Drink Me Dry (HuCow Megabundle)

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Drink Me Dry (HuCow Megabundle) Page 15

by Faye Parker

  No one said a word.

  “Doesn’t look like the lady wants to go with you men. Am I right, my lady?”

  I turned to him, but I didn’t speak. His fingers tapped his revolver playfully.

  “Nothing to do with you. Keep moving,” one of the men said.

  “I’m getting involved now.”

  The one who found the courage to speak walked toward the brooding, intense cowboy. I was afraid myself. I wasn’t sure what this guy was after. He had these hungry, wild eyes like a wolf who had been hunting these starved fields for years, eyes that had seen a lot of nastiness and maybe come out the better, but I wasn’t too sure right now, because there was violence threatening the men behind them.

  “You don’t want to get involved. This girl belongs to Mr. Turner. We’re just bringing her back.”

  “I don’t care about Mr. Turner. I said I’m getting involved, and my fingers near this trigger want to get very involved real soon.”

  He took a step back with the others. Despite my exhaustion and fear, I stood up and smiled at my victory. It was worth it to see these men defeated.

  “You don’t want to fuck with Mr. Turner.”

  “You’re still standing here?”

  They turned around and walked away, looking over their shoulders the whole time and sneering, the cowboy watched them until they disappeared. The outline to the tall grass grew hazy. I started to lose my sense of balance. I straightened, digging my feet into the soil, but it was no use.

  I dropped.

  I heard his heavy boots hit the ground.

  Then he was kneeling next to me, picking me up and holding me against his warm leather and his solid frame. My eyes caught his. Though my vision was shaky, I zoned in on those fiery eyes. I was lost in his eyes for a moment. Then my eyes dipped to that mane of dark hair, and I reached out, grabbing the back of his hair, and holding on, I planted my face into his chest.

  “Hold on,” he said.

  “I am.”

  “That’s funny. I meant, wait a moment. Don’t leave me yet. I’m going to help you on my horse. Then I’ll bring you to my place.”

  His place? Sure, I wouldn’t mind spending the night with a sexy cowboy, but I really shouldn’t. He looked dangerous. He didn’t exactly look like the good guy. If he was capable of scaring those evil men so easily, he was capable of doing a lot more. And right now, I was a lamb ready to slaughter.

  I would be easy pickings for this one if he wanted it.

  And he looked real starved. I noticed his eyes glancing down from my eyes to my breasts, checking out my cleavage. Despite my exhaustion, the panging in my chest started up.

  He helped me up. Thankfully he was very strong and capable.

  Taking me slowly step by step, he led me to his horse.

  “All right, last bit of energy you’ve got to expel until we get to my place. Up and on the horse.”

  The cowboy helped lift me, but I did some of the work to get on top of that tall steed. As soon as I was up, I got a rush of strength from being off the ground. It was a welcome feeling.

  He got on right in front of me.

  “It’s going to be necessary to hold onto me. Don’t worry, I won’t mind. It’s not every day I have a beautiful girl riding on the back of my horse.”

  “Oh, all right,” I said, still in a daze. I wrapped my arms around him. His warmth surrounded me. I got flush, maybe even my whole body went flush. We weren’t moving, but it felt like I was lifted far up. Tension grew in my stomach, then in my chest, winding its way out, like tiny knots branching out.

  I was nervous, and I was sore, and I needed relief. I needed milking badly.

  I wondered how I would manage to do it in my state. I usually milked myself at least three times a day. Because I spent the whole day planning my escape, I didn’t milk myself once. My breasts were full and ready to lactate. If only the cowboy could help me with that as well, save me one more time, but no, I would never. No one ever did it but me. I was too shy, and I wasn’t interested in a relationship. I didn’t trust anyone.

  The cowboy was hot enough for me to ask, but I didn’t really trust him, not yet, and I was still timid. No way would I ask for help draining my breasts.

  Not even Mr. Turner knew my secret, one major reason why my breasts were so big was because of my lactation problem.

