Shotput of Power

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Shotput of Power Page 16

by Drae Box

  Aldora stood by the sink, holding a sheet of paper. “Looks like someone beat us here.”

  This better be good, thought Raneth worriedly. He broke out into a forced smile. “Oh? Who?”

  “Queen Regina. Should she be able to get messages in here?”

  “Through the letterbox, not like this.” Raneth walked deeper into the room until he stood by Aldora’s side. “Maybe it was Rena. May I have the note?” He held his hand out.

  His partner gently slipped it into his hand. “It says her resources suggest Lodema is a Giften that came through the border around Freda.”

  Why Freda? wondered Raneth, a fan of Giften’s most cherished holiday, when Giftens celebrated their friendships, family and when a Giften called Freda had become a god by sacrificing herself to save her friends and her army. Whenever criminals have started trouble on that day, their actions are usually fuelled by revenge or justice for a loved one. Raneth read through the note, glancing up briefly as he heard the whirr of a Southern Kingdom coffee machine. No awful coffee. That’ll make a change. He knew he’d become something of a coffee snob the past few years, but he couldn’t help it. A lot of royal officials loved the stuff, and he wasn’t immune to its charms.

  “It says here that her intel’s from a few criminals, a few Newers on the border and a few inspectors she trusts.”

  “Tell me, what does it say that’s of use?” asked Pedibastet. “And why is nobody making me milk yet?”

  “The house’s systems were off, Prince Pedibastet. If there’s any milk in that fridge, it went off over a month ago, possibly nearer two months. I’ll do a food run in a bit.”

  “Then at least tell me the leads you’ve been given, Raneth.”

  “Alright. The note describes her as a ‘crazy Giften with a long reach’, which means she’s managed to influence others. Apparently she’s doing something to change the status quo, but not to the royal level. Described as subtle and rumoured to be able to kill by raising her hand without touching her victims.”

  “So a murderer. At least your skills will be put to good use then,” stated Pedibastet.

  “She also warns that an Eastern Barbarian was in Tren recently and killed a good number of the inspectors there. She doesn’t know if he’s a trained assassin.”

  Aldora frowned at Pedibastet. “It also gives us the name of an inspector we should trust whilst we’re here, who has something to show us. Rena’s cousin, Faustina. And Regina is sending word to Cray so he can check Giften’s database for any information on Lodema that might help us.” She turned to Raneth. “We should go and see the inspector before we get settled in. We can get supplies on the way back here.”

  “Good idea, A,” uttered Raneth, giving her a smile. “Let’s dump the bags and head over to the inspectors’ headquarters here then. We’ll play nice this time.”

  “A good idea. Regina’s reach is likely slower to get here,” replied Pedibastet.

  I’m not an idiot, thought Raneth with some irritation. “Let’s move.”

  Arriving at the inspectors’ headquarters, they were led into the kitchen, a large rectangular room with a weathered table in the centre, where a woman sat sipping at a cup, leafing through a pile of papers in front of her and twirling a pen in her right hand.

  “Faussy, some Giftens are here to see you. Said the queen sent them your way. Must be something to do with Sorrell Vance.”

  The female inspector looked up, dropped the pen and tugged at her grey collar as she observed the two Giftens and Prince Pedibastet in Aldora’s arms. Raneth could see some indication that this woman was related to Regina’s guard in her nose and general facial structure, her red hair tied into a neat bun at the back of her head, and her amber eyes that were almost green.

  “Which one of you is the Bayre?” she asked.

  “That’ll be me,” admitted Raneth. “Mind if we join you, inspector?”

  “Go for it. Coffee, tea, milk?”

  “Warmed milk would be lovely,” stated the Prince of the Cats as he poured himself from Aldora’s arms onto the table, letting his black tail dangle off the edge.

  Aldora and Raneth sat next to him. “I’ll have a tea please,” said Aldora. “Raneth tends to drink coffee.”

