Shotput of Power

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Shotput of Power Page 36

by Drae Box

Pedibastet moved a step away from the fireplace, the tip of his tail curling. “Where are you going?”

  “Out, to find a decent royal official who’ll promise the Dagger Bearer that they won’t kill her uncle when they arrest him. If I can just talk to my uncle, I might be able to clear Raneth’s name.” She glared at him. “Not that he deserves it right now.”

  Raneth watched her unlock the deadbolt and step out into Ali’s back garden. He repositioned the beanie on his head. Not that I deserve it right now? He scowled.

  Pedibastet pressed his weight into Raneth’s foot with a paw. “Go after her. Stop her from being an idiot, please.”

  “Gladly,” replied Raneth, yanking his hoodie back on.

  “I’ll stay with Ali until Cray’s back in power,” stated Pedibastet. “I’ll just get in your way.”

  “Be safe.” Raneth stepped into the garden and followed Aldora.

  “Wait!” he called as he followed her down the garden path, catching the gate she let swing shut between them before it could slam. “Hey, Aldora.” He sped up as she turned into the alleyway that ran along the back of all the shops in this terrace. “Aldora.” He grabbed her wrist as they emerged into the street. She snatched her arm back and whirled around to face him.

  “You’re treading a fine line between monster and murderer right now, Raneth Bayre,” she growled.

  Raneth inhaled sharply and took a step back. He clenched his jaw as he felt a cyclone of tears irritate his eyes. He looked away from her, deeper into the street.

  “I’m not a monster,” he whispered. “And I don’t want to murder people. It’s…” My job, he finished to himself. He sniffed and rubbed at a watery eye with the heel of his hand. He’d been called a freak growing up. ‘Monster’ wasn’t that different an alternative. His breath caught as he inhaled, forcing the tears back before they could fall.

  “Aldora.” He lifted his gaze as she started to walk away from him. “Hey,” he snapped as he pulled up his hood to hide his eyes, knowing they were probably a little puffy from almost crying. “We have to stick together.”

  “Why?” she asked as she folded her arms. “It seems like I’m not in danger. Only you are.”

  Raneth tucked his hands into the pockets at the front of his hoodie. “I’m not a freak. I’m a Bayre.”

  “I never called you a freak. Why should I stay with you, Raneth?”

  Why? She’s not going to listen if I say I think her uncle can’t be trusted. “Have you considered why your uncle chose to say I’d kidnapped you?”

  “Because you’re a problem, as far as he’s concerned. Maybe he thinks that’s actually what happened, if he hasn’t gotten any facts from the rest of my family.”

  “Have you ever considered that he chose that story so people would report it if they saw you, so he could get hold of you?”

  “Raneth,” uttered Aldora. “I think if I’m in the same room as my uncle, I can convince him to stop any more harm coming to the royal officials who behave. He’s just trying to fix a problem he thinks the kingdom has. Don’t you understand?”

  “I do,” admitted Raneth. “But this is not the way to go about it.”

  “Like you’d know, with your stupid Lords’ Law Act.”

  “I’ve never used that except when I was investigating why the Dagger was taken. Only my dad’s taken full advantage of it, and only for the Bayre–Frey Feud.”

  Aldora started to say something else, but Raneth spotted three Brethren in their black jackets strolling up the street towards them. He backed up a few steps. They’ve already noticed us. He swallowed and returned his gaze to Aldora to see her frowning at him.

  “Brethren.” He nodded past her shoulder.

  Aldora turned. “Giften’s soil,” she hissed.

  “Come on,” urged Raneth, turning and heading down the first side turning in view. He couldn’t go back to Ali’s. He couldn’t lead them to Pedibastet or his friend. Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted Aldora sprinting further along the path, completely ignoring where he had gone. “Damn it, Aldora!” he grumbled. The Brethren came into view, two of them sweeping straight towards Raneth as the other ran after Aldora.

  Chapter Four


  “Let go,” snapped Aldora, yanking at her arm. The Brethren who had followed her just squeezed her wrist more tightly. “I’m warning you. I have a gift, you know.”

