The Broken Kingdom

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The Broken Kingdom Page 2

by Andrew G. Wood

  Moving his finger slowly along the leather spines he paused a few times as if actually knowing what he was looking for. In truth, he had no idea, and after running his hand along the full length of two of the shelves, he crouched down to the lowest one. Generally, the books here were old and tatty, and ones he tended not to look at, and probably only there because they were not wanted in the main library. His eyes were drawn to one particular book, although he was unsure why. The spine appeared to be mostly worn away, and hence he could see no writing upon it to indicate what the book was about. Suitably intrigued, Luca slowly pulled the book out with his forefinger, before grabbing it in his hand and rubbing his palm across the cover. The leather was a drab brownish colour, although even that was faded and cracked, and even some of the words were missing. Yet the title was there, and Luca felt a chill down his spine as he read them.

  “Witchcraft” he mumbled.

  Not one to believe in such hokum, he did, however, feel intrigued enough to open the cover and glance at the pages. The paper within the tatty cover was only in slightly better condition, indicating that the entire book was probably quite old. Whoever had written it had done so in a strange sloping hand, further adding to his original thoughts of it being well-aged. The phrasing, although in the common language, was worded somewhat strangely as if the author spoke differently to how people did nowadays. Witchcraft, magic, wizardry, call it what you will, Luca thought it all nonsense anyway. As far as he was aware, there were no reports of any such things happening, meaning that they clearly did not exist. However, after flicking through the first few pages, he was drawn to a diagram. Shaped almost like a star, it had other squiggles and lines within it, and a sketch of a human skull at its centre. As to what it was or what it stood for, Luca did not know. Nor would he ever know, as he realised the bottom of the page where he might have hoped to see the description was torn and missing.

  Somewhat annoyed that was the case, Luca closed the book up and dropped it on his study desk, thinking one of the servants could put it away. Looking at his hands and realising they were now dusty from handling it, he screwed his face up in annoyance and headed back to his bedroom to use the washbowl.

  Chapter 2. The Wedding

  Luca awoke a little earlier than usual, not by choice, but because of the incessant noise that seemed to be going on outside his suite. Aside from his own serving staff making themselves heard as they had been preparing his breakfast things, it seemed half the city was already up and making a racket outside in the corridors of the palace. Thinking them rude and inconsiderate, he threw back the covers of his bed and got to his feet. Dressed only in his nightgown, Luca marched, clenched fist towards the door of his bedroom with the sole purpose of telling the first purpose he saw exactly what he thought of them. However, luckily for any of the servants, his own suite appeared somewhat vacant of people, and not wanting to venture out into the corridor in his current attire, decided to turn around and get dressed.

  After washing his hands and face using the water from the jug and washbowl on his washstand, he dabbed his face dry before gazing momentarily in the small mirror hanging on the wall just above it. Turning about and lifting his gown over his head, Luca let it drop to the floor and walked completely naked to where his clothes had been laid out for him. Today’s attire was somewhat unusual being as it consisted of a military uniform. After putting on a clean pair of pants, adjusting his crotch accordingly thinking they were a little tight, he picked up the black, neatly pressed and folded trousers. After putting them on, Luca then moved onto the white shirt, which he duly buttoned up before putting on the red blazer. With a gold band around the base of the sleeves and one similar running down the front where it buttoned, it was clearly a well-made and expensive garment. All this had been specially made just for today’s occasion, and Luca had already doubted he would wear it again. Even if the chance arose sometime in the future where such a thing was deemed appropriate, the chances of it fitting him in the future were slim. Everything was already tighter than he felt comfortable with, indicating that perhaps he had grown a little since the initial measurements had been taken a couple of months ago.

  After slipping into his highly polished black leather boots, Luca moved over towards his full-length mirror, and with his comb in hand, straightened his fair hair. Standing and admiring himself, gazing at his own reflection, Luca considered himself quite a handsome young chap. Happy that he was ready, he headed out of his bedroom and over to the dining area where his breakfast was already put out for him. Much to his disgust, it was merely a bowl of diced fruit, and to add further insult, there was not even any tea made. He gazed about the place to look for a member of staff to complain to, only to find none were there.

  “Stupid bloody wedding!” He grumbled under his breath, picking up half a strawberry and popping it into his mouth as he did so. Knowing it would be much later in the day when they all got to sit and enjoy the feast that was to follow the ceremony, Luca was beginning to wonder how on earth he would cope. Surely a bowl of fruit would not be sufficient to last him through the tedium of listening to endless gibberish, as his sister and Lord Elthan’s son exchanged their vows.

