with her gift’s provocation, she thought carefully about its bark. Wait. I don’t want to hurt him too badly or I could get in a lot more trouble before anyone can help me… I’ll try just knocking him down the stairs. Carefully, she imagined the inspector losing his balance as she used her gift against him, tumbling down the stairs without her. She faced him and inhaled deeply.

  When she opened her mouth no sound erupted from her lips. Try again! Clenching her teeth, she thought about her gift knocking Ian down the stairs and inhaled again. This is what gifts are for, she reminded herself. I’m not attacking. I’m defending myself.

  A high-pitched bark burst from her lips, the warm air between her and Ian’s head visibly rippling. His head jerked as if it had been pushed against and he pitched forwards. His hands waved wildly, but he managed to restore his balance and, after taking a breath, he glared at Aldora with a pained expression on his face.

  “Don’t you ruddy do that again, or I’ll rip that tongue out of your gob. Can’t believe I had to be nice to you,” uttered the Newer. “Behave, woman.”

  No. Aldora barked in his face and stepped away as Ian’s hand slipped from her arm and he tumbled down the stairs. Aldora winced as he ploughed down them, crying out on every other step until he came to a stop at the bottom. The Dagger Bearer hesitated, watching his body for movement before she took a few steps down. Inspector Ian’s temple was bleeding and his bloodied nose was flattened, but otherwise he looked fine. The inspector slowly sat up, grimacing, and then glared at Aldora. Oh-oh, she thought, before turning and running towards the next flight of stone stairs.

  “Sheila! Get the cow!”

  “On her!”

  Aldora paused, looking for the female inspector Raneth had stashed in the cupboard the other night. There but where’d she come from? Sheila was climbing the stairs Aldora had been heading for. The Dagger Bearer glanced at Ian; he was limping up the other stairs. Trapped. But if I can get higher faster than them, I might be able to run past them and go down another set of stairs. She vaulted over a bench, aiming upwards to where the benches became less occupied. She stepped up and over another. This isn’t going to work. The benches are making me slower, she realised, glancing at Ian and then Sheila. Sheila was fast too. Aldora ran, aiming instead for Ian’s stairs.

  The inspector was running up the stairs, a hand pressing against each bench he passed, but Aldora reached the steps in front of him. He grabbed the fabric of her top and she slapped a hand against his ear. He backed up then tottered on his step. Aldora grabbed his shoulders and spun him towards the nearest bench. As Ian fell back against the seat and into a man’s lap, Aldora ran downwards and glanced towards Sheila. She was glaring at her, running along one of the benches towards her.

  “GET HER!” hollered Ian.

  Aldora screamed as Sheila leapt and smashed into her side, knocking them both down between two of the benches, with the inspector on top. Aldora clenched her eyes shut as Sheila’s fist slammed against her left eye. She lifted her hands and patted at the air like a cat, slapping aside Sheila’s second attempt to punch her. The inspector reached around Aldora’s flailing hands and grabbed a handful of hair.

  “Ow!” yelled Aldora.

  Sheila slammed Aldora’s head against the stones under them.

  Aldora blacked out.


  “She isn’t back yet,” stated Sasha as Prince Pedibastet jumped onto her bar.

  The Prince of the Cats flicked both his ears back then turned to watch Adelard strolling towards them. Odd. She should be back by now. Unless she got lost. Pedibastet followed Sasha up the stairs and into the same room as before. He jumped onto the sofa as the retired royal official shut and locked the door behind them. He turned to Sasha. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” said Sasha, nodding. “I’ve been keeping an eye out specifically for her. My staff are listening out for information on her and Raneth and so far they’ve heard nothing either.”

  A fist slammed three times against the door.

  “Let me in, Sasha.”

  Raneth! Finally, a more useful Giften. Pedibastet let slip a small purr. The brothel owner unlocked the door and smiled as Raneth stepped into the room.

  “When’s the last time you three heard from or saw Aldora?” he asked, not bothering to wait for Sasha to close the door again.

  This doesn’t feel right, noted Pedibastet, watching Raneth as he tinkered with each weapon at his belt. He’s agitated and angry. A little scared too, I think.

  “It was still light when I saw her last, but only just, so perhaps around three o’clock. Before four, for sure. It was when we got here,” admitted Pedibastet.

  “She went to see a fence at the arena. A guy called Teton,” added Sasha.

  Raneth frowned. “One of Algernon’s spies came to the palace and said she had been arrested for foreign tampering. She’s imprisoned in the arena. People are betting how quickly she’ll die!”

  Why does she find trouble every time Raneth and I leave her on her own? thought Pedibastet.

  “But, she’s the Dagger Bearer! They can’t take her!” uttered Sasha. She sat down on the red sofa and shook her head. “How on Giften soil… Ian. Did you meet an Inspector Ian at some point, Raneth?”

  Raneth nodded.

  “Then he’ll be behind it, most probably. Foreign tampering is an old law, but it’s one he’s known to use when it benefits him. Could he have felt slighted by either of you? His power diminished in your presence?”

  “We invaded his headquarters and Raneth did a good job of beating up a few inspectors,” stated Pedibastet. His tail twitched irritably. “Are you saying the little toerag has done this because of our actions?”

  “Probably,” said Sasha, standing and resting a hand against the arm of the sofa. “Foreign tampering means she won’t be up against humans, boys. She’s in serious trouble and she’ll be forced to fight t
o the death.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” snapped Raneth. “Why else would I piss off the Newer queen by running out of her palace without permission?”

  Raneth’s mood suggests we won’t mess around. I suppose that means I should move. Pedibastet strolled over to stand beside Raneth’s feet. Just then another knock came from the door, less forceful than Raneth’s.

  Sasha opened the door and a piece of paper was held out for her by a slender hand. She murmured a thank you and closed the door as she read the note. She looked up at Raneth and then at Pedibastet.

  “What?” uttered the Prince of the Cats.

  “She’s scheduled to go against a moth dragon.”

  Pedibastet looked up at Raneth. “Explain.”

  “It’s not good news,” stated Raneth. “We get her back. Now.”

  Chapter Seven


  With Pedibastet in his arms, Raneth ran towards the arena. They slowed when it towered in front of them, its faded flags flapping viciously in the night’s wind. Raneth put Pedibastet down and eyed the building carefully. No queue stood outside the arena now, but there were eight scarred fighters at its gaping mouth, with plenty of weapons between them.

  “How will we enter, Raneth?” asked Pedibastet.

  The royal official didn’t speak. He frowned as he watched the scarred men. “If all the entrances have guards just standing by them, we might have some trouble.”

  “They will have been trained against what we are about to do,” said the cat.

  Raneth nodded. Yeah, but a royal official and a cat should be able to muster an idea, especially for Aldora. “There must be another way. I could take them on, but that doesn’t mean I should. If I get hurt I could bleed out before we find Aldora. Getting her out safe is my top priority right now.”

  “Good. With that in mind, she will be safe soon,” purred Pedibastet, rubbing his right cheek against Raneth’s leg. “Now, the arena’s too big to walk around it without being seen.”


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