Unintentional Virgin

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Unintentional Virgin Page 5

by A. J. Bennett

  “Don’t stop.” She hated the pleading she heard in her own voice.

  “Karma,” he said as he closed his eyes and leaned back on his knees. “Tell me you didn’t go to a club to pick up a guy for your first time? What the hell…” He ran his hands over his face.

  Karma was shocked by his reaction. “You sound like my father.”

  Jax pulled away as if he’d been bitten by a snake. The look on his face was of total disbelief. Gone was the look of lust in his eyes. No. No. No. They were so close. Why did she have to say anything? She hadn’t meant to, it just came out like word vomit.

  “You’re really a virgin?” He ran his hand through his inky black hair.

  “Yes! I’m a virgin. Everyone has to lose it at some point.”

  “My mother would kill me if I took a girl’s virginity on a one-night stand.”

  “Why are we talking about our parents right now? We were about to have sex.”

  Jax turned and pushed himself to sitting on the bed and dropped his head in his hands. His back was wide and muscular and covered in ink. How could one man be so devastatingly smoking hot? Leaning forward, Karma traced one of the images, some kind of Celtic symbol. She had to pull him back in. This was not at all what she had expected. Didn’t men love the idea of taking someone’s virginity? Karma got on her knees and leaned behind him, pressing her breasts to his back, her hands lightly running up his sides. She pressed her lips to his back, and he pulled away.

  “Why is everyone making such a big deal of this? It’s my body. My choice. Period.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m sorry, I can’t do it.” Jax stood up and walked over to his dresser and threw her a T-shirt. “Put this on. Please. I have very little self-control left.”

  “So you don’t want to fuck me because I’m a virgin? That’s ridiculous.”

  “Put the shirt on. I’m going to get a drink and try to calm down.” He glanced down at his boxers, where his arousal was very prominent. He turned and stalked out the door.

  Karma fell back on the bed, her hand over her forehead. Leave it to her to find the only Boy Scout left in the world. What the hell were the chances? Why was this happening to her?

  “Karma, please put on the shirt.” Jax startled her out of her thoughts when he came back holding a glass of water.

  “Fine!” She yanked the huge shirt over her head and crossed her arms, leaning against the headboard. “I’m going to die a virgin.”

  “I doubt that,” Jax said, setting the drink on the desk before pulling on his pants. He sat down on his computer chair—as far away from her as possible. He tried to hand her the drink, but she shook her head no. She didn’t want a god damn drink, she wanted to have hot sweaty sex.

  “Damn it, Karma. What the hell were you thinking?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I was thinking that I wanted to experience a man. Okay? I want to have sex. I don’t believe in happy ever after. How many people end up with their first sexual partner? Not many. Hell, I thought most guys would jump at the chance of having a virgin.”

  “Oh, believe me, they would.”

  “But just my luck you’re not most guys.” Karma crossed her feet at the ankles.

  “Saying no to you may quite possibly be the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my life. I want you so bad…” His voice was rough. He was so gorgeous it made her heart ache. She had been so freaking close.

  “Then take me. I want you too. Please.” How pathetic was she? She was begging a guy to take her virginity—an all new low.

  “I can’t, Karma. I’m the only son in my family, and I’ve got five sisters. I was raised to respect women. Taking a girl’s virginity on a one-night stand is far from respectful.”

  Karma laughed bitterly. “Respect women? You were more than willing to take me to your bed before you realized I was a freaking virgin.”

  “Yes, because it was your choice as a consenting adult.” His gaze met hers, unflinching.

  “It’s still my choice,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “And it’s my choice not to take something from you that you shouldn’t give away so easily.”

  Karma snorted. “Easily? Hardly. The universe is against me. This is just yet another example. I am doomed to die a virgin. Apparently, it is written in the stars or something.” She paused. “I really want this, Jax. It’s not something I decided on a whim.” She knew her voice was pleading, but she didn’t care.

