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BestTace Page 19

by Jana Leigh

  Lev had been with the State Patrol since he retired from the military a few years ago.

  Now he had to have order, the black and white decisions he had to make. There was the law, and breaking the law. In his mind that was it, if you got the whole grey thing going on in there it made a mess. And there was a lot of grey in Milliken, one of his first orders of business, should he get the job, would be to talk to Quin, the Alpha, about what exactly had happened the last few weeks.

  He looked around the small town and sighed. It was the perfect place to live; he thought and stared at the store fronts that were popping up. Cami’s Bookstore, Wild Thing’s (what looked like a lingerie store from the window), The Diner, The Medical Clinic, and a few other stores that he could not see further down. He was standing in front of the City Building. He had an appointment soon with the Mayor of Milliken. The position had only been posted for a few weeks. Lev thought it would take a lot longer to get a call from the Mayor to interview.

  He stepped forward and looked at the window of the bookstore. There were a lot of women inside putting books away and setting things up. He smiled. Wow, they certainly had some good looking women in this town. Wait, that was Cami, the Alpha female. He rolled his eyes, he had heard about her antics. It would be challenging to try and convince her to stay within his boundaries.

  He noticed the sign in the window that said there was some kind of book signing coming to Denver where the other Cami’s Bookstore was. He lifted his eyebrows and wondered why a chain store would come here. But his attention was drawn away from that when he saw the beauty that was being shown as a bestselling paranormal romance writer.

  Shea Conner. She was absolutely mesmerizing.

  Lev stared at the poster closer to see the date. It was next week. He pulled out his phone and took down the address and times on his little calendar. If he was able to, Lev would be attending a book signing. He just needed to see this woman for himself to see if she was truly this engaging. She had long, red, curly hair and bright, green eyes she hid behind large glasses. He thought she looked like a pixie with her pointed chin and small smile. She sat in a large chair with a book in her hand and he could see that she was very small. The chair seemed to envelope her. Her tiny figure made him feel very protective.

  Lev had the incredible urge to find this woman, sit with her in the chair and cuddle. His thoughts went from PG to X RATED in just a few seconds. What the hell was wrong with him? He wondered and shook his head. Yeah, he definitely had to make the trip to the book store.

  He heard someone clear their throat behind him and he turned. A large man with bushy, tawny hair and a shit eating grin, stood behind him. “Hot, huh?” He said and looked the man over from top to bottom. He felt an instant connection with the man and he drew back. It was strange though, Lev had never had this attraction to someone before, and certainly not two in one day.

  The stranger was smiling at him with dimples on each side of his face. His handsome face looked like it had seen some fighting because he was certain his perfect nose that was now a little crooked had been broken a time or two. There was a small scar just over his lip and Lev had the crazy insane feeling like he should kiss it.

  Lev stepped back, looked at the ground, and said, “Yeah, I was thinking maybe I needed a new book to read.”

  The other man laughed and a shiver went down Lev's spine. What the hell was happening to him? Lev, who had always made the right decisions in the corps and at the police station, well thought out, well planned. But looking at this man made him want to throw it all away and have a little fun. Damnit, he never made rash decisions, but it felt like he was about to make several in the same day.

  Lev held out his hand and said, “I am Lev Adler.”

  “Griff Strent. That is my new shop right down there,” the man said and pointed to a store front a block away with an elaborate sign that hung over the door and looked new.

  Lev squinted a little and read out loud. “GRIFF’s UNIQUE DESIGNS IN HANDMADE


  “Yep, just moved in today. I was bringing up an order, found this place, and fell in love.

  It is the best move I ever made. You see, we have the best of both worlds here. First we have the small town, and then we have the big city we can drive to,” Griff said and took a deep breath. “Plus, all this fresh mountain air. Amazing.” Lev laughed and shook his head. How strange. Griff had a Irish Texan accent. He had never heard anything like it. “Well we will have to see, I have an appointment with your Mayor in about fifteen minutes. In fact, I am going to have to get moving if I am going to make it there, I am interviewing for the new Chief of Police position, and I want to make a good impression. Griff, it was nice to meet you. I will hopefully see you later.” Griff grinned and gave him a look of passion and Lev almost forgot where he was going.

  What the hell was wrong with him? He was seriously thinking about missing the interview and taking this guy somewhere and getting to know him better.

  “Here, you take this and then come and see me when you are done with our illustrious leader,” Griff said and held out a small pewter figure.

  Lev could not do anything but hold out his hand and say, “Thanks.” Griff nodded and walked down the street toward his shop. Lev could not dwell on what the man had said. He did not want to be late. He put the small figure in his pocket, thinking he would get it out later and inspect it closer.

  Lev jogged across the street and up the stairs of the City Building. A tall and older woman sat at the front counter. He approached and smiled. “Hi, my name is…”

  “Officer. Mr. Strand will see you now. This way,” she said and walked around the corner and through the large doors that were at the end of the hallway. When he walked in there were two things he noticed. The Mayor not organized, and he was also very relaxed for a Mayor. Mayor Strand sat in the corner with a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans with his feet resting the desk.