  “What kind of trouble are you in?”


  “Why did those men want to take you? Mr. Turner, he owns some businesses in town, doesn’t he? He’s a powerful businessman as far as I know. What did you have going on with him?”

  “I was in the freak show. Not of my own will. My mother gave me over to it at first, but I wanted to leave, and he wouldn’t let me.”

  “Freak show? What were you doing there?”

  He peered back at me. I clutched him closer and tried to hide. Was he joking?

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  He shrugged those wide shoulders of his. I didn’t say anything. He grunted.

  “Fine, don’t tell me, but let’s get you out of here. They might send more men. You also need to rest. I can tell you’ve been through it.”

  Oh yes, I’d been through it.

  We were headed back to his place. I was still vulnerable. At least I was safe for now, but I wasn’t sure if I was done going through it quite yet.

  The cowboy owned a ranch far on the outskirts of town. I wasn’t sure if anyone really knew about it. I surely didn’t. I never heard of him. He said his name was Clive. I didn’t bother to ask his last name. I figured I wouldn’t be staying for long, and besides, talking was difficult.

  Despite it just turning dark, I was shivering. I think it was because I was getting over the stress of escaping. I held my cowboy Clive even closer. His heat was welcome. As we rode, I noticed that I was getting heat from one place in particular, between my thighs. Riding up next to him was exciting, and I had to admit, a little arousing.

  I tried to bury those feelings, but it was especially hard as my tender breasts would constantly jog against his back. His back was solid too, a good post to rub against. I really wished I could’ve torn my shirt free, exposed my tits, and rubbed them against him until I lactated.

  I was going delirious because I hadn’t milked. I knew that.

  Soon, the cowboy would lay me down in bed and I would be asleep. That is, if I could sleep with this constant stirring inside me. The horse rode up to the hitch in front. Clive got off first, then he helped me down. Once again, I ended up getting much too close to him. I thought I brushed against his cock, I wasn’t sure, but I definitely felt something big and solid sway against me as I pulled away and it was in that vicinity.

  “There we are. Let’s get you inside. Want something to drink?”

  “Water please,” I said.

  Not milk.

  Please, don’t remind me of milk.

  I checked out his crotch before he turned around, but I couldn’t tell if he was hard or not from the ride. He seemed to be packing though. In that split second, I saw a bulge. My swollen breasts urged me on, and so did my pussy, which was aching now as well. Everything wanted to get in on some action it seemed.

  He started toward his house, a very country looking cabin, but it looked spacious, and he actually had plenty of lights on to guide our way into his living area, but I didn’t budge. When he noticed that I was still out of it, he held his hand out.

  “Go on,” he said.

  I took his hand. That touch kicked what was left of my adrenaline free. I was charged and beaming, staring up with a fresh set of eyes at the cowboy. He smiled back at me. It seemed I was capable of warming that cowboy’s cold exterior. I didn’t need to force the smile. He was the one who made those emotions spring free from me.

  Those emotions were confusing.

  I usually didn’t have such a powerful reaction upon meeting someone. It worried me, especially as he brought me into his domain.

  For living alone, his home was wel
l maintained, everything straight and clean.

  “Is there a woman living here?”

  “What do you mean? No, why?”

  He gazed down at me. His hand left mine. I wanted to snatch it again, but he put it on his hips, right next to his gun, and I didn’t want to go near that thing.

  “No girlfriend?”

  “You’re prying. Why?”

  “I didn’t mean to pry. It’s just this place is really clean and tidy. You expecting company?”

  “So many questions all of a sudden. You were about to pass out a couple minutes ago. Now you’re wondering about the decor. Damn, guess that serves me right for keeping things clean, huh? No women about, no women coming around, it’s just you here tonight.”

  I straightened and nodded. I didn’t mean to intrude, but something came over me when I thought of my cowboy savior with another woman. I really hoped not to see one strolling through those doors. I didn’t want things to get more complicated.

  “Let me get you that water.”