  “Coffee’ll do me good. Thank you.” The royal official watched as Inspector Faustina gestured to the inspector who had escorted them in to make the drinks, before she shoved her paperwork to the side.

  “Nice of you to show up. Rena said you’d be here sooner.”

  “We had some wind to deal with on the flight to Tren,” stated Raneth, and he was rewarded with a confused frown from the Newer.

  “We came here using his griffin-self,” explained Aldora, a hand slipping down to rest against Raneth’s bobbing right knee under the table.

  The royal official tried not to reveal his surprise at her touch, but slipped a hand under the table to rest against hers briefly in thanks. “Regina said you would have something to show us, Inspector Faustina.”

  The inspector’s eyebrows rose. “You must be pretty pally-pally with her not to call her Queen Regina.” As a fresh cup was placed at her side and her old one removed by the other inspector, she added, “But I do. A dead body – we think he’s Inspector Sorrell Vance from Oreg. Queen Regina and Rena said you might be interested in the body – the burn is unusual. We’re waiting on confirmation of his identity, and his file if it is him.”

  The cat turned his green eyes to the Newer inspector. “We’ll take a look, but there’s no promise it’s related to what we’re doing here in Newer.”

  Raneth stood up. “Might as well go and see the body now, if you don’t mind, Inspector Faustina?”

  The Newer frowned up at Raneth before she cleared her throat. “Doesn’t bother me. Hope you don’t mind the smell of burned flesh. The smell’s lingering.”

  “Not my first burned body,” uttered Raneth, before he glanced at Aldora. “Are you alright to see the body?”

  “I’m not a delicate flower, Raneth,” murmured Aldora as she stood up. “Where’s the body, inspector?”

  “He’s this way.” Faustina strode towards a different door to the one they had entered through. She paused and looked over her shoulder at the three Giftens. “Come on then.”

  Raneth eased past Aldora and followed the inspector into a corridor, hearing Aldora fall into step behind him.

  “Through here.” The inspector held open a door at the end of the corridor.

  It’s not a trap. Rena sent word to this one, and Regina too. I don’t need to worry about this being a trap. Aware he was standing hesitantly at the door, Raneth forced himself to take a step through, though his left hand settled protectively against the grip of his sword.

  Aldora gently rested a hand against the small of his back and slid it around into a gentle side hug, her fingers brushing his hand away from his sword.

  “This one’s an ally, don’t forget,” she whispered softly.

  Pedibastet padded between them, his body curving to Raneth’s leg. Then he rubbed his side against Aldora’s legs and sat at her side.

  The room was colder than the kitchen and the corridor; there was a chill to the air’s touch as Raneth strode towards the three metal examination tables in the centre of the room. Two were occupied, with white sheets resting over the bodies, hiding them. Inspector Faustina strode towards one of the tables and yanked the sheet back without any fanfare.

  “All yours.”

  She took a few steps back and then folded her arms, her amber eyes watching Raneth closely. He regarded her for a moment, before spotting another inspector stepping into the room from a side room without a door.

  “Sir,” he uttered in greeting, nodding his head a little. Gotta play nice. This is probably the one in charge of the bodies.

  “Ah, you must be the Giftens Faustina’s been expecting. I’m the medical examiner.”

  A little reluctantly, the royal official captain nodded. “We are. This is Prince Pedibastet, the Dag
ger Bearer and I’m…” Raneth paused, reluctant to out himself as the royal official captain. Like Aldora said, they’re allies. He gently inhaled before he shared his title too. “May I ask what you found of interest on this body?”

  “A Giften that actually cares what a Newer thinks?” The examiner glanced at Faustina. “This is new.” He scratched at his backside for a moment. “I haven’t cared enough to do anything other than strip him and dump him on that table. Have at him. I have better things to do. I’ll be in my office.” He retreated back out of view, leaving the Giftens with Inspector Faustina and the body.

  Aldora’s gentle touch interrupted Raneth’s surprise at the examiner’s disinterest in doing his own job. “Can you inspect the body and figure things out? Otherwise we’re stuck.”

