Field of Mars

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Field of Mars Page 28

by Stephen Miller

  Legend had it that Apis had arranged for his own men to guard the palace on that barbarous summer night. Explosives set into the locks had been detonated but had destroyed the electrical system in the building. The conspirators were forced to run through the palace searching for their victims, cursing and stumbling into the furniture, growing more frenzied lest the royal couple escape.

  The king and his queen had huddled behind a secret panel in their bedroom, naked and terrified as they listened to the assassins prowl about and break up the furniture. Finally they were found, shot repeatedly, run-through and hacked, then thrown out of the window into the garden. Alexander, a pudgy, childlike monarch, had proven unexpectedly tough. He gripped the railing until Apis cut his fingers off and pushed him down. It had started to rain that night, and the bodies were left there while Apis took control of the city and its apparatus.

  Since then he had taken total command of the hard-line faction of the Serbs. He wanted Serbian hegemony in the Balkans, and Andrianov pretended to want that as well. Well, if it happened, it could be advantageous. But putting Evdaev on the throne was his first priority. Apis knew nothing of that part of the Plan of course; he thought he was dealing with a fool—a Russian multi-millionaire, a super-Slav idealist ready to play at politics by funding terror. Fine. There was no need to educate him further.

  Andrianov found himself thinking how much he’d like to be with Mina in France, perhaps a week at Evian. He had been lulled by the taciturn Apis and only suddenly realized that the man was congratulating him in his droning flat way. ‘… and the fuse is lit.’


  ‘Indeed. The invitation was made right from the top, by Potiorek, the Hapsburgs’ governor of the province, and the acceptance came yesterday.’

  ‘Ah … Good. Is there a date?’

  ‘The date? St Vitus’ Day, you know … at the end of June, but it’s at the same time as the Kosovo celebrations. He’s going to inspect the troops, participate in manoeuvres, ride his horse, bring his wife on a holiday.’

  Andrianov turned, almost laughed. ‘Really?’

  ‘And from what is being said, he accepted because he thinks it is a gesture of peace and reconciliation. It’s an olive branch to the occupied Bosnians, telling them that if they’re good little boys and girls and don’t blot their copybooks, one day they might get off the leash. He thinks he’s a diplomat. Really, he’s a fool like the rest of them,’ Apis said.

  Andrianov saw the street in a whole new light. It looked as if things were actually beginning to work. The acceptance was all he had been waiting for. Now Apis would carry the ball. ‘So …’ was all he could come up with to say.

  But Apis had stopped. Already thinking about something else, perhaps the details of the action. The awning over the balcony seemed to gather the heat, rather than cast any shade. Apis reached up and slowly undid one of the buttons on his tunic. It was hot, the sun already betraying how powerfully it would bake these stone streets when summer came round at last.

  ‘Well! So … I suppose we ought to congratulate ourselves,’ Andrianov said, his tone a little forced. It was a remark designed to animate Apis somehow, draw him in. Now he might need encouragement, an extra push, a little motivation to carry things out to a conclusion. He might have to make him a friend, may God forgive him.

  Apis shrugged. It was a rise of the shoulders, not much bigger than a breath. ‘All we have to worry about is if he gets a fever, or she does, or if Franz Josef takes sick again. Who knows.’ Apis spat his tobacco smoke at the table, reached into the box for another cigarette, lit it from the first. ‘Everything is to chance. You plan, you organize, but still … everything is …’ he trailed off. That gesture with the hand again.

  Andrianov stood there at the balustrade, looking at him. What would Apis ultimately become? Where would he be in six months’ time? Maybe God was on the side of the Serbs. They certainly thought so. Maybe Apis would put his new king out in front when his nation plunged into holy war and tried to claw Bosnia back from the Austrians. Maybe it would work out for both of them. He’d get Russia, Apis could have Serbia. If not, if things looked bad there could always be another coup … a few more severed fingers.

  Andrianov suddenly realized that he had not thought beyond his ambitions for Evdaev. He had somehow just assumed that if he repaired the great suppurating sore that was the House of Romanov, he would be able to secure his businesses, protect his fortune and then … stop.