  “So do I.” The Brethren shoved Aldora with his chest, pinning her to the front wall of somebody’s unlit home. “Now, hold still.” He lifted his other hand, aiming his fist at her face.

  Aldora stamped a heel onto his toes. I’m not making anything easy for you! He howled and stepped back, but his hand was still firmly clamped around her wrist. No more chances, decided Aldora. She sucked in a breath, thought of the yap of a fox and yelled into the Brethren’s face. He flew back as the boom of a louder-than-normal bark was imitated on Aldora’s lips, and he landed on his butt. He looked up at her with a stunned expression.

  Rubbing her wrist, Aldora took a wary step closer. “Why were you going to punch me?”

  “Orders. Make the royal official scum you love look bad.”

  “Orders from who?” growled Aldora. This isn’t right.

  “My handler.” The Brethren started to climb to his feet. “Now, stop resisting. I don’t want to use my gift on you.”

  Sod that. Aldora ran.

  I should have stayed with Raneth! Aldora thought as she surged towards a metal door that was tapping against its frame in the rippling wind. The door was part of some kind of abandoned factory. Glancing over her shoulder as she grabbed its broken handle, she noticed that the Brethren who had come after her wasn’t in sight. I lost him. She ducked inside and yanked the door shut but it continued to tap against its frame. She slowly crept forwards into the darkness.

  She could barely see anything in front of her, though she could hear the crunch of leaves beneath her feet. She didn’t know where she was. It was stupid to leave Raneth. He knows Green’s streets. He wouldn’t have gotten lost. She closed her eyes, murmuring a profanity but winced as something in her pocket poked her leg. The grebunar! She fished it out and held the small gold sphere close to her eyes. Just squeeze and think of Raneth, she remembered. She squeezed the small sphere in her hand and thought of Raneth’s lopsided grin and his dazzling eyes. The softness of his skin, and the way his short black hair was so fluffy when he dried it with a towel. The grebunar buzzed in her hand, like a trembling terrified mouse. She let go but it didn’t lift off her hand. She frowned. Did I do something wrong?

  The wind howled as it burst through the door, and Aldora looked to see Thane Frey standing in the doorway, peering in at her. Where’d he come from? How’d he find me? And why’s he in Green? She slipped the grebunar back into her pocket, hoping he hadn’t been able to see what it was. Thane Frey was Raneth’s enemy, the reason the Bayre-Frey Feud couldn’t be put to bed. It was Thane’s job to terrorise and chase Raneth to learn how he thought, ready for when he became the Master Bayre, and it was Raneth’s father’s misfortune as the current Master Bayre to have to try and protect Raneth and kill Thane. Preferably even find the Frey Mansion, hidden by the same magic that made the royal palace protect the royals’ lives. In return, Thane had to try and kill Raneth’s father. Whilst the Bayres would be happy to wipe out the Frey entirely, the Frey were more careful; too much of their way of life revolved around the Bayre-Frey Feud to willingly end it.

  The Master Frey smiled as he stepped inside, letting the broken door swing shut on its own. He lifted a hand to chest level, with the palm towards the ceiling, and a small spark burst into life above his hand, before swirling into a ball of fire that hovered above him.

  “Miss Leoma,” he uttered as he strode towards her. “Where’s Raneth? I take it that you’re both back from the Newer Kingdom.”

  Aldora backed up a step as Thane continued to advance. His black-brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, but his temples showed that more than a
little of his hair was abandoning the front of his head. The elder man’s grey eyes stayed transfixed on her as he drew nearer, waiting for her response.

  “Get away from me,” growled Aldora.

  Thane smiled and slowed his footsteps until he stalled. “Don’t be so alarmed, Aldora. I know you two are dating now, and my family’s way of life demands that I kill Dragon Bayre next. Besides, Raneth’s taking too long to have an heir, so I can’t risk anything bad happening to you.”

  Aldora inspected the area around her and Thane, looking for something she could slowly get close to and then attack him with, but other than the leaves that had been swept inside by the wind, there was nothing – the floor of the factory was bare. If I draw the Dagger, he’ll definitely hurt me. He just won’t kill me.

  “What are you even doing here?” she snapped. “You were permanently banned from Green City.”