  Not best pleased with the service and attention he had been given, Luca thought to leave the table in a bit of mess to ensure the servants had a bit more than usual to clean up. Evidently, he wasn’t important enough to even have his usual breakfast and feeling in an awkward, troublesome kind of mood he headed off out of his suite into the corridor. Further down, he could see dozens of staff seemingly in a flap, and wanting to avoid all of them, Luca decided to take the back way downstairs. Ordinarily only used by the staff serving in the palace, the staircase was a far cry from the one he typically took. Here there were no pictures or marble steps, just plain whitewashed walls and a wooden handrail to assist anybody clambering up or down. On his way down he passed two kitchen staff who seemed shocked to see him, both of whom hurriedly curtsied and dipped their heads. Luca, not wanting anything to do with them merely ignored the gesture and continued on his way.

  Knowing the stairs led directly to the main kitchens, Luca ducked aside and headed through another door, one that he knew took him outside. Emerging around the side of the main building, Luca was glad to see only a few people moving about. Seemingly having duties to carry out he hoped no one would notice him as he walked quickly around to the front of the palace, with the view to entering again through the main doors. However as he turned the corner, he was duly spotted by one of the Royal Guards, and noticing that no one was escorting the young prince, saw it as his duty to do so. Much to Luca’s annoyance a man who he thought was probably far too old to be a soldier dutifully fell in behind him as he approached the main entrance. At least with much of the commotion going on upstairs inside the palace, the main doors were much quieter, and with the guard still tailing him, Luca made his way through the main entrance before turning left after leaving the foyer.

  Despite it being too early for the main wedding ceremony, Luca had thought to get there early and thus miss all the people. Of course, being such a prominent member of the royal family, he would not ordinarily have to wait around with the other lower classed people anyway. With the High Priest talking to a handful of his understudies at the far end of the large hall, Luca took it upon himself to find his allotted seat next to the temporary throne that had been positioned up on to a dais overlooking the spot where the ceremony would take place. As the second most important royal after his father, Luca took the seat to his father’s right, allowing the one on the left to be used by his mother. As to when everyone was due to show up, he had no idea, although, by the way that the High Priest was panicking it was probably sooner rather than later.

  After gazing around at the enormity of the great hall, Luca found himself staring at the banners that had been draped down along the far wall. At the centre were the red and blue coloured squares of his father with the gold crown in the middle, flanked either side by all the other n
oble houses right down to the simple red cross on a white background, positioned on the end that denoted Lord Oakley’s house. Luca wondered if the man could even be classed as a nobleman at all, knowing that the House of Oakley held the smallest of all the regions, and were quite evidently not particularly well off as regards monetary terms. As if by fate or just coincidence the very same man and his family entered the hallway, and Luca watched as the same four people he had seen walking the gardens earlier took a position on the second row of benches. By positioning himself there, Lord Oakley was seemingly accepting himself as a less important man than some of the other nobles.

  Luca smirked as he caught the daughter of Lord Oakley looking over his way, but on seeing him look back, she quickly diverted her gaze elsewhere. And so she should, Luca, after all, was the heir to the entire kingdom, and she was no more than some insignificant lord’s sprog of a daughter. Feeling far superior and more important than anybody else, Luca watched as the trickle of people entering the hall suddenly became a flood. The room filled very quickly, and before long every person in the kingdom of note had taken up their positions on the seating provided. With a low murmuring chatter filling the room, Luca was thankful that he was sat away from the others and alone, meaning he wouldn’t have to engage in any meaningless conversation with these people.

  Luca spotted Imogen and her husband, but when he went to raise his hand a little to give her a wave, she was already looking elsewhere. Gazing along the rows of noblemen, he gave names to each, although he couldn’t recall many of their respective partners or children. Lord Dalby of the Casillian Isle, was his mother’s older brother, and so technically Luca’s uncle, although he had only ever spoken to the man once before. An island off the eastern coast, it was probably fair to say that Lord Dalby had been the one to travel the furthest for the wedding. Although another place he had never been, his mother had once told him it was a lovely place to be. However, Luca thought the smell of fish would probably be too overpowering and doubted it would ever be a place he fancied going.

  A loud trumpet sounded, causing Luca to jump slightly, making him feel somewhat annoyed that it had happened. Those that had been chatting among themselves suddenly fell silent, and all got to their feet, which Luca knew could only mean one thing. As Crown Prince, he was excused such things, and remained seated waiting for his father and mother to slowly make their way down the middle of the room to take up their positions beside him. While his father barely glanced his direction before taking his seat, his mother did manage some modicum of a smile before doing likewise. Already feeling bored by the entire occasion Luca then waited somewhat impatiently for them to get started. However, just like all royal functions, things seemed to go much slower than they needed, something Luca was already considering changing when he became king.

  The trumpet sounded out once more, this time indicating that the wedding was finally about to start, as the people once more got to their feet. Luca, as before remained seated, finding a more comfortable position by slumping back in his chair and resting his head on his hand. A figure, dressed in a white gown that had a veil covering the head and a long flowing train that seemed to go on forever behind, walked slowly and elegantly into view. Both Lord Elthan and his son Frederick stood from their position on the front row and walked over to where Elysia had taken up her position.

