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Drink Me Dry (HuCow Megabundle)

Page 11

by Faye Parker

  When I turned around, Keller leapt up from the bed.

  “Who was I kidding?”

  He took me by the waist.

  “You weren’t fooling me.”

  I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around him. He stepped back and fell to the bed. If the dress didn’t press on me so tightly, my breasts would’ve fallen right out to his waiting lips.

  He threw the back of my dress over my ass. His fingers curved around my thighs and to my thong, which he promptly pulled to the side to get to my juicy sex. Touching me gently, working up his pace until I was grinding against his hand, he told me, “This pussy is mine. I own this pussy, and I’m not willing to share it. They can have a taste of your milk, but I’m going to come in you right now.”

  “Yes,” I moaned, and losing it, I ground my pussy against him at the right angle to push his fingers inside. “Come in me, Keller, but first, you’ve got to help me with my breasts.”

  “Why not both at the same time?”

  He unzipped his cock from his pants. It stood tall and ready for me to plunge it inside. I buckled, attempting to sit up, but I was so excited that I lost my footing. He helped me and placed me above his tip, then he drove in all the way, spreading me open and shooting me full of that lovely euphoria.

  “Now let me see those hot tits, my beautiful cow. It’s been too long since I’ve had a taste.”

  He pulled my top open and exposed my tender, swollen breasts. My nipples were extra dark and perky. Thrusting deep inside me, he bounced me on his lap, each bounce causing the milk in my breasts to stir.

  Spreading me wide, he fucked me in deep, bountiful strokes, each time hitting me in my deepest until I had to fall to his chest. That gave him an even better angle at my pussy and an even better opportunity to drain me.

  Taking my huge breasts in his hands, he pulled them to his lips, sucking on my nipples as he pounded me restlessly. I broke away just as my milk was about to spurt free. His rushing inside me built up to a tremendous orgasm and I unleashed.

  I squirmed so much on his cock, riding it so hard that I slipped off. He caught me before I could get away. Then I was on him again, buckling, riding one orgasm into another. He pulled me closer again. He wouldn’t let me go until I burst onto his tongue.

  Pulling my well trained nipples deep into his mouth, he suckled on me hard. Sure, I cried out, but I didn’t attempt to get away, not like I could with him buried so deep inside me anyway, but I would like to think I was getting better at dealing with the sensitivity. Keller could use me rougher, and I liked it that way.

  “Here it comes,” I warned him.

  When he used the slightest amount of teeth to add pressure, I released, milk spurting from my tits.

  He swallowed the flow, chugging my frothy milk down in huge gulps. He loved it, and I was relieved, but I also loved that dick so I kept riding, trying to sneak in some deep fucking while I unloaded my milk.

  I wanted him to drain all of it, but I also wanted that cum.

  He pulled away from that leaking nipple and went straight for the untouched one which was milking just as much.

  “Olivia, you taste better than ever.”

  Keller chugged me. He was full of my milk and had the right to be satisfied, but he wasn’t through with me. When I sat straight up, he took me by the hips, and with us still connected, he dropped me back to the mattress.

  He drove that long, satisfying dick in me deep. Keeping my legs spread, and hitting me at the spot he knew would make me come, he rushed in. His tip caressed that sweet spot.

  “Fuck, I can’t take it,” I screamed.

  I came again.

  This one caused me to reach for the head board. He pinned me, driving me into the screeching bed. Although the frame was heavy steel, we had a way of making it move.

  “I’m not done. I need to come in you. Fuck, Olivia, I must have you.”

  “Do it, keep going, Master,” I said. I still needed to be pinned. I still thrashed, succumbing to that wicked sensitivity shooting through me like lightning, but I needed it too.

  “Fuck, here it comes. Take my cum."

  I opened wide. My pussy sucked in. It knew when to pull in for my Master’s cum. Driving in me to my deepest, he released and kept pounding away at me. He slowed as I was filled. Then I was shot full of so much seed that he was forced out of me.