  Raneth nodded. “I can rely on experience.” He looked to Faustina. “Was a blue bag found with his body?”

  The Newer inspector shook her head. “No. He didn’t have anything on him.”

  A paw pressed against the top of Raneth’s foot. “Get to work, royal official.”

  Turning his gaze to the dead body, Raneth noted the face. Barely bloated from decomposition, but it does look like the inspector who had the bag. He reached for Pedibastet and plucked the cat from his paws.

  “Excuse me! What do you think you’re doing?” snapped the Prince of the Cats.

  Raneth pinned the squirming cat to his chest. “Prince, I need your superior eyes to confirm identity – is this the one that had the blue bag in Oreg?” Never hurts to make him think we actually care his eyesight’s better than ours.

  The cat’s squirming stilled and he wriggled around to face the dead body on the table. “I believe so. Now put me down.”

  Raneth did so and Pedibastet fastidiously began to clean his fur.

  Faustina stalked to Aldora’s side, running a hand over her red hair, pulling it free from the bun at the back of her head and remaking it. “If this is an inspector, it’s our duty to look into his death.” In a lower voice, she added, “Even if the dollophead was corrupt.” She turned her gaze briefly towards the medical examiner’s doorway. “I’m one of Queen Regina’s plants to root out corruption, with Giften’s help.”

  “In that case, it would be our pleasure to work with you on this, if needed,” offered Raneth, giving her a soft smile. Not everyone knows the conditions of the Newer Kingdom’s joining Giften’s Common Kingdoms Alliance Treaty. For her to whisper that to us, she’s more than likely to be the real deal. She knows at the very least the aid Regina asked for as part of joining as an ally.

  Casting his focus down to the body again, this time the hands caught Raneth’s attention. He took a pen from a side tray by the table and poked the hand nearest him so he could get a better view of the palm and undersides of the fingers. They were black, some of the skin and flesh melted away to reveal hints of bone, whilst around the outer edge of the palm, the skin looked like the softest touch would make it disintegrate. “There are some bits of skin on his fingers that aren’t burnt,” stated Raneth. “Just blackened as if they needed more heat to burn too.”

  “So?” asked Inspector Faustina.

  “Whatever burned him might have been in his hands, and the way his fingers are burned, I’d guess it was small. Like a tennis ball.”

  “Round like a shotput?” asked Aldora.

  Raneth shrugged. “That’s beyond the knowledge I’ve picked up over the years. I’ve seen similar burns when attending autopsies for fires I helped rescue people from. I’ve seen similar burns from round door handles, when parents have been trying to get into a room where their children are. It looks a little like one of those, but nobody would dump a body in that situation, and the victim wouldn’t have it on both hands.”

  The royal official looked around for forensic gloves to wear, but finding none he frowned questioningly at the inspector.

  “If you’re looking for gloves, this place has yet to realise they’re a necessary expense.”

  Which means when he undressed this guy, the medical examiner compromised any evidence Southern Kingdom or Southern-Giften crime-solving equipment could find. Raneth swept his attention around the room. None of which looks to be here. These must be very basic exams. Raneth glanced briefly at Prince Pedibastet, who looked back at him. The royal official carefully leaned over the body so he could view the other hand, then grabbed both the arms of the dead inspector and cupped the hands together, so the insides of the wrists were together, as if waiting to catch a small ball, the fingers splayed to create a funnel.

  “Burn looks like it might marry up like this. As if he caught something spherical that was on fire.”

  “Where was the body found?” asked Aldora, turning to Inspector Faustina.

  “At the back of the nightclub, by the gift lock-up.”