  “Whilst King Cray was in power,” stated Thane with a smile. “Now he’s not recognised as a legal representative of Giften law, I can pretty much do what I want in Green.”

  He took a final step forwards, grabbed her wrist and squeezed. Aldora pulled back, trying to slip free from his hold, but his fingers dug into her wrist, hurting her. “Let go.”

  “Not until you tell me where Raneth is.”

  “Why don’t you track him?” snapped Aldora, yanking on her arm again. “That’s what you’ve always done before.”

  Thane tilted his head as he frowned intently at her. “He’s nearby, isn’t he? You two must have split up to avoid Denzel’s men.”

  The door swung open, extinguishing Thane’s ball of fire, and a Brethren stepped inside.

  “Oi! Turn around slowly. And you,” snapped the Brethren, pointing his finger at Aldora, “no funny business. Hands up.”

  “Oh, for goodness sake,” murmured Thane as he let go of Aldora.

  He spun round and shoved a hand out towards the Brethren. A whip of fire crashed against the Brethren’s neck and torso, and he fell to the floor screaming. Thane gently raised his other hand; there was a fireball growing above his palm. It swept into the Brethren’s face and chest, expanding in size as it bore into the man’s flesh and he fell into silence. Thane wiped his hands together, then turned and smiled at Aldora. “I think it’s time we leave, don’t you?” he asked.

  He held a hand out to her. Aldora eyed it and frowned.

  The Master Frey sighed. “Very well. Walk with me then.”

  He led her towards the downed Brethren and swept a hand in a small semi-circle over the dead man’s chest. The fire shrank and died at the motion, and Thane shoved the dead man to the side with the toe of his boot. He stepped out into the night air, and after a moment’s hesitation, so did Aldora.

  “I will help you find Raneth, and then I’m smuggling you both out of Green before you get yourselves killed. Only the Frey have the right to kill you two, and I won’t let Denzel’s untrained dogs steal that honour.”

  “It’s not a right just because your family declares it one, you know,” snarled Aldora as she folded her arms. “And it’s not honourable to keep harassing and murdering a family since before kingdom records began.”

  “Look,” uttered Thane as he led her out of the industrial estate of Green City. “You don’t understand. It’s our way of life – for both families – and the reason behind it all wasn’t recorded, or if it was, one of our ancestors destroyed the evidence.”

  “Yours probably.”

  “Probably,” admitted Thane with a smile. “You’re rather snappy today. Did you fall out with Raneth?”

  “No,” lied Aldora.

  She looked away from Thane, turning her attention to the streets around them and spotting three women waiting up ahead for them, without the Brethren or the Guardsmen’s jackets. Frey Followers, she realised as she glanced up at Thane. He was walking towards his employees without any concern. I don’t understand why anyone would willingly help the Frey hunt down and kill the Bayres. It must be the money or something. I know Drigoe was forced into it when Thane adopted him, but he managed to get out of it and marry my sister.

  “I suppose that explains why he’s not here yet, trying to pull you away from me,” said Thane.

  “Shut up.”

  Thane laughed. “Hit a nerve, did I? I’m sure he’ll forgive you. He’s head over heels in love with you. My sources told me he took his mother’s ring to Newer. I think he wanted it there ready to propose to you. Did he?” When she didn’t respond, Thane’s smile dropped. “You said no?”

  “He hasn’t technically asked yet,” snapped Aldora. “And if he did take his mother’s ring to Newer with him, he lost it to the cannibals.”

  “Sounds like the two of you had fun,” stated Thane.

  Aldora glared at Thane. Go away and die somewhere horrible. She glanced down at the Dagger of Protection at her waist. Maybe I could stab him with it? It won’t let me use its powers to attack, but it’s still a blade and it’s been used to stab people who didn’t deserve it before… And Thane does deserve it.

  “I wouldn’t,” said Thane as he tapped her reaching hand away from the Dagger of Protection. “Or when I find Raneth, I’ll kill him instead of his father.” Thane smiled. “Then his father will have to get that healer friend of his in Calbride City to give him a new heir.” He smirked. “They think I don’t know about Rafaela.”

  “Please just leave us alone,” said Aldora as the three women fell into step behind them.