  “A club? You went to a club to lose your virginity…” He shook his head in disbelief.

  “Whatever. You know what, just take me home. This is humiliating enough.” She reached down, searching for her underwear. Where they hell were they? It didn’t matter, all she wanted to do was get out of there. She could feel the tears stinging, and she would be horrified if she cried in front of him.

  Jax looked down at the ground. He picked up her black panties and handed them to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “I’m sure I’ll find someone eventually.” Karma blinked back the tears as she slid her underwear up her thighs.

  Jax’s jaw tightened and he looked away. “I’ll make a deal with you. Spend three weeks with me and if you still think I’m worthy of your first time I’ll ravish your body until you can’t remember your name.”

  Karma straightened up. Was he serious? “Three weeks?”

  “Three weeks. But we really have to spend time together.”

  Karma thought it over. Three weeks; she could handle that. She couldn’t imagine anything would change her mind. He looked like a damn Spartan warrior. Three weeks would be cake.

  “I just want you to be sure. And not a drunken choice you’ll wake up and regret.”

  She stared at him for a minute. His clear blue eyes looked sincere, and a little pained. She knew it really was hard for him to turn her down. That made her feel slightly better. “Fine. Three weeks.”

  “Three weeks of no fooling around. Just getting to know each other,” Jax added.

  “Not even kissing?” Karma pouted.

  “No kissing.”

  “You’re a very unusual man.”

  “Thank you. Now get dressed so I can take you home before I change my mind.”

  “Can’t I just stay the night?” Maybe if she stayed he would change his mind.

  “No,” Jax said firmly. He pulled his shirt over his head and Karma’s heart sank. Another crash and burn to add to the list.

  Karma entered her house and slammed the door. She peeked out the window and Jax was still there. When he saw her, he waved and backed out of the driveway. Men like him really existed?

  “Did you get what you wanted?” Her dad’s voice cut through the dark room, startling her.

  Karma turned. Her dad was sitting in the dark on the couch with Princess at his side. She’d been so distracted she hadn’t even noticed him when she walked in.

  “Nope, still a virgin. I was close, though, but the guy backed out at the last minute.” Karma kicked off her heels and dropped into the couch next to her dad.

  Relief crossed her father’s face and then confusion. “Wait, backed out? Why? Karma, guys don’t back out at the last minute.”

  “This one did. Once he found out I was a virgin.”


  Karma filled her father in on the deal they had struck.

  “That’s very noble of him. I’d like to meet this young man.”

  “Forget it. I’m not having him meet you guys, he might run off, and I’ll never have sex.”

  Her father chuckled. “Well, if he’d run off that fast then I would say noble or not he does not deserve you.”

  “Fine. I’ll let you meet him. He’s so hot, Dad. I mean like on fire hot.” Karma pulled herself up from the couch. “You really didn’t have to wait up for me.”

  “Yes, I did. I was picturing all kinds of worst-case scenarios. Every one of them ended with you coming home crying and us devouring a pint
of ice cream. I was already planning on a long run tomorrow to make up for it.”

  Karma looked over at her dad and smiled. “I could use some ice cream.” He really was the best dad.

  Her father jumped up, and she followed him into the kitchen, where he grabbed two spoons out of the drawer. They sat down and finished off the pint of chunky monkey.

  Karma wiped her face with a napkin “Dad, it was humiliating. I can’t believe he didn’t want me. What if he doesn’t show up tomorrow?”

  “Oh, Karma, I have a feeling he wanted you too much. I also have a feeling love is going to bloom.”

  Karma snorted. “Yeah, right, Dad. Guys don’t fall in love with me. And I’m not looking for that anyway.”

  “That’s when it usually shows up at your doorstep. When it’s least expected.”

  “You really need to stop watching those Nicholas Sparks movies.”

  Her father smiled sadly. “My little girl is all grown up.”