  Keller dripped the rest of his cum over my creamy pussy.

  Our taut, tense muscles letting loose, we both dropped our backs to the mattress and relaxed. I wanted to cuddle up next to him, but I was busy staring up at the ceiling while I panted. This was a normal occurrence when I was with Keller, but this session was a little different, he purposely waited for me to build up milk and then released it all at once, at the same time, filling me.

  I was going to have a lot of energy later. After we were done touching and kissing, I would want to head out and have some fun. Judging by his stoned look, Keller didn’t look like he wanted to go to the milking party. I didn’t blame him. I was fine with not being shared tonight. Keller was far more than enough.

  “If you wanted to share my milk, you bought the wrong dress.”

  He was the one to bring me in. He took me and pulled me close to him.

  “I bought the right dress. Makes me want to take you out of it. It’s quite the conundrum.”

  “Keller, I don’t think you’re going to be able to take me downstairs to be milked. It’s not like you left anything for them anyway.”

  He wiped his fine hair back. “You’re right. I guess I got greedy.”

  “That’s fine. I like when you’re greedy. You can be greedy all you want with me.”

  “I think I’ve proved I’m more than willing to have a monopoly on you, Olivia.”

  I had too much energy. I was too happy to stay in bed. It was fine that Keller stayed there. He was full and delirious on my milk. I didn’t blame him for that. I walked over to the window, pulled the shades open, and looked out at the grounds below the mansion. At times, I still couldn’t believe how lucky I was.

  I had struggled for so long. It didn’t seem right that I deserved something like this. I didn’t feel like I deserved Keller at times.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I’m just really happy. It’s been a long time. I never thought I would be this happy again. It’s like I’ve lost that jaded part of me, and it’s all because of you, Keller.”

  “No, Olivia, it’s not all because of me. You had a hand in this too.”

  To my surprise, Keller managed to stand up. He held me against him. He was solid. He was firm. He grounded me. He was what made this fantasy real.

  “I was worried that this might all pass me by so quickly I was having so much fun. But now I see that we’ve got a lot to be excited about. This is just beginning.”

  “Yes it is, Olivia. It’s just beginning. I haven’t even come close to doing everything I want with you.”

  I perked up. He took me again and kissed me. I was turned back from the pleasant view of the window to the pleasant view of Master Keller waiting for me back on the bed.

  This was the beginning, not the end.

  Keller was always hungry. That’s what I loved about him.

  I jumped back onto the bed to give him more.

  One thing was for sure, we would always want more.

  Sweet Cream For The Cowboy

  The storm whipped me around, pushing me inside the barn. It might’ve been bad, but it wasn’t anything close to the storm brewing back home. Finally discovering my sanctuary, I dropped my knees to the soft hay. There was darkness, and then violent flashes of light as the door crashed against the frame.

  I tried to reach it, but it was a useless attempt. I was exhausted, bogged down and drenched with rain. I scooted my hips to get closer. I reached out and found a handle. I pulled down and used all of my energy to stand.

  There was a rusty creak, followed by a roar. Darting away in time, I avoided a massive
black shape charging past me and into the door. Smashing into it, the animal was freed. Lightning crackled in the distance and illuminated the back of the charging animal as it disappeared into the night. It was spotted black and white.

  Just a cow.

  Letting out a sigh of relief, I staggered to the door, caught it, and slammed it shut. Roaming in the dark, I discovered the lock.

  I didn’t bother to look for a light. It was a long walk. I was exhausted. The hay was comfortable. I didn’t need to worry while in that barn. It was far safer than what I was used to.

  I slept easily.

  I woke to blinding light. I shielded my eyes after noticing someone in the doorway. His silhouette was large, intimidating, and with the sun blazing behind him, he looked even more menacing.

  I knew he wouldn’t be happy. My mind spun. I reeled and gasped, backing my ass up until I hit a stall. The cow. I remembered now. I’d been so delirious the night before it didn’t even occur to me that it would be a problem.

