A Reason For Everything

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A Reason For Everything Page 12

by Nita Johnson

  “Everything alright?” I asked as I gestured to the cell phone in his hand. He nodded and gave me a weak smile that didn't meet his eyes. “Yeah, just girl trouble. Nothing I can’t handle, Will. Now get out of here. Don't want Jesse busting my balls for making you late to pick up Nate and Kaylee.” He tried for another smile, this one weaker than his last attempt, but I let the subject drop. He would only talk if he wanted to, I couldn't force him to open up to me.

  “Before you go, Willow I think some reassurance is in order,” he said hesitantly. “I saw you looking out the window earlier toward douchecanoe’s office. I wanted you to know that he won't bother you here. He would be a fool to even try it. He wouldn't make it five steps onto the site before one of us took him out. You're safe here. Always.” His eyes went back to his cell phone, his pep talk over dismissing me for now.

  I felt touched that Jesse’s best friend had my back. It did indeed make me feel safe. Travis was good through and through exactly like Jesse. I didn’t know what to reply as my mouth clogged up with emotion so I went for the safe option.

  “I’ll see you in the morning then. Bye,” I choked out.

  I left the office quickly not wanting Travis to see how his words had affected me. Something told me he would hate the fact he’d been the one to upset me even though it was in a good way.

  My eyes moved between the men milling around the site to see if I could catch Jesse before I left.

  “He’s had to pop out.” Travis stuck his head out of the doorway to inform me. “I’ll tell loverboy you said goodbye.”

  It was my turn to flip him the bird over my shoulder as I walked to my car. Travis’s laughter followed me.

  The phone call I received from the realtor threw me. He asked if it would be possible for me to pop into his office to see him. He had some news for me that he wanted to talk to me about in person.

  That had my mind running around in circles. Would it be good news? Would it be bad news? I cursed the fucker for not just putting me out of my misery over the phone.

  “Thank you for coming in so quickly.” Gary greeted me with a handshake as soon as I walked through the door. “I didn't think it would be quite this soon.”

  “Well, Gary. You did call and ask to see me. Can't say I’m pleased with being dragged to the other side of town for something that could have been dealt with over the phone.” I took a seat on the couch in his plush office. He’s obviously good at his job if this nice office was anything to go by.

  “I’m sorry about that but what I wanted to discuss with you was better done here,” he said nervously as he sat in his office chair. It was plush and comfortable to go with the rest of the place, I noted.

  “Ok, so what did you want to discuss,” I said, keen to get to the reason for his phone call.

  “Well, good news. The seller accepted your offer.”

  “You couldn't have just said that over the phone?”

  “There is some other news to go along with it. As you know the house was originally being sold with no furnishings but the seller has since been in touch with me and asked if I would talk to you about perhaps working out a deal where the house came with certain things. This isn't how I’d usually do business but this is a special case.”

  This had me puzzled, what on earth could he on going on about. “Excuse me for acting dumb, Gary, but why on earth would I be remotely interested in buying other peoples’ used couches?”

  “Since putting the house on the market the seller has come into some financial difficulties and they now require a huge amount of money to help them out of a situation that they've no control over. They thought that selling their home would be enough to cover their debts but it's not even going to come close.” Gary forged on with his speech not put off by my reaction.

  “What type of situation?” I was intrigued to know.

  “I can't divulge that with you, Mr. Baker. You know that.”

  “I know what you should and shouldn't divulge Gary, but if you want me to consider the proposition then I’d like to know why they’d want me to part with my hard earned cash on top of paying for their house.”

  Gary sighed, clearly torn on what to tell me that wouldn't jeopardize his company. “Their kid is sick, Mr. Baker. Really sick.”

  I didn't insist upon any more information. “I’ll buy everything.”

  *When my pumpkin is in bed. Come over. I have the urge to kiss my girl.xx.*

  I felt the urge to kiss him too. Since we had slept together a month ago nothing else had really happened between us other than kissing and cuddling. We hadn't even made it to the groping stage since he lost control with me that day.

  We spent as much time as possible together but tended to keep our distance at work. That was more my idea than his. I wanted to keep up a professional appearance, much to his disappointment and Travis’s amusement.

  Jesse showered me with affection every time he was around me but he kept it tame at all times. I’m done with tame. I desired more now; a whole lot more.

  *Won't be long. Get the bed warm ;-)xx.*

  I fired off a quick reply, smiling to myself when I tried to picture his reaction when he read it. Hoping to God that he took the hint that I wanted to go further with him.

  My phone was charging for a while and I looked at it to check if I had a message from Jesse. I frowned when I saw I’d received a message from Rob earlier this evening. This is the first time he’s made contact with me since I had the run in with him back at my old house. He shouldn't be trying to contact me. I had made that clear to my lawyer when we put the divorce proceedings in motion. Any communication was to go through our lawyers. Pissed that he hadn't stuck to that plan I opened his message to see what he’d had to say for himself.