  “Not yet.” Karma sighed. “Maybe in three weeks. Unless he decides he can’t stand me.”

  “I doubt that, honey. You’re wonderful. And any man would be lucky to have you.”

  “You don’t have to say that.”

  “It’s true, and hopefully someday you’ll see that too.”

  Karma stood up and hugged her dad. “Get to bed, it’s way past your bed time. You’ll have to do a mud mask and cucumbers in the morning.”

  “Don’t remind me.” Her father stood up and cleaned off the spoons before tossing the empty container.

  Maybe her dad was right. It was pretty sweet that Jax insisted on waiting and getting to know her better. But he was bat-shit crazy if he thought love would be involved in the mix. Karma trudged up the stairs, threw off her clothes, and fell into bed. Her mind raced mostly with thoughts of Jax, watching shadows dance on the wall until she finally drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  The shrill ring of her phone jarred Karma awake. Eyes closed, she reached for her phone on the nightstand. The first attempt was a miss and then on the second she barely grasped the slippery sucker with her fingertips. “Hello.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Play-by play-details.” Eva’s voice crossed the line. Way too chipper for Karma’s taste. “Don’t leave anything out. I mean anything.”

  Karma groaned, throwing her arm over her eyes. She was not awake enough for this conversation. “Ugh, I’ll call you later.”

  “The hell you will. Details. Now.”

  She knew Eva would keep calling until she gave in. Karma rolled over, sighing. “It didn’t happen, okay. I found the only man left with morals in the world. He freaked when he found out I was a virgin.”

  Eva whistled under her breath. “He turned you down? Girl, you really can’t get laid, can you?” She paused then laughed. “Karma really is a bitch, huh?”

  Karma chuckled, even though that joke grew old many years ago. In this case, it was fitting. She pushed herself up in the bed. She knew there was no going back to sleep now; might as well face the day.

  “But he did say if I spent three weeks with him and still wanted him to be my first—he’d do the deed.”

  The line was silent about a beat too long. “Wow. That’s like totally wicked. Sounds like you got a keeper.”

  “Hardly, we have nothing in common. All I want him for is his body.”

  Eva laughed. “We’ll see. When are you going to see him again?”

  “No idea. I gave him my number when he dropped me off. Maybe he’ll never call and was just trying to get rid of me.”

  “Somehow I doubt that, you’re offering him the Holy Grail. Go back to bed. I’ll talk to you later.” Eva clicked off.

  Karma tossed the phone and lay awake looking at the ceiling. Ugh, she really hoped he called.

  Two hours later, Karma stepped out of the shower to her phone ringing. “Hello?” Please let it be him.

  “Hey.” Jax’s deep voice came through the line and her stomach dropped. He really called? A goofy grin spread across her face.

  Say something! “Hey yourself. I wasn’t sure if I would ever hear from you again.”


  “Yeah, seriously.”

  “Karma you have issues if you thought for a second I wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to spend time with you.”

  “That’s what my shrink says.”

  “Your shrink?” Jax’s voice sounded weary.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not a loon. My family just believes therapy is good for the soul.”


  “Is it? Most of my friends go to therapy. It’s really not a big deal these days.”

  “Oh no, are you some stuck-up rich girl?” Jax teased.

  “Not exactly. I mean my dad’s a plastic surgeon and makes good money. But I’m not stuck up and I go to community college and drive a Ford Focus. That should count for something, right?”

  Jax laughed. “Fair enough. When can I pick you up?”

  “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  “How about an hour?”

  “An hour’s perfect.”

  “Bring your bucket list.”

  “My what?”

  “Your bucket list you told me about last night.”

  What the hell? She must have been drunk if she told him she had a bucket list. Karma had never made a bucket list in her life. The only thing she knew about it was from a movie about old guys which she only saw half of. Why the hell did she tell him she had a bucket list? Obviously, she’d had too much to drink. How the hell was she going to get out of this one?

  “My list is private.” Hopefully, that would put a stop to the madness.