  But had he miscalculated?

  Once more he found himself shivering in the sweltering room. No matter what happened he and Apis were bound together. The magnitude of the treachery was too great. He would have to deal with Apis for many, many more years yet, he thought. Was there such a thing as stopping?

  ‘Are you hungry, Colonel? Would you like something brought up?’ he said, more to hide his unease than to be a good host.

  There was just the shake of a head for an answer. He had no manners at all, of course. It was the worst quality of the South Slavs. The arrogance of ignorance, the honest sophistication of a rock.

  He decided to order something sent up, some fruit ices. Anything to cool down. He wanted to strip off all his clothes, and run and jump into the Danube, swim away from the city and the stench of the man on his balcony. He pressed the bell repeatedly and waited for someone to respond. After a few minutes, when nothing happened, he did it again.

  Apis reached into his pocket and lit another cigarette, flicked the burning match away into the crowded street.

  Somehow, Andrianov thought, it was the most frightening thing he had ever seen.


  A space of two weeks. Two weeks of waiting, fulfilling his non-duties as an Internal investigator. Two weeks of rising summer. In the sticky heat of the morning Ryzhkov went to Kryukov Street. Jekes and Dziga were packing up all their papers into pasteboard boxes. There was a boy, big for his age, smoking at the top of the stairwell. He stood up when Ryzhkov went up there. Inside everything had been torn down and was being packed up. There were trunkloads of transcripts, cabinets that were being secured by Ministry of Justice seals, mountains of file boxes containing photographic copies of the principals’ personal correspondence. Dossiers full of testimony. All of it, evidence.

  In the glass offices Sinazyorksy had a troika of secretaries typing around the clock. Everyone looked exhausted.

  Tomlinovich was asleep, halfway dressed in his formal clothing, collapsed upon a shelf of boxes beneath the windows beside the loading lift. Beside him was a rack of clothing and Fauré was methodically getting dressed and watching himself in the mirror they’d used to tailor Vera’s gown.

  ‘Ahh …’ he said when he saw Ryzhkov coming over. ‘A very auspicious day, Inspector.’

  ‘I certainly hope so,’ he said.

  ‘If God is willing by the end of the day we should be in the Winter Palace getting a signature from the Tsar himself. The government might fall, Ryzhkov,’ Fauré said, turning from the mirror. ‘Do you realize that? You are making history here. Or, actually, you aren’t because I’ve erased you from all our records, and I’ve used a code name for the divine Mademoiselle Aliyeva. I hope that will be sufficient?’

  ‘Thank you,’ he said, surprising himself with the relief in his voice.

  ‘You’ve done a good job in a dirty business, Ryzhkov. If this works out you might come over to the Ministry, eh?’

  ‘I am not thinking that far ahead, excellency.’

  ‘Can’t say as I blame you. I am not thinking past lunch myself. Wake him up, would you?’

  ‘Good luck up there this morning, I mean that,’ he said as he shook Tomlinovich awake.

  ‘Thank you, Ryzhkov.’

  ‘What time is it?’ Tomlinovich woke up groggily and took in a long wheeze to clear his head.

  ‘It’s time,’ Fauré said.

  ‘So what if the gods do shine on your proposal?’

  ‘Let’s put it like this, Ryzhkov. A trial is going t
o be a very real problem for all of the people in that—’ He pointed to the office where Sinazyorksy was hefting one of a series of red, leather-bound volumes into a leather trunk.

  ‘That’s it?’

  ‘Twelve bloody volumes,’ muttered Tomlinovich as he took up a stance beside Fauré and began doing up the buttons on his waistcoat.

  ‘There are no guarantees, not with this list of people. We did what we had to do, we move forward …’

  ‘Forward, forward, ever forward …’ Tomlinovich moaned.

  ‘Do you want me to accompany you?’ Both of them looked over at him, then eyed his rumpled suit.

  ‘I think not, eh?’ Tomlinovich said. ‘Besides you are gone from here, you are a non-person. His supremacy General Gulka is very happy, the Minister of Justice Baron Double-Fart-fart is very happy. The only one who isn’t happy is you; why aren’t you smiling, Ryzhkov? Forgotten how?’