  “I can’t do that. Like I said, the Bayres are mine to play with, not Broken Crown’s. That means, whether Denzel knows it or not, you’re the most important part of the Bayre–Frey Feud right now.” He patted her shoulder. “We have high hopes for you.”

  “We?” asked Aldora. “Who’s we?”

  “My family.”

  “I don’t want your help getting out of Green, and I don’t want your help finding Raneth,” stated Aldora. I have to get him to leave me alone so I can go and find Raneth. I should have run the same way as him. “What makes you think you can get us out unharmed anyway?”

  “Who said unharmed?” asked Thane. “But I know I can get you two out alive and with ease. My Followers weren’t banned – just me, and I’ve quite a few smuggling tunnels and bolt holes around the city. I’ve smuggled so much Southern Kingdom technology into Giften over the years, my family has become quite good at it.”

  “Televisions and stuff?” asked Aldora. “How did you get those past people? They’re huge.”

  “No, nothing useless like that. Weapons mostly – guns.”

  Aldora frowned, thinking back to the Newer Royal Guards she had seen, each sporting a Southern Kingdom gun. If he’s brought those nasty things into Giften, we have a huge problem. She tugged her jacket closer to her frame. Royal officials aren’t trained to protect themselves against guns because they’re not commonly available in Giften, only in the Southern Kingdom. If the wrong people have them, the royal officials won’t last long enough for me to help them.

  “Did you give the guns to my uncle?”

  “Indirectly, yes. Broken Crown has a large stash of them somewhere.”

  “And I bet your pockets got much deeper,” grumbled Aldora.

  “Of course. I do nothing for free unless it serves me later on to do so.”

  The Dagger Bearer walked beside Thane, her hands tucked under her arms. He turned into a narrow alleyway. Aldora hesitated and glanced over her shoulder as the three Frey Followers drew close to her back. One reached out and nudged her a step forwards into the alleyway. The Dagger Bearer turned to look where they were forcing her to go. This isn’t right, she realised. Thane was standing halfway down the alleyway. He smiled at her and beckoned her closer. That’s dodgy all by itself.

  “No,” she uttered.

  She turned and shoved against one of the Frey Followers. They stumbled back and one of them grabbed the Follower’s shoulder to steady her. The third Follower grabbed Aldora and spun her round by her shoulders, pushing her in
to Thane’s waiting hands. Aldora closed her eyes as Thane slammed her front against the wall, a hand against her back.

  “Hold still,” he ordered.

  Aldora pressed her hands against the wall and pushed, trying to force herself away from the wall. “Get off me! What are you doing?”

  Thane’s warm body pressed against her back and a hand slid down her side. Aldora grabbed his wrist as he reached for the Dagger of Protection. Don’t you dare! He pulled at the Dagger, trying to draw it from its sheath, and Aldora stamped a foot onto his feet. He jammed a knee into the back of hers. Her leg gave way and she bashed her face against the wall as she fell against it.

  Thane grabbed her hair and flung her onto the ground. The Dagger slid free of the sheath and Aldora grabbed for it, but Thane stamped on her hand. She cried out, drawing her hand to her chest. The Master Frey picked up the Dagger of Protection with a smile.

  “Thank you, Aldora.” He tucked it into the back of his belt.

  Aldora slowly sat up and glared at Thane. “Give that back. If you use that against Raneth, I’ll–”

  “It’s not for Raneth,” stated Thane, holding a hand out to her.

  She smacked it away and rested one hand against the wall as she stood up. She eyed her other hand, the one Thane had stamped on, flexing her fingers carefully and wincing when it hurt, but not drastically. “Then who?”

  The Master Frey didn’t answer, but grabbed her wrist instead. “Move.” He yanked her towards the other end of the alleyway. “And keep close,” he ordered as he looked over his shoulder at his Followers.

  Chapter Five


  Raneth flung his hands towards the Brethren. White mist shot from his palms, slicing through the air towards them as it hardened into slithers of ice. One Brethren raised a hand and a fireball swallowed the flying ice and rippled towards Raneth. The royal official ducked behind a metal bin and grimaced as the fireball smacked into the bin and began to heat it. He eased back and stood up, looking back at the Brethren.


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