  *Can I see Nate and Kaylee this weekend?*

  Floored; that was how you could describe my reaction. Not once in this time apart has he tried to contact the kids. Not once, and now all of a sudden he wanted to see them. I was livid, how dare he! But then my thoughts turned to my beautiful children and it wouldn't be fair to them if I kept him away. After all that's been said and done he’s still their father and they needed a relationship with him just as much as they needed one with me.

  *Come to my Nan’s at ten a.m. Saturday. Don't let them down.*

  Not bothering to see if he replied, I shouted out a goodbye to my nan before heading over to Jesse’s house.

  Jesse realized there was something wrong as soon as he saw me. Seconds later he scooped me up in his arms and sat down on the sofa with me on his lap.

  “What's the matter, sweetheart?” Concern for me clouded his voice.

  “Rob messaged me, asking to see Nate and Kaylee over the weekend.”

  “What did you say?” He stroked a hand through my hair, using the repetitive motion to calm me down and open up to him.

  “What could I say other than yes? There's no way in hell that he's going to make me out to be the bad one. I just hope to God he turns up and doesn't let them down again.”

  “You did the right thing, Willow. As much as it pains me to say it, he is their father and does have the right to see them. If he fucks up then we will be there to hold their hands, wipe their tears, and cuddle the shit out of them until they feel better,” he informed me so matter-of-factly that it left no room for argument. Not that he would be getting one from me anytime soon. I happened to agree with what he'd said. I'd never change my life for anything but part of wished sometimes that he was their dad and not some man who put chasing women before the well-being of his offspring.

  “Nate isn't a cuddler.” I snorted as I snuggled closer to him, letting the warmth of his body seep into mine. My feelings for this kind, wonderful, thoughtful, and handsome man grew daily and my heart was now fully invested in us. I had not yet told him how strongly I felt about him.

  “My boy would cuddle under the right circumstances,” Jesse announced smugly. Their friendship was blossoming nicely. As well as taking me out on dates, he also
took the kids too so he could spend time with them. He and Nate often sat for a few hours playing video games while I did stuff around the house. My nan joined in with them a few times but they soon put a stop to her playing with them once they realized she could kick their butt. Nate’s sullen mood had lifted over the last few weeks and I have Jesse to thank for that change in him.

  “Kaylee on the other hand would have no problem with it.”

  “My pumpkin loves her cuddles with me. I’m her best friend in the whole wide world,” he informed me proudly and I smiled happily. He wasn't wrong there, he really was indeed her best friend. Just like he took time out to spend playing video games with Nate, he spent one on one time with Kaylee. The day I walked in on her doing his hair in pigtails still had me doubling over with laughter each and every time I recalled it. The expression on his face was priceless. My only regret was not having a cell phone on hand so I could take a picture of him. He really did look so pretty.

  “Give him this chance, Willow. He might prove us both wrong and if not, we will get through it, together.”

  “You're right. I’ll give him this last chance but after that I’m done with him. It's not fair on any of us.”

  “I heard from my aunt today,” Jesse said once we'd ended the conversation about Rob. I sat up straighter in his lap, keen to know what they had talked about.

  “They having fun?” I asked him.

  “They were but they are feeling homesick now so are planning to return sooner than they originally thought.”

  What did that mean for Jesse and me?

  I had grown so used to him being just down the road it would be weird not to see him here. As far as I knew he didn’t have anything else in the pipeline so where would he go? It's not like we've got the room over at Nan’s house. It's a tight fit as it is. I was starting to make myself dizzy with the thoughts whirring around in my head.

  Jesse must've sensed my distress. “Willow, my aunt and uncle coming home changes nothing between us, you know that right?” He lifted my chin so he could meet my eyes, his intense gaze burning into mine, searching my soul.

  “I know, I’ve just got used to you being so close is all.” I swallowed down the emotion that was threatening to overcome me.

  “Baby, calm down. It’s not that bad. You’ll still see me every day at work and just you try to keep me away from you and those kids. You’ll get sick of seeing me. This will not change a thing, sweetheart. I promise you.”

  His lips met mine in a gentle kiss that was meant to reassure me of how he felt about me, to show me that what he said was the truth but it soon turned into something more. I applied more force, showing him with my kiss that I wanted him, needed him, craved him.

  Jesse stood up from the sofa with me in his arms and my legs automatically went around his waist, clinging onto him. “I’ve got to have you, Will,” Jesse told me as he broke our kiss. “I’ve been patient but I can't hold back anymore. Tell me you feel the same? That I can be with you again? I’ve done nothing but think about the last time we were together, sweetheart.”

  “You must've been reading my mind, baby. I need you too,” I whispered as I returned my lips to his, coaxing his mouth to move against mine. Our tongues met slowly but then picking up momentum as our desire for each other increased. “Take me to bed, Jess,” I panted as I pulled away from him.

  “Don't need to be told twice,” he replied as he carried me to his room.

  Jesse lowered me to the floor slowly, making sure I got my footing before releasing me from his hold. He took a step back to look me over, his eyes dragging over every inch of my body. I felt the throbbing between my legs picking up with each passing moment. I craved his touch and I couldn't wait much longer.

  “Can I undress you, sweetheart?” Jesse asked me gently. “I screwed up the last time I got my hands on you. I don't plan on making the same mistake twice.”