  ‘What time is it?’ Fauré said over his shoulder as he turned from side to side, checking the drape of his jacket.

  ‘It’s time,’ said Tomlinovich. ‘Well, Ryzhkov …’ They shook hands and Tomlinovich clapped him on the shoulder. Fauré turned from the mirror and did the same.

  ‘I know that this has been very difficult, a very arduous process, Inspector.’ Fauré’s expression was as serious as Ryzhkov had ever seen him before. ‘I’m very proud to have known you, Ryzhkov. If Russia had more like you, then we might have a golden age yet again.’

  ‘We’re all very proud, proud as mother hens. Get out of here, I never want to see you or hear your name, understand?’ Tomlinovich put in quietly. Then Fauré gave him an awkward embrace, stepped back, and then smiled his famous smile—the charming, confident smile that had won so much for him over his young life.

  And then the two of them were gone.

  He followed them out. The carriage was dark and gleaming. Jekes had dusted off his boots and was wearing a clean greatcoat for the occasion.

  Just as they pulled away from the kerb, Fauré raised one finger as if pointing towards heaven, and then winked. Ryzhkov waved and watched as the carriage moved off.

  A curious emptiness had come over him. He found himself staring at the street, the patterns in the cobbles, the fluttering of the awnings above the open windows, a fine view to the east and the ornate cupolas atop the Church of the Resurrection, a touch of pure Russian architecture amidst the rectilinear apartment buildings that stretched towards the river. Beyond, the Vyborg side of the city faded away to the misty horizon. For one long moment he drank in the beauty of a summer morning in St Petersburg; the warmth of the air, the clattering of carriages, the chuffing of the steamers plying the river, the factory whistles from far away, the piping of the newsboys hawking their sheets … all of it blending and harmonizing as the city growled and bustled into life.

  So, finally it was over, and suddenly his hatreds, his horror over the girl, the visions that refused to die when he closed his eyes—suddenly it all began to float slowly away, like clouds dissolving in a clear blue sky.

  He took a step, his throat suddenly constricted and he laughed. It came out sounding like a cough, and tears sprang to his eyes. He pulled out his handkerchief, blew his nose loudly, and looked back up the stairs where the new kid was laughing at him.

  He stood there wondering which way to go. Spinning on the pavement like a weather vane. Back to 17 Pushkinskaya? Undoubtedly a service as big as the

  Internal branch would be able to find something for him to do.

  He began heading down Kryukov Street thinking that he would find Vera, try to tell her … Try to tell her what? That he loved her, that he wanted to marry her, to at least try. That he didn’t care about her past and that he hated his own, that none of it mattered. That they could both just stop. He could resign, they could leave Russia. He could end the marriage with Filippa and the money from his share of the apartment would get them somewhere … somewhere else. Anywhere else. They could go to London, learn English. Settle down there. He could always translate. He was still relatively young. Young enough to start all over again, he thought.

  He would find her.

  And that was when he heard the explosion.


  He ran.

  Even as the moment of shocked silence fell away. Ahead of him he could hear the screaming. The shriek of a horse in its death throes, a ripple of police whistles echoing through the streets. Around him everyone in the neighbourhood was running towards the intersection of Kryukov Street where it joined Demidov Avenue.

  He rounded the corner and saw the crater where Fauré’s carriage had exploded into matchsticks. Clumps of the seat stuffing had caught fire and were burning with a rancid stench. A gendarme knelt beside the dying horse. A sudden pistol shot as he put the poor animal out of its misery.

  He pushed his way to the front of the crowd in time to see shopkeeper using a rag carpet to hastily enshroud a body, a large body with one leg twisted around so that it looked like a burned man trying to run in two different directions at once. A large pool of dark blood zigzagging through the channels between the paving stones and pooling in the bottom of a crater. Tomlinovich.

  He let his eyes look around at the crowd, everyone riveted to the carnage. Women stricken with shrieks half-formed in their mouths. The shattered windows that had rained glass down over everything.