  “Who are you?” he asked. His voice was threatening, but smooth, like a shot of whiskey that would take me over the limit—that shot you know you shouldn’t take but want to. I liked my whiskey, and I liked the sound of this man, but he meant trouble.

  I couldn’t go back home.

  That wasn’t an option. Maybe he would call the cops on me? Even worse.

  He pulled the door shut and flicked the lights on.

  Oh yes, I was right. He was scowling at me. I saw that scowl reign in once he studied me.

  Not every day a pretty young thing falls asleep in one of your barns, cowboy? I liked his style; dark jeans with a huge buckle and a thick belt, a white t-shirt hugging his muscles. I glanced up to his wide, powerful shoulders. Then I spotted his eyes, sharp and blue, and I was trapped.

  He looked like he could take a punch with that wide jaw. I wasn’t thinking about fighting him. He would win.

  “Sorry, I slept here last night. I’ll be on my way.”

  I stood up. My clothes were still damp. I wore a long tank top with a thunderbird print. It clung to my skin, but hung low in the front, flashing a lot of cleavage. I wore some low cut shorts that revealed a lot of leg, and some ass too, if I turned around.

  “Where’s Cass?”

  “Cass? Oh, the cow.” I grimaced and peered away. He took a step closer. I watched his eyes flicker with hatred and his muscles tighten, threatening violence. I backed off and held my hands up.

  “Wait, let me explain.”

  He held himself back. “Explain,” he seethed.

  “I needed to hide in here for the night. The storm was bad. I didn’t let the cow out on purpose. I swear, I didn’t. I accidently hit the lock and it ran out.”

  He growled. He massaged his face with his hands, more of a stressful squeeze, and paced in front of me. Was it really that bad? Did he not have other cows? I imagined cows were expensive, but this guy didn’t seem to be hurting by the size of his land and his house, which I’d spotted in my rush the night before.

  “Fuck, okay,” he said, and he started to calm down. “If we look now, we might catch her. I don’t think she would’ve ran too far.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. It seemed this man wasn’t going to kill me. Strike one person off my list.

  There was still my stepfather, who I was sure would want to murder me if he knew I ran away. There was no going back to that hateful drunk. I would take this angry cowboy over him.

  He waved his finger at me. “Wait. Who are you? What’s your story?”

  “My story? Nothing.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  That angered him more. He took a step closer and I flinched. It reminded me of my stepfather’s rages. The night before, I woke up to him masturbating in my room. He was on the computer in the corner. Drunk and jerking off, he didn’t notice me wake. I hid in the covers long enough for him to finish, and then I made my plans to escape. If I stayed, I wasn’t sure what would happen. His evil demons seemed to be taking over more as time went on.

  My eyes welled with tears. I fought them back, but all of it was too much. I held up the barrier for so long. Some tears managed to slip through, but only a couple, streaming down my cheeks. I promptly wiped them away.

  “At least tell me why you’re running.”

  “Bad family. My mom’s a drunk. My stepdad is a drunk too, but he’s worse. He gets into these moods. He’s started to say stuff to me, inappropriate stuff, and last night, I woke up to him—”

  I stopped. That was far enough.

  He had a look of pain on his face. “You did the right thing to walk away from that.”

  “Thanks,” I said. I beamed up at him. His eyes scanned me cautiously. I saw his glare lower to my bountiful breasts, my cleavage practically calling out to him. He focused in on my hair instead. It was long, down to my shoulders, and dyed blue.

  “You a troubled kid?”

  “I’m not trouble.”

  “How old are you?”


  He grunted. “You’re going back to your parents. Or else you’re going to the police. I can’t have you here.”

  I flung myself at him. I begged. He pulled his arm away, but I caught it again.

  “Off,” he barked at me. I let him go.

  “Please. You’ve got to help me. I can’t go back, and you can’t send me to the police. There must be something you can do.”

  “I guess it all depends if you find Cassie.”

  “Right,” I said, slack with defeat.