  Only when he was happy that everyone was where they should be, did the High Priest then decide to start the service. Luca struggled to stifle a yawn as the man appeared to elongate each word, effectively stretching the sentences out much longer than they needed to be. Things wouldn’t be so bad if the man just got on with the wedding part, but instead prattled on about the joy such an occasion brought. A union in both body and mind, and one that would see the kingdom flourish for many years to come. Luca wasn’t entirely certain that was the case, and glanced over to where he had seen Lord Fallon and his son sitting, to look for any reaction having been the ones overlooked. Instead, that honour was now going to the house of Lord Elthan, and his son Frederick would now become a son-in-law to the King, and Luca’s brother-in-law. While the man would never hold any higher position than that currently held by his father, it would elevate the house as regards the other nobles, bringing it inline to that of Lord Romley from the Northern Marches. As to whether this union would quash any further rumours about Endallen wanting to be self-governing and not part of the kingdom, Luca had no idea, but he guessed for now at least it would placate certain people.

  As was expected the service went on for much longer than Luca had hoped, and by the time the wedding rings were finally exchanged, and Frederick got to kiss his bride, he was struggling to keep awake. With both sisters now married, he would be the last of the royal children left living in the palace, and the idea of his own wedding would surely be a long time in the future. At least being such an important figure, Luca would be one of the first to leave the hall and head for the banquet being held in the palace dining rooms. After his father stood up, quickly followed by his mother, Luca did likewise and positioned himself just a yard or two behind. As the pair stepped down from the dais and strolled slowly down the middle of the hall, passing the newlyweds as they went, Luca followed.

  It was as Luca passed by the newlyweds that he caught that pair of deep dark eyes glaring his way again. Frederick may have just married the king’s daughter, but it was Luca the young lord was focusing his attention on. A hard-looking stare, the kind of look someone gave if they didn’t like someone, and one that quickly had Luca turning his gaze away. Feeling somewhat uncertain as to why the man seemed intent and giving him such a look, Luca felt a chill run down his spine as if warning him something bad was about to happen. Trying to push the doomful thoughts from his mind Luca quickened up his pace just a little, and closing the gap between himself and his parents to no more than a couple of feet, knowing that his sister and new husband would be the ones following behind him.

  Thankfully, once outside the main hall he could hasten still further and duly moved ahead of his parents, almost breaking into a jog as he headed for the stairs. Unsure as to why he felt the need, Luca headed for his rooms rather than the dining hall, and went straight to his bedroom. Having never carried a weapon before, being as he had never felt the need, Luca opened the top drawer in his dressing table and lifted out a small, ornate looking dagger. Given to him as a gift by his older sister when he had reached thirteen years of age for his last birthday, he had not even taken it from the black leather sheath. Quickly unbuckling his belt, he slipped the dagger and its protective covering onto it, before refastening it around his waist. Looking in the tall mirror, he positioned it a little to his left-hand side, being as he was right handed he thought it best should he need to arm himself quickly.

  Happy that he had something to protect himself with should anything untoward happen, Luca made his way back down the staircase towards the dining room. Probably now going to be one of the last in, he was somewhat annoyed that the bulk of the crowd was still ambling along from the hall in that direction. With no other option than to join them, Luca found himself walking beside none other than the two children of Lord Oakley. Both, duly bowed their heads a little as they recognised who it was that walked beside them, although Luca tried his hardest not to look their way for fear of them wanting to talk to him. Realising the girl was about to speak Luca pushed his legs to move a little quicker, and although he heard her saying something, he had already moved a few paces ahead and didn’t catch exactly what it was.

  As the guards positioned at the dining room doors forced the crowds to a single file, Luca thought to use his influence and push his way to the front. Paying little heed to any manners, Luca bypassed the queue that was forming and moved right to the front, before merely brushing past the guards on duty. One of the soldiers went to say something but on realising who it was, quickly stepped aside for him to enter. Inside the room, there was already a steady murmuring of chatter, and as Luca headed for the top table, he ca
ught the first aroma of food. This in itself was enough to start his stomach gurgling and grumbling, and not having had a proper breakfast he suddenly felt very hungry.

  Knowing that his mother and father would sit at the centre, as indicated by the two larger seats, and that the new bride and groom would sit beside them, Luca found that he was to be pushed along somewhat and positioned beside his older sister. While not entirely happy that his status as future king was being taken into account, Luca thought that perhaps as it was Elysia’s wedding day he might overlook it just this once. Taking his seat beside Imogen, he adjusted the dagger slightly on his belt to avoid it sticking into him, before casting his gaze out upon the room.

  “Where did you get to?” he heard his sister asking besides him.

  Although keeping a watchful eye on the incoming crowds, Luca deemed the question worthy of a reply. “Had to go and get something from my room, and got caught up in the marauding hordes,” he said not actually saying what it was he had needed to collect.


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