  “Sir,” Lev said and stepped into the room further, holding out his hand for the other man to shake.

  “Ah, Lev. I am so happy to meet you,” the young man said and stood up.

  They met in the middle of the room and the Mayor pumped his hand excitedly. “You know, you are the only one who applied for this job. It’s sad really. We have such a nice little town and no one wanted the job. Everyone I talked to said we were boring here.

  Of course, none of them knew our true nature. I was glad when your family told me you were back. I hoped you would apply.”

  Lev laughed. “I heard some already, I have to say boring, and uneventful are not two words I would use to describe Milliken. I have had enough conflict in my life; I think I can handle this.”

  The Mayor nodded and then stepped back. “Sit,” he said and walked around the desk.

  “So let me tell you a little about the town and what we expect.” Lev nodded and then sat back to listen. He felt the small little figure in his pocket begging him to take it out and look at it. He held off. Lev wanted this job. And suddenly he wanted to move here as soon as possible.

  Last in the Denver Pack Series!!!!!

  I am sad to say this is the last book in the Denver Pack Series. However, would I leave you hanging? I am pleased to announce the continuation of the story in the form of another series. It will be called ‘New Council Series’. In the first book, we will show that there is more to the magical community than meets the eye. But more on that later.

  For now, enjoy the first Sneak Peak in the Last book of the Denver Pack Series. They find their last piece of the Council, but will she be truly what they are looking for? And how will the rest of the Council feel when they have to face the possibility that their little town may not be as happy as they think to have them there.

  Shea: The Last Hope

  Bama and her mates walked into the court yard with the rest of the Council. They finally had made the decision to be truly mated. And Bama wanted to have a ceremony first.

  They were looking for the perf
ect spot to have a shifter wedding. Trace and Shane had not cared about waiting and doing their mating right, although they had received a lot of ribbing over the last few weeks. Including the fact that they were having two ceremonies, as if one were not enough.

  Their tall and gorgeous mate put her hands on her hips and said, “Over there. Under the tree. That would be perfect. We can have a gazebo built with lovely flowers everywhere. A long red carpet used as our walkway. The Council will all stand up with us. Cami and the rest of the girls agree that they think they should have had a ceremony too. So we will say our vows and then they will exchange also. That jeweler Griff, he will be making the rings. I loved the ones he made for Argus. Sky refuses to allow them to wear them until the ceremony.”

  Trace and Shane smiled and put their hands in the back of their jeans. They were going to get shit tonight, they thought. But oh well. Soon they would all be moving back to their houses with the construction almost done. Quin and Jaden had hired extra men to come in and help with the building.

  Trace was excited for Bama to see the plans that they had ordered for their house. She would love it. Shane and him were going to allow her cart blanche on the decorating.

  The day after their ceremony here, she would sit down with the decorator.

  Bama continued to explain what was being arranged and both of them nodded and smiled. They did not care as long as they were going to be together. As they walked farther away from the Bed and Breakfast, Trace started to get nervous. They had deliberately brought her out here this morning to find a place for their ceremony. With everyone still living in the Bed and Breakfast for a few more days, the lack of privacy was starting to wear on their nerves.

  Shane looked at Trace and nodded. They had planned this out completely. Now that the time to do it was so close, both of the men started to feel a little nervous. Their mate was amazing, beautiful, and extremely smart. She could have decided that they needed more time to court her, but she had admitted that she felt they were destined to be together and did not want to wait.

  Trace and Shane had done everything they knew how to prepare her for this. They had even called in the mothers for advice. Bama’s mother had been supportive but admitted that her daughter was head strong and this could go either way. She could hate it or love it.

  Shane cleared his throat which caused Bama to turn and frown at him. “Shane, are you getting ill? We have so many things to do; maybe you should go and lay down. Trace and I can get this all taken care of. I will bring soup soon.” She said and felt his head frowning. He wanted to laugh; she had gotten that from watching Cloe. Even though Cloe told her that shifters did not get sick in the same way as humans, she had wanted to learn about each of the Chosen so she would be able to know them better. Bama had found a kindred soul in Cloe. They both loved guns and martial arts. As soon as Cloe gave birth, they had already made a workout schedule.

  “No Darlin, we would like to talk to you.” Trace said.

  She turned around and smiled at them. It still took their breath away when they saw her smile. “Of course, my darlings. What would you like to discuss?” Trace pulled her to him and kissed her. “I know how you like to plan things and everything has to be just so. But Shane and I wanted to do something for you. You have been working so hard on the ceremony and everything. We have noticed that you have borrowed some of those books that Cami and the others like to read. Well, you know Cami is having a book signing at her Denver store for the author. So we called Cami and arranged for you and the rest of the girls to go to Denver and have lunch with the author and then have a night out on the town with the girls. Kinda like a bachelorette party. I know you wanted to plan it all yourself, but we wanted to do this.” Bama frowned, he was right; she did like to plan these things herself. She was planning their ceremony here and loving every minute of it. Her mother was planning the more formal ceremony back in her country. They would be flying there in a few days and then back to have the ceremony with the Council. Her mother had insisted on it. She was excited to show Shane, Trace and their family her home.