  He held the barn doors open and waited. “Well, we better get to it. You better hope you find that cow. She’s won me plenty of competitions and her milk sells the best.”

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Of course the first cow I lose is an award winning cow. I grumbled at my bad luck as I left the barn with the cowboy. Maybe I could do something right for once and return Cassie to him, but I wasn’t hopeful.

  There was no sign of Cassie. It was unusual. Even Reed admitted it.

  “Bet one of the other farmers stole her. I wouldn’t be surprised. They were always eyeing Cassie up.”

  “Uh huh,” I said, nodding politely. There seemed to be some weird politics going on between Reed, his neighbors, and their cows. These men took their milk seriously.

  Reed. He told me his name was Reed. I liked that name. I liked his scent too, like pine and sandalwood. It was refreshing to inhale as we drove around in the truck. Eventually, Reed gave up. He drove back to his farm.

  Where did that leave me?

  He didn’t say anything, so I supposed that I would be on my way.

  “I’m sorry for your cow, but thank you for letting me stay for the night,” I said as I hopped out and shut the passenger door. I leaned toward the long road out of his farm.

  Reed chuckled at me and slowly shook his head.

  “No, sorry, princess. That’s not how it’s going to work. You lost my cow. You’re going to pay for it.”

  “With what money? I’m a runaway. Sorry, it’s just bad luck. You’re not the only one, though, at least there’s that.”

  I started down the road. Reed circled me and blocked my path.

  “You owe me. You’ll work for me until the cow is paid off, or until it comes walking back into its pen.”

  “No?” I took a step to pass him, but he sidestepped to block me again.

  “Would you prefer to be locked up? Maybe I’ll take you back to your evil stepfather. If you don’t like it, I have many options.”

  “You wouldn’t,” I said, but his grin and his heady stare told me otherwise.


  I stomped my feet and tried to regain my composure. No luck. I couldn’t believe that I would have to stay on this farm. And work? Just what would I do on a farm? I knew nothing about working on a farm. I’d only been at a petting zoo before. While I liked feeding the goats, I didn’t think that counted as experience.

  “You can’t be serious?” I put my hand on my hip. He laugh
ed at me. I should’ve been angry at that, but I laughed instead.

  “I’ll stay for a couple days, but if you think this is going to turn into some kind of slave and master relationship, you’re kidding yourself.”

  “I just want my money back. Come with me.”

  We walked back down the road to his barn. When we were inside, he held a steel pail. When I didn’t take it in time, he thrust it into my arms.

  “You can feed the pigs. I’ll show you how. Then you’ll do it yourself. After that, I want you to take a walk around the perimeter and make yourself comfortable with the surrounding area. You’re going to see a lot of it.”

  I had a sour look on my face, but at that point, there would be no look that would get me out of work. It was still better than going home. Carrying the heavy bucket, I followed Reed to the pens.

  He taught me the proper way to do the feeding. Then he sent me on my way. He told me he would be waiting for me in the house. We would eat dinner. I didn’t know what to expect after that.

  Reed might’ve saved me, but I wondered just how kind his motives had been. It wasn’t my fault the stupid cow got away. I sure hope she wandered back, but I doubted it. That cow was gone, and I was there to work my ass off. Work without pay. Then I would get the boot.

  I headed back inside.

  He had dinner—mashed potatoes, chicken, and a vegetable medley, a proper meal, ready for me. I was ravenous. I took little mercy on it. It was a while since I ate something so filling. My family didn’t have family meals. I would have to scrape together whatever I could. A couple times I stole a hoagie or something easy when I didn’t have the change.

  Reed clasped his hands together and watched. He seemed intrigued, almost confused about me. I felt like an alien.

  “You seem hungry,” he said.

  “You shouldn’t talk about how a girl eats. It’ll give them a complex. Do you not hang around women or what? Just cows?”

  He laughed. “I’m around women. Excuse me. I didn’t think you were that sensitive.” He paused. His glare pointed to my hair again. God, he was obsessed with my blue hair. It was annoying.


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