  “Gift lock-up?” asked Raneth, almost growling. That had better not still be active. “You’re still going around capturing and experimenting on people with gifts? You’re not supposed to have those anymore as part of the Treaty.” He felt Aldora’s hand grasp his elbow, but he tugged free of her hold as he glared at Faustina. “As a royal official, I’m–”

  “Relax!” yelped Inspector Faustina, raising both hands palm out towards Raneth, her expression concerned. She turned to Aldora, the amber of her eyes almost swallowed whole by her pupils. “Gift labs and gift lock-ups aren’t in use anymore, and I never put anyone in there, I promise. Don’t let your royal official touch me.”

  “He won’t hurt you,” said Aldora. “Right?” She looked to Raneth.

  Raneth folded his arms, frowning. “Fine.”

  “If you want to see the spot where we found the body, I can show you,” stated Inspector Faustina. “And I’ll be happy to take you on a tour of the gift lock-up to prove it’s abandoned.”

  If she’s willing to show me that it’s not in use, then it probably isn’t. I need to stay focused on the Shotput. The Treaty is everyone else’s concern, unless we threaten it.

  “That’s not necessary, but thank you,” said Raneth, “and I’m sorry.”

  Faustina gestured at the corpse. “It’s fine. Is there anything else on the body you find interesting, Royal Official Bayre?”

  Raneth inspected the face and the rest of the body; the skin had turned an odd mixture of yellow and orange, and a few flies were walking across the skin. The stomach was beginning to bloat, but the Bayre’s interest was waning. There’s not much visible, other than where the blood’s pooled in the body after death. He pointed to the side of the body, where the lower half had a purplish hue. “He was on his back after death. Is that how he was found?”

  “Yes. An inspector found the body soon after death and the spot doesn’t have a lot of foot traffic around the time the inspector found him. At the time, the body was still warm to the touch.”

  Raneth scratched at the stubble under his chin. “Is it possible to speak with that inspector?”

  Faustina shook her head. “It was the medical examiner.”

  There goes that option. Stepping back from the body, the festering smell of burnt flesh mingled with the tangy smell of decomposition still clinging to his nose. Raneth gave a shrug. “The body’s decomposition stage suggests the timeline might fit with when we last saw him. Anything else to note here is beyond my experience.”

  “I find it odd that even though royal officials kill a lot of people, you’re not trained to observe dead bodies for clues,” stated Faustina, leading them towards the doors.

  “We don’t actually kill that many people,” stated Raneth. “My rank is the only one that gets orders to kill as well as to arrest.”

  “How many have you killed then?” asked the Newer.

  Raneth frowned at her, uncomfortable at the question.

  “That’s classified,” interjected Prince Pedibastet. “Isn’t it, royal official?”

  Why is Pedibastet hiding my kill count? “Um. Yeah,” said Raneth. Must not quite trust her or something. At least she’s willing t
o take us where the body was found.

  “This is the spot,” stated Inspector Faustina, twirling on the spot, her hands raised out. “There’s nothing to find. We looked for evidence.”

  Raneth prowled back and forth, inspecting the wall at the back of the nightclub. He peered into a large bin, and then inspected around the bin and the surrounding area, looking carefully at the scattered litter and an odd mark on the ground. It was a round dip in the ground. Raneth touched it. It was smooth to the touch. Odd. He glanced at Aldora and stilled, then gave a shrug.

  “Other than this mark, I don’t see anything of note,” he stated. “Except the distinct lack of something to note.”

  “Sometimes the best clue is in the missing clues, but time wasted on travelling here could be our issue in this instance,” added Pedibastet. “Inspector Faustina, what do you know of Lodema?”

  “Lodema? Wow, I didn’t think Giftens would have heard of her. She’s a pain in the royal arse,” stated Faustina, folding her arms as she frowned. Raneth strolled past her, inspecting the ground again for anything he might have missed. “But then she is one of yours.”

  “So we’ve been told,” voiced Raneth. “People seem to think she’s a Giften with a large reach.”

  “She does have a large reach. She controls a lot of the crime here in Tren and Oreg. Nobody seems to know what she looks like though.”

  “Are you sure she is not a phantom criminal? A name the criminals use to send you in circles?” asked Pedibastet.


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