  She could not argue with the men though, they were right, she did need to have a little down time, and meeting this author, maybe she could give them all some tips, she thought and grinned. “I love it.”

  Trace grinned and kissed her before Shane grabbed her and swung her up in his arms and kissed her as well. “I can hardly wait until you wear our rings on your finger.” He whispered.

  Cami stepped out on to the porch and screamed. “GNO!! Girls Night Out! We are gonna do some damage!”

  Trace and Shane groaned and Bama laughed as the rest of the women came out of the house clapping.

  Jana Leigh Book’s

  Denver Pack Series:

  Alpha’s Mate

  Tey’s White Wolf

  Devon’s Double Trouble

  Cloe: Two for the Bite Of One

  Reggie: Changing A Wolfs Heart

  Blaine: A Wolf’s Second Sight

  Lacy: Seeing Double

  Jordan’s Misunderstanding

  Trinity: Heart of the Shifters

  Argus: Accepting the Challenge

  Dangerous Series

  Dangerous Trio Part One

  Dangerous Trio Part Two

  Dangerous Finale

  Working Against the Clock

  The Cassidy’s

  Playing with Zach

  Killing Jared

  Don’t miss reading the whole Denver Pack Series!

  Chapter 1

  Quin sat on the top of the building he owned looking over the city he had come to feel was home, he had asked for his schedule to be cleared and he came up here to think and get away. He loved his Pack, but sometimes he felt alone and frustrated being the Alpha. Denver was far away from, and completely different from, where he grew up, and yet he could not imagine ever leaving. Quin realized this place had finally become home. He watched as the sun set over the Rocky Mountains. Lately, he had become so restless that he escaped to the rooftop to try to find peace within. Nothing would cure his restlessness except for finding his mate, and he did not stand a chance finding his mate, considering he had been too busy with Pack business to actually find a woman.

  Hell, for the last few months he and his Beta's had been knee-deep in attacks from the Rogues. He had taken to pleasuring himself whenever the need struck, instead of looking for the perfect woman. As a Werewolf, his sexual drive was a little more intense, than the regular human's sex drive. Sometimes it was a curse, but if he found the right one, it would be amazing.

  When he was growing up, and he hit the magical age of fourteen, his hormones kicked into high gear and he could shift for the very first time. Quin had spent many nights in a cold shower trying to ebb the need he had to fuck everything around him. His parents had laughed and said he had almost acted as if he was in his terrible two’s again trying to claim anything and everything as his. It was not so funny when they told the stories to anyone who would listen. Potential mates and friends had given him a lot of grief over the years because of those stories. His best friend still sent cards on his birthday that were designed to poke fun at him; the latest even included instructions on how to masturbate correctly. Quin took it in stride, but damn it, he was the Alpha of his own Pack now. He wanted his mate to be here, leading with him by his side. Was that too much to ask for? Quin wondered, and then once again silently asked the spirits for guidance.

  Many years ago, Quin's father and mother told him stories about the Rockies and the folklore that surrounded the majestic mountains. In the mountains, the wolves could run free, without fear of being hunted. They explained the tales from their ancestors who had found peace in the Rocky Mountains, and the promises that they held for each wolf that chose to venture to the United States. When the decision came from his father to expand the Pack, he volunteered to move to Denver and be the Alpha of the Denver Pack, an extension of the Gevaudan Pack. The name Gevaudan was stemmed from their ancestors in southern France, it
meant ‘hybrid beast’. They failed to mention that when he settled here he would have to defend his Pack territory every day. It was one of the most desirable places for a wolf to live. Those wolves that did not want to join his Pack, lead their own Pack, and caused problems.

  His parents were still the Alpha’s in southern France, but they decided they needed someone in the United States to help lead those who had migrated over the years. Many of the European Packs made the change at the same time, so there had been at least 10

  Packs that he knew of that had migrated. The decision to expand the ideals of the European Pack to the U.S., had been made when a Rogue Pack had tried to hurt a member of their Pack that had been visiting a few years ago. Without an Alpha on the continent, the other Packs refused to accept any wolf was under the Council’s protection.

  Quin's parents made the decision quickly to move someone to protect and lead the Pack in Denver.

  So overnight, he uprooted himself, his Beta and Enforcers, and moved to a new country.

  That was ten years ago and Quin never regretted his decision to move. The good thing about agree to the change was that he would never have to Challenge his father for position in the Pack. Wolves had a hierarchy and when the leader was ready to retire her would still have to complete a Challenge. Quin would have been the one to Challenge his father, and he did not want to think about the way it could have gone down. He would have felt guilty for beating the man he wanted to be.

  It had been rough the first couple of years settling themselves in the United States. The wolves here had no desire or willingness to live by the rules the European wolves did.


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