  I moved about, trying not to be nosy, so instead I went to the kitchen and held onto the frame, peering out at him as he got the glass for me. He held it out and I took it, noticing how the water shook from my unsteady grasp.

  “Drink up. You look shook.”

  “Yeah, I’m a little shook. I thought my life was over back there,” I said, in between swallowing.

  I already started to feel better.

  “You should get to bed. I’ve got a spare bedroom you can sleep in.”

  What about tomorrow? I started to worry what would become of me, but I shoved that aside. Right now all I should focus on was getting some rest. Clive was right. I needed to sleep.

  “That’d be for the best,” I said, and he led me down the hall, past his bedroom and to a room on the far end. There was a large sized bed, sheets all made, waiting for me. There was only a soft glow from the moonlight streaming in through the windows. It was a very peaceful house.

  “Thank you, Clive. Thank you for everything.” I found enough strength to turn to him and offer him my thanks. “You saved me back there.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Do you need anything else?”

  “No, this is fine. Thank you.”

  I wanted to talk to him more, but as soon as I dropped down onto that soft mattress, all of the weight I was carrying was taken off me. Most of it came from my heavy breasts. Ever since I started to get comfortable, they nagged me to milk again. I just hoped I was exhausted enough where I would pass out before it bothered me too much.

  Before I could say anything else to him, he was gone. I peered out into the hallway while leaning on my elbows, but when he didn’t return, I slumped back and let my back hit that softness.

  It took me away for a while. I rested, staring up at the ceiling, but my thoughts ran too much for sleep. Just lying in bed, in the comfort of a safe place, was magical at that moment. That was enough.

  But then, of course, my breasts ruined it for me.

  Those damn breasts. They were my curse.

  I sat back up on my elbows. I looked to the door, thinking that maybe I could close it and try to lactate. No, it wouldn’t work. Clive’s room was too close, and besides, if I did lactate, it was going to be quite the session. I was full. These milk jugs were going to pour.

  I needed to find a bathroom. Maybe I would take a bath. It would help me relax, plus, caressing my swollen, tender breasts in the warm water would help me milk. I could get some privacy there as well, so that Clive wouldn’t hear me moaning and groaning as the milk spurted free.

  It usually took some time for me to work out that milk. I often wondered how it would go if I had someone helping me. It would probably be much easier, like how I could never get myself to laugh by tickling myself, but once someone else put a finger to me, I’d lose it. Or like how I fantasized about a man’s touch late at night instead of my own.

  What about those cowboy’s rough, experienced hands? They would know how to knead and tame my breasts. He would have me drained in no time.

  No, no, no, I told myself as I crept to the door way. Do not be creepy. You’re a guest in his house. It’s already weird enough what happened to you, don’t make it weirder by asking him to milk you for Christ’s sakes.

  I wandered down the hall way. There was another room in between mine and Clive’s, and I slid the door open a crack, but it was just a study, which I found quite amusing how much stuff this cowboy hoarded. He was more sophisticated than I thought, but there I was, making assumptions.

  When I met up with Clive’s door, it was open a crack as well, and I thought about skipping it, instead roaming the house, trying to discover the bathroom, but I knew that wouldn’t be a smart idea, not with that cowboy’s keen hearing. It might startle him. He might run out wielding that revolver.


  I put my hand on the door. I didn’t mean to open it, and I didn’t open it that much, but it opened a little more, enough where I could peek inside.

  Jumping back, I thought I caught him completely naked, but it was just his shirt that was off. That was enough. My body was consumed by heat, flaring right to my cheeks. I wanted to say, “Sorry,” but the specimen of male hotness in front of me had me in a daze.

  The room was dark, and he was just lit from the moonlight, but I could tell enough. He had a muscular, yet lean chest, all of his muscles developed through working his ranch, so they were made for work. His shoulders and his chest were wide, but he wasn’t hulking, which I liked. My eyes traveled down his trail past his powerful abs, unfortunately stopping at his jeans which were hung a little low on his waist, but not low enough.