  They had pulled a cart up there, then left it to block the narrow neck of Kryukov Street, forcing Jekes to guide his pony directly over the bomb. He remembered that there had been barricades there earlier in the week, men working on the street. It had taken some planning and they’d made a good job of it, he saw. He suddenly felt nauseous and clamped his jaws together.

  They were probably watching, they would have had to be in order to accurately detonate the device. He kept his eyes down and fell back into the mob, then entered the side-door of a confectioner’s shop. The place was in chaos, a woman standing in the window had been killed outright and a dozen more people were wounded by the flying glass.

  Above the street a yellow cloud of smoke hung in the air; a warm, chemical smell of the bomb mixed with the sweeter smell of burned hair. He looked up at the windows and saw nothing but jagged holes and collapsed shutters. Papers were spread everywhere, some burning in the splinters—the remains of Fauré’s great hope, the precious Red Book. He could not see Fauré, only portions of his clothing.

  All around him there was activity. They might as well stop, it was all meaningless, he wanted to scream. He saw the scene in the street as if everything had been jerked into a double-speed parody, some kind of frenetic modern dance. There was a sudden clanging as an ambulance rushed past into the intersection. But no … there was no need to rush now.

  Across the street he saw the local commander, Chief Tuitchevsky making his way through the cordon of police, moving to inspect another body that Ryzhkov hadn’t seen at first. Tuitchevsky stepped in something and stopped for a moment to wipe his shoe off against the base of a streetlamp.

  Ryzhkov spun away from the street and started walking, head down, trying to join a larger knot of pedestrians, all the time looking around for a tram. He managed to resist breaking into a run, thinking frantically about where he might go. He changed his mind and turned around on the pavement and started back the way he came, then stopped and rushed across the street and began heading down a lane that went south towards the canal.

  He couldn’t go back to Kryukov. He tried to remember his first moments out in the street before the explosion, tried to remember if he’d seen anyone watching. There was a sudden catch in his throat as he remembered the boy that had been minding things at the top of the stairs, wondered if he was still alive.

  No one was following him, at least no one he could see.

  Terrorists, they were saying. They’d be looking around the neighbourhood right now. He suddenly felt terribly vulnerable in the lane, someone threw open a shutter above him and he jumped and whirled and then did everything in h
is power not to run.

  The busy intersection at the Yekaterininsky embankment felt like paradise, with smiling shoppers, children wailing, men smoking cigars, the braying of the cab drivers in front of the Apraxin market stalls. He moved right into the market and then cut through to Theatre Street and then around to the Nevsky, ran out into the prospekt and jumped on to a passing Number 34 that that would take him all the way down to Znamenskaya Square where he caught an izvolchik and drove past 17 Pushkinskaya and then back again. Then he got the izvolchik to drop him at the corner where he walked back up the street, watching all the time, then caught another cab to the long blocks of terraced houses in the Bozhdestvenskaya neighbourhood where Hokhodiev kept house with Lena.

  He got out at the corner and looked around the street. Nothing stuck out as odd and so he kept going, walking directly to the Hokhodievs’ entrance, hesitating at the door, pretending to check for an address, one last look around. Still nothing, so he went upstairs and continued past their floor, all the way up to the roof. Nothing.

  He went back down to their apartment, at the rear facing the lane and a garden which everyone in the building shared.

  Seeing Lena shocked him, made him go through in his mind how long it had been since he had seen her. At least a year, he supposed. Her red hair had gone a yellow-grey, and she had shrunk by a third. Her skin was waxy but when she saw him she smiled for a moment.

  ‘Petrushka …’ she breathed and tried to pull him inside. They embraced and he could feel the bones.

  ‘Lena, is he around?’

  ‘No … no, he’s off somewhere. He’s not with you?’ ‘No. Look, there’s not perhaps much time, Lena …’ He faltered. Staring at her, not wanting to make anything worse than it already was. ‘Tell him

  ‘Abuschkaya,’ he’ll know what I mean, and tell him to find Dima.’

  ‘Yes, of course, of course …’ She knew immediately what was up, Kostya had told her everything.


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