  Simply nodding my agreement was all he needed to close that gap between us again. This time his hands traveled down to my waist, grasping my hips. Grinding his erection into my stomach, I moan at the contact, greedy for more.

  “You want more, baby?” he ground out when he pressed into me again, finding as much pleasure in the friction of our bodies coming together as I was.

  “So much more,” I whimpered, his soft touches turning me inside out.

  Nipping at my neck, Jesse raised his hands up my torso, over my chest, taking my shirt up with them. I raised my arms in the air as he stopped his assault on my neck to lift the shirt over my head. I didn't pay attention to where he threw it as he resumed his kissing once more, this time moving to the other side of my neck.

  I felt like I was going to explode and we hadn't made it any further than simple necking. I didn't think I’d be able to last for the whole experience if he kept up this slow pace.

  “You're so goddamn beautiful, Willow, and I can't believe I’m the lucky bastard who gets to call you mine. All mine.” Reaching behind me he swiftly unclasped my bra, pulling the straps down my shoulders. I was now bare to him from the waist up. Both nipples pebbled as soon as the air hit them increasing the pleasure. “You are mine, Willow. Please tell me that you are. Please tell me that you're never going to want to let me go. You own me, sweetheart. All of me.”

  I never had the chance to reply, his mouth fastened onto one of my nipples producing a sound so loud, even to my own pleasure filled ears. While sucking one sensitive nipple, he gently rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger making my knees wobble.

  “More, baby. Please!” I called as he brought me higher and higher with just his mouth and fingers. Letting go of my nipples his wandering hands trailed back down my body, causing goose bumps in their wake. He dropped to his knees in front of me, his hands stopping when they reached their destination, my pants. Hooking his thumbs on either side of my hips, he slowly dragged the material down my legs taking my panties along with them. I balanced myself on his shoulders as I lifted one leg then the other, stepping out of the garments. I fought the urge to cover my body as I returned to standing. He had seen me naked the last time but that had been over and done with so quickly. This time he really had the chance to see my body in all its glory and I’d be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous under his close scrutiny as he really took his time to gaze at me. His eyes roamed over me until he met my worried ones.

  As usual Jesse could read me as clear as day. “Don't hide from me, Willow. Not now, not ever. You get me, baby?” He let his magical fingers trail up my calves toward my center.

  “I get you, Jess,” I said honestly as I threaded my fingers through his hair, tugging on its length, bringing his head to my body where he then proceeded to place feather light kisses on my body moving downward until he was directly at my center, which begged for his touch. The first contact on my clit had me crying out his name. He soon picked up the pace, sucking my clit gently as he inserted one long finger inside me working me over, getting me closer to the release that was fast approaching.

  “You gonna come for me, sweetheart?” He continued moving his finger in and out of me as he waited for my answer. He added another finger when I grunted a response unable to provide a coherent answer, too lost to what was gathering inside me. “So responsive, Willow. It drives me wild knowing that I’m the one causing this reaction. Come for me, my sweet beautiful sexy, Willow.”

  The continuous movement of his fingers along with his words made me hit my peak, pleasure coursing throughout my body as I slumped forward spent, my hands still entangled in his hair.

  “My turn now, sweetheart,” he growled and he got to his feet lifting me once again and all but throwing me on the bed. “You drive me wild.”

  I smiled lazily in his direction as he shed his clothes. This time I got a good look at my man. His toned, muscled chest came into view as he ripped off his tee. My mouth watering as I ran my eyes further down his body, I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. To run my fingers through the light hair that covered his
pecs, to lick my way down the hair that trailed lower. The moment he shed his jeans I clenched my legs in anticipation of what was to come.

  Pumping his hard cock, once, twice...he stalked closer to me, his own eyes feasting upon my body. “I have protection-” he started but I reached forward, gripping his hard length in my hand.

  “Take me, Jess and don't you dare hold back.”

  And hold back he didn't as he thrust in and out of me, using my body to stroke himself to his own release, my body more than happy to comply.

  Laying naked in bed with Willow wrapped around me was a feeling I doubt could ever be topped. This is what I’d be dreaming of for weeks and now that it’s happened I can't bear the thought of having to let her go. It's going to kill me to see her leave me and go home, if it was only over the road, I still hated the distance it put between us.

  Her, Nate, and Kaylee should be with me under one roof. Knowing it was going to happen sooner rather than later kept me from wallowing too much.

  My aunt’s phone call earlier might have thrown me for a time but their early return turned into a good thing that I’d be able to use to my own advantage. It meant my plan to have us move into the house I’d bought was going to happen quicker than I originally anticipated. That fact pleased me no end.

  I knew she felt as strongly about me as I did about her and the day we were open and honest about it would be one of the happiest days of my life.

  “No tattoos, huh? Just not your thing?” Willow asked me as she lay with her head on my chest, her fingers tracing circles on my skin. I loved her hands on me, I felt at peace when she was around me.

  “Tattoos are a permanent thing. To me a tattoo should represent something that you find so meaningful that you’d want a constant reminder etched onto your skin,” I replied. “I’ve just not come across a reason to require ink. Well not yet anyway.”


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