  Finally, I managed, “Sorry,” but it was meek, and I wasn’t sure if he even heard me.

  He sprung up from untying his boots.


  I was still speechless. I rocked between my heels, searching for the words, when he sprung up, I got an even better view of his masculine form. I even got a whiff of his scent - leather and pine and something else like sandalwood, it must’ve been a cologne.

  Something stirred, but it wasn’t my breasts from the milk, it was my pussy. It quivered, and I shut my thighs together, but the friction just gave me this naughty erotic shiver up my spine.

  “I...uhm...I was looking for the bathroom. I thought I could take a bath.”

  “A bath?”

  Oh God, I sounded so silly.

  I stopped my stammering. That predator’s eyes flashed in the dark. I gathered my courage. I knew I would need it with this man. He was still a stranger, despite saving me and I needed to be on my guard. I couldn’t be this silly.

  “Yes, I think it’d help me relax. I’m having a hard time sleeping.”

  “Sure, it’s just down the hall past the kitchen, first door on the right. Feel free to use anything you want.”

  “Thank you,” I said, and then I hurried away, escaping from that sinful sight. That sight would ruin me if I continued to stare.

  As I scurried off to the bathroom, I noticed that I was wet. I got my panties all wet at that sight. Or else it was from before when I was holding onto him so tight. I wasn’t sure, but I was relieved once I shut the bathroom door behind me, locked it, and was all alone.

  While starting the water I undressed. It didn’t take long until I was completely naked, my curvy, supple form standing exposed in that cowboy’s bathroom. It got me even more excited. This was supposed to help me relax, but after that long day, and after being saved by Clive, I was understandably frustrated and looking for relief.

  It wasn’t a bath that I wanted. I was looking for another kind of relaxation. My fingers trailed over my sensitive flesh, staying away from my tender mounds at first, instead brushing my thighs, discovering that they were sticky with my juices from rubbing together.

  “Oh…my…” I moaned very low to not wake Clive.

  I didn’t even mean to say that much.

  My fingers, getting too tempted, roamed down to my
pussy. I put one finger to my pussy lips and spread myself. That was enough to swallow me up in arousal, and I sprang back, reaching for the counter instead. I leaned over and caught my breath.

  I was never more sensitive in my life.

  Just then my breasts pumped. The milk seemed to be pushing to the edge.

  Fearing the worst, I hopped into the tub. The water was halfway up my chest and warm. I let out a very long, peaceful sigh once I dipped myself in.

  “That is too good,” I groaned.

  I put my fingers to my lip to quiet myself. I didn’t want to wake the cowboy. I still thought he had some super powers, the way he saved me like that, and I didn’t want to take my chances.

  When I put my fingers to my lips, I tasted my sweetness. I forgot that I touched myself down there. I tasted sweet and it got me friskier.

  “Oh, what the hell…”

  I kicked back and threw my legs over the sides of the tub. I started to slowly stroke myself. I never had a need to masturbate like this in my life. It was like I suddenly turned into a nymphomaniac.

  I thought about that cowboy. I honed in on that memory of his chest and that delightful trail. I wished I could see more. I wished I could pull those jeans over his hard cock, unleash it, and have it inside me.

  My swollen, little nub responded to that fantasy. I kicked a little, splashing the water, as I stroked my pussy, I didn’t realize what was happening to my breasts until it was too late.

  They ached terribly. They throbbed.

  I gasped and kicked again, this time, losing my hand on my pussy.

  “No,” I yelled. It was too loud. My voice echoed in the bathroom.

  I lost it. I lost all that relief. Defeated, I hung my head back. My breasts weren’t going to milk tonight and I wasn’t going to come tonight. I wouldn’t get to sleep. I would be a mess.

  But there was a knock on the door.

  “You all right?” Clive asked behind it.

  Oh no…

  I tried to hide myself in the water, but then I realized how futile that was. With my jaw dropped, and horrified, my eyes darted to that door.


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