  “No list. No date.”

  Okay, so maybe not. Karma blew out a long breath. “Fine, I’ll bring the list. You’re asking a lot, you know.”

  “And you’re offering a lot.” She could hear the smile in his voice and couldn’t help but smile herself.

  “See you in an hour,” Karma said. She clicked off the phone and looked around in a panic. How in the world was she going to come up with a bucket list? She didn’t even know how long they were supposed to be. Why did she have such a big mouth? Bucket list? Jesus, Karma, you could have come up with something better than that…

  “Dad!” Karma yelled down the stairs and he came running up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong is I’m a complete idiot who doesn’t know how to keep my mouth shut. Apparently, I told Jax I had a bucket list last night, and now he wants me to bring it on the date.”

  Her father scratched the top of his head. “A bucket list? A list of things to do before you die? That’s just weird, Karma. Why would you tell him you had one if you didn’t?”

  “I don’t know. It was the only thing I could think of for my reason behind the one-night stand.” Karma crossed her arms and leaned against her computer desk. “He’s picking me up in an hour. I have no idea what to put on it.”

  Just as she finished speaking, Matt came into her room. “Did I hear you say a bucket list?”

  “Yeah.” Karma filled him in on her dilemma.

  “Just print one off-line. There are literally tons of them to choose from. I think half the people have the same things on them anyway. I made one a few years ago, but forgot all about it. Maybe I should look into starting mine…”

  “Really? I can just print one off of the Internet?”

  Matt looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “You can get anything on Google. You should know that, everyone knows that.”

  “Maybe she should make up her own list,” her father said, looking over at Matt. “I mean after all, the guy asked to see it. A bucket list says a lot about a person.”

  Karma rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to rack my brain to think up a damn list. I like Matt’s idea.” Karma crossed the room and stood on her tiptoes to kiss Matt on the check. “Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Matt shrugged, his face
turning slightly pink at the praise.

  “So are we going to get to meet this guy?” Karma’s father asked, putting his arm around Matt.

  Oh boy. She wondered what Jax would think when he met her two dads. He was such a manly man. And these two were—well, not. But then again, it was her life and her dads were great. And besides, she and Jax weren’t actually dating, it was just a crazy arrangement to ease his conscience.

  “Of course, just don’t embarrass me,” Karma said firmly even though she knew it was useless. Her dad would probably have naked baby pictures out before Jax drove into the driveway. Or even worse, videos. “Yes, but seriously, no videos. And don’t say anything to humiliate me. I do a good enough job of that on my own.”

  “Not even your dance recital video? You know I love to show that off. You were precious.” Her father was dead serious. She had to put a stop to his fatherly pride before it got out of hand.

  “Especially not that! I was the only chubby girl in tights.” Karma grabbed her laptop and fell back on her bed.

  “You were not chubby. You were well fed and healthy.”

  Karma rolled her eyes. She had been chunky, there was no denying that fact.

  “Speaking of food, don’t forget to eat something,” her father said before leaving the room.

  “I’ll be down in a minute,” she mumbled as she ran a search on Google.

  It was insane how many bucket lists there were. She scrolled through a few and Matt was right. A lot of people posted the same outrageous things they wanted to do and places they wanted to go. Some of them looked fun, and she’d always wanted to travel more. Without paying much attention Karma copied and pasted one hundred items. She scrolled to the top of the list and added “have sex.” That should do it. Good enough anyway. She found it odd that he even wanted to see the silly list, but whatever. As long as she got to see him again in all his hotness. Hopefully, she hadn’t drunk too much and would discover that in reality he wasn’t such a gorgeous specimen after all.

  Karma looked down at her phone; she still had a little while before Jax would be there. She wasn’t sure why, but she started to pick up her messy room. She threw all the dirty clothes in the hamper, made the bed, and shoved the rest of the stuff in the closet. It’s not like he was even going to see her room.


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